227 resultados para Tracker


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Real-time object tracking is a critical task in many computer vision applications. Achieving rapid and robust tracking while handling changes in object pose and size, varying illumination and partial occlusion, is a challenging task given the limited amount of computational resources. In this paper we propose a real-time object tracker in l(1) framework addressing these issues. In the proposed approach, dictionaries containing templates of overlapping object fragments are created. The candidate fragments are sparsely represented in the dictionary fragment space by solving the l(1) regularized least squares problem. The non zero coefficients indicate the relative motion between the target and candidate fragments along with a fidelity measure. The final object motion is obtained by fusing the reliable motion information. The dictionary is updated based on the object likelihood map. The proposed tracking algorithm is tested on various challenging videos and found to outperform earlier approach.


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Designing a robust algorithm for visual object tracking has been a challenging task since many years. There are trackers in the literature that are reasonably accurate for many tracking scenarios but most of them are computationally expensive. This narrows down their applicability as many tracking applications demand real time response. In this paper, we present a tracker based on random ferns. Tracking is posed as a classification problem and classification is done using ferns. We used ferns as they rely on binary features and are extremely fast at both training and classification as compared to other classification algorithms. Our experiments show that the proposed tracker performs well on some of the most challenging tracking datasets and executes much faster than one of the state-of-the-art trackers, without much difference in tracking accuracy.


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Visual tracking is an important task in various computer vision applications including visual surveillance, human computer interaction, event detection, video indexing and retrieval. Recent state of the art sparse representation (SR) based trackers show better robustness than many of the other existing trackers. One of the issues with these SR trackers is low execution speed. The particle filter framework is one of the major aspects responsible for slow execution, and is common to most of the existing SR trackers. In this paper,(1) we propose a robust interest point based tracker in l(1) minimization framework that runs at real-time with performance comparable to the state of the art trackers. In the proposed tracker, the target dictionary is obtained from the patches around target interest points. Next, the interest points from the candidate window of the current frame are obtained. The correspondence between target and candidate points is obtained via solving the proposed l(1) minimization problem. In order to prune the noisy matches, a robust matching criterion is proposed, where only the reliable candidate points that mutually match with target and candidate dictionary elements are considered for tracking. The object is localized by measuring the displacement of these interest points. The reliable candidate patches are used for updating the target dictionary. The performance and accuracy of the proposed tracker is benchmarked with several complex video sequences. The tracker is found to be considerably fast as compared to the reported state of the art trackers. The proposed tracker is further evaluated for various local patch sizes, number of interest points and regularization parameters. The performance of the tracker for various challenges including illumination change, occlusion, and background clutter has been quantified with a benchmark dataset containing 50 videos. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Existing devices for communicating information to computers are bulky, slow to use, or unreliable. Dasher is a new interface incorporating language modelling and driven by continuous two-dimensional gestures, e.g. a mouse, touchscreen, or eye-tracker. Tests have shown that this device can be used to enter text at a rate of up to 34 words per minute, compared with typical ten-finger keyboard typing of 40-60 words per minute. Although the interface is slower than a conventional keyboard, it is small and simple, and could be used on personal data assistants and by motion-impaired computer users.


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Based on the computer integrated and flexible laser processing system, an intelligent measuring sub-system was developed. A novel model has been built up to compensate the deviations of the main frame-structure, and a new 3-D laser tracker system is applied to adjust the accuracy of the system. To analyze the characteristic of all kind surfaces of automobile outer penal moulds and dies, classification of types of the surface、brim and ridge(or vale) area to be measured and processed has been established, resulting in one of the main processing functions of the laser processing system. According to different type of surfaces, a 2-D adaptive measuring method based on B?zier curve was developed; furthermore a 3-D adaptive measuring method based on Spline curve was also developed. According to the laser materials processing characteristics and data characteristics, necessary methods have been developed to generate processing tracks, they are explained in details. Measuring experiments and laser processing experiments were carried out to testify the above mentioned methods, which have been applied in the computer integrated and flexible laser processing system developed by the Institute of Mechanics, CAS.


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Based on the computer integrated and flexible laser processing system, develop the intelligent measuring sub-system. A novel model has been built to compensate the deviations of the main frame, a new-developed 3-D laser tracker system is applied to adjust the accuracy of the system. Analyzing the characteristic of all kinds of automobile dies, which is the main processing object of the laser processing system, classify the types of the surface and border needed to be measured and be processed. According to different types of surface and border, develop 2-D adaptive measuring method based on B?zier curve and 3-D adaptive measuring method based on spline curve. During the data processing, a new 3-D probe compensation method has been described in details. Some measuring experiments and laser processing experiments are carried out to testify the methods. All the methods have been applied in the computer integrated and flexible laser processing system invented by the Institute of Mechanics, CAS.


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Helburuak: Liburu honetan zehar, osagai, zirkuitu eta sistema elektronikoak gauzatzeko erabiltzen diren teknologiez aritzen gara. Teknologia elektronikoa izugarri garatu da azkeneko berrogei urteotan, batez ere azkeneko bi hamarkadetan, eta ezinezkoa litzateke teknologia elektronikoaren ikuspegi oso eta zabala testuliburu bakarrean ematea. Aldiz, ingeniari elektronikoak osagai elektroniko erabilienen teknologia ulertzeko eta osagaien aukeraketa eta erabilera egokia egiteko beharrezkoak izango dituen ezagutzak testu bakarrean bildu nahi izan ditugu. Norentzat izan daiteke baliagarria: Ingeniaritza elektronikoaren edozein adarretan ikasten ari diren ikasleei zuzenduta dago testu hau batez ere, baina ingeniaritza elektrikoko ikasleentzat ere interesgarria izango delakoan gaude. Bestalde, lanbide heziketan, Elektrizitate eta Elektronika arloan aritzen diren ikasle eta irakasleentzat ere baliogarria izan daiteke kontsultarako testu gisa.


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Estreptococos do grupo B (EGB) comumente colonizam adultos saudáveis, sem sintomas, mas sob certas circunstâncias possui a capacidade de invadir tecidos do hospedeiro, evadir da detecção imunológica e causar doenças invasivas graves. Por conseguinte, os EGB continuam sendo uma das principais causas de mortalidade neonatal, pneumonia, sepse e meningite. Contudo, a patogênese desta infecção ainda está pouco elucidada. O sorotipo V é freqüentemente associado à doença invasiva em mulheres adultas não gestantes e o segundo mais prevalente em mulheres grávidas. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a aderência, invasão e persistência intracelular de amostras pertencentes ao sorotipo V (88641-vagina/portador e 90186-sangue/paciente) usando as células epiteliais respiratórias A549. As amostras de EGB demonstraram capacidade de aderir e invadir as células epiteliais A549, mas somente a amostra 90186-sangue apresentou maior invasão quando comparada com a de vagina (P <0.001). Ambas as amostras demonstraram persistência intracelular sem replicação no interior das células A549. Apenas o isolado 90186-sangue sobreviveu dentro das células epiteliais até 24h de incubação (P <0,05). A fusão dos lisossomas das células epiteliais com vacúolos contendo bactérias foi observada em células A549 tratadas com Lyso Tracker Grenn DND-26 para todas as amostras testadas. Nossos dados indicam pela primeira vez que as amostras viáveis do sorotipo V permanecem dentro de vacúolos ácidos epiteliais. Curiosamente, a amostra 90186- sangue induziu vacuolização celular e a amostra 88641-vagina promoveu a morte celular após 7h de incubação. Finalmente, nossos resultados aumentam o nosso conhecimento sobre eventos celulares da fagocitose e da patogênese das doenças invasivas promovidas pelos EGB.


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Ikasmaterial honen helburu nagusiak honako hauek dira: Aktibitate ekonomikoen eta bereziki industriaren artean eta lurraldearen artean dagoen harremana ulertzea eta azaltzea. Lurraldearen izaera aktiboa erakustea: enpresak, azpiegiturak eta giza baliabideak erakartzeko.


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Data recovered from 11 popup satellite archival tags and 3 surgically implanted archival tags were used to analyze the movement patterns of juvenile northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus orientalis) in the eastern Pacific. The light sensors on archival and pop-up satellite transmitting archival tags (PSATs) provide data on the time of sunrise and sunset, allowing the calculation of an approximate geographic position of the animal. Light-based estimates of longitude are relatively robust but latitude estimates are prone to large degrees of error, particularly near the times of the equinoxes and when the tag is at low latitudes. Estimating latitude remains a problem for researchers using light-based geolocation algorithms and it has been suggested that sea surface temperature data from satellites may be a useful tool for refining latitude estimates. Tag data from bluefin tuna were subjected to a newly developed algorithm, called “PSAT Tracker,” which automatically matches sea surface temperature data from the tags with sea surface temperatures recorded by satellites. The results of this algorithm compared favorably to the estimates of latitude calculated with the lightbased algorithms and allowed for estimation of fish positions during times of the year when the lightbased algorithms failed. Three near one-year tracks produced by PSAT tracker showed that the fish range from the California−Oregon border to southern Baja California, Mexico, and that the majority of time is spent off the coast of central Baja Mexico. A seasonal movement pattern was evident; the fish spend winter and spring off central Baja California, and summer through fall is spent moving northward to Oregon and returning to Baja California.


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Hoje em dia, distribuições de grandes volumes de dados por redes TCP/IP corporativas trazem problemas como a alta utilização da rede e de servidores, longos períodos para conclusão e maior sensibilidade a falhas na infraestrutura de rede. Estes problemas podem ser reduzidos com utilização de redes par-a-par (P2P). O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar o desempenho do protocolo BitTorrent padrão em redes corporativas e também realizar a análise após uma modificação no comportamento padrão do protocolo BitTorrent. Nesta modificação, o rastreador identifica o endereço IP do par que está solicitando a lista de endereços IP do enxame e envia somente aqueles pertencentes à mesma rede local e ao semeador original, com o objetivo de reduzir o tráfego em redes de longa distância. Em cenários corporativos típicos, as simulações mostraram que a alteração é capaz de reduzir o consumo médio de banda e o tempo médio dos downloads, quando comparados ao BitTorrent padrão, além de conferir maior robustez à distribuição em casos de falhas em enlaces de longa distância. As simulações mostraram também que em ambientes mais complexos, com muitos clientes, e onde a restrição de banda em enlaces de longa distância provoca congestionamento e descartes, o desempenho do protocolo BitTorrent padrão pode ser semelhante a uma distribuição em arquitetura cliente-servidor. Neste último caso, a modificação proposta mostrou resultados consistentes de melhoria do desempenho da distribuição.


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We have developed a novel human facial tracking system that operates in real time at a video frame rate without needing any special hardware. The approach is based on the use of Lie algebra, and uses three-dimensional feature points on the targeted human face. It is assumed that the roughly estimated facial model (relative coordinates of the three-dimensional feature points) is known. First, the initial feature positions of the face are determined using a model fitting technique. Then, the tracking is operated by the following sequence: (1) capture the new video frame and render feature points to the image plane; (2) search for new positions of the feature points on the image plane; (3) get the Euclidean matrix from the moving vector and the three-dimensional information for the points; and (4) rotate and translate the feature points by using the Euclidean matrix, and render the new points on the image plane. The key algorithm of this tracker is to estimate the Euclidean matrix by using a least square technique based on Lie algebra. The resulting tracker performed very well on the task of tracking a human face.


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This Chapter presents a vision-based system for touch-free interaction with a display at a distance. A single camera is fixed on top of the screen and is pointing towards the user. An attention mechanism allows the user to start the interaction and control a screen pointer by moving their hand in a fist pose directed at the camera. On-screen items can be chosen by a selection mechanism. Current sample applications include browsing video collections as well as viewing a gallery of 3D objects, which the user can rotate with their hand motion. We have included an up-to-date review of hand tracking methods, and comment on the merits and shortcomings of previous approaches. The proposed tracker uses multiple cues, appearance, color, and motion, for robustness. As the space of possible observation models is generally too large for exhaustive online search, we select models that are suitable for the particular tracking task at hand. During a training stage, various off-the-shelf trackers are evaluated. From this data differentmethods of fusing them online are investigated, including parallel and cascaded tracker evaluation. For the case of fist tracking, combining a small number of observers in a cascade results in an efficient algorithm that is used in our gesture interface. The system has been on public display at conferences where over a hundred users have engaged with it. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Vision tracking has significant potential for tracking resources on large scale, congested construction sites, where a small number of cameras strategically placed around the site could replace hundreds of tracking tags. The correlation of vision tracking 2D positions from multiple views can provide the 3D position. However, there are many 2D vision trackers available in the literature, and little information is available on which one is most effective for construction applications. In this paper, a comparative study of various vision tracker categories is carried out, to identify which one is most effective in tracking construction resources. Testing parameters for evaluating categories of trackers are identified, and benefits and limitations of each category are presented. The most promising trackers are tested using a database of construction operations videos. The results indicate the effectiveness of each tracker in relation to each parameter of the test, and the most suitable tracker needed to research effective 3D vision trackers of construction resources.


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Concentrated photovoltaic systems (CPVSs) draw more and more attention because of high photovoltaic conversion efficiency, low consumption of solar cell, and low cost of power generation. However, the fallibility of the tracker in such systems has hindered their practical application for more than twenty years. The tracker is indispensable for a CPVS since only normal-incident sunlight can be focused on the solar cell chips, even a slight deviation of incident light will result in a significant loss of solar radiation, and hence a distinct decrease in electricity output. Generally, the more accurate the tracker is, the more reliable the system is. However, it is not exactly the case for a CPVS reliability, because the more accurate the tracker is, the better environment it demands. A CPVS is usually has to subjected to harsh environmental conditions, such as strong wind, heavy rain or snow, and huge changes of temperature, which leads to the invalidation of the system's high-accuracy tracker. Hence, the reliability of a CPVS cannot be improved only by enhancing the tracker's accuracy. In this paper, a novel compound concentrator, combination of Fresnel lens and photo-funnel, has been adopted in a prototype CPVS. Test results show that the compound concentrator can relax the angle tolerance from one tenth to five degrees of arc at 400 suns, which can help a CPVS endure serious environment and remain its reliability over long period. The CPVS with compound concentrator is attractive for commercial application.