985 resultados para User modelling


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A subfilter-scale (SFS) stress model is developed for large-eddy simulations (LES) and is tested on various benchmark problems in both wall-resolved and wall-modelled LES. The basic ingredients of the proposed model are the model length-scale, and the model parameter. The model length-scale is defined as a fraction of the integral scale of the flow, decoupled from the grid. The portion of the resolved scales (LES resolution) appears as a user-defined model parameter, an advantage that the user decides the LES resolution. The model parameter is determined based on a measure of LES resolution, the SFS activity. The user decides a value for the SFS activity (based on the affordable computational budget and expected accuracy), and the model parameter is calculated dynamically. Depending on how the SFS activity is enforced, two SFS models are proposed. In one approach the user assigns the global (volume averaged) contribution of SFS to the transport (global model), while in the second model (local model), SFS activity is decided locally (locally averaged). The models are tested on isotropic turbulence, channel flow, backward-facing step and separating boundary layer. In wall-resolved LES, both global and local models perform quite accurately. Due to their near-wall behaviour, they result in accurate prediction of the flow on coarse grids. The backward-facing step also highlights the advantage of decoupling the model length-scale from the mesh. Despite the sharply refined grid near the step, the proposed SFS models yield a smooth, while physically consistent filter-width distribution, which minimizes errors when grid discontinuity is present. Finally the model application is extended to wall-modelled LES and is tested on channel flow and separating boundary layer. Given the coarse resolution used in wall-modelled LES, near the wall most of the eddies become SFS and SFS activity is required to be locally increased. The results are in very good agreement with the data for the channel. Errors in the prediction of separation and reattachment are observed in the separated flow, that are somewhat improved with some modifications to the wall-layer model.


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The present paper presents an application that composes formal poetry in Spanish in a semiautomatic interactive fashion. JASPER is a forward reasoning rule-based system that obtains from the user an intended message, the desired metric, a choice of vocabulary, and a corpus of verses; and, by intelligent adaptation of selected examples from this corpus using the given words, carries out a prose-to-poetry translation of the given message. In the composition process, JASPER combines natural language generation and a set of construction heuristics obtained from formal literature on Spanish poetry.


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An analysis and a subsequent solution is here presented. This document is about a groin design able to contrast the erosion actions given by waves in Lido di Dante. Advantages will be visible also for Fiumi Uniti's inlet, in the north side of the shoreline. Beach future progression and growth will be subjected to monitoring actions in the years after groin construction. The resulting effects of the design will have a positive impact not only on the local fauna and environment, but also, a naturalistic appeal will increase making new type of tourists coming not only for recreational purposes. The design phase is focused on possible design alternatives and their features. Particular interest is given to scouring phenomena all around the groin after its construction. Groin effects will impact not only on its south side, instead they will cause an intense erosion process on the downdrift front. Here, many fishing hut would be in danger, thus a beach revetment structure is needed to avoid any future criticality. In addiction, a numerical model based on a generalized shoreline change numerical model, also known as GENESIS, has been applied to the study area in order to perform a simplistic analysis of the shoreline and its future morphology. Critical zones are visible in proximity of the Fiumi Uniti's river inlet, where currents from the sea and the river itself start the erosion process that is affecting Lido di Dante since mid '80s, or even before. The model is affected by several assumptions that make results not to be interpreted as a real future trend of the shore. Instead the model allows the user to have a more clear view about critical processes induced by monochromatic inputed waves. In conclusion, the thesis introduce a wide analysis on a complex erosion process that is affecting many shoreline nowadays. A groin design is seen as a hard solution it is considered to be the only means able to decrease the rate of erosion.


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A three-dimensional Direct Finite Element procedure is here presented which takes into account most of the factors affecting the interaction problem of the dam-water-foundation system, whilst keeping the computational cost at a reasonable level by introducing some simplified hypotheses. A truncated domain is defined, and the dynamic behaviour of the system is treated as a wave-scattering problem where the presence of the dam perturbs an original free-field system. The rock foundation truncated boundaries are enclosed by a set of free-field one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems which transmit the effective forces to the main model and apply adsorbing viscous boundaries to ensure radiation damping. The water domain is treated as an added mass moving with the dam. A strategy is proposed to keep the viscous dampers at the boundaries unloaded during the initial phases of analysis, when the static loads are initialised, and thus avoid spurious displacements. A focus is given to the nonlinear behaviour of the rock foundation, with concentrated plasticity along the natural discontinuities of the rock mass, immersed in an otherwise linear elastic medium with Rayleigh damping. The entire procedure is implemented in the commercial software Abaqus®, whose base code is enriched with specific user subroutines when needed. All the extra coding is attached to the Thesis and tested against analytical results and simple examples. Possible rock wedge instabilities induced by intense ground motion, which are not easily investigated within a comprehensive model of the dam-water-foundation system, are treated separately with a simplified decoupled dynamic approach derived from the classical Newmark method, integrated with FE calculation of dam thrust on the wedges during the earthquake. Both the described approaches are applied to the case study of the Ridracoli arch-gravity dam (Italy) in order to investigate its seismic response to the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) in a full reservoir condition.


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A Digital Scholarly Edition is a conceptually and structurally sophisticated entity. Throughout the centuries, diverse methodologies have been employed to reconstruct a text transmitted through one or multiple sources, resulting in various edition types. With the advent of digital technology in philology, these practices have undergone a significant transformation, compelling scholars to reconsider their approach in light of the web. In the digital age, philologists are expected to possess (too) advanced technical skills to prepare interactive and enriched editions, even though, in most cases, only mechanical or documentary editions are published online. The Śivadharma Database is a web Content Management System (CMS) designed to facilitate the preparation, publication, and updating of Digital Scholarly Editions. By providing scholars with a user-friendly CRUD web application to reconstruct and annotate a text, they can prepare their textus with additional components such as apparatus, notes, translations, citations, and parallels. It is possible by leveraging an annotation system based on HTML and graph data structure. This choice is made because the text entity is multidimensional and multifaceted, even if its sequential presentation constrains it. In particular, editions of South Asian texts of the Śivadharma corpus, the case study of this research, contain a series of phenomena that are difficult to manage formally, such as overlapping hierarchies. Hence, it becomes necessary to establish the data structure best suited to represent this complexity. In Śivadharma Database, the textus is an HTML file readily displayable. Textual fragments, annotated via an interface without requiring philologists to write code and saved in the backend, form the atomic unit of multiple relationships organised in a graph database. This approach enables the formal representation of complex and overlapping textual phenomena, allowing for good annotation expressiveness with minimal effort to learn the relevant technologies during the editing workflow.


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The basic reproduction number is a key parameter in mathematical modelling of transmissible diseases. From the stability analysis of the disease free equilibrium, by applying Routh-Hurwitz criteria, a threshold is obtained, which is called the basic reproduction number. However, the application of spectral radius theory on the next generation matrix provides a different expression for the basic reproduction number, that is, the square root of the previously found formula. If the spectral radius of the next generation matrix is defined as the geometric mean of partial reproduction numbers, however the product of these partial numbers is the basic reproduction number, then both methods provide the same expression. In order to show this statement, dengue transmission modelling incorporating or not the transovarian transmission is considered as a case study. Also tuberculosis transmission and sexually transmitted infection modellings are taken as further examples.


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Chemical cross-linking has emerged as a powerful approach for the structural characterization of proteins and protein complexes. However, the correct identification of covalently linked (cross-linked or XL) peptides analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry is still an open challenge. Here we present SIM-XL, a software tool that can analyze data generated through commonly used cross-linkers (e.g., BS3/DSS). Our software introduces a new paradigm for search-space reduction, which ultimately accounts for its increase in speed and sensitivity. Moreover, our search engine is the first to capitalize on reporter ions for selecting tandem mass spectra derived from cross-linked peptides. It also makes available a 2D interaction map and a spectrum-annotation tool unmatched by any of its kind. We show SIM-XL to be more sensitive and faster than a competing tool when analyzing a data set obtained from the human HSP90. The software is freely available for academic use at http://patternlabforproteomics.org/sim-xl. A video demonstrating the tool is available at http://patternlabforproteomics.org/sim-xl/video. SIM-XL is the first tool to support XL data in the mzIdentML format; all data are thus available from the ProteomeXchange consortium (identifier PXD001677).


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Shot peening is a cold-working mechanical process in which a shot stream is propelled against a component surface. Its purpose is to introduce compressive residual stresses on component surfaces for increasing the fatigue resistance. This process is widely applied in springs due to the cyclical loads requirements. This paper presents a numerical modelling of shot peening process using the finite element method. The results are compared with experimental measurements of the residual stresses, obtained by the X-rays diffraction technique, in leaf springs submitted to this process. Furthermore, the results are compared with empirical and numerical correlations developed by other authors.


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This work presents a thermoeconomic optimization methodology for the analysis and design of energy systems. This methodology involves economic aspects related to the exergy conception, in order to develop a tool to assist the equipment selection, operation mode choice as well as to optimize the thermal plants design. It also presents the concepts related to exergy in a general scope and in thermoeconomics which combines the thermal sciences principles (thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics) and the economic engineering in order to rationalize energy systems investment decisions, development and operation. Even in this paper, it develops a thermoeconomic methodology through the use of a simple mathematical model, involving thermodynamics parameters and costs evaluation, also defining the objective function as the exergetic production cost. The optimization problem evaluation is developed for two energy systems. First is applied to a steam compression refrigeration system and then to a cogeneration system using backpressure steam turbine. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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With the relentless quest for improved performance driving ever tighter tolerances for manufacturing, machine tools are sometimes unable to meet the desired requirements. One option to improve the tolerances of machine tools is to compensate for their errors. Among all possible sources of machine tool error, thermally induced errors are, in general for newer machines, the most important. The present work demonstrates the evaluation and modelling of the behaviour of the thermal errors of a CNC cylindrical grinding machine during its warm-up period.


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The most ordinary finite element formulations for 3D frame analysis do not consider the warping of cross-sections as part of their kinematics. So the stiffness, regarding torsion, should be directly introduced by the user into the computational software and the bar is treated as it is working under no warping hypothesis. This approach does not give good results for general structural elements applied in engineering. Both displacement and stress calculation reveal sensible deficiencies for both linear and non-linear applications. For linear analysis, displacements can be corrected by assuming a stiffness that results in acceptable global displacements of the analyzed structure. However, the stress calculation will be far from reality. For nonlinear analysis the deficiencies are even worse. In the past forty years, some special structural matrix analysis and finite element formulations have been proposed in literature to include warping and the bending-torsion effects for 3D general frame analysis considering both linear and non-linear situations. In this work, using a kinematics improvement technique, the degree of freedom ""warping intensity"" is introduced following a new approach for 3D frame elements. This degree of freedom is associated with the warping basic mode, a geometric characteristic of the cross-section, It does not have a direct relation with the rate of twist rotation along the longitudinal axis, as in existent formulations. Moreover, a linear strain variation mode is provided for the geometric non-linear approach, for which complete 3D constitutive relation (Saint-Venant Kirchhoff) is adopted. The proposed technique allows the consideration of inhomogeneous cross-sections with any geometry. Various examples are shown to demonstrate the accuracy and applicability of the proposed formulation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This communication proposes a simple way to introduce fibers into finite element modelling. This is a promising formulation to deal with fiber-reinforced composites by the finite element method (FEM), as it allows the consideration of short or long fibers placed arbitrarily inside a continuum domain (matrix). The most important feature of the formulation is that no additional degree of freedom is introduced into the pre-existent finite element numerical system to consider any distribution of fiber inclusions. In other words, the size of the system of equations used to solve a non-reinforced medium is the same as the one used to solve the reinforced counterpart. Another important characteristic is the reduced work required by the user to introduce fibers, avoiding `rebar` elements, node-by-node geometrical definitions or even complex mesh generation. An additional characteristic of the technique is the possibility of representing unbounded stresses at the end of fibers using a finite number of degrees of freedom. Further studies are required for non-linear applications in which localization may occur. Along the text the linear formulation is presented and the bounded connection between fibers and continuum is considered. Four examples are presented, including non-linear analysis, to validate and show the capabilities of the formulation. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper investigates the validity of a simplified equivalent reservoir representation of a multi-reservoir hydroelectric system for modelling its optimal operation for power maximization. This simplification, proposed by Arvanitidis and Rosing (IEEE Trans Power Appar Syst 89(2):319-325, 1970), imputes a potential energy equivalent reservoir with energy inflows and outflows. The hydroelectric system is also modelled for power maximization considering individual reservoir characteristics without simplifications. Both optimization models employed MINOS package for solution of the non-linear programming problems. A comparison between total optimized power generation over the planning horizon by the two methods shows that the equivalent reservoir is capable of producing satisfactory power estimates with less than 6% underestimation. The generation and total reservoir storage trajectories along the planning horizon obtained by equivalent reservoir method, however, presented significant discrepancies as compared to those found in the detailed modelling. This study is motivated by the fact that Brazilian generation system operations are based on the equivalent reservoir method as part of the power dispatch procedures. The potential energy equivalent reservoir is an alternative which eliminates problems with the dimensionality of state variables in a dynamic programming model.


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One of the e-learning environment goal is to attend the individual needs of students during the learning process. The adaptation of contents, activities and tools into different visualization or in a variety of content types is an important feature of this environment, bringing to the user the sensation that there are suitable workplaces to his profile in the same system. Nevertheless, it is important the investigation of student behaviour aspects, considering the context where the interaction happens, to achieve an efficient personalization process. The paper goal is to present an approach to identify the student learning profile analyzing the context of interaction. Besides this, the learning profile could be analyzed in different dimensions allows the system to deal with the different focus of the learning.


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Ecological niche modelling combines species occurrence points with environmental raster layers in order to obtain models for describing the probabilistic distribution of species. The process to generate an ecological niche model is complex. It requires dealing with a large amount of data, use of different software packages for data conversion, for model generation and for different types of processing and analyses, among other functionalities. A software platform that integrates all requirements under a single and seamless interface would be very helpful for users. Furthermore, since biodiversity modelling is constantly evolving, new requirements are constantly being added in terms of functions, algorithms and data formats. This evolution must be accompanied by any software intended to be used in this area. In this scenario, a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an appropriate choice for designing such systems. According to SOA best practices and methodologies, the design of a reference business process must be performed prior to the architecture definition. The purpose is to understand the complexities of the process (business process in this context refers to the ecological niche modelling problem) and to design an architecture able to offer a comprehensive solution, called a reference architecture, that can be further detailed when implementing specific systems. This paper presents a reference business process for ecological niche modelling, as part of a major work focused on the definition of a reference architecture based on SOA concepts that will be used to evolve the openModeller software package for species modelling. The basic steps that are performed while developing a model are described, highlighting important aspects, based on the knowledge of modelling experts. In order to illustrate the steps defined for the process, an experiment was developed, modelling the distribution of Ouratea spectabilis (Mart.) Engl. (Ochnaceae) using openModeller. As a consequence of the knowledge gained with this work, many desirable improvements on the modelling software packages have been identified and are presented. Also, a discussion on the potential for large-scale experimentation in ecological niche modelling is provided, highlighting opportunities for research. The results obtained are very important for those involved in the development of modelling tools and systems, for requirement analysis and to provide insight on new features and trends for this category of systems. They can also be very helpful for beginners in modelling research, who can use the process and the experiment example as a guide to this complex activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.