611 resultados para Tall Fescue
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of light guide distance and the different photoactivation methods on the degree of conversion (DC) and microleakage of a composite. Methods and Materials: Three photoactivation protocols (600mW/cm(2) x 40 seconds; 400 mW/cm(2) x 60 seconds or 200 mW/cm(2) x 20 seconds, followed by 500 mW/cm(2) X 40 seconds) and three distances from the light source (0, 3 or 7 mm) were tested. Cylindrical specimens (5 nun diameter; 2 mm tall; n=3) were prepared for the DC test (FT-Raman). Class V cavities were made in 90 bovine incisors to conduct the microleakage test. The specimens were conditioned for 15 seconds with phosphoric acid (37%), followed by application of the adhesive system Prime & Bond NT (Dentsply/Caulk). The preparations were restored in bulk. The specimens were stored for 24 hours in distilled water (37 degrees C) before being submitted to the silvernitrate microleakage protocol. The restorations were sectioned and analyzed under 25x magnification. Results: Statistical analyses (two-way ANOVAs and Tukey test, alpha=0.05) found significance only for the factor distance (p=0.015) at the top of the composite for the DC test. Conversion was statistically lower for the 7 mm groups compared to the 0 and 3 mm groups, which were equivalent to each other. At the bottom of the specimens, none of the factors or interactions was significant (p<0.05). The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that, in general, the soft-start method led to lower microleakage scores when compared to the continuous modes, mainly when associated with a distancing of 7 mm (p<0.01). With the exception of specimens irradiated with 400mW/cm(2) that did not demonstrate variations on scores for the distances tested, higher microleakage was observed for shorter distances from the light source. Conclusions: Soft-start methods may reduce microleakage when the light guide distancing provides a low level of irradiance, which also causes a discrete reduction in the DC.
Our studies on two branching mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.) have identified a further Ramosus locus, Rms6, with two recessive or partially recessive mutant alleles: rms6-1 (type line S2-271) and rms6-2 (type line K586). Mutants rms6-1 and rms6-2 were derived from dwarf and tall cultivars, Solara and Torsdag, respectively. The rms6 mutants are characterized by increased branching from basal nodes. In contrast, mutants rms1 through rms5 have increased branching from both basal and aerial (upper stem) nodes. Buds at the cotyledonary node of wild-type (WT) plants remain dormant but in rms6 plants these buds were usually released from dormancy. Their growth was either subsequently inhibited, sometimes even prior to emergence above ground, or they grew into secondary stems. The mutant phenotype was strongest for rms6-1 on the dwarf background. Although rms6-2 had a weak single-mutant phenotype, the rms3-1 rms6-2 double mutant showed clear transgression and an additive branching phenotype, with a total lateral length almost 2-fold greater than rms3-1 and nearly 5-fold greater than rms6-2 . Grafting studies between WT and rms6-1 plants demonstrated the primary action of Rms6 may be confined to the shoot. Young WT and rms6-1 shoots had similar auxin levels, and decapitated plants had a similar magnitude of response to applied auxin. Abscisic acid levels were elevated 2-fold at node 2 of young rms6-1 plants. The Rms6 locus mapped to the R to Gp segment of linkage group V (chromosome 3). The rms6 mutants will be useful for basic research and also have possible agronomical value.
The reproductive structures of the downy-mildew fungi, Peronosclerospora noblei and Peronosclerospora eriochloae, develop only on chlorotic leaves of tall, vegetative tillers of the perennial grasses Sorghum leiocladum (wild sorghum) and Eriochloa pseudoacrotricha (early spring grass), respectively. They are never found on the leaves of flowering tillers, even when tillers of both types grow from the same tussock. The development of symptoms on infected tillers of both hosts and the morphological and anatomical changes to host tissues on infected tillers are detailed.
Vegetation monitoring is essential to evaluate management and assess condition. However, methods that have been used cannot assess the viability of the community or provide indicators of future condition. Seed traps can be used to measure reproductive potential of a vegetation community via seed rain. This study evaluates three different seed-trap designs and compares their effectiveness in terms of the diversity and abundance of seed captured, the presence of seed-predating insects, cost, manufacturing ease and serviceability. Field trials were conducted in open, grassy woodlands in south-western and south-eastern Queensland. The results showed that the tall funnel-trap design was the least effective, while the wet wind trap and pitfall funnel trap proved more effective. On the basis of the results of this study, further investigations are recommended for testing trap performance in different vegetation communities, seed predation in relation to seed production and variation in seed production over time. Seed traps that monitor seed rain are potentially useful in assessing the health and viability of a vegetation community. Used in conjunction with other monitoring methods, they may offer valuable insights about the dynamics of entire communities and/or individual species, and therefore appropriate management strategies.
Examination of the lateral line canals in the Epaulette Shark reveals a much more differentiated sensory system than previously reported from any elasmobranch. Two main types of lateral line canals are found. In one type rounded patches of sensory epithelia are separated by elevations of the canal floor. The other type is a straight canal without restrictions and with an almost continuous sensory epithelium. In addition, we found epithelia (type A) with very long apical microvilli on the supporting cells. These microvilli reach beyond the stereovilli of the hair cells. Another type (B) of sensory epithelium has short microvilli on the supporting cells. In this latter type of epithelium the stereovilli of the hair cells are comparatively tall and reach out beyond the supporting cell microvilli. New hair cells are found widely in both types of sensory epithelia. These always occur as single cells, unlike those described in teleost lateral line canal sensory epithelia where new hair cells seem to form in pairs. Dying hair cells are also widespread, indicating a continuous turnover of hair cells.
A realização deste trabalho inseriu-se na contribuição para o estudo da incorporação de novos materiais poliméricos em membranas betuminosas, mais concretamente na modificação de misturas betuminosas. Para o efeito, foram sintetizados novos poliésteres polióis semelhantes estruturalmente, mas com diferentes pesos moleculares, baseados na utilização de ácidos diméricos de fonte renovável (tall-oil), que serviram de suporte para a produção de prepolímeros de isocianato para a modificação de betumes. A caracterização dos póliesteres polióis e dos polímeros produzidos foi realizada através de espectroscopia de infravermelhos. Ensaios de engenharia e qualidade, especificados para misturas betuminosas, foram realizados a diversos betumes convencionais e modificados, nos laboratórios industriais das empresas Imperalum e Probigalp como parte integrante no conhecimento dos procedimentos para este tipo de ensaios, nomeadamente o ensaio de penetração, ponto de amolecimento, viscosidade cinemática e dinâmica, apoiando igualmente um estudo de reprodutibilidade inter-laboratorial. Betumes 160/220 previamente modificados com teores de 1% e 3% de prepolímeros reactivos e, modificados com APP e SBS, foram caracterizados reologicamente a várias temperaturas na zona de viscoelasticidade linear. Os ensaios foram realizados em regime dinâmico através do varrimento em frequência a várias temperaturas. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que as modificações consideradas aumentam o carácter elástico dos betumes, confirmado pelo aumento do módulo elástico (G’(ω)). Os betumes modificados com teores de 1% de prepolímeros foram caracterizados microestruturalmente através de microscopia de força atómica. As imagens topográficas obtidas confirmam a existência de três fases distintas, designadamente a fase catana, perifase e parafase. A avaliação das proporções de cada fase revelou dependências entre a estrutura dos modificadores e a alteração efectiva da microestrutura dos betumes.
The production of MVOC by fungi has been taken into account especially from the viewpoint of indoor pollution with microorganisms but the relevance of fungal metabolites in working environments has not been sufficiently studied. The purpose of this study was to assess exposure to MVOCs in a waste-handling unit. It was used Multirae equipment (RAE Systems) to measured MVOCs concentration with a 10.6 eV lamps. The measurements were done near workers nose and during the normal activities. All measurements were done continuously and had the duration of 5 minutes at least. It was consider the higher value obtained in each measurement. In addition, for knowing fungi contamination, five air samples of 50 litres were collected through impaction method at 140 L/minute, at one meter tall, on to malt extract agar with the antibiotic chloramphenicol (MEA). MVOCs results range between 4.7 ppm and 8.9 ppm in the 6 locations consider. These results are eight times higher than normally obtained in indoor settings. Considering fungi results, two species were identified in air, being the genera Penicillium found in all the samples in uncountable colonies and Rhizopus only in one sample (40 UFC/m3). These fungi are known as MVOCs producers, namely terpenoids, ketones, alcohols and others. Until now, there has been no evidence that MVOCs are toxicologically relevant, but further epidemiological research is necessary to elucidate their role on human’s health, particularly in occupational settings where microbiological contamination is common. Additionally, further research should concentrate on quantitative analyses of specific MVOCs.
Com a presente dissertação pretende-se analisar alguns dos problemas associados aos edifícios altos, na fase de projeto, bem como compilar um conjunto de informações e conhecimentos científicos sobre a área abordada. São descritas algumas soluções de sistemas estruturais possíveis de idealizar para edifícios altos. Posteriormente, tendo por base um projeto de estruturas de um edifício com 25 pisos localizado em Luanda, capital de Angola, o objetivo consistiu em analisar estática e dinamicamente o seu comportamento quando solicitado fundamentalmente pelas ações do vento e dos sismos. A análise estrutural foi realizada com recurso a dois softwares de cálculo automático, nomeadamente, o Cypecad e o Robot Structural Analysis Professional e pelos métodos preconizados no Regulamento de Segurança e Ações para estruturas de edifícios e pontes e o Eurocódigo 8 – “Projeto de estruturas para resistência aos sismos”. Aborda-se a temática do faseamento construtivo, assunto que revela algumas limitações dos programas de cálculo utilizados, sendo descrito um método simplificado para prever os seus efeitos em termos de dimensionamento final. Os resultados obtidos permitiram avaliar o bom comportamento da estrutura no que respeita ao cumprimento dos estados limites últimos e de serviço. Conclui-se que o sistema estrutural adotado no modelo em estudo se encontra bem dimensionado relativamente ao colapso e à limitação de danos.
Este trabalho de pesquisa e desenvolvimento tem como fundamento principal o Conceito de Controlo por Lógica Difusa. Utilizando as ferramentas do software Matlab, foi possível desenvolver um controlador com base na inferência difusa que permitisse controlar qualquer tipo de sistema físico real, independentemente das suas características. O Controlo Lógico Difuso, do inglês “Fuzzy Control”, é um tipo de controlo muito particular, pois permite o uso simultâneo de dados numéricos com variáveis linguísticas que tem por base o conhecimento heurístico dos sistemas a controlar. Desta forma, consegue-se quantificar, por exemplo, se um copo está “meio cheio” ou “meio vazio”, se uma pessoa é “alta” ou “baixa”, se está “frio” ou “muito frio”. O controlo PID é, sem dúvida alguma, o controlador mais amplamente utilizado no controlo de sistemas. Devido à sua simplicidade de construção, aos reduzidos custos de aplicação e manutenção e aos resultados que se obtêm, este controlador torna-se a primeira opção quando se pretende implementar uma malha de controlo num determinado sistema. Caracterizado por três parâmetros de ajuste, a saber componente proporcional, integral e derivativa, as três em conjunto permitem uma sintonia eficaz de qualquer tipo de sistema. De forma a automatizar o processo de sintonia de controladores e, aproveitando o que melhor oferece o Controlo Difuso e o Controlo PID, agrupou-se os dois controladores, onde em conjunto, como poderemos constatar mais adiante, foram obtidos resultados que vão de encontro com os objectivos traçados. Com o auxílio do simulink do Matlab, foi desenvolvido o diagrama de blocos do sistema de controlo, onde o controlador difuso tem a tarefa de supervisionar a resposta do controlador PID, corrigindo-a ao longo do tempo de simulação. O controlador desenvolvido é denominado por Controlador FuzzyPID. Durante o desenvolvimento prático do trabalho, foi simulada a resposta de diversos sistemas à entrada em degrau unitário. Os sistemas estudados são na sua maioria sistemas físicos reais, que representam sistemas mecânicos, térmicos, pneumáticos, eléctricos, etc., e que podem ser facilmente descritos por funções de transferência de primeira, segunda e de ordem superior, com e sem atraso.
O presente trabalho refere-se a um relatório de estágio para a conclusão do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil - ramo de Estruturas no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estágio decorreu na empresa FASE - Estudos e Projectos S.A. durante um período de seis meses. Este documento tem como principal objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos das fases de um projeto de um edifício. Aborda-se a modelação e análise de um edifício alto em betão armado, situado em Moçambique, salientando o dimensionamento dos elementos estruturais. Numa segunda fase, para aprofundar o conceito BIM, propôs-se a integração desta metodologia ao projeto já elaborado tendo em vista a ligação bidirecional dos programas de cálculo com os programas de desenho. Um dos objetivos de elaborar um trabalho em ambiente empresarial é o desenvolvimento de competências socio-profissionais e transversais. Para isso, este trabalho passou também pelo acompanhamento de outros projetos sendo dois deles apresentados no último capítulo.
Este trabalho aborda uma série de conceitos base no que concerne à ação do vento sobre edifícios altos, começando por ser estabelecidas algumas considerações fundamentais acerca da circulação do vento na camada limite atmosférica bem como acerca da sua interação com as estruturas. É feita uma análise da metodologia proposta pelo Eurocódigo 1 para quantificação de tal ação sobre os edifícios, bem como é elaborada uma comparação da metodologia proposta por este com a metodologia ainda vigente na regulamentação portuguesa. Foram modelados computacionalmente, com recurso a um programa de cálculo estrutural automático, três edifícios altos com diferente secção geométrica em planta que servirão de caso de estudo. Para estes mesmos edifícios são aplicados os dois regulamentos considerados com vista à determinação de esforços e deslocamentos. Sendo os edifícios altos um género de estruturas capazes de ser excitadas dinamicamente perante a ação do vento, adota-se uma metodologia para quantificação desta ação de forma dinâmica na direção do escoamento. Assim, é obtida a resposta dinâmica ao longo do tempo em termos de deslocamentos e acelerações para o caso de estudo considerado e é feita uma comparação da resposta do edifício quadrangular sob a ação dinâmica do vento com a resposta estática regulamentar.
1º Prémio no Encontro Histórias da Segurança do Doente
INTRODUCTION: The aim of the present study was to identify the presence of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infection in dogs in the City of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, using the PCR technique to list the hot spots of infected dogs in the city and associate their occurrence to significant environmental changes at capture sites. METHODS: DNA was extracted from blood of dogs, and the PCR were performed with primers RV1/RV2. After screening the population studied, the regions of the city that had the highest occurrence of canine infection were detected. These sites were visited, and ecological parameters denoting anthropogenic disturbance were evaluated. RESULTS: Some important features were listed in the regions visited, such as low urbanization, lack of public collection of sewage, limited garbage collection, vacant lots with tall vegetation, decaying organic matter, and, most importantly, the occurrence of stray dogs and poultry in homes. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology for screening the population was very efficient, especially in evaluating a large number of individuals in a short time, with a high degree of automation. The results indicate an association between the observed parameters and the occurrence of infection in dogs. The model presented in the city is ideal for studies of disease progression and expansion and for the evaluation of control measures adopted for canine VL.
Existing masonry structures are usually associated to a high seismic vulnerability, mainly due to the properties of the materials, weak connections between floors and load-bearing walls, high mass of the masonry walls and flexibility of the floors. For these reasons, the seismic performance of existing masonry structures has received much attention in the last decades. This study presents the parametric analysis taking into account the deviations on features of the gaioleiro buildings - Portuguese building typology. The main objective of the parametric analysis is to compare the seismic performance of the structure as a function of the variations of its properties with respect to the response of a reference model. The parametric analysis was carried out for two types of structural analysis, namely for the non-linear dynamic analysis with time integration and for the pushover analysis with distribution of forces proportional to the inertial forces of the structure. The Young's modulus of the masonry walls, Young's modulus of the timber floors, the compressive and tensile non-linear properties (strength and fracture energy) were the properties considered in both type of analysis. Additionally, in the dynamic analysis, the influences of the vis-cous damping and of the vertical component of the earthquake were evaluated. A pushover analysis proportional to the modal displacement of the first mode in each direction was also carried out. The results shows that the Young's modulus of the masonry walls, the Young's modulus of the timber floors and the compressive non-linear properties are the pa-rameters that most influence the seismic performance of this type of tall and weak existing masonry structures. Furthermore, it is concluded that that the stiffness of the floors influences significantly the strength capacity and the collapse mecha-nism of the numerical model. Thus, a study on the strengthening of the floors was also carried out. The increase of the thickness of the timber floors was the strengthening technique that presented the best seismic performance, in which the reduction of the out-of-plane displacements of the masonry walls is highlighted.
Stomata are turgor-operated valves that control water loss and CO2 uptake during photosynthesis, and thereby water relation and plant biomass accumulation is closely related to stomatal functioning. The aims of this work were to document how stomata are distributed on the leaf surface and to determine if there is any significant variation in stomatal characteristics among Amazonian tree species, and finally to study the relationship between stomatal density (S D) and tree height. Thirty five trees (>17 m tall) of different species were selected. Stomatal type, density (S D), size (S S) and stomatal distribution on the leaf surface were determined using nail polish imprints taken from both leaf surfaces. Irrespective of tree species, stomata were located only on the abaxial surface (hypostomaty), with large variation in both S D and S S among species. S D ranged from 110 mm-2 in Neea altissima to 846 mm-2 in Qualea acuminata. However, in most species S D ranges between 271 and 543 mm-2, with a negative relationship between S D and S S. We also found a positive relationship between S D and tree height (r² = 0.14, p < 0.01), but no correlation was found between S D and leaf thickness. The most common stomatal type was anomocytic (37%), followed by paracytic (26%) and anisocytic (11%). We conclude that in Amazonian tree species, stomatal distribution on the leaf surface is a response most likely dependent on the genetic background of every species, rather than a reaction to environmental changes, and that somehow S D is influenced by environmental factors dependent on tree height.