961 resultados para Traumatismo dento-alveolar
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is characterized by accumulation of lipoproteinaceous material in the terminal airways. Whole lung lavage (WLL) remains the gold standard treatment but may be particularly challenging in cases of severe hypoxemia. We present a 3-step strategy that was used in a patient with PAP-associated refractory hypoxemia and that combined venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vvECMO), double-lumen orotracheal intubation, and bilateral multisegmental sequential lavage (MSL). The procedure was well tolerated and permitted weaning from the ventilator.
The ovariectomized (OVX) rat, a preclinical model for studying postmenopausal bone loss, may also be used to study differences in alveolar bone (AB). The objectives of this study were to quantify the differences in AB following estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), and to investigate the relationship between AB structure and density, and trabecular bone at the femoral neck (FN) and third lumbar vertebral body (LB3). Estrogen treated rats had a higher bone volume fraction (BV/TV) at the AB region (9.8% P < 0.0001), FN (12% P < 0.0001), and LB3 (11.5% P < 0.0001) compared to the OVX group. BV/TV of the AB was positively correlated with the BV/TV at the FN (r = 0.69 P < 0.0001) and the LB3 (r = 0.75 P < 0.0001). The trabecular number (Tb.N), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp), and structure model index (SMI) were also positively correlated (P < 0.05) between the AB and FN (r = 0.42, 0.49, and 0.73, respectfully) and between the AB and LB3 (r = 0.44, 0.63, and 0.69, respectfully). Given the capacity of AB to respond to ERT, future preclinical drug/nutritional intervention studies aimed at improving skeletal health should include the AB as a region of interest (ROI).
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Periodoncia) UANL
Tesis (Especialidad en Cirugía General). U. A. N. L.
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Morfología) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Medicina) UANL
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Introduction : La scaphocéphalie est la craniosynostose monosuturaire la plus commune (1/2000). Celle-ci est causée par la fusion prématurée de la suture sagittale. Une chirurgie corrective de la voûte crânienne peut être effectuée dans la première année de vie de l’enfant. Il n’existe actuellement aucune donnée précise dans la littérature scientifique étudiant l’occlusion chez les patients scaphocéphales, ainsi que les impacts potentiels de la chirurgie de la voûte crânienne sur celle-ci. Objectifs : L’objectif primaire de cette étude est de décrire et comparer la malocclusion dento-squelettique d’un groupe de patients scaphocéphales à une population pédiatrique normale. L’objectif secondaire est d’évaluer la différence au niveau de l’occlusion entre un sous-groupe de patients scaphocéphales ayant eu une chirurgie corrective de la voûte crânienne et un sous-groupe ne l’ayant pas eu. Méthodologie : Quatre-vingt-onze patients scaphocéphales (2-11 ans; 71 garçons) de la banque de données de la Clinique de Craniofacial du CHU Ste-Justine ont formé le groupe expérimental. Tous les patients ont eu un examen orthodontique complet et ont été suivis. Parmi ceux-ci, quarante-quatre avaient eu une chirurgie corrective de la voûte crânienne et quarante-sept n’en avaient pas eu, mais étaient suivis régulièrement à la clinique. Trente-huit (33 garçons; 17 opérés) de ces patients ont eu des radiographies céphalométriques latérales et parmi ceux-ci, un certain nombre ont reçus des suivis de croissance radiologiques. Résultats : Les valeurs cliniques de la classification dentaire, ainsi que la mesure du surplomb horizontal, ont indiqué une augmentation de la prévalence de malocclusions de classe II chez les enfants scaphocéphales. Par contre, les valeurs céphalométriques indicatrices de malocclusion squelettique de classe II (ex. : N-A perp HP, N-B perp HP, N-Pog perp HP, Wits, N-A-Pog) sont demeurées dans les limites de la normale. Certaines valeurs céphalométriques présentent une différence statistiquement significative entre les patients opérés et non opérés (ANS-PNS t2, p=0.025; /1-FH t2, p=0.028), mais ces variations individuelles ne sont pas reliées à la scaphocéphalie. Conclusion : Les enfants scaphocéphales présentent cliniquement davantage de malocclusions de classe II que les enfants normaux. Par contre, les valeurs radiologiques antéro-postérieures et transverses demeurent dans les limites de la normale. La chirurgie corrective de la voûte crânienne n’affecte également pas l’occlusion chez ces patients.
Le syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (SRRP) est la maladie infectieuse la plus économiquement importante de l’industrie porcine. Une étude récente a démontré que le surnageant de culture d’Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) inhibe l’infection du virus SRRP (VSRRP) in vitro dans des cellules de singe. L’objectif de cette étude est de démontrer l’effet antiviral d’App contre le VSRRP dans les cellules cibles du virus in vivo: les macrophages alvéolaires porcins (MAPs) et d’étudier les mécanismes spécifiques impliqués lors de l’inhibition virale. Les MAPs ont été traités avec App, avant et après l’infection avec le VSRRP. À différents temps post-infection, la réplication et la transcription du génome viral ont été quantifiées. L’expression des interférons (IFN) type I et II, ainsi que le profil protéomique en présence ou absence d’App ont été évalués. L’expression de certaines protéines a été confirmée par immunobuvardage et immunofluorescence (IF). Les résultats ont démontré que l’effet antiviral d’App n’est pas via l’induction des IFN type I et II. App inhibe l’infection virale dans MAPs avant la réplication et la transcription du génome viral, ce qui indique qu’App inhibe précocement le cycle réplicatif viral. Le profil protéomique a révélé qu’App augmentait l’expression de la cofiline, une protéine qui provoque la dépolymérisation de l’actine. De plus, ce phénomène de dépolymérisation a été confirmé par IF. Le traitement des MAPs avec la cytochalasin D (un composé qui provoque la fragmentation des microfilments) a démontré que comme pour App, cette drogue inhibe la réplication virale. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’effet antiviral d’App est via l'activation de la cofiline et dépolymérisation de l’actine, affectant probablement l’endocytose du VSRRP.
El traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE) es una de las condiciones neurológicas más graves e incapacitantes en el mundo. La presentación clínica del TCE es variada, produciendo cambios en la personalidad, cognición y comportamiento. Aunque las alteraciones cognitivas en pacientes con TCE pueden influir en una gran variedad de procesos ejecutivos, como la toma de decisiones (TD), estas alteraciones no han sido suficientemente estudiadas. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue describir los estudios empíricos que investigan la TD en pacientes con TCE utilizando medidas comportamentales, así como describir los objetivos, las herramientas de evaluación de TD, las muestras y las principales conclusiones de estos estudios. Se realizaron búsquedas de artículos publicados desde 2003 hasta 2013 en las bases de datos Web of Science, PubMed / MEDLINE y PsycInfo, utilizando las palabras clave "decision making" y "traumatic brain injury.” De los 800 resúmenes recuperados con las búsquedas, 16 fueron seleccionados por dos investigadores independientes utilizando criterios predefinidos. En general, hay pocas investigaciones sobre el proceso de TD en pacientes con TCE. Las medidas de TD más utilizadas en los estudios analizados en este artículo fueron, principales medidas de paradigmas han sido utilizados fueron, en orden descendente, la Iowa Gambling Task, Cambridge Gambling Task, Tiempo de Reacción Simple/Complejo, Tarea de Descuento Temporal y Game of Dice Task. Aunque los resultados muestran déficits en el proceso de TD en pacientes con TCE, algunos estudios no han encontrado influencia de factores como la localización de las lesiones cerebrales o la gravedad del TCE en la TD. Sin embargo, los estudios tienen algunas limitaciones, como la variabilidad del tiempo desde la lesión y la ausencia de control de variables psicopatológicas.
Introduction: During the past years, alveolar recruitment maneuvers (RM) have produced growing interest due to their beneficial potential in pulmonary protection, and have been introduced in clinical practice. Objective: To describe and analyze the knowledge of MR and its application at seven intensive care units in the city of Cali, Colombia. Methods and materials: Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study with an intentional sample of 64 professionals working in seven intensive care units and who apply MR. The self-completed survey was made up of thirteen questions, and the application period was two months. Results: Out of 64 professionals surveyed, 77.8% of them follow a protocol guide; 54.7% employes during RM the ideal Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), which maintains a saturation > 90% and a PaO2 > 60 mmHg; 42.1% tolerates airway pressures between 35 and 50 cmH2O; 48.4% perform RM with a progressive increase of the PEEP and a low tidal volume. Conclusions: Regarding the knowledge related to RM, heterogeneity was found in the answers. There is currently no consensus about which is the most effective and secure way to implement an MR. This study can be the starting point to create awareness towards the revision of knowledge, capacities and abilities that are required to perform RM.
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone healing kinetics around commercially pure titanium implants following inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) lateralization in a rabbit model. Materials and Methods: Inferior alveolar nerve lateralization was performed in 16 adult female rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). During the nerve lateralization procedure, 1 implant was placed through the mandibular canal, and the IAN was replaced in direct contact with the implant. During the 8-week healing period, various bone labels were administered for fluorescent microscopy analysis. The animals were euthanized by anesthesia overdose, and the mandibular blocks were exposed by sharp dissection. Nondecalcified samples were prepared for optical light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evaluation. Results: SEM evaluation showed bone modeling/remodeling between the IAN and implant surface. Fluorochrome area fraction labeling at different times during the healing period showed that bone apposition mainly occurred during the first 2 weeks after implantation. Conclusions: The results obtained showed that bone healing/deposition occurred between the alveolar nerves in contact with a commercially pure titanium implant. No interaction between the nerve and the implant was detected after the 8-week healing period. Appositional bone healing occurred around the nerve bundle structure, restoring the mandibular canal integrity and morphology.
Bone loss associated with cyclosporin A (CsA) therapy can result in serious morbidity to patients. Intermittent administration of 1,25 Vitamin D and calcitonin reduces osteopenia in a murine model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of this therapeutic approach on CsA-induced alveolar bone loss in rats. Forty male Wistar rats were allocated to four experimental groups according to the treatment received during 8 weeks: (1) CsA (10 mg/kg/day, s.c.); (2) 1,25 Vitamin D (2 mu g/kg, p.o.; in weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7) plus calcitonin (2 mu g/kg, i.p.; in weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8); (3) CsA concurrently with intermittent 1,25 Vitamin D and calcitonin administration; and (4) the control treatment group (vehicle). At the end of the 8-week treatment period, serum concentrations of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP-5b), osteocalcin, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were measured and an analysis of bone volume, bone surface, number of osteoblasts, and osteoclasts was performed. CsA administration resulted in significant alveolar bone resorption, as assessed by a lower bone volume and an increased number of osteoclasts, and increased serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, TRAP-5b, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha concentrations. The intermittent administration of calcitriol and calcitonin prevented the CsA-induced osteopenic changes and the increased serum concentrations of TRAP-5b and inflammatory cytokines. Intermittent calcitriol/calcitonin therapy prevents CsA-induced alveolar bone loss in rats and normalizes the production of associated inflammatory mediators.
Background and Objective: Cyclosporine A treatment is important in the therapy of a number of medical conditions; however, alveolar bone loss is an important negative side-effect of this drug. As such, we evaluated whether concomitant administration of simvastatin would minimize cyclosporine A-associated alveolar bone loss in rats subjected, or not, to experimental periodontal disease. Material and Methods: Groups of 10 rats each were treated with cyclosporine A (10 mg/kg/day), simvastatin (20 mg/kg/day), cyclosporine A and simvastatin concurrently (cyclosporine A/simvastatin) or vehicle for 30 days. Four other groups of 10 rats each received a cotton ligature around the lower first molar and were treated similarly with cyclosporine A, simvastatin, cyclosporine A/simvastatin or vehicle. Calcium (Ca(2+)), phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase levels were evaluated in serum. Expression levels of interleukin-1 beta, prostaglandin E(2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase were evaluated in the gingivomucosal tissues. Bone volume and numbers of osteoblasts and osteoclasts were also analyzed. Results: Treatment with cyclosporine A in rats, with or without ligature, was associated with bone loss, represented by a lower bone volume and an increase in the number of osteoclasts. Treatment with cyclosporine A was associated with bone resorption, whereas simvastatin treatment improved cyclosporine A-associated alveolar bone loss in all parameters studied. In addition, simvastatin, in the presence of inflammation, can act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Conclusion: This study shows that simvastatin therapy leads to a reversal of the cyclosporine A-induced bone loss, which may be mediated by downregulation of interleukin-1 beta and prostaglandin E(2) production.