388 resultados para Tear
Purpose: To analyze the influence of thermal partial punctal occlusion on the ocular surface of dry eye related to Sjogren syndrome. Material and Methods: Thirty-seven eyes of 19 patients (3 male and 16 female; 49.11 +/- 14.33 years old) with keratoconjunctivitis sicca were enrolled in this study. Superior and inferior partial occlusion were performed in both eyes under topical anesthesia using thermal cautery with a sterile tip to obtain lacrimal punctum smaller than 0.5 mm. Schirmer I, break-up-time, diameter of lacrimal puncta, corneal fluorescein, and rose Bengal staining scores were analyzed before and after 24 weeks and after 24 months of the procedure. All measurements were performed under controlled climate. Results: The average lacrimal punctum diameter before the procedure was 0.65 +/- 0.134 mm. All lacrimal puncta were successfully reduced to less than 0.5 mm after 4 weeks of the procedure. The average Schirmer I test values improved statistically after 24 weeks and maintained stable after 24 months. Average break-up-time, rose Bengal, and fluorescein staining score values improved statistically after 24 weeks and improved even more after 24 months. Average Schirmer I test, break-up-time, rose Bengal, and fluorescein staining scores showed significant improvement (p < 0.0001) after 24 months of partial thermal punctal occlusion. Conclusion: Our study showed that reducing the punctum diameter to 0.5 mm can improve vital staining scores, break-up-time, and Schirmer I test in dry eye related to Sjogren syndrome.
PURPOSE: To compare corneal reepithelialization, pain scores, ocular discomfort, and tear production after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and butterfly laser epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK). METHODS: This prospective, randomized, double-masked study comprised 102 eyes of 51 patients who underwent laser refractive surgery. Each patient was randomized to have one eye operated on with PRK and the other with butterfly LASEK. Patients were followed for 1 year. RESULTS: The mean reepithelialization time in the PRK group was 4.35 +/- 0.48 days (range: 4 to 5 days) and 4.75 +/- 0.72 days (range: 4 to 6 days) in the butterfly LASEK group (P<.002). Pain scores and ocular discomfort were not statistically different between groups, although a trend towards a lower pain level with PRK was noted (3.31 +/- 4.09 vs 4.43 +/- 4.27; P=.18). Schirmer test values were significantly reduced from preoperative levels through 12 months with both PRK (23.6 +/- 8.1 vs 19.4 +/- 10.1; P<.002) and butterfly LASEK (22.4 +/- 8.7 vs 18.9 +/- 9.7; P=.01); however, no difference between groups was noted at any time. CONCLUSIONS: Photorefractive keratectomy showed a modest but statistically significant shorter reepithelialization time and a tendency towards lower pain scores than butterfly LASEK. The reepithelialization time was strongly associated with the duration of surgery in both techniques. A similar reduction of Schirmer test values was observed up to 1 year postoperatively in both groups.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the clinical relevance of chronic exposure to ambient levels of traffic derived air pollution on the ocular surface. Methods: A panel study involving 55 volunteers was carried out in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We measured the mean individual levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) exposure for 7 days. All subjects answered the Ocular Symptom Disease Index (OSDI) and a symptoms inventory. Subsequently, subjects underwent Schirmer I test, biomicroscopy, vital staining and tear breakup time (TOUT) assessment. Subject`s mean daily exposure to NO(2) was categorized in quartiles. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD and Chi-Square tests. Results: A dose-response pattern was detected between OSDI scores and NO(2) quartiles (p < 0.05). There was a significant association between NO(2) quartiles and reported ocular irritation (X(2) = 9.2, p < 0.05) and a significant negative association between TBUT and NO(2) exposure (p < 0.05, R = -0.316. Spearman`s correlation). There was a significant increase in the frequency of meibomitis in subjects exposed to higher levels of NO(2) (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Subjects exposed to higher levels of traffic derived air pollution reported more ocular discomfort symptoms and presented greater tear film instability, suggesting that the ocular discomfort symptoms and tear breakup time could be used as convenient bioindicators of the adverse health effects of traffic derived air pollution exposure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: To report clinical outcomes of the treatment of ocular Demodex folliculorum with oral ivermectin. DESIGN: Noncomparative, interventional case series. METHODS: Setting. Institutional. Study Population. Twenty-four eyes of 12 patients (3 male and 9 female; mean age +/- standard deviation, 50.4 +/- 21.0 years) with refractory posterior blepharitis with the presence of D. folliculorum in lash samples were enrolled in this study. Intervention. Patients were instructed to take 1 dose of oral ivermectin (200 mu g/kg). All patients were instructed to repeat the treatment after 7 days. Main outcome measures. Tear meniscus height, Schirmer I test results, noninvasive tear film break-up time (BUT), quantification of the absolute number of D. folliculorum found in the lashes, and corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining scores were obtained from all patients 1 day before and 28 days after treatment. RESULTS: Statistical improvement was observed in the absolute number of D. folliculorum found in the lashes after the treatment with oral ivermectin. Average values of Schirmer I test results and tear film break-up time improved statistically after the treatment of oral ivermectin. No statistical improvement was observed in average lacrimal meniscus height or value of corneal fluorescein and rose bengal staining after treatment with oral ivermectin. CONCLUSIONS: Ivermectin successfully reduced the number of D. folliculorum found in the lashes of patients with refractory blepharitis. Oral ivermectin may be very useful as a complement in the treatment of D. folliculorum infestation with ocular manifestation, especially in cases of unsuccessful treatment related to patient compliance. (Am J Ophthalmol 2011;151:1030-1034. (C) 2011 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
The aim of this study is to evaluate whether aspirin reduces Diabetis Mellitus (DM) oxidative damage in the lacrimal gland (LG), and ocular surface (OS). Ten weeks after streptozotocin induced DM and aspirin treatment, LG and OS of rats were compared for tear secretion, hidtology, peroxidase activity, and expression of uncoupling proteins (UCPs). DM reduction of tear secretion was prevented by aspirin (P < 0.01). Alterations of LG morphology and increased numbers of lipofucsin-like inclusions were observed in diabetic but not in aspirin-treated diabetic rats. Peroxidase activity levels were higher and UCP-2 was reduced in DM LG but not in aspirin treated (P = 0.0025 and P < 0.05, respectively). The findings prevented by aspirin indicate a direct inhibitory effect on oxidative pathways in LG and their inflammatory consequences, preserving the LG structure and function against hyperglycemia and/or insulin deficiency damage.
The afferent nerves of the cornea and conjunctiva, efferent nerves of the lacrimal gland, and the lacrimal gland are a functional unit that works cooperatively to produce the aqueous component of tears. A decrease in the lacrimal gland secretory function can lead to dry eye disease. Because aging is a risk factor for dry eye disease, study of the changes in the function of the lacrimal gland functional unit with age is important for developing treatments to prevent dry eye disease. No one mechanism is known to induce the changes that occur with aging, although multiple different mechanisms have been associated with aging. These fall into two theoretical categories: programmed theories of aging (immunological, genetic, apoptotic, and neuroendocrine) and error theories of aging (protein alteration, somatic mutation, etc). Lacrimal glands undergo structural and functional alteration with increasing age. In mouse models of aging, it has been shown that neural stimulation of protein secretion is an early target of aging, accompanied by an increase in mast cells and lipofuscin accumulation. Hyperglycemia and increased lymphocytic infiltration can contribute to this loss of function at older ages. These findings suggest that an increase in oxidative stress may play a role in the loss of lacrimal gland function with age. For the afferent and efferent neural components of the lacrimal gland functional unit, immune or inflammatory mediated decrease in nerve function could contribute to loss of lacrimal gland secretion with age. More research in this area is critically needed.
Because dry eye disease is rare in children and its pathogenesis is less well known than in adults, its diagnosis is often overlooked. It can occur in association with a number of congenital, autoimmune, endocrine, and inflammatory disorders, or under certain environmental and nutritional conditions. In some cases, early detection allows the underlying cause of the dry eye to be successfully treated and eliminated. In other cases, the disease may represent a lifelong problem, whose proper management can prevent ulceration and scarring of the ocular surface. Because of the association of pediatric dry eye with other conditions, a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment is usually required. The purpose of this review is to enhance physician awareness of dry eye in children, to describe the most frequently associated conditions, and to discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic options available.
Spontaneous blinking is essential for maintaining a healthy ocular surface and clarity of vision. The spontaneous blink rate (SBR) is believed to reflect a complex interaction between peripheral influences mediated by the eye surface and the central dopaminergic activity. The SBR is thus extremely variable and dependent on a variety of psychological and medical conditions. Many different methods have been employed to measure the SBR and the upper eyelid kinematics during a blink movement. Each has its own merits and drawbacks, and the choice of a specific method should be tailored to the specific needs of the investigation. Although the sequence of muscle events that leads to a blink has been fully described, knowledge about the neural control of spontaneous blinking activity is not complete. The tear film is dynamically modified between blinks, and abnormalities of the blink rate have an obvious influence on the ocular surface.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and establish the mean values of IOP in healthy adult sheep using an applanation tonometer. Information on age, sex, and breed was obtained for all animals included in this study. Twenty five healthy sheep (Ovis aries), of the same breed (Texel), male or female, with three years of age, received an ophthalmic examination in both eyes, including pupillary reflexes, Schirmer tear test, slit lamp biomicroscopy, and fluorescein staining. For all ophthalmic testing, animals were gently physically restrained, with no pressure in the jugular area and the eyelids were carefully open. IOP was measured by applanation tonometry (Tonopen XL). The same examiner performed the tonometry; measurements were taken three times for each eye, and their average was recorded as the IOP of the animal. Statistical analysis was performed using paired t-test and values of P < 0.05 were considered significant. The mean intraocular pressure in the whole group of 50 eyes was of 16.36 +/- 2.19 mm Hg. The mean (SD) IOP in the right eye was of 15.96 +/- 2.02 mm Hg, while the mean (SD) IOP in the left eye was of 16.76 +/- 2.32 mm Hg. Significant differences in IOP were not found between right and left eyes. The applanation tonometer was adequate for measuring the intraocular pressure in sheep. Reference data will assist in diagnosing testing for ophthalmic disease in sheep, as¹ well as promote further studies in this area.
Neste artigo, convido o leitor a transformar-se num detetive à caça de simetrias! E desta vez o objeto da nossa atenção são as bonitas peças de tecelagem. Os tecidos obtêm-se através do entrelaçamento de fios longitudinais (fios de teia) com fios transversais (fios de trama), o que só por si já tem interesse do ponto de vista matemático. (...) Joana Dias é natural da Ilha de São Miguel e vive atualmente em Santa Maria. O seu trabalho artesanal em tecelagem, malhas e fiação de lã pode ser apreciado na Web. (...) Joana acrescenta: "Como designer tenho um fascínio pelo padrão, pela repetição de um motivo, pela desconstrução e pela sensação de desenhar e preencher um espaço sem limites, sem princípio nem fim. A repetição é infinita embora vejamos apenas uma parte. A arte da tecelagem representa este momento mágico de construção do padrão dentro dos limites do tear." Reforço o facto de este aspeto referido pela Joana ser de extrema importância para a compreensão intuitiva do conceito de simetria. Aqui está um exemplo claro de como é importante estabelecer pontes entre a Escola e a Sociedade, com enfoque nas nossas tradições. E por que não trazer à Escola artesãos açorianos para dar um testemunho das diferentes formas de artesanato tão características da nossa região? Muitos alunos certamente adorariam fazer as suas próprias peças orientados por quem sabe, para não falar no potencial deste tipo de atividades para a promoção de aprendizagens significativas. (...)
Voltamos à conversa com Joana Dias sobre o trabalho que tem desenvolvido no âmbito da tecelagem tradicional. A artesã explica as diferentes fases de execução de uma peça: "Primeiro há que fazer a teia. Aqui reside o grande segredo da tecelagem: na preparação da teia e na consequente preparação do tear está mais de metade do trabalho feito. Em seguida, escolho os fios de trama para cobrir a teia. Se forem retalhos, por exemplo, tenho de os cortar, o que demora muito tempo. Confesso que, por vezes, esta é uma tarefa cansativa que me retira algum ânimo e energia. Já o tecer propriamente dito é relativamente rápido, mas é o mais interessante. Só por isso tudo o resto vale a pena!" De facto, é nesta fase que se define o padrão da peça e as simetrias que o caracterizam. É sobretudo esta componente criativa que entusiasma a nossa artesã. (...) A artesã acrescenta: "Penso que os trabalhos de artesanato se fazem, por vezes, ao contrário do que deveria ser. Numa busca pela modernização do artesanato, perde-se o que realmente é tradicional e 'de mestre' para entrarmos numa banalização de que tudo o que é feito à mão é artesanato. Por vezes, não sinto que haja uma vontade de preservar o que é verdadeiramente nosso, cedendo-se às pressões do souvenir para o turista, das miniaturas e afins, em vez de se ir à essência das coisas e partir daí para uma utilização real do objeto e/ou da técnica. Está a banalizar-se um saber fazer que antes se chamava de ofício e não de artesanato, usando-o como aspeto meramente decorativo, de utilização aleatória, que podia ser aquela ou outra qualquer." (...)
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças sob orientação de Professor Doutor Adalmiro Alvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira
This thesis project concentrated on both the study and treatment of an early 20th century male portrait in oil from Colecção Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Lisbon, Portugal. The portrait of Januário Correia de Almeida, exhibits a tear (approximately 4.0 cm by 2.3 cm) associated with paint loss on the right upper side, where it is possible to observe an unusually thick size layer (approximately 50 microns) and an open weave mesh canvas. Size layers made from animal glue remain subject to severe dimensional changes due to changes in relative humidity (RH), thereby affecting the stability of the painting. In this case, the response to moisture of the size layer is minimal and the painting is largely uncracked with very little active flaking. This suggests that the size layer has undergone pre-treatment to render it unresponsive to moisture or water. Reconstructions based on late nineteenth century recipes using historically appropriate materials are used to explore various options for modifying the characteristics of gelatine, some of which may relate to the Portrait’s size layer. The thesis is separated into two parts: Part 1: Describes the history, condition, materials and techniques of the painting. It also details the treatment of Januário Correia de Almeida as well as the choices made and problems encountered during the treatment. Part 2: Discusses the history of commercial gelatine production, the choice of the appropriate animal source to extract the collagen to produce reconstructions of the portrait’s size layer as well as the characterization of selected reconstructions. The execution of a shallow textured infill led to one publication and one presentation: Abstract accepted for presentation and publication, International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage (RECH3), Francisco Brites, Leslie Carlyle and Raquel Marques, ‘’Hand building a Low Profile Textured Fill for a Large Loss’’.
Purpose. To analyze dry eye disease (DED) tests and their consistency in similar nonsymptomatic population samples living in two geographic locations with different climates (Continental vs. Atlantic). Methods. This is a pilot study including 14 nonsymptomatic residents from Valladolid (Continental climate, Spain) and 14 sex-matched and similarly aged residents from Braga (Atlantic climate, Portugal); they were assessed during the same season (spring) of two consecutive years. Phenol red thread test, conjunctival hyperemia, fluorescein tear breakup time, corneal and conjunctival staining, and Schirmer test were evaluated on three different consecutive visits. Reliability was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient and weighted kappa (J) coefficient for quantitative and ordinal variables, respectively. Results. Fourteen subjects were recruited in each city with a mean (TSD) age of 63.0 (T1.7) and 59.1 (T0.9) years (p = 0.08) in Valladolid and Braga, respectively. Intraclass correlation coefficient and J values of the tests performed were below 0.69 and 0.61, respectively, for both samples, thus showing moderate to poor reliability. Subsequently, comparisons were made between the results corresponding to the middle and higher outdoor relative humidity (RH) visit in each location as there were no differences in mean temperature (p Q 0.75) despite RH values significantly differing (p e 0.005). Significant (p e 0.05) differences were observed between Valladolid and Braga samples on tear breakup time (middle RH visit, 2.76 T 0.60 vs. 5.26 T 0.64 seconds; higher RH visit, 2.61 T 0.32 vs. 5.78 T 0.88 seconds) and corneal (middle RH, 0.64 T 0.17 vs. 0.14 T 0.10; higher RH, 0.60 T 0.22 vs. 0.0 T 0.0) and conjunctival staining (middle RH, 0.61 T 0.17 vs. 0.14 T 0.08; higher RH, 0.57 T 0.15 vs. 0.18 T 0.09). Conclusions. This pilot study provides initial evidence to support that DED test outcomes assessing the ocular surface integrity and tear stability are climate dependent. Future large-sample studies should support these outcomes also in DED patients. This knowledge is fundamental for multicenter clinical trials. Lack of consistency in diagnostic clinical tests for DED was also corroborated. (Optom Vis Sci 2015;92:e284Ye289)