980 resultados para Urban Forestry Program (Ill.)
Describes Opportunity Returns, Governor Blagojevich's plan for aiding economic growth in Illinois, and outlines the plan's goals for the region consisting of Boone, Ogle, Stephenson and Winnebago counties.
Opportunity Returns is Governor Blagojevich's comprehensive plan for restoring economic opportunity to Illinois -- an approach designed to create jobs and spur growth. This is a new approach to economic development in Illinois that focuses the state's resources on the specific strengths and needs of each region -- recognizing that local communities understand their needs the best. Ten regional plans will be developed to fit each of the regions. This plan outlines economic and workforce goals for the Southwest region, which consists of Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Jersey, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair and Washington counties.
Title from cover.
"Job no. 101.3."
The establishment of a Total Maximum Daily Load sets the pollutant reduction goal necessary to improve impaired waters. It determines the load, or quantity of any given pollutant that can be allowed in a particular water body. A TDML must consider all potential sources of pollutants whether point or nonpoint. It also takes into account a margin of safety, which reflects scientific uncertainty, as well as the effects of seasonal variation.
Cover title.
Latest issue consulted: Jan. 2008.
Discussion of gentrification has become ‘balkanised’ into a series of competing and intensely-held positions. The dichotomies are between economic and cultural explanations, supply-side and demand-side explanations and structural Marxist and liberal humanist views. Despite the long academic and policy interest in gentrification there is still no clear definition of what it is and why it occurs. However, almost all previous analyses see gentrification as an inner-city phenomenon and so deal with it within framework of inner-city theory and causation. This paper approaches the debate from a somewhat different position. It argues that gentrification, seen as the replacement of lower status and income households by higher status and income households, can occur outside the inner city. It uses clear cases of gentrification on the urban fringe of metropolitan Brisbane in South East Queensland, to explore mechanisms and explanations. The key to this ‘gentrification by the sea’ is a ‘potential investment gap’ between current and potential future property values, based on increasing demand for a limited locational resource – but instead of this being inner-city properties it is waterside land in a regional facing rapid population increase. The paper also draws attention to the inadequate recognition of the roles of the state and the media in previous analyses of gentrification.
The Caatinga and Atlantic Forest exhibit great species richness, which can attend requirements for various uses. Considering the current level of degradation of vegetation in Rio Grande do Norte, and the increasing use of exotic species, it is urgent to perform actions for the conservation of these biomes. From this perspective, using native plant species in the urban forestry becomes an instrument for the conservation and enhancement of local biodiversity. In this context, the general objective of this study is to gather and provide information about the ornamental native tree species in the state in order to promote and disseminate their use in urban areas. Specific aims of this work are: (1) evaluate and verify the demand and maintenance costs of native and exotic urban forestry, comparatively, with data obtained in the state (Cap. 1); (2) Provide a ornamental native tree species list in the state, including species already widespread use and suggesting new elements with ornamental potential (Cap. 2); and (3) produce a guide of native tree species as a means of disseminating the results obtained in a way accessible to the society. Analysis of maintenance of urban trees was performed at the UFRN's Central Campus, and the ornamental native tree species survey was carried out through literature survey combined with expeditions to forest fragments in the state. As a result, it was obvious that the maintenance of native vegetation resulted in lower costs and least demand for services highlighting the visible advantage in using a afforestation with regionalized floristic composition. The survey of ornamental native tree species led to the selection of 95 species belonging to 30 families, 17 species (17.35%) occurring exclusively in the Caatinga, 27 species (25.55%) in the Atlantic Forest and more than half (55.10%) occurring in both biomes, which provides a good selection available for the composition of urban forestry, both for cities located in the area of Atlantic Forest (81 spp.) or for those located in the Caatinga (71 spp.). From these results, a guide for the recognition and cultivation of native ornamental trees was prepared, consisting in the initial step in the enhancement of existing floristic potential value with the aim to assist in the development of a regionalized perspective of urban environmental management in the state
L’arbre en ville offre plusieurs bienfaits, et ce, même s’il est souvent confronté à des conditions de vie difficiles. Au cours des années, la foresterie urbaine a suscité plusieurs travaux de recherches. Ce projet visait à faire un recensement des publications scientifiques de recherche en foresterie urbaine, à faire l’état de la situation des municipalités en matière de foresterie urbaine et à identifier les besoins de recherche en foresterie urbaine des municipalités canadiennes de 5 000 habitants et plus. Le premier objectif a été réalisé en utilisant plusieurs bases de données d’articles scientifiques et des mots clefs en foresterie urbaine. Un sondage pancanadien a permis de réaliser les deux autres objectifs. Le recensement que nous avons effectué des publications en foresterie urbaine depuis 1800 a montré, comme pour les publications scientifiques en général, mais de façon encore plus marquée, un accroissement de leur nombre ces dernières années. Ce recensement a aussi permis de révéler que les préoccupations de recherche touchent surtout l’effet des arbres sur la santé humaine et la qualité de l’air. L’identification des besoins de recherche réalisée auprès des responsables des espaces verts a permis de constater qu’il y avait toujours place pour la recherche dans ce domaine. Les municipalités veulent connaître, entre autres, quelles espèces d’arbres sont adaptées à l’environnement urbain, quel est l’effet des arbres sur le ruissellement des eaux de pluie et sur la santé humaine. Nous avons aussi constaté qu’il y avait un manque de transfert de connaissances entre les chercheurs et les responsables d’espaces verts ou que les recherches menées ne répondent pas aux besoins exprimés par les répondants. Le présent mémoire a permis de mieux cerner les besoins de recherche des municipalités canadiennes et permettra aux chercheurs de mieux définir les priorités de recherche en foresterie urbaine.
El interés de comprender la manera en la que los instrumentos de planificación afectan la dinámica del mercado inmobiliario, dio origen a la presente investigación que estudia el desarrollo urbano de Bogotá a partir de la implementación del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial, Decreto 190 de 2004. A través del estudio de las tendencias espaciales de licenciamiento, se evaluó si se logró consolidar el modelo de ocupación propuesto en el POT; encontrándose que las decisiones de localización de los agentes privados no respondieron a la estructura urbana deseada, al no haberse concretado en el territorio por ejemplo la red de centralidades y el programa de renovación urbana.
Esta dissertação debruça-se sobre a perspectiva Epidemiológica da Efectividade aplicada ao Programa de Planeamento Urbano Saudável (PPUS) - um programa interdisciplinar e transectorial dado os vários campos e matérias neste envolvido, concebido pelo município de Viana do Castelo e enquadrado no conceito de Cidade Saudável desenvolvido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. O estudo centrou-se concretamente na acção do Plano Estratégico que previa a alteração do arruamento e circulação rodoviária no centro da cidade, com implicações ao nível do Plano Director Municipal (PDM), cujo objectivo era o de diminuir os níveis de Poluição Atmosférica através da aplicação do Projecto Ambiente Urbano, desenvolvido a partir do referido PPUS. O nosso objectivo foi o de identificar a Acessibilidade, Viabilidade e Conteúdo do Programa como valores inerentes à verificação da pertinência programática para alcançar a sua Efectividade. Para tal definimos a verificação de alguns aspectos estruturais programáticos, nomeadamente os objectivos, as metas, a génese, a acção e o conteúdo do PPUS. Isto tendo em consideração os seus antecedentes, apesar de os sabermos enquadrados em dimensões políticas diferentes, tanto ao nível internacional, como ao nacional e local. Como resultado, concluímos pela não pertinência deste Programa, não excluindo, no entanto, o facto de novos e mais profundos estudos poderem fornecer dados diferentes daqueles que aqui apresentamos. ABSTRACT: This master thesis deals with the Effectiveness of the Epidemiologist perspective applied to the Healthy Urban Planning Program (PPUS) - an interdisciplary and transectorial program involving several fields and subjects - conceived by the city of Viana do Castelo and framed into the concept of Healthy Cities developed by the WHO. The study was based on the action of the Strategic Plan that foresaw the alteration of the streets adjustment and cars circulation in the city centre, with implications on the Urban Environment Project, in order to reduce the atmospheric pollution levels. Our aim was to recognize the Program Accessibility, Viability and Contents as intrinsic values for the verification of its programmatic relevance in terms of effectiveness. ln order to achieve this, we defined the verification of some structural aspects of Program, such as the aims, the goals, the concepts and the contents. This having in mind the previous political dimensions either at international level as well as national and local. As final result, we concluded that the Viana do Castelo's Urban Planning Program was irrelevant. However, this doesn't exclude the possibility of further studies provide different elements from the ones we present here.
"November 1991"--back cover.