948 resultados para Two particle distributions


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In this dissertation, we explore the use of pursuit interactions as a building block for collective behavior, primarily in the context of constant bearing (CB) cyclic pursuit. Pursuit phenomena are observed throughout the natural environment and also play an important role in technological contexts, such as missile-aircraft encounters and interactions between unmanned vehicles. While pursuit is typically regarded as adversarial, we demonstrate that pursuit interactions within a cyclic pursuit framework give rise to seemingly coordinated group maneuvers. We model a system of agents (e.g. birds, vehicles) as particles tracing out curves in the plane, and illustrate reduction to the shape space of relative positions and velocities. Introducing the CB pursuit strategy and associated pursuit law, we consider the case for which agent i pursues agent i+1 (modulo n) with the CB pursuit law. After deriving closed-loop cyclic pursuit dynamics, we demonstrate asymptotic convergence to an invariant submanifold (corresponding to each agent attaining the CB pursuit strategy), and proceed by analysis of the reduced dynamics restricted to the submanifold. For the general setting, we derive existence conditions for relative equilibria (circling and rectilinear) as well as for system trajectories which preserve the shape of the collective (up to similarity), which we refer to as pure shape equilibria. For two illustrative low-dimensional cases, we provide a more comprehensive analysis, deriving explicit trajectory solutions for the two-particle "mutual pursuit" case, and detailing the stability properties of three-particle relative equilibria and pure shape equilibria. For the three-particle case, we show that a particular choice of CB pursuit parameters gives rise to remarkable almost-periodic trajectories in the physical space. We also extend our study to consider CB pursuit in three dimensions, deriving a feedback law for executing the CB pursuit strategy, and providing a detailed analysis of the two-particle mutual pursuit case. We complete the work by considering evasive strategies to counter the motion camouflage (MC) pursuit law. After demonstrating that a stochastically steering evader is unable to thwart the MC pursuit strategy, we propose a (deterministic) feedback law for the evader and demonstrate the existence of circling equilibria for the closed-loop pursuer-evader dynamics.


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In this letter, we investigate the distribution of the phase component of the complex received signal observed in practical experiments using body area networks. Two phase distributions, the recently proposed kappa-mu and eta-mu probability densities, which together encompass the most widely used fading models, namely Semi-Gaussian, Rayleigh, Hoyt, Rice, and Nakagami-m, have been compared with measurement data. The kappa-mu distribution has been found to provide the best fit over a range of on-body links, while the user was mobile. The experiments were carried out in two dissimilar indoor environments at opposite ends of the multipath spectrum. It has also been found that the uniform phase distribution has not arisen in anyone of the experiments.


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We describe the properties of a pair of ultracold bosonic atoms in a one-dimensional harmonic trapping potential with a tunable zero-ranged barrier at the trap center. The full characterization of the ground state is done by calculating the reduced single-particle density, the momentum distribution, and the two-particle entanglement. We derive several analytical expressions in the limit of infinite repulsion (Tonks-Girardeau limit) and extend the treatment to finite interparticle interactions by numerical solution. As pair interactions in double wells form a fundamental building block for many-body systems in periodic potentials, our results have implications for a wide range of problems.


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The states of a boson pair in a one-dimensional double-well potential are investigated. Properties of the ground and lowest excited states of this system are studied, including the two-particle wave function, momentum pair distribution, and entanglement. The effects of varying both the barrier height and the effective interaction strength are investigated.


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We introduce a novel graph class we call universal hierarchical graphs (UHG) whose topology can be found numerously in problems representing, e.g., temporal, spacial or general process structures of systems. For this graph class we show, that we can naturally assign two probability distributions, for nodes and for edges, which lead us directly to the definition of the entropy and joint entropy and, hence, mutual information establishing an information theory for this graph class. Furthermore, we provide some results under which conditions these constraint probability distributions maximize the corresponding entropy. Also, we demonstrate that these entropic measures can be computed efficiently which is a prerequisite for every large scale practical application and show some numerical examples. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper the adequacy and the benefit of incorporating glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste materials into polyester based mortars, as sand aggregates and filler replacements, are assessed. Different weight contents of mechanically recycled GFRP wastes with two particle size grades are included in the formulation of new materials. In all formulations, a polyester resin matrix was modified with a silane coupling agent in order to improve binder-aggregates interfaces. The added value of the recycling solution was assessed by means of both flexural and compressive strengths of GFRP admixed mortars with regard to those of the unmodified polymer mortars. Planning of experiments and data treatment were performed by means of full factorial design and through appropriate statistical tools based on analyses of variance (ANOVA). Results show that the partial replacement of sand aggregates by either type of GFRP recyclates improves the mechanical performance of resultant polymer mortars. In the case of trial formulations modified with the coarser waste mix, the best results are achieved with 8% waste weight content, while for fine waste based polymer mortars, 4% in weight of waste content leads to the higher increases on mechanical strengths. This study clearly identifies a promising waste management solution for GFRP waste materials by developing a cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates, thus contributing to a more sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer composites industry.


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Partial moments are extensively used in literature for modeling and analysis of lifetime data. In this paper, we study properties of partial moments using quantile functions. The quantile based measure determines the underlying distribution uniquely. We then characterize certain lifetime quantile function models. The proposed measure provides alternate definitions for ageing criteria. Finally, we explore the utility of the measure to compare the characteristics of two lifetime distributions


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Texture provides one cue for identifying the physical cause of an intensity edge, such as occlusion, shadow, surface orientation or reflectance change. Marr, Julesz, and others have proposed that texture is represented by small lines or blobs, called 'textons' by Julesz [1981a], together with their attributes, such as orientation, elongation, and intensity. Psychophysical studies suggest that texture boundaries are perceived where distributions of attributes over neighborhoods of textons differ significantly. However, these studies, which deal with synthetic images, neglect to consider two important questions: How can these textons be extracted from images of natural scenes? And how, exactly, are texture boundaries then found? This thesis proposes answers to these questions by presenting an algorithm for computing blobs from natural images and a statistic for measuring the difference between two sample distributions of blob attributes. As part of the blob detection algorithm, methods for estimating image noise are presented, which are applicable to edge detection as well.


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A new numerical modeling of inhaled charge aerosol has been developed based on a modified Weibel's model. Both the velocity profiles (slug and parabolic flows) and the particle distributions (uniform and parabolic distributions) have been considered. Inhaled particles are modeled as a dilute dispersed phase flow in which the particle motion is controlled by fluid force and external forces acting on particles. This numerical study extends the previous numerical studies by considering both space- and image-charge forces. Because of the complex computation of interacting forces due to space-charge effect, the particle-mesh (PM) method is selected to calculate these forces. In the PM technique, the charges of all particles are assigned to the space-charge field mesh, for calculating charge density. The Poisson's equation of the electrostatic potential is then solved, and the electrostatic force acting on individual particle is interpolated. It is assumed that there is no effect of humidity on charged particles. The results show that many significant factors also affect the deposition, such as the volume of particle cloud, the velocity profile and the particle distribution. This study allows a better understanding of electrostatic mechanism of aerosol transport and deposition in human airways.


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Mannitol is a polymorphic pharmaceutical excipient, which commonly exists in three forms: alpha, beta and delta. Each polymorph has a needle-like morphology, which can give preferred orientation effects when analysed by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRPD) thus providing difficulties for quantitative XRPD assessments. The occurrence of preferred orientation may be demonstrated by sample rotation and the consequent effects on X-ray data can be minimised by reducing the particle size. Using two particle size ranges (less than 125 and 125–500�microns), binary mixtures of beta and delta mannitol were prepared and the delta component was quantified. Samples were assayed in either a static or rotating sampling accessory. Rotation and reducing the particle size range to less than�125 microns halved the limits of detection and quantitation to 1 and 3.6%, respectively. Numerous potential sources of assay errors were investigated; sample packing and mixing errors contributed the greatest source of variation. However, the rotation of samples for both particle size ranges reduced the majority of assay errors examined. This study shows that coupling sample rotation with a particle size reduction minimises preferred orientation effects on assay accuracy, allowing discrimination of two very similar polymorphs at around the 1% level


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The maximum 'Depth to Mate' (DTM(k)) data for k-man chess, k = 3-7, is now available: log(maxDTM(k)) demonstrates quasi-linear behaviour. This note predicts maxDTM for 8- to 10-man chess and the two-sigma distributions around these figures. 'Haworth's Law' is the conjecture that maxDTM will continue to demonstrate this behaviour for some time to come. The supporting datafile is a pgn of maxDTM positions, each having a DTM-minimaxing line of play from it to 'mate'.


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A direct comparative study on the creep-recovery behavior of conventional MR fluids is carried out using magnetorheometry and particle-level simulations. Two particle concentrations are investigated (ϕ=0.05 and 0.30) at two different magnetic field strengths (53 kA•m-1 and 173 kA•m-1) in order to match the yield stresses developed in both systems for easier comparison. Simulations are mostly started with random initial structures with some additional tests of using preassembled single chains in the low concentration case. Experimental and simulation data are in good qualitative agreement. The results demonstrate three regions in the creep curves: i) In the initial viscoelastic region, the chain-like (at ϕ=0.05) or percolated three-dimensional network (at ϕ=0.30) structures fill up the gap and the average cluster size remains constant; ii) Above a critical strain of 10 %, in the retardation region, these structures begin to break and rearrange under shear. At large enough imposed stress values, they transform into thin sheet-like or thick lamellar structures, depending on the particle concentration; iii) Finally in the case of larger strain values either the viscosity diverges (at low stress values) or reaches a constant low value (at high stress values), showing a clear bifurcation behavior. For stresses below the bifurcation point the MR fluid is capable to recover the strain by a certain fraction. However, no recovery is observed for large stress values.


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We consider the formal non-relativistic limit (nrl) of the : phi(4):(s+1) relativistic quantum field theory (rqft), where s is the space dimension. Following the work of R. Jackiw [R. Jackiw, in: A. Ali, P. Hood-bhoy (Eds.), Beg Memorial Volume, World Scientific, Singapore, 1991], we show that, for s = 2 and a given value of the ultraviolet cutoff K, there are two ways to perform the nrl: (i) fixing the renormalized mass m(2) equal to the bare mass m(0)(2); (ii) keeping the renormalized mass fixed and different from the bare mass mo. In the (infinite-volume) two-particle sector the scattering amplitude tends to zero as K -> infinity in case (i) and, in case (ii), there is a bound state, indicating that the interaction potential is attractive. As a consequence, stability of matter fails for our boson system. We discuss why both alternatives do not reproduce the low-energy behaviour of the full rqft. The singular nature of the nrl is also nicely illustrated for s = 1 by a rigorous stability/instability result of a different nature. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A continuous version of the hierarchical spherical model at dimension d=4 is investigated. Two limit distributions of the block spin variable X(gamma), normalized with exponents gamma = d + 2 and gamma=d at and above the critical temperature, are established. These results are proven by solving certain evolution equations corresponding to the renormalization group (RG) transformation of the O(N) hierarchical spin model of block size L(d) in the limit L down arrow 1 and N ->infinity. Starting far away from the stationary Gaussian fixed point the trajectories of these dynamical system pass through two different regimes with distinguishable crossover behavior. An interpretation of this trajectories is given by the geometric theory of functions which describe precisely the motion of the Lee-Yang zeroes. The large-N limit of RG transformation with L(d) fixed equal to 2, at the criticality, has recently been investigated in both weak and strong (coupling) regimes by Watanabe (J. Stat. Phys. 115:1669-1713, 2004) . Although our analysis deals only with N = infinity case, it complements various aspects of that work.


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In this work we consider face recognition from face motion manifolds. An information-theoretic approach with Resistor-Average Distance (RAD) as a dissimilarity measure between distributions of face images is proposed. We introduce a kernel-based algorithm that retains the simplicity of the closed-form expression for the RAD between two normal distributions, while allowing for modelling of complex, nonlinear manifolds. Additionally, it is shown how errors in the face registration process can be modelled to significantly improve recognition. Recognition performance of our method is experimentally demonstrated and shown to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms. Recognition rates of 97–100% are consistently achieved on databases of 35– 90 people.