969 resultados para U-A(1)-problem


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Summary: Recent research on the evolution of language and verbal displays (e.g., Miller, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2002) indicated that language is not only the result of natural selection but serves as a sexually-selected fitness indicator that is an adaptation showing an individual’s suitability as a reproductive mate. Thus, language could be placed within the framework of concepts such as the handicap principle (Zahavi, 1975). There are several reasons for this position: Many linguistic traits are highly heritable (Stromswold, 2001, 2005), while naturally-selected traits are only marginally heritable (Miller, 2000a); men are more prone to verbal displays than women, who in turn judge the displays (Dunbar, 1996; Locke & Bogin, 2006; Lange, in press; Miller, 2000a; Rosenberg & Tunney, 2008); verbal proficiency universally raises especially male status (Brown, 1991); many linguistic features are handicaps (Miller, 2000a) in the Zahavian sense; most literature is produced by men at reproduction-relevant age (Miller, 1999). However, neither an experimental study investigating the causal relation between verbal proficiency and attractiveness, nor a study showing a correlation between markers of literary and mating success existed. In the current studies, it was aimed to fill these gaps. In the first one, I conducted a laboratory experiment. Videos in which an actor and an actress performed verbal self-presentations were the stimuli for counter-sex participants. Content was always alike, but the videos differed on three levels of verbal proficiency. Predictions were, among others, that (1) verbal proficiency increases mate value, but that (2) this applies more to male than to female mate value due to assumed past sex-different selection pressures causing women to be very demanding in mate choice (Trivers, 1972). After running a two-factorial analysis of variance with the variables sex and verbal proficiency as factors, the first hypothesis was supported with high effect size. For the second hypothesis, there was only a trend going in the predicted direction. Furthermore, it became evident that verbal proficiency affects long-term more than short-term mate value. In the second study, verbal proficiency as a menstrual cycle-dependent mate choice criterion was investigated. Basically the same materials as in the former study were used with only marginal changes in the used questionnaire. The hypothesis was that fertile women rate high verbal proficiency in men higher than non-fertile women because of verbal proficiency being a potential indicator of “good genes”. However, no significant result could be obtained in support of the hypothesis in the current study. In the third study, the hypotheses were: (1) most literature is produced by men at reproduction-relevant age. (2) The more works of high literary quality a male writer produces, the more mates and children he has. (3) Lyricists have higher mating success than non-lyric writers because of poetic language being a larger handicap than other forms of language. (4) Writing literature increases a man’s status insofar that his offspring shows a significantly higher male-to-female sex ratio than in the general population, as the Trivers-Willard hypothesis (Trivers & Willard, 1973) applied to literature predicts. In order to test these hypotheses, two famous literary canons were chosen. Extensive biographical research was conducted on the writers’ mating successes. The first hypothesis was confirmed; the second one, controlling for life age, only for number of mates but not entirely regarding number of children. The latter finding was discussed with respect to, among others, the availability of effective contraception especially in the 20th century. The third hypothesis was not satisfactorily supported. The fourth hypothesis was partially supported. For the 20th century part of the German list, the secondary sex ratio differed with high statistical significance from the ratio assumed to be valid for a general population.


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El carcinoma Hepatocelular (HCC) representa la sexta causa más frecuente de cáncer, y la tercera causa de muerte relacionada con cáncer en el mundo con aproximadamente 600.000 muertes anuales. En el 70 % de los casos, este se desarrolla en presencia de una enfermedad crónica del hígado como la cirrosis u otras enfermedades inflamatorias, por lo que practicar métodos de tamizaje para su diagnóstico precoz, pudieran establecer un mejor pronóstico. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar una vía clínica capaz de homogenizar el proceso de tamizaje de HCC, soportando su realización con la realización de una evaluación económica de esta intervención. Se realiza una búsqueda sistemática de literatura y se propone una vía clínica para la vigilancia de HCC en Colombia. A esta propuesta se aplica una evaluación económica tipo costo-efectividad mediante un modelo de Markov de la intervención propuesta, comparando la aplicación de la vía clínica propuesta frente al manejo actual en 100 pacientes considerados con riesgo (cirrosis, portadores de HBV y/o portadores de HCV) con un horizonte de tiempo de 30 años analizando como desenlace los años de vida salvados (LYS) desde la perspectiva del tercero pagador para Colombia a precios de 2009. El análisis determina una disminución de la mortalidad en un 40%, y un valor ICER de US$ 1,438 por LYS, por lo cual se concluye que resulta costo efectivo la aplicación de esta propuesta de tamizaje. Es necesario realizar una prueba para la aplicación de la vía clínica.


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Presentar un modelo de programación con el fin de integrar la orientación profesional en la escuela; presentar la orientación profesional como un proceso de aprendizaje: sistemático y continuado y no una actividad puntual; provocar la conexión entre medio escolar y medio laboral; materializar un programa de seguimiento para orientaciones escolares; demostrar que la implantación de la orientación profesional no supone ningún gasto extra dentro del presupuesto educativo.. La investigación presente, muestra unas pautas sobre la orientación profesional en segundo de educación general básica. Se estructura en varios capítulos: en el primero, se hace una aproximación del tema y se muestran los objetivos, así como integrar la orientación profesional en la escuela. En el segundo capitulo, se hace un análisis de la orientación profesional, señalando el origen y su desarrollo, los factores históricos que favorecieron su aparición, las etapas o el concepto. El tercer capitulo, explica la legislación vigente de la orientación profesional y la presentación de un proyecto. Y por ultimo en el quinto capitulo, aparece la presentación dinámica del proyecto y los diferentes estudios realizados (en formación profesional, a las profesiones, estudio formativo de B.U.P...).. 1) La orientación profesional debe y tiene que estar integrada en los problemas escolares y en la escuela ya que no es un hecho puntual si no un hecho sistemático, un proceso de aprendizaje por lo que se necesita continuidad. 2) Los programas de orientación profesional deben promover la comprensión de si mismo porque el desarrollo profesional se basa en lo bien que los alumnos conocen sus valores actitudes, intereses y necesidades. 3) El desarrollo del programa puede paliar el fracaso escolar ya que supone el descubrir obstáculos, dificultades o problemas por lo que una vez detectados y conocidos se puede buscar soluciones, aminorarlos o desterrarlas. 4) Es un factor motivador del aprendizaje, puesto que conexiona la necesidad de desarrollar, aprender o adquirir conocimientos, hábitos y aptitudes con el desarrollo de un posible trabajo futuro. 5) La orientación profesional es fundamental para el logro de la autorrealización ya que esta tiende a conseguir la plena madurez del sujeto, su personal bienestar y su plena integración en la comunidad.


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1. Recent changes in European agricultural policy have led to measures to reverse the loss of species-rich grasslands through the creation of new areas on ex-arable land. Ex-arable soils are often characterized by high inorganic nitrogen (N) levels, which lead to the rapid establishment of annual and fast-growing perennial species during the initial phase of habitat creation. The addition of carbon (C) to the soil has been suggested as a countermeasure to reduce plant-available N and alter competitive interactions among plant species. 2. To test the effect of C addition on habitat creation on ex-arable land, an experiment was set up on two recently abandoned fields in Switzerland and on two 6-year-old restoration sites in the UK. Carbon was added as a mixture of either sugar and sawdust or wood chips and sawdust during a period of 2 years. The effects of C addition on soil parameters and vegetation composition were assessed during the period of C additions and 1 year thereafter. 3. Soil nitrate concentrations were reduced at all sites within weeks of the first C addition, and remained low until cessation of the C additions. The overall effect of C addition on vegetation was a reduction in above-ground biomass and cover. At the Swiss sites, the addition of sugar and sawdust led to a relative increase in legume and forb cover and to a decrease in grass cover. The soil N availability, composition of soil micro-organisms and vegetation characteristics continued to be affected after cessation of C additions. 4. Synthesis and applications. The results suggest that C addition in grassland restoration is a useful management method to reduce N availability on ex-arable land. Carbon addition alters the vegetation composition by creating gaps in the vegetation that facilitates the establishment of late-seral plant species, and is most effective when started immediately after the abandonment of arable fields and applied over several years.


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The reduction of indigo (dispersed in water) to leuco-indigo (dissolved in water) is an important industrial process and investigated here for the case of glucose as an environmentally benign reducing agent. In order to quantitatively follow the formation of leuco-indigo two approaches based on (i) rotating disk voltammetry and (ii) sonovoltammetry are developed. Leuco-indigo, once formed in alkaline solution, is readily monitored at a glassy carbon electrode in the mass transport limit employing hydrodynamic voltammetry. The presence of power ultrasound further improves the leuco-indigo determination due to additional agitation and homogenization effects. While inactive at room temperature, glucose readily reduces indigo in alkaline media at 65 degrees C. In the presence of excess glucose, a surface dissolution kinetics limited process is proposed following the rate law d eta(leuco-indigo)/dt = k x c(OH-) x S-indigo where eta(leuco-indigo) is the amount of leuco-indigo formed, k = 4.1 x 10(-9) m s(-1) (at 65 degrees C, assuming spherical particles of I gm diameter) is the heterogeneous dissolution rate constant,c(OH-) is the concentration of hydroxide, and Sindigo is the reactive surface area. The activation energy for this process in aqueous 0.2 M NaOH is E-A = 64 U mol(-1) consistent with a considerable temperature effects. The redox mediator 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone is shown to significantly enhance the reaction rate by catalysing the electron transfer between glucose and solid indigo particles. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Propylene polymerization using salicyladiminato metal catalalysts has been studied using density functional theory at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ level. In particular, the effects on the reaction mechanisms of changing the metal from Pd(II) to Ni(II) have been investigated. While the reaction mechanisms involving the salicyladiminato Ni(II) catalyst have been found to be similar to those established previously for the salicyladiminato Pd(II) catalyst, the nickel catalyst was found to differentiate the trans-O intermediate from the trans-.N intermediate with an energy difference of 46.63 U mol(-1) significantly more than the palladium catalyst for which the energy difference was calculated as 35.82 kJ mol(-1). The energy difference between the trans-O configuration and the trans-N configuration is decreased significantly when combining a molecule of propylene with the catalyst. For the Ni catalyst, the trans-O isomer is more stable than the trans-N isomer to a greater extent than for Pd, so that the insertion of propylene from 20 is relatively less favoured for Ni than for Pd. It is predicted that the mechanism of isomerization from 20 to 2N through a rotational transition state TS2O2N is more appropriate for the Ni catalyst system. The palladium system shows a larger preference for pi-coordination than its nickel counterpart, although the latter possesses a lower reaction barrier. It was found that the occupation of the trans-O position in the asymmetric salicyladiminato catalyst is also more favored by the alkene as it is by the alkyl so that insertion of the alkene may always start from a particular configuration so that specific products are obtained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Batch syntheses of isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) from sucrose, using the enzymes dextransucrase and dextranase were performed with the aim of understanding the reaction mechanism and the parameters which affect product characteristics and molecular size. Both activities described for dextransucrase (dextran formation and acceptor reaction) achieved synthesis whilst the hydrolytic activity of dextranase regulated the product molecular size and acceptor availability. Depending on the reaction conditions, the product oligosaccharide mixtures contained mainly sugars (up to 36%) with degrees of polymerization (DP) varying between 10 and 60 together with lower concentrations of both lower and higher molecular weight sugars. Alterations in substrate and dextranase concentrations (50-400 mg ml(-1) and 2.5-46 U ml(-1), respectively) affected the molecular weight of IMO, the reaction rate and the formation of leucrose. This permitted manipulation of the product characteristics. It was found that higher substrate and dextranase concentrations gave rise to products with lower molecular sizes and a dextransucrase:dextranase ratio of 1: 1 or 1:2 appeared to produce a polymer with a molecular weight which is desirable for prebiotic use. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A recycle ultrafiltration membrane reactor was used to develop a continuous synthesis process for the production of isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) from sucrose, using the enzymes dextransucrase and dextranase. A variety of membranes were tested and the parameters affecting reactor stability, productivity, and product molecular weight distribution were investigated. Enzyme inactivation in the reactor was reduced with the use of a non-ionic surfactant but its use had severe adverse effects on the membrane pore size and porosity. During continuous isomaltooligosaccharide synthesis, dextransucrase inactivation was shown to occur as a result of the dextranase activity and it was dependent mainly on the substrate availability in the reactor and the hydrolytic activity of dextranase. Substrate and dextranase concentrations (50-200 mg/mL(-1) and 10-30 U/mL(-1), respectively) affected permeate fluxes, reactor productivity, and product average molecular weight. The oligodextrans and isomaltooligosaccharides formed had molecular weights lower than in batch synthesis reactions but they largely consisted of oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization (DP) greater than 5, depending on the synthesis conditions. No significant rejection of the sugars formed was shown by the membranes and permeate flux was dependent on tangential flow velocity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Synthesis of prebiotic alpha- and beta-galactooligosaccharides (GOS) using the whole cells of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171 was investigated. Determination of alpha- and beta-galactosidase activities showed them to be at 3 and 205 g(-1) of freeze dried biomass, respectively, and they increased to 5 and 344 U g(-1), respectively, when cells were treated with toluene. Starting with 450-500 mg mL(-1) lactose, maximum GOS concentrations were observed at 80-85% lactose conversions and the mixtures contained oligosaccharides (with a degree of polymerisation >= 3) at 77-109 mg mL(-1) and trans-galactosylated disaccharides between 85-115 mg mL(-1). The GOS yield values varied between 36% and 43%. An alpha-linked disaccharide was detected and its presence was confirmed by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy. Cells were re-used up to 8 times without changes in reaction times or the substrate conversions to GOS. Oligosaccharide synthesis was not inhibited by the presence of glucose or galactose. The mixtures were successfully purified from glucose (92% of glucose removed) by fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae with no losses in the oligosaccharide content and only a small decrease on the galactose. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By-products streams from a sunflower-based biodiesel plant were utilised for the production of fermentation media that can be used for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Sunflower meal was utilised as substrate for the production of crude enzyme consortia through solid state fermentation (SSF) with the fungal strain Aspergillus oryzae. Fermented solids were subsequently mixed with unprocessed sunflower meal aiming at the production of a nutrient-rich fermentation feedstock. The highest free amino nitrogen (FAN) and inorganic phosphorus concentrations achieved were 1.5 g L-1 and 246 mg L-1, respectively, when an initial proteolytic activity of 6.4 U mL-1 was used. The FANconcentrationwas increased to 2.3 g L-1 when the initial proteolytic activity was increased to 16 U mL-1. Sunflower meal hydrolysates were mixed with crude glycerol to provide fermentationmedia that were evaluated for the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrateco- 3-hydroxyvalerate) (P(3HB-co-3HV)) using Cupriavidus necator DSM545. The P(3HB-co-3HV) (9.9 g l-1) produced contained 3HB and 3HV units with 97 and 3 mol %, respectively. Integrating PHA production in existing 1st generation biodiesel production plants through valorisation of by-product streams could improve their sustainability.


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Gluconeogenesis in livers from overnight fasted weaned rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (IIH) was investigated. For this purpose, a condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycaemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal (ip) injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). Control group (COG group) received ip saline. The studies were performed 30 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The livers from IIH and COG rats were perfused with L-alanine (5 mM), L-lactate (2 mM)), L-glutamine (10 mM) or glycerol (2 mM). Hepatic glucose, L-lactate and pyruvate production from L-alanine was not affected by IIH. In agreement with this result, the hepatic ability in producing glucose from L-lactate or glycerol remained unchanged (IIH group vs. COG group). However, livers from IIH rats showed higher glucose production from L-glutamine than livers front COG rats and, in the IIH rats, the production of glucose from L-glutamine was higher than that front L-alanine. The higher glucose production in livers from the IIH group. when compared with the COG group was due to its entrance further on gluconeogenic pathway. Taken together. the results suggest that L-glutamine is better than L-alanine, as gluconeogenic substrate in livers of hypoglyceaemic weaned rats. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.


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The activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase during infusions of glucagon, isoproterenol, or cyanide in isolated liver of fed rats submitted to short-term insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH) was investigated. A condition of hyperinsulinemia/hypoglycemia was obtained with an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg(-1)). The control group received ip saline. The experiments were carried out 60 min after insulin (IIH group) or saline (COG group) injection. The rats were anesthetized and after laparotomy, blood was collected from the vena cava for glucose and insulin measurements. The liver was their infused with glucagon (1 nM), isoproterenot (2 mu M), or cyanide (0.5 mM) during 20 min and a sample of the organ was collected for determination of the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase 5 min after starting and 10 min after stopping the infusions. The infusions of cyanide, glucagons, and isoproterenol did not change the activities of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase. However, glycogen catabolism was decreased during the infusions of glucagon and isoproterenol in IIH rats, being more intense with isoproterenol (p < 0.05), than glucagon. It was concluded that short-term IIH promoted changes in the liver responsiveness of glycogen degradation induced by glucagon and isoproterenol without a change in the activities of glycogen phosphorylase and synthase. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Our aim was to investigate the immediate effects of bilateral, 830 nm, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on high-intensity exercise and biochemical markers of skeletal muscle recovery, in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial set in a sports physiotherapy clinic. Twenty male athletes (nine professional volleyball players and eleven adolescent soccer players) participated. Active LLLT (830 nm wavelength, 100 mW, spot size 0.0028 cm(2), 3-4 J per point) or an identical placebo LLLT was delivered to five points in the rectus femoris muscle (bilaterally). The main outcome measures were the work performed in the Wingate test: 30 s of maximum cycling with a load of 7.5% of body weight, and the measurement of blood lactate (BL) and creatine kinase (CK) levels before and after exercise. There was no significant difference in the work performed during the Wingate test (P > 0.05) between subjects given active LLLT and those given placebo LLLT. For volleyball athletes, the change in CK levels from before to after the exercise test was significantly lower (P = 0.0133) for those given active LLLT (2.52 U l(-1) +/- 7.04 U l(-1)) than for those given placebo LLLT (28.49 U l(-1) +/- 22.62 U l(-1)). For the soccer athletes, the change in blood lactate levels from before exercise to 15 min after exercise was significantly lower (P < 0.01) in the group subjected to active LLLT (8.55 mmol l(-1) +/- 2.14 mmol l(-1)) than in the group subjected to placebo LLLT (10.52 mmol l(-1) +/- 1.82 mmol l(-1)). LLLT irradiation before the Wingate test seemed to inhibit an expected post-exercise increase in CK level and to accelerate post-exercise lactate removal without affecting test performance. These findings suggest that LLLT may be of benefit in accelerating post-exercise recovery.


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Gordonia polyisoprenivorans CCT 7137 was isolated from groundwater contaminated with leachate in an old controlled landfill (Sauo Paulo, Brazil), and cultured in GYM medium at different concentrations of sugarcane molasses (2%, 6%, and 10%). The strain growth was analyzed by monitoring the viable cell counts (c.f.u. mL(-1)) and optical density and EPS production was evaluated at the end of the exponential phase and 24 h after it. The analysis of the viable cell counts showed that the medium that most favored bacterial growth was not the one that favored EPS production. The control medium (GYM) was the one that most favored the strain growth, at the maximum specific growth rate of 0.232 h(-1). Differences in bacterial growth when cultured at three different concentrations of molasses were not observed. Production of EPS, in all culture media used, began during the exponential phase and continued during the growth stationary phase. The highest total EPS production, after 24 h of stationary phase, was observed in 6% molasses medium (172.86 g L(-1)) and 10% (139.47 g L(-1)) and the specific total EPS production was higher in 10% molasses medium (39.03 x10(-11)g c.f.u.(-1)). After the exponential phase, in 2%, 6%, and 10% molasses media, a higher percentage of free exopolysaccharides (EPS) was observed, representing 88.4%, 62.4%, and 64.2% of the total, respectively. A different result was observed in pattern medium, which presented EPS made up of higher percentage of capsular EPS (66.4% of the total). This work is the first study on EPS production by G. polyisoprenivorans strain in GYM medium and in medium utilizing sugarcane molasses as the sole nutrient source and suggests its potential use for EPS production by G. polyisoprenivorans CCT 7137 aiming at application in biotechnological processes.


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In the present work, binary-Lie, assocyclic, and binary (-1,1) algebras are studied. We prove that, for every assocyclic algebra A, the algebra A(-) is binary-Lie. We find a simple non-Malcev binary-Lie superalgebra T that cannot be embedded in A(-s) for an assocyclic superalgebra A. We use the Grassmann envelope of T to prove the similar result for algebras. This solve negatively a problem by Filippov (see [1, Problem 2.108]). Finally, we prove that the superalgebra T is isomorphic to the commutator superalgebra A(-s) for a simple binary (-1,1) superalgebra A.