187 resultados para Tragedies.


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O município de Petrópolis, palco de recorrente de problemas ambientais envolvendo movimentos de massa concentrados historicamente na sua área mais urbanizada, os distritos Sede e Cascatinha, vive nas últimas décadas um crescimento populacional que se orienta basicamente para antigas áreas rurais de Itaipava, Pedro do Rio e Posse. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é investigar como este crescimento vem ocorrendo, analisando as características geológico-geomorfológicas dos novos espaços ocupados, os fatores predisponentes às novas condições de risco envolvendo os movimentos de massa e as inundações. Assim, foi elaborado um panorama sócio-evolutivo do processo de ocupação do solo em Petrópolis, considerando especialmente a dinâmica demográfica registrada nos distritos através dos censos demográficos a partir da década de 1940. Utilizando o geoprocessamento como ferramenta e a classificação visual de segmentação de OrtofotosCarta IBGE na escala 1: 25.000, foram produzidos mapas de uso do solo para o município e distritos detalhando a área ocupada. Com o fim de atender ao diagnóstico das situações de risco foi realizado o levantamento da situação atual da ocorrência dos movimentos de massa e inundações no município, comparando levantamentos anteriores e verificando a distribuição das ocorrências e a população atingida. Por fim, a avaliação da execução da política de desenvolvimento e expansão urbana definida no Plano Diretor de Petrópolis e na Lei de Uso, Parcelamento e Ocupação do Solo, analisando o zoneamento e seus usos (rural, rururbano, urbano e zona de proteção especial) resultando no entendimento de como os aspectos normativos vem sendo tratados, naquilo que são respeitados e naquilo que não são cumpridos na dinâmica da ocupação do espaço, levantando as ações de prevenção, ou não, dos problemas ambientais. Contudo, a definição dos objetivos do trabalho teve dois momentos. O primeiro com a análise da expansão urbana construindo novas condições de risco e o segundo momento, lamentavelmente, aquele no qual as evidências ganharam contorno de realidade com o ocorrido em dezembro de 2010 e em janeiro de 2011, principalmente quando inundações bruscas associadas aos deslizamentos de terra nas encostas atingiram áreas de Petrópolis e de outros municípios da região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, certamente, a maior tragédia ambiental ocorrida no Centro-Sul do país até então. Com mais de 900 mortos, centenas de desaparecidos e milhares de desabrigados e desalojados, os eventos suplantaram os objetivos do trabalho, colocando novas questões, ao mesmo tempo em que a realidade demonstrou a coerência e pertinência daqueles objetivos com os problemas apresentados. Assim, dentre os objetivos passou a constar também a verificação in loco das conseqüências de movimentos de massa e inundações nas áreas apontadas anteriormente, como foi o caso do vale do Rio Santo Antônio em Itaipava. O trabalho, assim, se pautou por indicar a necessidade ter-se maior atenção às novas áreas de ocupação no município, considerando a natureza do território, contribuindo como um subsídio na prevenção ao risco.


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A presente dissertação de mestrado analisa a figura do canalha enquanto um tipo social inevitavelmente associado à estrutura cultural brasileira e, como diz seu título, no interior de um ciclo específico da obra dramatúrgica de Nelson Rodrigues: as ditas tragédias cariocas. De fato, ela divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira, põem-se em questão os méritos deste rótulo, tragédias cariocas, apontando, assim, para as implicações ditadas menos por motivos exegéticos do que editoriais de tal classificação. Também nesta primeira parte, figura a tese de que foi Nelson Rodrigues, a partir de A falecida (1953) sua primeira peça a receber esta classificação , um introdutor sui generis dos motivos do nacional-populismo no gênero dramático do país. Tal posição vai de encontro ao que afirma uma quase hegemônica corrente de opinião crítica que busca canonizar a versão de que o pioneirismo da tipificação social dos segmentos populares no drama nacional é patrimônio da geração politizada que capitaneada pelo Teatro de Arena quando do lançamento de Eles não usam black-tie, de Gianfrancesco Guarnieri, em 1958 viria a conferir um conteúdo programático e eivado de implicações ideológicas a este teatro que priorizaria sobretudo a cor local da vida brasileira. A segunda parte enfoca propriamente o objeto que a dissertação se propõe a analisar: o canalha. Nela, a trágica relação dialética entre sujeito e objeto, segundo Georg Simmel, e a problemática da divergência, em Robert Merton, fornecem o suporte teórico necessário para o viés sociológico aqui adotado. A abordagem mais detida sobre a tragédia carioca Otto Lara Resende ou Bonitinha, mas ordinária (1963), acaba por ganhar o estatuto de um autêntico estudo de caso, por situar em primeiro plano questões referentes ao problema ético. Ainda na segunda parte, uma distinção entre os projetos dramáticos rodrigueano e o da geração engajada que se distinguiu no Brasil a partir do final dos anos 1950, no que tange à caracterização de personagens que primam pela falta de escrúpulos, faz-se necessária para a compreensão da concepção de cada qual a respeito da índole do brasileiro médio, no que isto tem de revelador quanto às perspectivas assumidas com relação a nossa identidade nacional


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Contribución presentada al curso "Conflictos, treguas y amnistías en el mundo antiguo", desarrollado en agosto de 1999 en el marco de los XVIII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU en Donostia.


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A clean and healthy environment is paramount to human existence. While pesticide use has successfully sustained agricultural and food production in our lifetime as well as safeguarded human health by controlling insect pests, it has also caused many tragedies including population declines in our wildlife, fatalities in workers exposed to pesticides in its manufacture and use, and the increasing incidence of dreaded human illnesses such as cancer. A delicate balance should be achieved to mitigate the adverse impact of pesticide use to the environment and at the same time ensuring short- and long-term agricultural productivity. Endosulfan has been effectively used as a pesticide, but much evidence on its chronic and sub-lethal effects on humans and wildlife have been gathered in recent years. More research still needs to be done to determine its effects from long-term exposure at very low levels. Endosulfan is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals and, thus, not recommended for use in aquatic ecosystems. However, in some countries, it has been incorrectly used as a molluscicide in rice paddies, which could have an adverse impact on the rice-fish farming systems and on other surrounding aquatic ecosystems. It is clear that such practices should be stopped and users must strictly observe the recommended application methods. Agricultural productivity should be achieved with less pesticide by using integrated pest management programs which make use of biological, cultural, and physical control agents and lower doses of safer pesticide on a need only basis. The benefits of biotechnology should also be used to develop more effective and safer products and techniques. This is a valid approach and one that will require a unified and concerted effort among suppliers and users of pesticides in order to ensure that resources are used to our best advantage with minimal risk.


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One of the main, initial thesis of the article is that in the tragedies `Hρακλής μαινόμενος by Euripides and Hercules Furens by Seneca the main character falls into the madness twice. The first madness is sent by Hera/ Juno and is here defined, because of its origin, as a divine madness. The second one is so called human madness and Heracles/ Hercules is most probably overcome by it, after he has recognised, that he, driven by the involuntary fury, killed his own wife and sons. This state of the psyche of the hero is already independent from the deity and originates in such deeply human feelings like despair, anger, pain, shame. The strongly stirred hero plans to commit a suicide. According to the contemporary psychology this situation can be, because of some reasons analysed in the article, recognised as a symptom of irrationality. In the drama by Seneca Amfithryon, the father of the hero also defines the state of Hercules, who has become aware of the truth about his deeds, outright as furor. There is in the drama by Euripides, however, no reference to this second madness, which is connected with the somewhat different mentality that the drama originated in (the still kept in memory Homeric ethos and the attitudes towards the issues of honour, suicide etc. determined by it). Seneca as a stoic noticed and emphasized – although he generally also accepted the suicide – that Hercules, because of the anger, acts irrationally and, as a result, is in fact mentally unable to decide about his life and death. In the article is also presented in what an interesting way the above mentioned differences in the mentality of Euripides and Seneca manifest themselves in the case of the divine madness (among other things, the difference between Greek Lyssa and Roman Furor).


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Evaluating the effectiveness of social work education has become a topic of major interest in the UK in the wake of a succession of child-care tragedies that have undermined confidence in the profession. However, many key aspects of social work education remain under-researched and/or contested and our knowledge of how students acquire and develop professional expertise remains limited. This paper reports on the first part of a longitudinal study aimed at developing evidence-based knowledge in this area by considering student perceptions at different stages of their social work education at Queen’s University Belfast. Focusing on the strengths and limitations of preparatory teaching, and their first experience of practice learning, this article considers the impact of demographic factors, including age, gender and experience, on how students experience the learning process. The findings indicate a significant level of disjunction between academic and practice learning and suggest that better integration between these two domains of learning is needed if social work students are to be more effectively prepared for the challenges they are likely to encounter in practice.


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During the past decade, a new culture of pedagogic research has emerged in social work in the UK. A succession of child-care tragedies that have led to government and public criticism of social work have highlighted the need for improvements to professional standards and stimulated renewed interest in social work education. Research aimed at developing knowledge of ‘what works’ in the educational process have included studies of student experiences and the perspectives of other stakeholders including service users and practice teachers. However, there has been little systematic investigation of the role of academics in social work education and their perceptions of what needs to be done to improve the quality of provision. This paper aims to address this gap in research by examining the perceptions of academics about their work. The authors utilise an adaptation of the conceptual model developed by Fraser and Bosanquet (2006) as a theoretical framework for analysing the findings and exploring the complex interrelationship between academic perspectives and the variety of concepts, ideas and stakeholder expectations that shape pedagogical practice. The findings should provide important lessons of relevance to educators in the UK and in other countries seeking to develop social work education.


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To assess the extent and nature of psychiatric morbidity among children (aged 8 to 13 years) 15 months after a car bomb explosion in the town of Omagh, Northern Ireland.

A survey was conducted of 1945 school children attending 13 schools in the Omagh district. Questionnaires included demographic details, measures of exposure, the Horowitz Impact of Events Scale, the Birleson Self-Rating Depression Scale, and the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale.

Children directly exposed to the bomb reported higher levels of probable PTSD (70%), and psychological distress than those not exposed. Direct exposure was more closely associated with an increase in PTSD symptoms than in general psychiatric distress. Significant predictors of increased IES scores included being male, witnessing people injured and reporting a perceived life threat but when co-morbid anxiety and depression are included as potential predictors anxiety remains the only significant predictor of PTSD scores.

School-based studies are a potentially valuable means of screening and assessing for PTSD in children after large-scale tragedies. Assessment should consider type of exposure, perceived life threat and other co-morbid anxiety as risk factors for PTSD.


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De onde brota a inspiração para baladas de amor e canções de guerra, lendas e narrativas, tragédias e comédias? Ao longo de séculos, escritores e leitores interrogaram-se acerca do nascimento da beleza. Neste artigo, abordo essa questão intrigante, em quatro etapas: a) Examino algumas personificações criadas por Hesíodo, Homero, Luís de Camões e Federico García Lorca para descreverem a inspiração; b) Exploro as estratégias utilizadas por Samuel Coleridge, Salvador Dalí e William Burroughs, para penetrar no reino da fantasia, o inconsciente; c) Apresento as explicações científicas propostas por Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung e Robert Sperry para o impulso criativo; d) Para concluir, menciono as razões que levaram Fernando Pessoa, Eugénio de Andrade e Emily Dickinson a desconfiarem da musa inspiradora, preferindo o esforço que corrige a emoção e gera a obra de arte. Seguindo uma perspectiva comparada, o meu objectivo é mostrar diferentes formas de perceber a criatividade literária. Para tanto, recorro ao trabalho dos escritores e cientistas atrás mencionados e, naturalmente, à minha opinião.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Ce mémoire porte sur les quatre premières tragédies lyriques de Quinault et Lully, soit Cadmus et Hermione (1673), Alceste (1674), Thésée (1675) et Atys (1676), et étudie la représentation des personnages féminins dans leur rapport à la violence. Se fondant sur des considérations sociohistoriques et dramaturgiques, il cherche à déterminer si, par leur liberté formelle, les premiers opéras français ont pu promouvoir une image plus libre et plus forte de la féminité que celle véhiculée par la doxa. Le premier chapitre aborde la question de la violence dans la société française du XVIIe siècle et du rapport des femmes à la violence, tant subie qu’engendrée. Il s’attarde ensuite aux particularités de la violence dans la tragédie lyrique, convoquant les notions de pathos et de catharsis, d’effet tragique et de représentation scénique. Recourant à une méthodologie basée sur les études littéraires et dramaturgiques et complétée par de brèves analyses musicales, le second chapitre analyse le rapport à la violence chez les personnages féminins du corpus : d’abord les mortelles, puis les surnaturelles, avant de comparer leur représentation dichotomique à celle plus diversifiée des personnages masculins.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej


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L’objectif majeur de ce mémoire est d’étudier la notion de la faute et le degré deculpabilité dans les tragédies inspirées du personnage de Phèdre. Nous allonsanalyser la notion de la faute et ses conséquences dans trois différentes tragédies àsavoir Hippolyte d’Euripide, Phèdre de Sénèque et celle du même titre de JeanRacine. Nous allons faire une étude comparative entre les trois versions enmontrant les ressemblances et les différences dans le traitement de la faute. Enfin,on va voir comment la faute commise volontairement pousse une personne à secondamner elle-même.


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In recent years, both catholica and protestant churches in Australia, the US and elsewhere have found themselves embroiled in allegations of sexual abuse-allegations which have often been substantiated.  Reports in the secular and the religious press of these allegations have been so numerous as to have become a constant blur on the horizon.  We have heard much about investigations, about the tragedies affecting individuals and communities, about financial settlements, and about clergy being ousted from pastoral roles.  But after the public scandals have died down, the paim for many lives on.


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The concept of a construction accident is extending from the traditional construction operation accident to contain all non-construction operation accidents in personnel's safety and health, global and local environment, and the insufficient facility planning for security and emergency. Construction accidents may cause human, social and sustainable tragedies directly, and indirectly delay construction progresses and adversely affect the reputation of construction industry. In order to reduce all possible construction accidents, lots of non-construction operation regulations are constituted according to the authoritative regulations and previous construction experiences. However, these non-construction operation regulations are not integrated with the construction production or process planning. This may cause that some of these non-construction operation regulations ,are disregarded in the practical construction progress. The aim of this research is to explore the possibility, methodology and techniques in practice in order to identify and specify the non-construction operation regulations for every individual construction production and process. Therefore, the construction planning does not only represent the time and resources of each construction product or process, but also its non-construction operation regulations. The main outcomes of this research are a systematic identification of non-construction operation regulations, and the potential techniques for integrating them with the construction planning.