962 resultados para Tight Junction


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Background - Pichia pastoris is a widely-used host for recombinant protein production; expression is typically driven by methanol-inducible alcohol oxidase (AOX) promoters. Recently this system has become an important source of recombinant G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) for structural biology and drug discovery. The influence of diverse culture parameters (such as pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, medium composition, antifoam concentration and culture temperature) on productivity has been investigated for a wide range of recombinant proteins in P. pastoris. In contrast, the impact of the pre-induction phases on yield has not been as closely studied. In this study, we examined the pre-induction phases of P. pastoris bioreactor cultivations producing three different recombinant proteins: the GPCR, human A2a adenosine receptor (hA2aR), green fluorescent protein (GFP) and human calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor component protein (as a GFP fusion protein; hCGRP-RCP-GFP). Results - Functional hA2aR was detected in the pre-induction phases of a 1 L bioreactor cultivation of glycerol-grown P. pastoris. In a separate experiment, a glycerol-grown P. pastoris strain secreted soluble GFP prior to methanol addition. When glucose, which has been shown to repress AOX expression, was the pre-induction carbon source, hA2aR and GFP were still produced in the pre-induction phases. Both hA2aR and GFP were also produced in methanol-free cultivations; functional protein yields were maintained or increased after depletion of the carbon source. Analysis of the pre-induction phases of 10 L pilot scale cultivations also demonstrated that pre-induction yields were at least maintained after methanol induction, even in the presence of cytotoxic concentrations of methanol. Additional bioreactor data for hCGRP-RCP-GFP and shake-flask data for GFP, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), the human tetraspanins hCD81 and CD82, and the tight-junction protein human claudin-1, demonstrated that bioreactor but not shake flask cultivations exhibit recombinant protein production in the pre-induction phases of P. pastoris cultures. Conclusions - The production of recombinant hA2aR, GFP and hCGRP-RCP-GFP can be detected in bioreactor cultivations prior to methanol induction, while this is not the case for shake-flask cultivations of GFP, HRP, hCD81, hCD82 and human claudin-1. This confirms earlier suggestions of leaky expression from AOX promoters, which we report here for both glycerol- and glucose-grown cells in bioreactor cultivations. These findings suggest that the productivity of AOX-dependent bioprocesses is not solely dependent on induction by methanol. We conclude that in order to maximize total yields, pre-induction phase cultivation conditions should be optimized, and that increased specific productivity may result in decreased biomass yields.


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Background & Aims - Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection leads to progressive liver disease, frequently culminating in fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The mechanisms underlying liver injury in chronic hepatitis C are poorly understood. This study evaluated the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in hepatocyte polarity and HCV infection. Methods - We used polarized hepatoma cell lines and the recently described infectious HCV Japanese fulminant hepatitis (JFH)-1 cell culture system to study the role of VEGF in regulating hepatoma permeability and HCV infection. Results - VEGF negatively regulates hepatocellular tight junction integrity and cell polarity by a novel VEGF receptor 2–dependent pathway. VEGF reduced hepatoma tight junction integrity, induced a re-organization of occludin, and promoted HCV entry. Conversely, inhibition of hepatoma expressed VEGF with the receptor kinase inhibitor sorafenib or with neutralizing anti-VEGF antibodies promoted polarization and inhibited HCV entry, showing an autocrine pathway. HCV infection of primary hepatocytes or hepatoma cell lines promoted VEGF expression and reduced their polarity. Importantly, treatment of HCV-infected cells with VEGF inhibitors restored their ability to polarize, showing a VEGF-dependent pathway. Conclusions - Hepatic polarity is critical to normal liver physiology. HCV infection promotes VEGF expression that depolarizes hepatoma cells, promoting viral transmission and lymphocyte migration into the parenchyma that may promote hepatocyte injury.


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Elevated LDL concentration in mid-life increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) in later life. Increased oxidative modification (oxLDL) and nitration is observed during dementia and hypercholesterolemia. We investigated the hypothesis that statin intervention in mid-life mitigates the inflammatory effects of oxLDL on the microvasculature. Human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) were maintained on transwells to mimic the microvasculature and exposed to patient and control LDL. Blood was obtained from statin-naïve, normo- and hyperlipidaemic subjects, AD with vascular dementia (AD-plus) and AD subjects (n=10/group) at baseline. Only hyperlipidaemic subjects with normal cognitive function received 40mg simvastatin intervention/day for three months. Blood was re-analysed from normo- and hyper-lipidaemic subjects after three months. LDL isolated from statin-naïve hyperlipidaemic, AD and AD-plus subjects was more oxidised (agarose gel electrophoretic mobility, protein carbonyl content and 8-isoprostane F2α) compared to control subjects. Statin intervention decreased protein carbonyls (2.5±0.4 Vs 3.95±0.2nmol/mg; P<0.001) and 8-isoprostane F2α (30.4±4.0 pg/ml Vs 43.5±8.42 pg/ml; P<0.05). HMVEC treatment with LDL-lipids from hyperlipidaemic, AD and AD-plus subjects impaired endothelial tight junction expression and decreased total glutathione levels (AD; 18.61±1.3, AD-plus; 16.5±0.7nmol/mg protein) compared to untreated cells (23.8±1.2 vs nmol/mg protein). Basolateral IL-6 secretion was increased by LDL-lipids from hyperlipidaemic (78.4±1.9 pg/ml), AD (63.2±5.9 pg/ml) and AD-plus (80.8±0.9 pg/ml) groups compared to healthy subject lipids (18.6±3.6 pg/ml). LDL-Lipids isolated after statin intervention did not affect endothelial function. In summary, LDL-lipids from hypercholesterolaemic, AD and AD-plus patients are inflammatory to HMVEC. In vivo intervention with statins reduces the damaging effects of LDL-lipids on HMVEC.


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This dissertation evaluated the feasibility of using commercially available immortalized cell lines in building a tissue engineered in vitro blood-brain barrier (BBB) co-culture model for preliminary drug development studies. Mouse endothelial cell line and rat astrocyte cell lines purchased from American Type Culture Collections (ATCC) were the building blocks of the co-culture model. An astrocyte derived acellular extracellular matrix (aECM) was introduced in the co-culture model to provide a novel in vitro biomimetic basement membrane for the endothelial cells to form endothelial tight junctions. Trans-endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) and solute mass transport studies were engaged to quantitatively evaluate the tight junction formation on the in-vitro BBB models. Immuno-fluorescence microscopy and Western Blot analysis were used to qualitatively verify the in vitro expression of occludin, one of the earliest discovered tight junction proteins. Experimental data from a total of 12 experiments conclusively showed that the novel BBB in vitro co-culture model with the astrocyte derived aECM (CO+aECM) was promising in terms of establishing tight junction formation represented by TEER values, transport profiles and tight junction protein expression when compared with traditional co-culture (CO) model setups and endothelial cells cultured alone. Experimental data were also found to be comparable with several existing in vitro BBB models built from various methods. In vitro colorimetric sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay revealed that the co-cultured samples with aECM resulted in less cell loss on the basal sides of the insert membranes than that from traditional co-culture samples. The novel tissue engineering approach using immortalized cell lines with the addition of aECM was proven to be a relevant alternative to the traditional BBB in vitro modeling.


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The intestinal mucosa is the first biological barrier encountered by natural toxins, and could possibly be exposed to high amounts of dietary mycotoxins. Patulin (PAT), a mycotoxin produced by Penicillium spp. during fruit spoilage, is one of the best known enteropathogenic mycotoxins able to alter functions of the intestine (Maresca et al., 2008). This study evaluated the effects of PAT on barrier function of the gut mucosa utilizing the intestinal epithelial cell model Caco-2, and scrutinized immunomodulatory effects using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and human blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) as test systems. PAT exposure reduced Caco-2 cell viability at concentrations above 12 mM. As expected, the integrity of a polarized Caco-2 monolayer was affected by PAT exposure, as demonstrated by a decrease in TER values, becoming more pronounced at 50 mM. No effects were detected on the expression levels of the tight junction proteins occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-3 at 50 mM. However, the expression of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) and myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) declined. Also, levels of phospho-MLC2 (p-MLC2) increased after 24 h of exposure to 50 mM of PAT. T cell proliferation was highly sensitive to PAT with major effects for concentrations above 10 nM of PAT. The same conditions did not affect the maturation of moDC. PAT causes a reduction in Caco-2 barrier function mainly by perturbation of ZO-1 levels and the phosphorylation of MLC. Low doses of PAT strongly inhibited T cell proliferation induced by a polyclonal activator, but had no effect on the maturation of moDC. These results provide new information that strengthens the concept that the epithelium and immune cells of the intestinal mucosa are important targets for the toxic effects of food contaminants like mycotoxins


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Les maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin (MIIs, [MIM 266600]) sont caractérisées par une inflammation chronique au niveau du tube gastro-intestinal. Les deux principales formes sont la maladie de Crohn (MC) et la colite ulcéreuse (CU). Les MIIs résulteraient d’un défaut du système immunitaire et de l’épithélium intestinal. Ce dernier forme une barrière physique et biochimique qui sépare notre système immunitaire des microorganismes commensaux et pathogènes de la microflore intestinale. Un défaut dans la barrière épithéliale intestinale pourrait donc mener à une réponse immunitaire soutenue contre notre microflore intestinale. Les études d’association pangénomiques (GWAS) ont permis d’identifier 201 régions de susceptibilité aux MIIs. Parmi celles-ci, la région 1q32 associée à la MC (p<2x10-11) et à la CU (p<6x10-7) contient 4 gènes, dont C1orf106, un gène codant pour une protéine de fonction inconnue. Le re-séquençage de la région 1q32 a permis d’identifier une variante génétique rare de C1orf106 (MAF˂1%) associée aux MIIs (p=0,009), Y333F. Nous avons démontré que la substitution de la tyr333 par une phénylalanine semble avoir un effet sur la stabilité protéique de C1orf106 tel que démontré lors de l’inhibition de la synthèse protéique induite par le cycloheximide. Nous avons déterminé que C1orf106 est exprimé dans le côlon et l’intestin grêle. De plus, son expression est augmentée lors de la différenciation des cellules épithéliales Caco-2 en épithélium intestinal polarisé. Son profil d’expression correspond aux types cellulaires et tissulaires affectés dans les MIIs. De plus, C1orf106 est partiellement co-localisée avec le marqueur des jonctions serrées, ZO-1. Toutefois, son marquage reproduit parfaitement celui du marqueur des jonctions adhérentes, E-cadhérine. Les jonctions serrées et adhérentes sont localisées du côté apical de la jonction intercellulaire et sont toutes deux impliquées dans l’établissement de la barrière épithéliale. Nous avons donc testé l’impact de C1orf106 sur la perméabilité de l’épithélium intestinal. Nous avons observé une augmentation de la perméabilité épithéliale chez un épithélium intestinal formé par des cellules Caco-2 sous-exprimant C1orf106. Nos résultats suggèrent que C1orf106 pourrait être le gène causal de la région 1q32.


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Les maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin (MIIs, [MIM 266600]) sont caractérisées par une inflammation chronique au niveau du tube gastro-intestinal. Les deux principales formes sont la maladie de Crohn (MC) et la colite ulcéreuse (CU). Les MIIs résulteraient d’un défaut du système immunitaire et de l’épithélium intestinal. Ce dernier forme une barrière physique et biochimique qui sépare notre système immunitaire des microorganismes commensaux et pathogènes de la microflore intestinale. Un défaut dans la barrière épithéliale intestinale pourrait donc mener à une réponse immunitaire soutenue contre notre microflore intestinale. Les études d’association pangénomiques (GWAS) ont permis d’identifier 201 régions de susceptibilité aux MIIs. Parmi celles-ci, la région 1q32 associée à la MC (p<2x10-11) et à la CU (p<6x10-7) contient 4 gènes, dont C1orf106, un gène codant pour une protéine de fonction inconnue. Le re-séquençage de la région 1q32 a permis d’identifier une variante génétique rare de C1orf106 (MAF˂1%) associée aux MIIs (p=0,009), Y333F. Nous avons démontré que la substitution de la tyr333 par une phénylalanine semble avoir un effet sur la stabilité protéique de C1orf106 tel que démontré lors de l’inhibition de la synthèse protéique induite par le cycloheximide. Nous avons déterminé que C1orf106 est exprimé dans le côlon et l’intestin grêle. De plus, son expression est augmentée lors de la différenciation des cellules épithéliales Caco-2 en épithélium intestinal polarisé. Son profil d’expression correspond aux types cellulaires et tissulaires affectés dans les MIIs. De plus, C1orf106 est partiellement co-localisée avec le marqueur des jonctions serrées, ZO-1. Toutefois, son marquage reproduit parfaitement celui du marqueur des jonctions adhérentes, E-cadhérine. Les jonctions serrées et adhérentes sont localisées du côté apical de la jonction intercellulaire et sont toutes deux impliquées dans l’établissement de la barrière épithéliale. Nous avons donc testé l’impact de C1orf106 sur la perméabilité de l’épithélium intestinal. Nous avons observé une augmentation de la perméabilité épithéliale chez un épithélium intestinal formé par des cellules Caco-2 sous-exprimant C1orf106. Nos résultats suggèrent que C1orf106 pourrait être le gène causal de la région 1q32.


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The tight-binding (TB) approach to the modelling of electrical conduction in small structures is introduced. Different equivalent forms of the TB expression for the electrical current in a nanoscale junction are derived. The use of the formalism to calculate the current density and local potential is illustrated by model examples. A first-principles time-dependent TB formalism for calculating current-induced forces and the dynamical response of atoms is presented. An earlier expression for current-induced forces under steady-state conditions is generalized beyond local charge neutrality and beyond orthogonal TB. Future directions in the modelling of power dissipation and local heating in nanoscale conductors are discussed.


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Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) stimulates the motility of epithelial cells, initially inducing centrifugal spreading of colonies followed by disruption of cell–cell junctions and subsequent cell scattering. In Madin–Darby canine kidney cells, HGF/SF-induced motility involves actin reorganization mediated by Ras, but whether Ras and downstream signals regulate the breakdown of intercellular adhesions has not been established. Both HGF/SF and V12Ras induced the loss of the adherens junction proteins E-cadherin and β-catenin from intercellular junctions during cell spreading, and the HGF/SF response was blocked by dominant-negative N17Ras. Desmosomes and tight junctions were regulated separately from adherens junctions, because they were not disrupted by V12Ras. MAP kinase, phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), and Rac were required downstream of Ras, because loss of adherens junctions was blocked by the inhibitors PD098059 and LY294002 or by dominant-inhibitory mutants of MAP kinase kinase 1 or Rac1. All of these inhibitors also prevented HGF/SF-induced cell scattering. Interestingly, activated Raf or the activated p110α subunit of PI 3-kinase alone did not induce disruption of adherens junctions. These results indicate that activation of both MAP kinase and PI 3-kinase by Ras is required for adherens junction disassembly and that this is essential for the motile response to HGF/SF.


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Maximisation of Knowledge-Based Development (KBD) benefits requires effective dissemination and utilisation mechanisms to accompany the initial knowledge creation process. This work highlights the potential for interactions between Supply Chains (SCs) and Small and Medium sized Enterprise Clusters (SMECs), (including via ‘junction’ firms which are members of both networks), to facilitate such effective dissemination and utilisation of knowledge. In both these network types there are firms that readily utilise their relationships and ties for ongoing business success through innovation. The following chapter highlights the potential for such beneficial interactions between SCs and SMECs in key elements of KBD, particularly knowledge management, innovation and technology transfer. Because there has been little focus on the interactions between SCs and SMECs, particularly when firms simultaneously belong to both, this chapter examines the conduits through which information and knowledge can be transferred and utilised. It shows that each network type has its own distinct advantages in the types of information searched for and transferred amongst network member firms. Comparing and contrasting these advantages shows opportunities for both networks to leverage the knowledge sharing strengths of each other, through these ‘junctions’ to address their own weaknesses, allowing implications to be drawn concerning new ways of utilising relationships for mutual network gains.


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This paper presents a novel approach to road-traffic control for interconnected junctions. With a local fuzzy-logic controller (FLC) installed at each junction, a dynamic-programming (DP) technique is proposed to derive the green time for each phase in a traffic-light cycle. Coordination parameters from the adjacent junctions are also taken into consideration so that organized control is extended beyond a single junction. Instead of pursuing the absolute optimization of traffic delay, this study examines a practical approach to enable the simple implementation of coordination among junctions, while attempting to reduce delays, if possible. The simulation results show that the delay per vehicle can be substantially reduced, particularly when the traffic demand reaches the junction capacity. The implementation of this controller does not require complicated or demanding hardware, and such simplicity makes it a useful tool for offline studies or realtime control purposes.


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Traffic conflicts at railway junctions are very conmon, particularly on congested rail lines. While safe passage through the junction is well maintained by the signalling and interlocking systems, minimising the delays imposed on the trains by assigning the right-of-way sequence sensibly is a bonus to the quality of service. A deterministic method has been adopted to resolve the conflict, with the objective of minimising the total weighted delay. However, the computational demand remains significant. The applications of different heuristic methods to tackle this problem are reviewed and explored, elaborating their feasibility in various aspects and comparing their relative merits for further studies. As most heuristic methods do not guarantee a global optimum, this study focuses on the trade-off between computation time and optimality of the resolution.


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Fuzzy logic has been applied to control traffic at road junctions. A simple controller with one fixed rule-set is inadequate to minimise delays when traffic flow rate is time-varying and likely to span a wide range. To achieve better control, fuzzy rules adapted to the current traffic conditions are used.


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In general, simple and traditional methods are applied to resolve traffic conflicts at railway junctions. They are, however, either inefficient or computationally demanding. A simple genetic algorithm is presented to enable a search for a near optimal resolution to be carried out while meeting the constraints on generation evolution and minimising the search time.


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Traffic control at road junctions is one of the major concerns in most metropolitan cities. Controllers of various approaches are available and the required control action is the effective green-time assigned to each traffic stream within a traffic-light cycle. The application of fuzzy logic provides the controller with the capability to handle uncertain natures of the system, such as drivers’ behaviour and random arrivals of vehicles. When turning traffic is allowed at the junction, the number of phases in the traffic-light cycle increases. The additional input variables inevitably complicate the controller and hence slow down the decision-making process, which is critical in this real-time control problem. In this paper, a hierarchical fuzzy logic controller is proposed to tackle this traffic control problem at a 2-way road junction with turning traffic. The two levels of fuzzy logic controllers devise the minimum effective green-time and fine-tune it respectively at each phase of a traffic-light cycle. The complexity of the controller at each level is reduced with smaller rule-set. The performance of this hierarchical controller is examined by comparison with a fixed-time controller under various traffic conditions. Substantial delay reduction has been achieved as a result and the performance and limitation of the controller will be discussed.