997 resultados para Territorial waters


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The driving force behind this study has been the need to develop and apply methods for investigating the hydrogeochemical processes of significance to water management and artificial groundwater recharge. Isotope partitioning of elements in the course of physicochemical processes produces isotopic variations to their natural reservoirs. Tracer property of the stable isotope abundances of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon has been applied to investigate hydrogeological processes in Finland. The work described here has initiated the use of stable isotope methods to achieve a better understanding of these processes in the shallow glacigenic formations of Finland. In addition, the regional precipitation and groundwater records will supplement the data of global precipitation, but as importantly, provide primary background data for hydrological studies. The isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in Finnish groundwaters and atmospheric precipitation was determined in water samples collected during 1995 2005. Prior to this study, no detailed records existed on the spatial or annual variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation or groundwaters in Finland. Groundwaters and precipitation in Finland display a distinct spatial distribution of the isotopic ratios of oxygen and hydrogen. The depletion of the heavier isotopes as a function of increasing latitude is closely related to the local mean surface temperature. No significant differences were observed between the mean annual isotope ratios of oxygen and hydrogen in precipitation and those in local groundwaters. These results suggest that the link between the spatial variability in the isotopic composition of precipitation and local temperature is preserved in groundwaters. Artificial groundwater recharge to glaciogenic sedimentary formations offers many possibilities to apply the isotopic ratios of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon as natural isotopic tracers. In this study the systematics of dissolved carbon have been investigated in two geochemically different glacigenic groundwater formations: a typical esker aquifer at Tuusula, in southern Finland and a carbonate-bearing aquifer with a complex internal structure at Virttaankangas, in southwest Finland. Reducing the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in water is a primary challenge in the process of artificial groundwater recharge. The carbon isotope method was used to as a tool to trace the role of redox processes in the decomposition of DOC. At the Tuusula site, artificial recharge leads to a significant decrease in the organic matter content of the infiltrated water. In total, 81% of the initial DOC present in the infiltrated water was removed in three successive stages of subsurface processes. Three distinct processes in the reduction of the DOC content were traced: The decomposition of dissolved organic carbon in the first stage of subsurface flow appeared to be the most significant part in DOC removal, whereas further decrease in DOC has been attributed to adsorption and finally to dilution with local groundwater. Here, isotope methods were used for the first time to quantify the processes of DOC removal in an artificial groundwater recharge. Groundwaters in the Virttaankangas aquifer are characterized by high pH values exceeding 9, which are exceptional for shallow aquifers on glaciated crystalline bedrock. The Virttaankangas sediments were discovered to contain trace amounts of fine grained, dispersed calcite, which has a high tendency to increase the pH of local groundwaters. Understanding the origin of the unusual geochemistry of the Virttaankangas groundwaters is an important issue for constraining the operation of the future artificial groundwater plant. The isotope ratios of oxygen and carbon in sedimentary carbonate minerals have been successfully applied to constrain the origin of the dispersed calcite in the Virttaankangas sediments. The isotopic and chemical characteristics of the groundwater in the distinct units of aquifer were observed to vary depending on the aquifer mineralogy, groundwater residence time and the openness of the system to soil CO2. The high pH values of > 9 have been related to dissolution of calcite into groundwater under closed or nearly closed system conditions relative to soil CO2, at a low partial pressure of CO2.


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Territoriality is a central issue in indigenous peoples struggles. The territorial struggles involve struggles over the control of natural resources and over political participation and representation, but also over the perception of territorial rights and the symbolic representation of the territory. These struggles are carried through both in material and symbolic ways through recurring to different discourses and representations that provide legitimation for the territorial claims of the group. The study is located in the Northern Autonomous Atlantic Region of Nicaragua. The study concerns the territorial strategies, conceptions and practices of the indigenous people and other actors. Territorial conflicts exist between the autonomous region and the central government of Nicaragua, between mestizo settlers and indigenous people, between different indigenous groups, and between these and development agents such as conservation projects. The study focuses on how territorial discourses and representations are used to legitimate territorial control. Environmental, historical and cartographical discourses are the most important discourses recurred to. The influence of discourses and representations on the territorial practices and policies of the different actors, the links between the local struggles and global processes, and the broader structural factors impacting on the territorial struggles are also analysed. Among the structural factors are the problems related to land tenure and management and the use of natural resources, the advance of the agricultural frontier, the institutional weaknesses of the central and regional governments and the legislative processes. The territorial discourses are both recurred to in a strategic way and also grounded in local ideals and practices. The discourses have produced real effects for example in legislation, land tenure systems, political representation and environmental practices. Although the use of discourses and representations are an important power tool in territorial struggles, territorial control cannot be effectively accomplished merely through representing territorial claims in a legitimate way or through reforming legislation, as the conflicts are also largely a result of structural factors affecting the region. The fieldwork was carried out during a total of twelve months between 2000 and 2002. The research methods used were semi-structured interviews, participant observation and participatory research methods. A broad range of literary sources were also used to collect data. The study is located within the field of critical political geography with a discursive political ecology approach. It can be called a critical realist approach to the discursive analysis of indigenous territoriality.


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Purification of drinking water is routinely achieved by use of conventional coagulants and disinfection procedures. However, there are instances such as flood events when the level of turbidity reaches extreme levels while NOM may be an issue throughout the year. Consequently, there is a need to develop technologies which can effectively treat water of high turbidity during flood events and natural organic matter (NOM) content year round. It was our hypothesis that pebble matrix filtration potentially offered a relatively cheap, simple and reliable means to clarify such challenging water samples. Therefore, a laboratory scale pebble matrix filter (PMF) column was used to evaluate the turbidity and natural organic matter (NOM) pre-treatment performance in relation to 2013 Brisbane River flood water. Since the high turbidity was only a seasonal and short term problem, the general applicability of pebble matrix filters for NOM removal was also investigated. A 1.0 m deep bed of pebbles (the matrix) partly in-filled with either sand or crushed glass was tested, upon which was situated a layer of granular activated carbon (GAC). Turbidity was measured as a surrogate for suspended solids (SS), whereas, total organic carbon (TOC) and UV Absorbance at 254 nm were measured as surrogate parameters for NOM. Experiments using natural flood water showed that without the addition of any chemical coagulants, PMF columns achieved at least 50% turbidity reduction when the source water contained moderate hardness levels. For harder water samples, above 85% turbidity reduction was obtained. The ability to remove 50% turbidity without chemical coagulants may represent significant cost savings to water treatment plants and added environmental benefits accrue due to less sludge formation. A TOC reduction of 35-47% and UV-254 nm reduction of 24-38% was also observed. In addition to turbidity removal during flood periods, the ability to remove NOM using the pebble matrix filter throughout the year may have the benefit of reducing disinfection by-products (DBP) formation potential and coagulant demand at water treatment plants. Final head losses were remarkably low, reaching only 11 cm at a filtration velocity of 0.70 m/h.


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The tackling of coastal eutrophication requires water protection measures based on status assessments of water quality. The main purpose of this thesis was to evaluate whether it is possible both scientifically and within the terms of the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) to assess the status of coastal marine waters reliably by using phytoplankton biomass (ww) and chlorophyll a (Chl) as indicators of eutrophication in Finnish coastal waters. Empirical approaches were used to study whether the criteria, established for determining an indicator, are fulfilled. The first criterion (i) was that an indicator should respond to anthropogenic stresses in a predictable manner and has low variability in its response. Summertime Chl could be predicted accurately by nutrient concentrations, but not from the external annual loads alone, because of the rapid affect of primary production and sedimentation close to the loading sources in summer. The most accurate predictions were achieved in the Archipelago Sea, where total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) alone accounted for 87% and 78% of the variation in Chl, respectively. In river estuaries, the TP mass-balance regression model predicted Chl most accurately when nutrients originated from point-sources, whereas land-use regression models were most accurate in cases when nutrients originated mainly from diffuse sources. The inclusion of morphometry (e.g. mean depth) into nutrient models improved accuracy of the predictions. The second criterion (ii) was associated with the WFD. It requires that an indicator should have type-specific reference conditions, which are defined as "conditions where the values of the biological quality elements are at high ecological status". In establishing reference conditions, the empirical approach could only be used in the outer coastal water types, where historical observations of Secchi depth of the early 1900s are available. The most accurate prediction was achieved in the Quark. In the inner coastal water types, reference Chl, estimated from present monitoring data, are imprecise - not only because of the less accurate estimation method but also because the intrinsic characteristics, described for instance by morphometry, vary considerably inside these extensive inner coastal types. As for phytoplankton biomass, the reference values were less accurate than in the case of Chl, because it was possible to estimate reference conditions for biomass only by using the reconstructed Chl values, not the historical Secchi observations. An paleoecological approach was also applied to estimate annual average reference conditions for Chl. In Laajalahti, an urban embayment off Helsinki, strongly loaded by municipal waste waters in the 1960s and 1970s, reference conditions prevailed in the mid- and late 1800s. The recovery of the bay from pollution has been delayed as a consequence of benthic release of nutrients. Laajalahti will probably not achieve the good quality objectives of the WFD on time.    The third criterion (iii) was associated with coastal management including the resources it has available. Analyses of Chl are cheap and fast to carry out compared to the analyses of phytoplankton biomass and species composition; the fact which has an effect on number of samples to be taken and thereby on the reliability of assessments. However, analyses on phytoplankton biomass and species composition provide more metrics for ecological classification, the metrics which reveal various aspects of eutrophication contrary to what Chl alone does.


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Physicochemical characterization of freshwater samples from Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Spain revealed that water hardness and pH decreased and the quantity and quality of humic substances changed considerably in this geographical series from south to north. Since the ambient water chemistry may affect the availability of chemicals, the total aqueous concentration of a chemical may be insufficient to predict the bioconcentration, subsequent biological response, and thus risk. In addition, organisms could be affected directly by water quality characteristics. In this context the main objective of this thesis was to investigate the bioavailability of selected ecotoxicologically relevant chemicals (cadmium, benzo(a)pyrene, and pyrene) in various European surface waters and to show the importance of certain water chemistry characteristics in interpreting the bioavailability and toxicity results. The bioavailability of cadmium to Daphnia magna was examined in very soft humic lake water. Humic substances as natural ligands decreased the free and bioavailable proportion of cadmium in soft lake water. As a consequence the uptake rate and the acute toxicity decreased compared with the humic-free reference. When the hardness of humic lake water was artificially elevated, the acute toxicity of cadmium decreased, although the proportion of free cadmium increased. The decreased bioavailability of cadmium in hard water was a result of effective competition for uptake by the hardness cations, especially calcium ions. The protective role of humic substances and water hardness against cadmium toxicity was also observed in Lumbriculus variegatus, although D. magna was more sensitive to cadmium. The bioavailability of two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene, was studied in European surface waters of varying water chemistry. Humic substances acted as complexing ligands with both PAHs, but the bioavailability of the more lipophilic benzo(a)pyrene to D. magna was affected more by humic substances than that of pyrene. In addition, not only the quantity of humic substances, but also their quality affected the bioavailability of benzo(a)pyrene. Nevertheless, the humic substances played a protective role in the photo-enhanced toxicity of pyrene under UV-B radiation. Water hardness had no effect on pyrene toxicity. Results indicate that the typical physicochemical characteristics of boreal freshwaters should be considered carefully in local and regional risk assessment of chemicals concerning the Fennoscandian region.


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The genome sequence of Caloramator mitchellensis strain VF08, a rod-shaped, heterotrophic, strictly anaerobic bacterium iso-lated from the free-flowing waters of a Great Artesian Basin (GAB) bore well located in Mitchell, an outback Queensland town in Australia, is reported here. The analysis of the 2.42-Mb genome sequence indicates that the attributes of the genome are consistent with its physiological and phenotypic traits.


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'Water Wars' is one of three new performance works that were a component of Kathryn Kelly's PhD by Performance at the University of Queensland: 'Pedagogy of Dramaturgy: A Practice Framework to train Dramaturgs." Kathryn Kelly was engaged as a dramaturg on each performance work, and each is the basis of case study material used in the training program developed as part of the PhD.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to reduce the potential for litigation by improving valuers’ awareness of water risks. As part of a valuer’s due diligence, the paper provides guidance as to how to identify such risks by explaining the different types and examining how online search tools can be used in conjunction with more traditional methods to evaluate the probability of these risks occurring. Design/methodology/approach The paper builds on prior research, which examined the impact of water to and for valuations. By means of legal/doctrinal analysis, this paper considers relevant issues from the perspective of managing client expectations and needs. In so doing it identifies online tools available to assist in identifying at risk properties and better informing clients. Findings While the internet provides a variety of tools to gain access to relevant information, this information most commonly is only provided subject to disclaimer. Valuers need to ensure that blind reliance is not given to use of these tools but that the tools are used in conjunction with individual property inspections. Research limitations/implications Although the examples considered primarily are Australian, increasing water risks generally make the issues considered relevant for any jurisdiction. The research will be of particular interests to practitioners in coastal or riverine areas. Practical implications Valuation reports are sought for a variety of purposes from a variety of clients. These range from the experienced, knowledgeable developer looking to maximise available equity to the inexperienced, uneducated individual looking to acquire their home and thinking more often than not with their heart not their head. More informed practices by valuers will lead to valuation reports being more easily understood by clients, thus lessening the likelihood of litigation against the valuer for negligence. Originality/value The paper highlights the issue of water risks; the need for valuers to properly address potential and actual risks in their reports; and the corresponding need to undertake all appropriate searches and enquiries of the property to be valued. It reinforces the importance of access to the internet as a tool in the valuation process.


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Suomen rannikkovesien rehevöityminen: jokivesien tuomien ravinteiden alkuperä, käyttäytyminen ja vaikutukset.


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Tiivistelmä: Siikajoen vesien leviäminen.


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Waters, in 2009, introduced an important technique, called dual system encryption, to construct identity-based encryption (IBE) and related schemes. The resulting IBE scheme was described in the setting of symmetric pairing. A key feature of the construction is the presence of random tags in the ciphertext and decryption key. Later work by Lewko and Waters removed the tags and proceeding through composite-order pairings led to a more efficient dual system IBE scheme using asymmetric pairings whose security is based on non-standard but static assumptions. In this work, we have systematically simplified Waters 2009 IBE scheme in the setting of asymmetric pairing. The simplifications retain tags used in the original description. This leads to several variants, the first one of which is based on standard assumptions and in comparison to Waters’ original scheme reduces ciphertexts and keys by two elements each. Going through several stages of simplifications, we finally obtain a simple scheme whose security can be based on two standard assumptions and a natural and minimal extension of the decision Diffie-Hellman problem for asymmetric pairing groups. The scheme itself is also minimal in the sense that apart from the tags, both encryption and key generation use exactly one randomiser each. This final scheme is more efficient than both the previous dual system IBE scheme in the asymmetric setting due to Lewko and Waters and the more recent dual system IBE scheme due to Lewko. We extend the IBE scheme to hierarchical IBE (HIBE) and broadcast encryption (BE) schemes. Both primitives are secure in their respective full models and have better efficiencies compared to previously known schemes offering the same level and type of security.