966 resultados para Thermodynamic consistency


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α-d-Mannopyranosyl units were attached to an aromatic scaffold through disulfide linkages to obtain mono- to trivalent glycosylated ligands for lectin binding studies. Isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) measurements indicated that binding affinities of these derivatives to Concanavalin A (Con A) were comparable to or slightly higher than that of methyl α-d-mannopyranoside (Ka values in the range of 104 M−1). The stoichiometries of the lectin-ligand complexes were in agreement with the formal valencies (1–3) of the respective ligands indicating cross-linking in interactions with the di- and trivalent derivatives. Multivalency effects could not, however, be observed with the latter. These ligands were shown to bind to the carbohydrate binding site of Con A using saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR competition experiments.


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Data on heats of mixing at 30 'C, vapor-liquid equilibrium, latent heats of vaporization at 686 mmHg, and vapor pressures for the system toluene-l,2-dichloroethane are presented.


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Data on heats of mixing at 298.15 and 308.15 K, vaporliquid equilibria, latent heats of vaporization at 686 mmHg, and vapor pressures for the system toluene-1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane are presented. The effect of alkyl substitution on heats of mixing is discussed.


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The exact expressions for the partition function (Q) and the coefficient of specific heat at constant volume (Cv) for a rotating-anharmonic oscillator molecule, including coupling and rotational cut-off, have been formulated and values of Q and Cv have been computed in the temperature range of 100 to 100,000 K for O2, N2 and H2 gases. The exact Q and Cv values are also compared with the corresponding rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational and vibrational levels) and rigid-rotator anharmonic-oscillator (infinite rotational levels) values. The rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation can be accepted for temperatures up to about 5000 K for O2 and N2. Beyond these temperatures the error in Cv will be significant, because of anharmonicity and rotational cut-off effects. For H2, the rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation becomes unacceptable even for temperatures as low as 2000 K.


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The folding and stability of maltose binding protein (MBP) have been investigated as a function of pH and temperature by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, far- and near-UV circular dichroism, and high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetric measurements. MBP is a monomeric, two-domain protein containing 370 amino acids. The protein is stable in the pH range of 4-10.5 at 25 degrees C. The protein exhibits reversible, two-state, thermal and guanidine hydrochloride-mediated denaturation at neutral pH. The thermostability of MBP is maximal at pH 6, with a Tm of 64.9 degrees C and a deltaHm of 259.7 kcal mol(-1). The linear dependence of deltaHm on Tm was used to estimate a value of deltaCp of 7.9 kcal mol(-1) K(-1) or 21.3 cal (mol of residue)(-1) K(-1). These values are higher than the corresponding deltaCp's for most globular proteins studied to date. However, the extrapolated values of deltaH and deltaS (per mole of residue) at 110 degrees C are similar to those of other globular proteins. These data have been used to show that the temperature at which a protein undergoes cold denaturation depends primarily on the deltaCp (per mol of residue) and that this temperature increases with an increase in deltaCp. The predicted decrease in stability of MBP at low temperatures was experimentally confirmed by carrying out denaturant-mediated unfolding studies at neutral pH at 2 and 28 degrees C.


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Prediction of thermodynamic parameters of protein-protein and antigen-antibody complex formation from high resolution structural parameters has recently received much attention, since an understanding of the contributions of different fundamental processes like hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, salt bridge formation, solvent reorganization etc. to the overall thermodynamic parameters and their relations with the structural parameters would lead to rational drug design. Using the results of the dissolution of hydrocarbons and other model compounds the changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp), enthalpy (DeltaH) and entropy (DeltaS) have been empirically correlated with the polar and apolar surface areas buried during the process of protein folding/unfolding and protein-ligand complex formation. In this regard, the polar and apolar surfaces removed from the solvent in a protein-ligand complex have been calculated from the experimentally observed values of changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp) and enthalpy (DeltaH) for protein-ligand complexes for which accurate thermodynamic and high resolution structural data are available, and the results have been compared with the x-ray crystallographic observations. Analyses of the available results show poor correlation between the thermodynamic and structural parameters. Probable reasons for this discrepancy are mostly related with the reorganization of water accompanying the reaction which is indeed proven by the analyses of the energetics of the binding of the wheat germ agglutinin to oligosaccharides.


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Sequence specific interaction between DNA and protein molecules has been a subject of active investigation for decades now. Here, we have chosen single promoter containing bacteriophage Delta D-III T7 DNA and Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and followed their recognition at the air-water interface by using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique, where the movement of one of the reacting species is restricted by way of arraying them on an immobilized support. For the Langmuir monolayer studies, we used a RNA polymerase with a histidine tag attached to one of its subunits, thus making it an xcellent substrate for Ni(II) ions, while the SPR Studies were done using biotin-labeled DNA immobilized on a streptavidin-coated chip. Detailed analysis of the thermodynamic parameters as a function of concentration and temperature revealed that the interaction of RNA polymerase with T7 DNA is largely entropy driven (83 (+/- 12) kcal mol(-1)) with a positive enthalpy of 13.6 (+/- 3.6) kcal mol(-1), The free energy of reaction determined by SPR and Langmuir-Blodgett technique was -11 (+/- 2) and -15.6 kcal mol(-1), respectively. The ability of these methods to retain the specificity of the recognition process was also established.


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The standard free energy of formation of titanium boride (TiB2) Was measured by the Electro Motive Force (EMF) method (by using yttria doped thoria (YDT) as the solid electrolyte). Two galvanic cells viz. Cell (I): Pt, TiB2 (s), TiO2 (s), B (s) vertical bar YDT vertical bar NiO (s), Ni (s), Pt and cell (II): Pt, TiB2 (s), TiO2 (s), B (s) vertical bar YDT vertical bar FeO (s). Fe (s), Pt were constructed in order to determine the Delta(f)G degrees, of TiB2. Enthalpy increments on TiB2 were measured by using inverse drop calorimetry over the temperature range 583-1769 K. The heat capacity, entropy and the free energy function have been derived from these experimental data in the temperature range 298-1800 K. The mean value of the standard enthalpy of formation of TiB2 (Delta H-f(298)degrees (TiB2)) was obtained by combining these Delta(f)G degrees, values and the free energy functions of TiB2 derived from the drop calorimetry data. The mean values of Delta H-f(298)degrees (TiB2) derived from the Delta(f)G degrees, data obtained from cell I and II were -322 +/- 1.2 kJ mol(-1) and -323.3 +/- 2.1 kJ mol(-1), respectively. These values were found to be in very good agreement with the assessed data. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Molten globule-like intermediates have been shown to occur during protein folding and are thought to be involved in protein translocation and membrane insertion. However, the determinants of molten globule stability and the extent of specific packing in molten globules is currently unclear. Using far- and near-UV CD and intrinsic and ANS fluorescence, we show that four periplasmic binding proteins (LBP, LIVBP, MBP, and RBP) form molten globules at acidic pH values ranging from 3.0 to 3.4. Only two of these (LBP and LIVBP) have similar sequences, but all four proteins adopt similar three-dimensional structures. We found that each of the four molten globules binds to its corresponding ligand without conversion to the native state. Ligand binding affinity measured by isothermal titration calorimetry for the molten globule state of LIVBP was found to be comparable to that of the corresponding native state, whereas for LBP, MBP, and RBP, the molten globules bound ligand with approximately 5-30-fold lower affinity than the corresponding native states. All four molten globule states exhibited cooperative thermal unfolding assayed by DSC. Estimated values of Delta C-p of unfolding show that these molten globule states contain 28-67% of buried surface area relative to the native states. The data suggest that molten globules of these periplasmic binding proteins retain a considerable degree of long range order. The ability of these sequentially unrelated proteins to form highly ordered molten globules may be related to their large size as well as an intrinsic property of periplasmic binding protein folds.


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We present here magnetization, specific heat, and Raman studies on single-crystalline specimens of the first pyrochlore member Sm2Ti2O7 of the rare-earth titanate series. Its analogous compound Sm2Zr2O7 in the rare-earth zirconate series is also investigated in the polycrystalline form. The Sm spins in Sm2Ti2O7 remain unordered down to at least T=0.5 K. The absence of magnetic ordering is attributed to very small values of exchange (θcw∼−0.26 K) and dipolar interaction (μeff∼0.15 μB) between the Sm3+ spins in this pyrochlore. In contrast, the pyrochlore Sm2Zr2O7 is characterized by a relatively large value of Sm-Sm spin exchange (θcw∼−10 K); however, long-range ordering of the Sm3+ spins is not established at least down to T=0.67 K due to frustration of the Sm3+ spins on the pyrochlore lattice. The ground state of Sm3+ ions in both pyrochlores is a well-isolated Kramers doublet. The higher-lying crystal field excitations are observed in the low-frequency region of the Raman spectra of the two compounds recorded at T=10 K. At higher temperatures, the magnetic susceptibility of Sm2Ti2O7 shows a broad maximum at T=140 K, while that of Sm2Zr2O7 changes monotonically. Whereas Sm2Ti2O7 is a promising candidate for investigating spin fluctuations on a frustrated lattice, as indicated by our data, the properties of Sm2Zr2O7 seem to conform to a conventional scenario where geometrical frustration of the spin excludes their long-range ordering.


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The activity of molybdenum dioxide (MoO2) in the MoO2–TiO2 solid solutions was measured at 1600 K using a solid-state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte. For two compositions, the emf was also measured as a function of temperature. The cell was designed such that the emf is directly related to the activity of MoO2 in the solid solution. The results show monotonic variation of activity with composition, suggesting a complete range of solid solutions between the end members and the occurrence of MoO2 with a tetragonal structure at 1600 K. A large positive deviation from Raoult's law was found. Excess Gibbs energy of mixing is an asymmetric function of composition and can be represented by the subregular solution model of Hardy as follows.The temperature dependence of the emf for two compositions is reasonably consistent with ideal entropy of mixing. A miscibility gap is indicated at a lower temperature with the critical point characterized by Tc (K)=1560 and . Recent studies indicate that MoO2 undergoes a transition from a monoclinic to tetragonal structure at 1533 K with a transition entropy of 9.91 J·(mol·K)−1. The solid solubility of TiO2 with rutile structure in MoO2 with a monoclinic structure is negligible. These features give rise to a eutectoid reaction at 1412 K. The topology of the computed phase diagram differs significantly from that suggested by Pejryd.


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Although Pb(Zr1-XTiX)O-3 solid solution is the cornerstone of the piezoelectric ceramics, there is no information in the literature on thermodynamic activities of the component phases in the solid solution. Using inter-crystalline ion exchange equilibria between Pb(Zr1-XTiX)O-3 solid solution with cubic perovskite structure and (Zr1-YTiY)O-2 solid solutions with monoclinic and tetragonal structures, activities of PbTiO3 and PbZrO3 in the perovskite solid solution have been derived at 1373 K using the modified Gibbs-Duhem integration technique of Jacob and Jeffes. Tie-lines from the cubic solid solution are skewed towards the ZrO2 corner. Activities in the zirconia-rich (Zr1-YTiY)02 solid solutions are taken from a recent emf study. The results for the perovskite solid solution at 1373 K can be represented by a sub-regular solution model: Delta G(E.M) (J mol(-1)) = X-PbTiO3 X-PbZrO3(5280X(PbTiO3) - 1980X(PbZrO3)) where Delta G(E.M) is the excess Gibbs energy of mixing of the cubic solid solution and Xi represents the mole fraction of component i. There is a significant positive deviation from ideality for PbTiO3-rich compositions and mild negative deviation near the PbZrO3 corner. The cubic solid solution is intrinsically stable against composition fluctuations at temperatures down to 840 K. The results contrast sharply with the recent calorimetric data on enthalpy of mixing which signal instability of the cubic perovskite solid solution. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Peanut Agglutinin (PNA) is a homotetrameric protein with a very unusual open quaternary structure. During denaturation, it first dissociates into a molten globule like state, which subsequently undergoes complete denaturation. Urea denaturation of PNA at neutral pH has been studied by intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy and has been fitted to a three state model, A(4) double left right arrow 4I double left right arrow 4U, to get all the relevant thermodynamic parameters. Urea denaturation leads to continuous red shift of wavelength maxima. The molten globule like state is formed in a short range of urea concentration. Refolding of the denatured PNA has been attempted by intrinsic fluorescence study. Refolding by instantaneous dilution shows the occurrence of the formation of an intermediate at a relatively rapid rate, within few seconds. The transition from PNA tetramer to molten globule like state is found to have a Delta G value of similar to 33 kcal/mole while it is similar to 8 kcal/mole for the transition from molten globule like state to a completely denatured state. This in turn indicates that the tetramerization in PNA contributes significantly to the stability of the oligomer.


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The binding of winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) to 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) galactosides was examined by extrinsic fluorescence titration and stopped-flow spectrofluorimetry. Upon binding to WBA I, MeUmb alpha-galactosides show quenching in fluorescence intensity, decrease in UV absorbance with a concomitant blue shift, and decrease in fluorescence excited-state lifetimes. However, their beta-analogues show enhancement in fluorescence intensity, increase in UV absorbance with a red shift, and an increase in fluorescence excited-state lifetimes. This implies that the umbelliferyl groups of alpha- and beta-galactosides experience non-polar and polar microenvironments, respectively, upon binding to WBA I. Replacement of the anomeric hydroxyl group of galactose by 4-methylumbelliferyl moiety increases the affinity of resulting saccharides. Substitution of C-2 hydroxyl of galactose by an acetamido group leads to increased affinity due to a favorable entropy change. This suggests that acetamido group of MeUmb-alpha/beta-GalNAc binds to a relatively non-polar subsite of WBA I. Most interestingly, this substitution also reduces the association rate constants dramatically. Inspection of the activation parameters reveals that the enthalpy of activation is the limiting factor for the differences in the forward rate constants for these saccharides and the entropic contribution to the activation energy is small


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The binding of Artocarpus integrifolia lectin (jacalin) to 4-methylumbelliferyl (Meumb)-glycosides, Gal alpha Meumb, Gal beta Meumb, GalNAc alpha Meumb, GalNAc beta-Meumb, and Gal beta 3GalNAc beta Meumb was examined by extrinsic fluorescence quenching titration and stopped flow spectrofluorimetry. The binding was characterized by 100% quenching of fluorescence of Meumb-glycosides. Their association constants range from 2.0 x 10(4) to 1.58 x 10(6) M-1 at 15 degrees C. Entropic contribution is the major stabilizing force for avid binding of Meumb-glycosides indicating the existence of a hydrophobic site that is complementary to their methylumbelliferyl group. The second order association rate constants for interaction of these sugars with lectin at 15 degrees C vary from 8.8 x 10(5) to 3.24 x 10(6) M-1 S-1, at pH 7.2. The first order dissociation rate constants range from 2.30 to 43.0 S-1 at 15 degrees C. Despite the differences in their association rate constants, the overall values of association constants for these saccharides are determined by their dissociation rate constants. The second order rate constant for the association of Meumb-glycosides follows a pattern consistent with the magnitude of the activation energies involved therin. Activation parameters for association of all ligands illustrate that the origin of the barrier between binding of jacalin to Meumb-glycosides is entropic, and the enthalpic contribution is small. A correlation between these parameters and the structure of the ligands on the association rates underscores the importance of steric factors in determining protein saccharide recognitions.