952 resultados para Vertebrate Genomes


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BACKGROUND: Accurate catalogs of structural variants (SVs) in mammalian genomes are necessary to elucidate the potential mechanisms that drive SV formation and to assess their functional impact. Next generation sequencing methods for SV detection are an advance on array-based methods, but are almost exclusively limited to four basic types: deletions, insertions, inversions and copy number gains. RESULTS: By visual inspection of 100 Mbp of genome to which next generation sequence data from 17 inbred mouse strains had been aligned, we identify and interpret 21 paired-end mapping patterns, which we validate by PCR. These paired-end mapping patterns reveal a greater diversity and complexity in SVs than previously recognized. In addition, Sanger-based sequence analysis of 4,176 breakpoints at 261 SV sites reveal additional complexity at approximately a quarter of structural variants analyzed. We find micro-deletions and micro-insertions at SV breakpoints, ranging from 1 to 107 bp, and SNPs that extend breakpoint micro-homology and may catalyze SV formation. CONCLUSIONS: An integrative approach using experimental analyses to train computational SV calling is essential for the accurate resolution of the architecture of SVs. We find considerable complexity in SV formation; about a quarter of SVs in the mouse are composed of a complex mixture of deletion, insertion, inversion and copy number gain. Computational methods can be adapted to identify most paired-end mapping patterns.


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An effective vaccine against schistosomiasis mansoni would be a valuable control tool and the high levels of protection elicited in rodents and primates by radiation-attenuated cercariae provide proof of principle. A major obstacle to vaccine development is the difficulty of identifying the antigens that mediate protection, not least because of the size of the genome at 280Mb DNA encoding 14,000 to 20,000 genes. The technologies collectively called proteomics, including 2D electrophoresis, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, now permit any protein to be identified provided there is extensive DNA data, and preferably a genome sequence. Applied to soluble (cytosolic) proteins from schistosomes, proteomics reveals the great similarity in composition between life cycle stages, with several WHO vaccine candidates amongst the most abundant constituents. The proteomic approach has been successfully applied to identify the secretions used by cercaria to penetrate host skin, the gut secretions of adult worms and the proteins exposed on the tegument surface. Soluble proteins can also be separated by 2D electrophoresis before western blotting to identify the full range of antigenic targets present in a parasite preparation. The next step is to discover which target proteins represent the weak points in the worm's defences.


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Although the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi has been completely sequenced, little is known about its population structure and evolution. Since 1999, two major evolutionary lineages presenting distinct epidemiological characteristics have been recognised: T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II. We describe new and important aspects of the population structure of the parasite, and unequivocally characterise a third ancestral lineage that we propose to name T. cruzi III. Through a careful analysis of haplotypes (blocks of genes that are stably transmitted from generation to generation of the parasite), we inferred at least two hybridisation events between the parental lineages T. cruzi II and T. cruzi III. The strain CL Brener, whose genome was sequenced, is one such hybrid. Based on these results, we propose a simple evolutionary model based on three ancestral genomes, T. cruzi I, T. cruzi II and T. cruzi III. At least two hybridisation events produced evolutionarily viable progeny, and T. cruzi III was the cytoplasmic donor for the resulting offspring (as identified by the mitochondrial clade of the hybrid strains) in both events. This model should be useful to inform evolutionary and pathogenetic hypotheses regarding T. cruzi.


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Triatomines have been important model organisms for behavioural research. Diverse reports about triatomine host search, pheromone communication in the sexual, shelter and alarm contexts, daily cycles of activity, refuge choice and behavioural plasticity have been published in the last two decades. In recent times, a variety of molecular genetics techniques has allowed researchers to investigate elaborate and complex questions about the genetic bases of the physiology of insects. This, together with the current characterisation of the genome sequence of Rhodnius prolixus allows the resurgence of this excellent insect physiology model in the omics era. In the present revision, we suggest that studying the molecular basis of behaviour and sensory ecology in triatomines will promote a deeper understanding of fundamental aspects of insect and, particularly, vector biology. This will allow uncovering unknown features of essential insect physiology questions for a hemimetabolous model organism, promoting more robust comparative studies of insect sensory function and cognition.


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Structural variation is variation in structure of DNA regions affecting DNA sequence length and/or orientation. It generally includes deletions, insertions, copy-number gains, inversions, and transposable elements. Traditionally, the identification of structural variation in genomes has been challenging. However, with the recent advances in high-throughput DNA sequencing and paired-end mapping (PEM) methods, the ability to identify structural variation and their respective association to human diseases has improved considerably. In this review, we describe our current knowledge of structural variation in the mouse, one of the prime model systems for studying human diseases and mammalian biology. We further present the evolutionary implications of structural variation on transposable elements. We conclude with future directions on the study of structural variation in mouse genomes that will increase our understanding of molecular architecture and functional consequences of structural variation.


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a heterogeneous group of disorders of the peripheral nervous system, mainly characterized by distal muscle weakness and atrophy leading to motor handicap. With an estimated prevalence of 1 in 2,500, this condition is one of the most commonly inherited neurological disorders. Mutations in more than 30 genes affecting glial and/or neuronal functions have been associated with different forms of CMT leading to a substantial improvement in diagnostics of the disease and in the understanding of implicated pathophysiological mechanisms. However, recent data from systematic genetic screening performed in large cohorts of CMT patients indicated that molecular diagnosis could be established only in ∼50-70% of them, suggesting that additional genes are involved in this disease. In addition to providing an overview of genetic and functional data concerning various CMT forms, this review focuses on recent data generated through the use of highly parallel genetic technologies (SNP chips, sequence capture and next-generation DNA sequencing) in CMT families, and the current and future impact of these technologies on gene discovery and diagnostics of CMTs.


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MOTIVATION: Most anatomical ontologies are species-specific, whereas a framework for comparative studies is needed. We describe the vertebrate Homologous Organs Groups ontology, vHOG, used to compare expression patterns between species.¦RESULTS: vHOG is a multispecies anatomical ontology for the vertebrate lineage. It is based on the HOGs used in the Bgee database of gene expression evolution. vHOG version 1.4 includes 1184 terms, follows OBO principles and is based on the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (CARO). vHOG only describes structures with historical homology relations between model vertebrate species. The mapping to species-specific anatomical ontologies is provided as a separate file, so that no homology hypothesis is stated within the ontology itself. Each mapping has been manually reviewed, and we provide support codes and references when available. Availability and implementation: vHOG is available from the Bgee download site (http://bgee.unil.ch/), as well as from the OBO Foundry and the NCBO Bioportal websites.¦CONTACT: bgee@isb-sib.ch; frederic.bastian@unil.ch.


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Candida albicans RCH1 (regulator of Ca(2+) homoeostasis 1) encodes a protein of ten TM (transmembrane) domains, homologous with human SLC10A7 (solute carrier family 10 member 7), and Rch1p localizes in the plasma membrane. Deletion of RCH1 confers hypersensitivity to high concentrations of extracellular Ca(2+) and tolerance to azoles and Li(+), which phenocopies the deletion of CaPMC1 (C. albicans PMC1) encoding the vacuolar Ca(2+) pump. Additive to CaPMC1 mutation, lack of RCH1 alone shows an increase in Ca(2+) sensitivity, Ca(2+) uptake and cytosolic Ca(2+) level. The Ca(2+) hypersensitivity is abolished by cyclosporin A and magnesium. In addition, deletion of RCH1 elevates the expression of CaUTR2 (C. albicans UTR2), a downstream target of the Ca(2+)/calcineurin signalling. Mutational and functional analysis indicates that the Rch1p TM8 domain, but not the TM9 and TM10 domains, are required for its protein stability, cellular functions and subcellular localization. Therefore Rch1p is a novel regulator of cytosolic Ca(2+) homoeostasis, which expands the functional spectrum of the vertebrate SLC10 family.


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Natural selection can drive the repeated evolution of reproductive isolation, but the genomic basis of parallel speciation remains poorly understood. We analyzed whole-genome divergence between replicate pairs of stick insect populations that are adapted to different host plants and undergoing parallel speciation. We found thousands of modest-sized genomic regions of accentuated divergence between populations, most of which are unique to individual population pairs. We also detected parallel genomic divergence across population pairs involving an excess of coding genes with specific molecular functions. Regions of parallel genomic divergence in nature exhibited exceptional allele frequency changes between hosts in a field transplant experiment. The results advance understanding of biological diversification by providing convergent observational and experimental evidence for selection's role in driving repeatable genomic divergence.


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ABSTRACT: Identification of small polymorphisms from next generation sequencing short read data is relatively easy, but detection of larger deletions is less straightforward. Here, we analyzed four divergent Arabidopsis accessions and found that intersection of absent short read coverage with weak tiling array hybridization signal reliably flags deletions. Interestingly, individual deletions were frequently observed in two or more of the accessions examined, suggesting that variation in gene content partly reflects a common history of deletion events.


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BACKGROUND: Selenoproteins are a diverse family of proteins notable for the presence of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine. Until very recently, all metazoan genomes investigated encoded selenoproteins, and these proteins had therefore been believed to be essential for animal life. Challenging this assumption, recent comparative analyses of insect genomes have revealed that some insect genomes appear to have lost selenoprotein genes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this paper we investigate in detail the fate of selenoproteins, and that of selenoprotein factors, in all available arthropod genomes. We use a variety of in silico comparative genomics approaches to look for known selenoprotein genes and factors involved in selenoprotein biosynthesis. We have found that five insect species have completely lost the ability to encode selenoproteins and that selenoprotein loss in these species, although so far confined to the Endopterygota infraclass, cannot be attributed to a single evolutionary event, but rather to multiple, independent events. Loss of selenoproteins and selenoprotein factors is usually coupled to the deletion of the entire no-longer functional genomic region, rather than to sequence degradation and consequent pseudogenisation. Such dynamics of gene extinction are consistent with the high rate of genome rearrangements observed in Drosophila. We have also found that, while many selenoprotein factors are concomitantly lost with the selenoproteins, others are present and conserved in all investigated genomes, irrespective of whether they code for selenoproteins or not, suggesting that they are involved in additional, non-selenoprotein related functions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Selenoproteins have been independently lost in several insect species, possibly as a consequence of the relaxation in insects of the selective constraints acting across metazoans to maintain selenoproteins. The dispensability of selenoproteins in insects may be related to the fundamental differences in antioxidant defense between these animals and other metazoans.


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The peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are ligand activated receptors which belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family. As with other members of this superfamily, it is thought that the ability of PPAR to bind to a ligand was acquired during metazoan evolution. Three different PPAR isotypes (PPARalpha, PPARbeta, also called 6, and PPARgamma) have been identified in various species. Upon binding to an activator, these receptors stimulate the expression of target genes implicated in important metabolic pathways. The present article is a review of PPAR expression and involvement in some aspects of Xenopus laevis and rodent embryonic development. PPARalpha and beta are ubiquitously expressed in Xenopus early embryos but become more tissue restricted later in development. In rodents, PPARalpha, PPARbeta and PPARgamma show specific time- and tissue-dependent patterns of expression during fetal development and in the adult animals. PPARs are implicated in several aspects of tissue differentiation and rodent development, such as differentiation of the adipose tissue, brain, placenta and skin. Particular attention is given to studies undertaken by us and others on the implication of PPARalpha and beta in rodent epidermal differentiation.


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Background: Despite the continuous production of genome sequence for a number of organisms,reliable, comprehensive, and cost effective gene prediction remains problematic. This is particularlytrue for genomes for which there is not a large collection of known gene sequences, such as therecently published chicken genome. We used the chicken sequence to test comparative andhomology-based gene-finding methods followed by experimental validation as an effective genomeannotation method.Results: We performed experimental evaluation by RT-PCR of three different computational genefinders, Ensembl, SGP2 and TWINSCAN, applied to the chicken genome. A Venn diagram wascomputed and each component of it was evaluated. The results showed that de novo comparativemethods can identify up to about 700 chicken genes with no previous evidence of expression, andcan correctly extend about 40% of homology-based predictions at the 5' end.Conclusions: De novo comparative gene prediction followed by experimental verification iseffective at enhancing the annotation of the newly sequenced genomes provided by standardhomology-based methods.


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Background: Cancer is a major medical problem in modern societies. However, the incidence of this disease in non-human primates is very low. To study whether genetic differences between human and chimpanzee could contribute to their distinct cancer susceptibility, we have examined in the chimpanzee genome the orthologous genes of a set of 333 human cancer genes. Results: This analysis has revealed that all examined human cancer genes are present in chimpanzee, contain intact open reading frames and show a high degree of conservation between both species. However, detailed analysis of this set of genes has shown some differences in genes of special relevance for human cancer. Thus, the chimpanzee gene encoding p53 contains a Pro residue at codon 72, while this codon is polymorphic in humans and can code for Arg or Pro, generating isoforms with different ability to induce apoptosis or interact with p73. Moreover, sequencing of the BRCA1 gene has shown an 8 Kb deletion in the chimpanzee sequence that prematurely truncates the co-regulated NBR2 gene. Conclusion: These data suggest that small differences in cancer genes, as those found in tumor suppressor genes, might influence the differences in cancer susceptibility between human and chimpanzee. Nevertheless, further analysis will be required to determine the exact contribution of the genetic changes identified in this study to the different cancer incidence in non-human primates.


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Résumé Les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) forment des symbioses avec la plupart des plantes terrestres. Les CEA influencent la croissance des plantes et la biodiversité. Ils sont supposés avoir évolué de manière asexuée pendant au moins 400 millions d'années et aucune diversification morphologique majeure n'a été constatée. Pour ces raisons, les CEA sont considérés comme d'anciens asexués. Très peu d'espèces sont connues actuellement. Les individus de ces champignons contiennent des noyaux génétiquement différents dans un cytoplasme continu. La signification évolutive, la variabilité et la maintenance des génomes multiples au sein des individus sont inconnues. Ce travail a démontré qu'une population du CEA Glomus intraradices est génétiquement très variable. Nous avons conclu que les plantes hôtes plutôt que la différenciation géographique devraient être responsables de cette grande diversité. Puis nous avons cherché l'existence de recombinaison entre génotypes dans une population. Nous avons détecté un groupe recombinant au sein de la population, ce qui met en doute l'état d'anciens asexués des CEA. Nous avons également détecté l'occurrence de fusions d'hyphes et l'échange de noyaux entre isolats génétiquement différents. La descendance hybride issue de cet échange était viable et distincte phénotypiquement des isolats parentaux. En résumé, ce travail identifie des événements cruciaux dans le cycle de vie des CEA qui ont le potentiel d'influencer l'évolution de génomes multiples. L'étude des conséquences de ces événements sur les interactions avec les plantes hôtes pourrait éclaircir significativement la compréhension de la symbiose entre plantes et CEA. Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are important symbionts of most land plants. AMF influence plant growth and biodiversity. Very few extant species are described. AMF are thought to have evolved asexually for at least 400 million years and no major morphological diversification has occurred. Due to these reasons, they were termed `ancient asexuals'. Fungal individuals harbour genetically different nuclei in a continuous cytoplasm. The variability, maintenance and evolutionary significance of multiple genomes within individuals are unknown. This work showed that a population of the AMF Glomus intraradices harbours very high genetic diversity. We concluded that host plants rather than geographic differentiation were responsible for this diversity. Furthermore, we investigated whether recombination occurred among genotypes of a G. intraradices population. The identification of a core group of recombining genotypes in the population refutes the assumption of ancient asexuality in AMF. We found that genetically different isolates can form hyphal fusions and exchange nuclei. The hybrid progeny produced by the exchange was viable and phenotypically distinct from the parental isolates. Taken together, this work provided evidence for key events in the AMF life cycle, that influence the evolution of multiple genomes. Studying the consequences of these events on the interaction with host plants may significantly further the understanding of the AMF-plant symbiosis.