990 resultados para Tratamento intensivo pediatrico


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O estudo objetivou compreender o risco ocupacional como um processo simbólico que estrutura as atividades diárias dos profissionais da área de saúde que manipulam instrumentos perfurocortantes. Pesquisa descritiva realizada em um hospital universitário com dados coletados por meio do levantamento dos acidentes de trabalho no Centro de Tratamento Intensivo adulto e na Lavanderia, pela aplicação de um questionário a 105 profissionais de saúde. Os dados foram analisados por meio de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar para conciliar a análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados. Os resultados revelaram que, embora os dados indiquem baixo índice de acidentes, ainda é preciso aprimorar instrumentos como o mapa de riscos e o uso de equipamentos de segurança, bem como investir na capacitação das equipes.


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Advances in neonatology resulted in reducing the mortality rate and the consequent increase in survival of newborn pre terms (PTN). On the other hand, there was also a considerable increase in the risk of developing health care-related infection (HAI) in its most invasive, especially for bloodstream. This situation is worrying, and prevent the occurrence of it is a challenge and becomes one of the priorities in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Sepsis is the main cause of death in critical neonates and affects more than one million newborns each year, representing 40% of all deaths in neonates. The incidence of late sepsis can reach 50% in NICUs. Currently the major responsible for the occurrence of sepsis in developed countries is the coagulase negative Staphylococcus (CoNS), followed by S. aureus. The cases of HAIs caused by resistant isolates for major classes of antimicrobial agents have been increasingly frequent in the NICU. Therefore, vancomycin has to be prescribed more frequently, and, today, the first option in the treatment of bloodstream infections by resistant Staphylococcus. The objectives of this study were to assess the impact on late sepsis in epidemiology III NICU after the change of the use of antimicrobials protocol; check the frequency of multiresistant microorganisms; assess the number of neonates who came to death. This study was conducted in NICU Level III HC-UFU. three study groups were formed based on the use of the proposed late sepsis treatment protocol, with 216 belonging to the period A, 207 B and 209 to the C. The work was divided into three stages: Period A: data collected from neonates admitted to the unit between September 2010 to August 2011. was using treatment of late sepsis: with oxacillin and gentamicin, oxacillin and amikacin, oxacillin and cefotaxime. Period B: data were collected from March 2012 to February 2013. Data collection was started six months after protocol change. Due to the higher prevalence of CoNS, the initial protocol was changed to vancomycin and cefotaxime. Period C: data were collected from newborns inteerne in the unit from September 2013 to August 2014. Data collection was started six months after the protocol change, which occurred in March 2013. From the 632 neonates included in this study, 511 (80,8%) came from the gynecology and obstetrics department of the HC-UFU. The mean gestational age was 33 weeks and the prevailing sex was male (55,7%). Seventy-nine percent of the studied neonates were hospitalized at the NICU HC-UFU III because of complications related to the respiratory system. Suspicion of sepsis took to hospitalization in the unit of 1,9% of newborns. In general, the infection rate was 34,5%, and the most frequent infectious sepsis syndrome 81,2%. There was a tendency to reduce the number of neonates who died between periods A 11 and C (p = 0,053). From the 176 cases of late sepsis, 73 were clinical sepsis and 103 had laboratory confirmation, with greater representation of Gram positive bacteria, which corresponded to 67.2% of the isolates and CoNS the most frequent micro-organism (91,5%). There was a statistically significant difference in the reduction of isolation of Gram positive microorganisms between periods A and C (p = 0,0365) as well as in reducing multidrug-resistant CoNS (A and B period p = 0,0462 and A and C period, p = 0,158). This study concluded that: the CoNS was the main microorganism responsible for the occurrence of late sepsis in neonates in the NICU of HC-UFU; the main risk factors for the occurrence of late sepsis were: birth weight <1500 g, use of PICC and CUV, need for mechanical ventilation and parenteral nutrition, SNAPPE> 24 and length of stay more than seven days; the new empirical treatment protocol late sepsis, based on the use of vancomycin associated cefepime, it was effective, since promoted a reduction in insulation CoNS blood cultures between the pre and post implementation of the Protocol (A and C, respectively); just as there was a reduction in the number of newborns who evolved to death between periods A and C.


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Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a health care related infection and the second leading cause of nosocomial infections linked to morbidity and mortality rates. Therefore, the implementation of care guideline protocols has become necessary for critically ill patients in ICUs in order to provide adequate treatment. Objective: To assess the impact of a package called FAST HUG in PAV ; analyze the risk factors for occurrence of VAP in adult patients at an ICU of a private hospital ; analyze the clinical characteristics of patients who were or were not submitted to the FAST HUG ; analyze the etiology of microorganisms related to EPI ; determine the cost of hospitalization in patients with pneumonia and in patients who received the FAST HUG.Methods: The study was performed in a private hospital that has an 8-bed ICU. It was divided into two phases: before implementing FAST HUG, from August 2011 to August 2012 and after the implementation of FAST HUG, from September 2012 to December 2013. An individual form for each patient in the study was filled out by using information taken electronically from the hospital medical records. The following data for each patient was obtained: age, gender, reason for hospitalization, the use of three or more types of antibiotics, length of stay, intubation time and progress. Findings: After the implementation of FAST HUG, there was an observable decrease in the occurrence of VAP (p <0.01), as well as a reduction in mortality rates (p <0.01). It also shows that the intervention performed in the study resulted in a significant reduction in ICU hospital costs (p <0.05).Conclusion: The implementation of FAST HUG reduced the cases of VAP. Thus, decreasing costs, reducing mortality rates and length of stay, which therefore resulted in an improvement to the overall quality of care.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This study aimed to analyze the phenomenon of abdication of monitoring/treatment of crack users in a CAPS AD in Campina Grande-PB. That s an exploratory , description approach ,whose theoretical focus was historical-dialect of public politics on alcohol and drugs. The information collected was realized by using the technique of semi-structured interviews, combined with the crack users registered in CAPS AD in Campina Grande between 2007 and 2011.The material collected was subjected to thematic analysis method, obtaining the extraction of the following categories and subcategories of analysis: CATEGORY 1: Factors of abdication of monitoring/treatment in CAPS AD in Campina Grande PB with subcategory 1.1. Abdication on their own , 1.2. To take work/employment, 1.3 . Search for more intensive treatment , 1.4. Due to relapse; CATEGORY 2 : Treatment/monitoring in CAPS AD to the subcategory, 2.1. The dependence of crack and family support as reasons that led to frequent CAPS AD. CATEGORY 3: Living with crack addiction without treatment/monitoring in CAPS AD with the subcategory, 3.1. Religiosity as a therapeutic tool .The results showed a distance between priority for community treatment and the reality where there is lack of information about this kind of treatment and the admission as a solution. The discourse about the abdication of treatment of crack users make reference to the importance of family support, to the influence for the phenomenon of relapse and the affection to religious conceptions. Although the subjects recognize the qualifications of CAPS AD treatment, they try by themselves or by family influence, another ways of hospitalization. This leads us to conclude that it is necessary reflection and assessment of the work of CAPS AD. Counting on the social changes and the need of answers that the phenomenon requires


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IX - Política e Planejamento Econômicos, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia Internacional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.


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Apresenta uma abordagem simplificada sobre o câncer mieloma múltiplo para um melhor entendimento dos aspectos envolvidos nessa patologia, destacando os tratamentos atualmente disponíveis e aplicados no combate à referida doença. Aborda aspectos relacionados a substância lenalidomida, sua indicação, efeitos indesejáveis, cuidados no uso, contraindicações, entre outros aspectos. Comenta a respeito da decisão tomada pela Anvisa de não conceder o registro da lenalidomida ao laboratório produtor para sua comercialização no Brasil.


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A presente Nota Técnica, apresentada por solicitação do Deputado JOÃO DADO, SISCONOF 274/2013, visa apresentar análise do Projeto de Lei Complementar nº 238/2013, no qual o Poder Executivo propõe alterações das exigências para concessão de desonerações tributárias presentes no art. 14 da Lei Complementar nº 101/2000, Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal – LRF, dentre outras propostas


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A presente dissertação aborda a adesão ao tratamento. Entendendo que tratamento não se restringe a prescrição e tomada de medicamentos, o Ambulatório de Medicina Integral do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (AMI/HUPE/UERJ) desenvolve um trabalho multidisciplinar com pacientes soropositivos. Durante o acompanhamento destes pacientes constatou-se a importância da criação de um espaço coletivo que permitisse a reflexão sobre o viver e conviver com HIV/AIDS. O Grupo COM VIDA começou as suas atividades em julho de 1996, contando com uma equipe multidisciplinar formada por médico, psicólogo e profissional do Serviço Social. Com a evolução do trabalho, a equipe foi lidando a cada dia mais e mais com as questões suscitadas pela terapia anti-retroviral. A adesão ao tratamento passou a ser um pilar no manejo do tratamento de pacientes com HIV/AIDS. A abordagem biopsicossocial do paciente constitui-se como facilitadora da adesão ao processo terapêutico. As variáveis que envolvem a intervenção terapêutica mencionada são consoantes ao processo de adoecimento humano que é complexo e dinâmico, na medida que pressupõe a capacidade de reagir para a pessoa que adoece tem um sentido e um significado. E tornando-se sujeito no processo de adoecimento e cuidado que o paciente desenvolve capacidade autônoma, o que contribui para alcançar os objetivos terapêuticos pactuados.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo descrever o Tratamento Moral desenvolvido por Philippe Pinel no período que se estende do final do século XVIII ao início do século XIX em Paris. Trata-se de um novo método de tratamento da loucura baseado na normatização e em uma atitude mais humana de cuidado com o louco. O asilo torna-se símbolo desse modelo, hegemônico por mais de um século. Neste estudo, pretendemos descrever o que foi o Tratamento Moral, quais os fundamentos deste método e, principalmente quais as mudanças que engendrou na prática do cuidado da loucura. Para tanto, faremos uma breve descrição do tipo de tratamento dado ao louco no período que antecede o surgimento do Tratamento Moral em Paris. Com o Tratamento Moral, nasce a Psiquiatria como especialidade médica, surgem o alienista e o alienado, o asilo transforma-se em local de cura da loucura e a relação médico-paciente da seus primeiros passos. A partir de uma análise bibliográfica de fontes primárias e secundárias buscamos oferecer aos interessados neste tema dados sobre as bases e as práticas do tratamento iniciado por Pinel, parte da história da psiquiatria e da loucura que são constituintes da realidade psiquiátrica atual.