150 resultados para TUNABILITY


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Flexible radio transmitters based on the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) concept are gaining an increased research importance due to the unparalleled proliferation of new wireless standards operating at different frequencies, using dissimilar coding and modulation schemes, and targeted for different ends. In this new wireless communications paradigm, the physical layer of the radio transmitter must be able to support the simultaneous transmission of multi-band, multi-rate, multi-standard signals, which in practice is very hard or very inefficient to implement using conventional approaches. Nevertheless, the last developments in this field include novel all-digital transmitter architectures where the radio datapath is digital from the baseband up to the RF stage. Such concept has inherent high flexibility and poses an important step towards the development of SDR-based transmitters. However, the truth is that implementing such radio for a real world communications scenario is a challenging task, where a few key limitations are still preventing a wider adoption of this concept. This thesis aims exactly to address some of these limitations by proposing and implementing innovative all-digital transmitter architectures with inherent higher flexibility and integration, and where improving important figures of merit, such as coding efficiency, signal-to-noise ratio, usable bandwidth and in-band and out-of-band noise will also be addressed. In the first part of this thesis, the concept of transmitting RF data using an entirely digital approach based on pulsed modulation is introduced. A comparison between several implementation technologies is also presented, allowing to state that FPGAs provide an interesting compromise between performance, power efficiency and flexibility, thus making them an interesting choice as an enabling technology for pulse-based all-digital transmitters. Following this discussion, the fundamental concepts inherent to pulsed modulators, its key advantages, main limitations and typical enhancements suitable for all-digital transmitters are also presented. The recent advances regarding the two most common classes of pulse modulated transmitters, namely the RF and the baseband-level are introduced, along with several examples of state-of-the-art architectures found on the literature. The core of this dissertation containing the main developments achieved during this PhD work is then presented and discussed. The first key contribution to the state-of-the-art presented here consists in the development of a novel ΣΔ-based all-digital transmitter architecture capable of multiband and multi-standard data transmission in a very flexible and integrated way, where the pulsed RF output operating in the microwave frequency range is generated inside a single FPGA device. A fundamental contribution regarding the simultaneous transmission of multiple RF signals is then introduced by presenting and describing novel all-digital transmitter architectures that take advantage of multi-gigabit data serializers available on current high-end FPGAs in order to transmit in a time-interleaved approach multiple independent RF carriers. Further improvements in this design approach allowed to provide a two-stage up-conversion transmitter architecture enabling the fine frequency tuning of concurrent multichannel multi-standard signals. Finally, further improvements regarding two key limitations inherent to current all-digital transmitter approaches are then addressed, namely the poor coding efficiency and the combined high quality factor and tunability requirements of the RF output filter. The followed design approach based on poliphase multipath circuits allowed to create a new FPGA-embedded agile transmitter architecture that significantly improves important figures of merit, such as coding efficiency and SNR, while maintains the high flexibility that is required for supporting multichannel multimode data transmission.


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Nos últimos anos, a Optoelectrónica tem sido estabelecida como um campo de investigação capaz de conduzir a novas soluções tecnológicas. As conquistas abundantes no campo da óptica e lasers, bem como em comunicações ópticas têm sido de grande importância e desencadearam uma série de inovações. Entre o grande número de componentes ópticos existentes, os componentes baseados em fibra óptica são principalmente relevantes devido à sua simplicidade e à elevada de transporte de dados da fibra óptica. Neste trabalho foi focado um destes componentes ópticos: as redes de difracção em fibra óptica, as quais têm propriedades ópticas de processamento únicas. Esta classe de componentes ópticos é extremamente atraente para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos de comunicações ópticas e sensores. O trabalho começou com uma análise teórica aplicada a redes em fibra e foram focados os métodos de fabricação de redes em fibra mais utilizados. A inscrição de redes em fibra também foi abordado neste trabalho, onde um sistema de inscrição automatizada foi implementada para a fibra óptica de sílica, e os resultados experimentais mostraram uma boa aproximação ao estudo de simulação. Também foi desenvolvido um sistema de inscrição de redes de Bragg em fibra óptica de plástico. Foi apresentado um estudo detalhado da modulação acústico-óptica em redes em fibra óptica de sílica e de plástico. Por meio de uma análise detalhada dos modos de excitação mecânica aplicadas ao modulador acústico-óptico, destacou-se que dois modos predominantes de excitação acústica pode ser estabelecidos na fibra óptica, dependendo da frequência acústica aplicada. Através dessa caracterização, foi possível desenvolver novas aplicações para comunicações ópticas. Estudos e implementação de diferentes dispositivos baseados em redes em fibra foram realizados, usando o efeito acústico-óptico e o processo de regeneração em fibra óptica para várias aplicações tais como rápido multiplexador óptico add-drop, atraso de grupo sintonizável de redes de Bragg, redes de Bragg com descolamento de fase sintonizáveis, método para a inscrição de redes de Bragg com perfis complexos, filtro sintonizável para equalização de ganho e filtros ópticos notch ajustáveis.


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This paper presents the design analysis of novel tunable narrow-band bandpass sigma-delta modulators, which can achieve concurrent multiple noise-shaping for multi-tone input signals. Four different design methodologies based on the noise transfer functions of comb filters, slink filters, multi-notch filters and fractional delay comb filters are applied for the design of these multiple-band sigma-delta modulators. The latter approach utilises conventional comb filters in conjunction with FIR, or allpass IIR fractional delay filters, to deliver the desired nulls for the quantisation noise transfer function. Detailed simulation results show that FIR fractional delay comb filter-based sigma-delta modulators tune accurately to most centre frequencies, but suffer from degraded resolution at frequencies close to Nyquist. However, superior accuracies are obtained from their allpass IIR fractional delay counterpart at the expense of a slight shift in noise-shaping bands at very high frequencies. The merits and drawbacks of each technique for the various sigma-delta topologies are assessed in terms of in-band signal-to-noise ratios, accuracy of tunability and coefficient complexity for ease of implementation.


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Les acides biliaires sont des composés naturels existants dans le corps humain. Leur biocompatibilité, leur caractère amphiphile et la rigidité de leur noyau stéroïdien, ainsi que l’excellent contrôle de leurs modifications chimiques, en font de remarquables candidats pour la préparation de matériaux biodégradables pour le relargage de médicaments et l'ingénierie tissulaire. Nous avons préparé une variété de polymères à base d’acides biliaires ayant de hautes masses molaires. Des monomères macrocycliques ont été synthétisés à partir de diènes composés de chaînes alkyles flexibles attachées à un noyau d'acide biliaire via des liens esters ou amides. Ces synthèses ont été réalisées par la fermeture de cycle par métathèse, utilisant le catalyseur de Grubbs de première génération. Les macrocycles obtenus ont ensuite été polymérisés par ouverture de cycle, entropiquement induite le catalyseur de Grubbs de seconde génération. Des copolymères ont également été préparés à partir de monolactones d'acide ricinoléique et de monomères cycliques de triester d’acide cholique via la même méthode. Les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques et la dégradabilité de ces polymères ont été étudiées. Elles peuvent être modulées en modifiant les différents groupes fonctionnels décorant l’acide biliaire et en ayant recours à la copolymérisation. La variation des caractéristiques physiques de ces polymères biocompatibles permet de moduler d’autres propriétés utiles, tel que l’effet de mémoire de forme qui est important pour des applications biomédicales.


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La maladie cœliaque ou sprue cœliaque est une intolérance au gluten. Il s’agit d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin liée à l’ingestion de gluten chez des personnes génétiquement susceptibles. Ce désordre présente une forte prévalence puisqu’il touche 1 % de la population mondiale. En l’état actuel des choses, il n’existe aucun outil pharmacologique pour traiter ou pallier à cette maladie. Cependant, grâce aux avancées dans la compréhension de sa pathogenèse, de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques ont été identifiées. À l’heure actuelle, le seul traitement efficace consiste à suspendre la consommation de l’agent pathogène, à savoir le gluten. Le gluten est un ensemble de protéines de stockage des céréales contenu dans le blé, l’orge et le seigle. Le gluten du blé se subdivise en gluténines et gliadines. Ce sont ces dernières qui semblent les plus impliquées dans la maladie cœliaque. Les gliadines et ses protéines apparentées (i.e. sécalines et hordéines, respectivement dans le seigle et l’orge) sont riches en prolines et en glutamines, les rendant résistantes à la dégradation par les enzymes digestives et celles de la bordure en brosse. Les peptides résultant de cette digestion incomplète peuvent induire des réponses immunitaires acquises et innées. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de tester un nouveau traitement d’appoint de la maladie cœliaque utile lors de voyages ou d’évènements ponctuels. Dans les années 80, une observation italienne montra l’inhibition de certains effets induits par des gliadines digérées sur des cultures cellulaires grâce à la co-incubation en présence de mannane: un polyoside naturel composé de mannoses. Malheureusement, ce traitement n’était pas applicable in vivo à cause de la dégradation par les enzymes du tractus gastro-intestinales du polymère, de par sa nature osidique. Les polymères de synthèse, grâce à la diversité et au contrôle de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, se révèlent être une alternative attrayante à ce polymère naturel. L’objectif de cette recherche était d’obtenir un polymère liant la gliadine, capable d’interférer dans la genèse de la maladie au niveau du tube digestif, afin d’abolir les effets délétères induits par la protéine. Tout d’abord, des copolymères de type poly (hydroxyéthylméthacrylate)-co-(styrène sulfonate) (P(HEMA-co-SS)) ont été synthétisés par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert d’atome (ATRP). Une petite bibliothèque de polymères a été préparée en faisant varier la masse molaire, ainsi que les proportions de chacun des monomères. Ces polymères ont ensuite été testés quant à leur capacité de complexer la gliadine aux pH stomacal et intestinal et les meilleurs candidats ont été retenus pour des essais cellulaires. Les travaux ont permis de montrer que le copolymère P(HEMA-co-SS) (45:55 mol%, 40 kDa) permettait une séquestration sélective de la gliadine et qu’il abolissait les effets induits par la gliadine sur différents types cellulaires. De plus, ce composé interférait avec la digestion de la gliadine, suggérant une diminution de peptides immunogènes impliqués dans la maladie. Ce candidat a été testé in vivo, sur un modèle murin sensible au gluten, quant à son efficacité vis-à-vis de la gliadine pure et d’un mélange contenant du gluten avec d’autres composants alimentaires. Le P(HEMA-co-SS) a permis de diminuer les effets sur les paramètres de perméabilité et d’inflammation, ainsi que de moduler la réponse immunitaire engendrée par l’administration de gliadine et celle du gluten. Des études de toxicité et de biodistribution en administration aigüe et chronique ont été réalisées afin de démontrer que ce dernier était bien toléré et peu absorbé suite à son administration par la voie orale. Enfin des études sur des échantillons de tissus de patients souffrants de maladie cœliaque ont montré un bénéfice therapeutique du polymère. L’ensemble des travaux présentés dans cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence le potentiel thérapeutique du P(HEMA-co-SS) pour prévenir les désordres reliés à l’ingestion de gluten, indiquant que ce type de polymère pourrait être exploité dans un avenir proche.


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La spectroscopie Raman est un outil non destructif fort utile lors de la caractérisation de matériau. Cette technique consiste essentiellement à faire l’analyse de la diffusion inélastique de lumière par un matériau. Les performances d’un système de spectroscopie Raman proviennent en majeure partie de deux filtres ; l’un pour purifier la raie incidente (habituellement un laser) et l’autre pour atténuer la raie élastique du faisceau de signal. En spectroscopie Raman résonante (SRR), l’énergie (la longueur d’onde) d’excitation est accordée de façon à être voisine d’une transition électronique permise dans le matériau à l’étude. La section efficace d’un processus Raman peut alors être augmentée d’un facteur allant jusqu’à 106. La technologie actuelle est limitée au niveau des filtres accordables en longueur d’onde. La SRR est donc une technique complexe et pour l’instant fastidieuse à mettre en œuvre. Ce mémoire présente la conception et la construction d’un système de spectroscopie Raman accordable en longueur d’onde basé sur des filtres à réseaux de Bragg en volume. Ce système vise une utilisation dans le proche infrarouge afin d’étudier les résonances de nanotubes de carbone. Les étapes menant à la mise en fonction du système sont décrites. Elles couvrent les aspects de conceptualisation, de fabrication, de caractérisation ainsi que de l’optimisation du système. Ce projet fut réalisé en étroite collaboration avec une petite entreprise d’ici, Photon etc. De cette coopération sont nés les filtres accordables permettant avec facilité de changer la longueur d’onde d’excitation. Ces filtres ont été combinés à un laser titane : saphir accordable de 700 à 1100 nm, à un microscope «maison» ainsi qu’à un système de détection utilisant une caméra CCD et un spectromètre à réseau. Sont d’abord présentés les aspects théoriques entourant la SRR. Par la suite, les nanotubes de carbone (NTC) sont décrits et utilisés pour montrer la pertinence d’une telle technique. Ensuite, le principe de fonctionnement des filtres est décrit pour être suivi de l’article où sont parus les principaux résultats de ce travail. On y trouvera entre autres la caractérisation optique des filtres. Les limites de basses fréquences du système sont démontrées en effectuant des mesures sur un échantillon de soufre dont la raie à 27 cm-1 est clairement résolue. La simplicité d’accordabilité est quant à elle démontrée par l’utilisation d’un échantillon de NTC en poudre. En variant la longueur d’onde (l’énergie d’excitation), différentes chiralités sont observées et par le fait même, différentes raies sont présentes dans les spectres. Finalement, des précisions sur l’alignement, l’optimisation et l’opération du système sont décrites. La faible acceptance angulaire est l’inconvénient majeur de l’utilisation de ce type de filtre. Elle se répercute en problème d’atténuation ce qui est critique plus particulièrement pour le filtre coupe-bande. Des améliorations possibles face à cette limitation sont étudiées.


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A novel dual frequency dual-polarized square microstrip patch antenna embedded with a slot is presented. The proposed antenna offers tunability of the frequency ratio between the two frequencies by adjusting the slot dimensions. This configuration also provides a size reduction up to -51 and 35% for the two modes as compared to a square micro strip patch antenna


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The propagation characteristics of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) through a rhodamine 6 G-doped polymethyl methacrylate freestanding film waveguide were studied. This was done by shifting the excitation stripe horizontally along a transversely pumped waveguide. By this method, we could tune the ASE wavelength. The maximum tunability thus obtained was ~18 nm with a pump stripe length of 6 mm.


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Light emitting polymers (LEP) have drawn considerable attention because of their numerous potential applications in the field of optoelectronic devices. Till date, a large number of organic molecules and polymers have been designed and devices fabricated based on these materials. Optoelectronic devices like polymer light emitting diodes (PLED) have attracted wide-spread research attention owing to their superior properties like flexibility, lower operational power, colour tunability and possibility of obtaining large area coatings. PLEDs can be utilized for the fabrication of flat panel displays and as replacements for incandescent lamps. The internal efficiency of the LEDs mainly depends on the electroluminescent efficiency of the emissive polymer such as quantum efficiency, luminance-voltage profile of LED and the balanced injection of electrons and holes. Poly (p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and regio-regular polythiophenes are interesting electro-active polymers which exhibit good electrical conductivity, electroluminescent activity and high film-forming properties. A combination of Red, Green and Blue emitting polymers is necessary for the generation of white light which can replace the high energy consuming incandescent lamps. Most of these polymers show very low solubility, stability and poor mechanical properties. Many of these light emitting polymers are based on conjugated extended chains of alternating phenyl and vinyl units. The intra-chain or inter-chain interactions within these polymer chains can change the emitted colour. Therefore an effective way of synthesizing polymers with reduced π-stacking, high solubility, high thermal stability and high light-emitting efficiency is still a challenge for chemists. New copolymers have to be effectively designed so as to solve these issues. Hence, in the present work, the suitability of a few novel copolymers with very high thermal stability, excellent solubility, intense light emission (blue, cyan and green) and high glass transition temperatures have been investigated to be used as emissive layers for polymer light emitting diodes.


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Nanophotonics can be regarded as a fusion of nanotechnology and photonics and it is an emerging field providing researchers opportunities in fundamental science and new technologies. In recent times many new methodsand techniques have been developed to prepare materials at nanoscale dimensions. Most of these materials exhibit unique and interesting optical properties and behavior. Many of these have been found to be very useful to develop new devices and systems such as tracers in biological systems, optical limiters, light emitters and energy harvesters. This thesis presents a summary of the work done by the author in the field by choosing a few semiconductor systems to prepare nanomaterials and nanocomposites. Results of the study of linear and nonlinear optical properties of materials thus synthesized are also presented in the various chapters of this thesis. CdS is the material chosen here and the methods and the studies of the detailed investigation are presented in this thesis related to the optical properties of CdS nanoparticles and its composites. Preparation and characterization methods and experimental techniques adopted for the investigations were illustrated in chapter 2 of this thesis. Chapter 3 discusses the preparation of CdS, TiO2 and Au nanoparticles. We observed that the fluorescence behaviour of the CdS nanoparticles, prepared by precipitation technique, depends on excitation wavelength. It was found that the peak emission wavelength can be shifted by as much as 147nm by varyingthe excitation wavelengths and the reason for this phenomenon is the selective excitation of the surface states in the nanoparticles. This provided certain amount of tunability for the emission which results from surface states.TiO2 nanoparticle colloids were prepared by hydrothermal method. The optical absorption study showed a blue shift of absorption edge, indicating quantum confinement effect. The large spectral range investigated allows observing simultaneously direct and indirect band gap optical recombination. The emission studies carried out show four peaks, which are found to be generated from excitonic as well as surface state transitions. It was found that the emission wavelengths of these colloidal nanoparticles and annealed nanoparticles showed two category of surface state emission in addition to the excitonic emission. Au nanoparticles prepared by Turkevich method showed nanoparticles of size below 5nm using plasmonic absorption calculation. It was also found that there was almost no variation in size as the concentration of precursor was changed from 0.2mM to 0.4mM.We have observed SHG from CdS nanostructured thin film prepared onglass substrate by chemical bath deposition technique. The results point out that studied sample has in-plane isotropy. The relative values of tensor components of the second-order susceptibility were determined to be 1, zzz 0.14, xxz and 0.07. zxx These values suggest that the nanocrystals are oriented along the normal direction. However, the origin of such orientation remains unknown at present. Thus CdS is a promising nonlinear optical material for photonic applications, particularly for integrated photonic devices. CdS Au nanocomposite particles were prepared by mixing CdS nanoparticles with Au colloidal nanoparticles. Optical absorption study of these nanoparticles in PVA solution suggests that absorption tail was red shifted compared to CdS nanoparticles. TEM and EDS analysis suggested that the amount of Au nanoparticles present on CdS nanoparticles is very small. Fluorescence emission is unaffected indicating the presence of low level of Au nanoparticles. CdS:Au PVA and CdS PVA nanocomposite films were fabricated and optically characterized. The results showed a red-shift for CdS:Au PVA film for absorption tail compared to CdS PVA film. Nonlinear optical analysis showed a huge nonlinear optical absorption for CdS:Au PVA nanocomposite and CdS:PVA films. Also an enhancement in nonlinear optical absorption is found for CdS:Au PVA thin film compared to the CdS PVA thin film. This enhancement is due to the combined effect of plasmonic as well as excitonic contribution at high input intensity. Samples of CdS doped with TiO2 were also prepared and the linear optical absorption spectra of these nanocompositeparticles clearly indicated the influence of TiO2 nanoparticles. TEM and EDS studies have confirmed the presence of TiO2 on CdS nanoparticles. Fluorescence studies showed that there is an increase in emission peak around 532nm for CdS nanoparticles. Nonlinear optical analysis of CdS:TiO2 PVA nanocomposite films indicated a large nonlinear optical absorption compared to that of CdS:PVA nanocomposite film. The values of nonlinear optical absorption suggests that these nanocomposite particles can be employed for optical limiting applications. CdSe-CdS and CdSe-ZnS core-shell QDs with varying shell size were characterized using UV–VIS spectroscopy. Optical absorption and TEM analysis of these QDs suggested a particle size around 5 nm. It is clearly shown that the surface coating influences the optical properties of QDs in terms of their size. Fluorescence studies reveal the presence of trap states in CdSe-CdS and CdSe- ZnS QDs. Trap states showed an increase as a shell for CdS is introduced and increasing the shell size of CdS beyond a certain value leads to a decrease in the trap state emission. There is no sizeable nonlinear optical absorption observed. In the case of CdSe- ZnS QDs, the trap state emission gets enhanced with the increase in ZnS shell thickness. The enhancement of emission from trap states transition due to the increase in thickness of ZnS shell gives a clear indication of distortion occurring in the spherical symmetry of CdSe quantum dots. Consequently the nonlinear optical absorption of CdSe-ZnS QDs gets increased and the optical limiting threshold is decreased as the shell thickness is increased in respect of CdSe QDs. In comparison with CdSe-CdS QDs, CdSe-ZnS QDs possess much better optical properties and thereby CdSe-ZnS is a strong candidate for nonlinear as well as linear optical applications.


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Two-component systems capable of self-assembling into soft gel-phase materials are of considerable interest due to their tunability and versatility. This paper investigates two-component gels based on a combination of a L-lysine-based dendron and a rigid diamine spacer (1,4-diaminobenzene or 1,4-diaminocyclohexane). The networked gelator was investigated using thermal measurements, circular dichroism, NMR spectroscopy and small angle neutron scattering (SANS) giving insight into the macroscopic properties, nanostructure and molecular-scale organisation. Surprisingly, all of these techniques confirmed that irrespective of the molar ratio of the components employed, the "solid-like" gel network always consisted of a 1:1 mixture of dendron/diamine. Additionally, the gel network was able to tolerate a significant excess of diamine in the "liquid-like" phase before being disrupted. In the light of this observation, we investigated the ability of the gel network structure to evolve from mixtures of different aromatic diamines present in excess. We found that these two-component gels assembled in a component-selective manner, with the dendron preferentially recognising 1,4-diaminobenzene (>70%). when similar competitor diamines (1,2- and 1,3-diaminobenzene) are present. Furthermore, NMR relaxation measurements demonstrated that the gel based oil 1,4-diaminobenzene was better able to form a selective ternary complex with pyrene than the gel based oil 1,4-diaminocyclohexane, indicative of controlled and selective pi-pi interactions within a three-component assembly. As such, the results ill this paper demonstrate how component selection processes in two-component gel systems call control hierarchical self-assembly.


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We investigate the optical properties of edge-fiinctionalized graphene nanosystems, focusing on the formation of junctions and charge-transfer excitons. We consider a class of graphene structures that combine the main electronic features of graphene with the wide tunability of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. By investigating prototypical ribbon-like systems, we show that, upon convenient choice of functional groups, low-energy excitations with remarkable charge-transfer character and large oscillator strength are obtained. These properties can be further modulated through an appropriate width variation, thus spanning a wide range in the low-energy region of the UV-vis spectra. Our results are relevant in view of designing all-graphene optoelectronic nanodevices, which take advantage of the versatility of molecular functionalization, together with the stability and the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures.


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Perovskite-structured Ba(0.90)Ca(0.10)(Ti(1-x)Zr(x))O(3) ceramics were prepared in this work and subsequently studied in terms of composition-dependent dielectric and high-resolution long-range order structural properties from 30 to 450 K. The dielectric response of these materials was measured at several frequencies in the range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. Combining both techniques, including Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction data, allowed observing that, when increasing Zr(4+) content, the materials change from conventional to diffuse and relaxor ferroelectric compounds, the transition occurring spontaneously at the x = 0.18 composition. Interestingly, this spontaneous transition turned out to be prevented for a further increase of Zr(4+). On the basis of all the dielectric and structural results processed, a phase diagram of this system is presented. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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This paper presents a new architecture for a high quality tunable MEMS filter that can be used in wireless biomedical signal transceivers. It consists of a π match circuit with two shunt capacitive coupling switches separated by a piece of high impedance short transmission line, and also a series switch placed at the quarter wavelength distance away from the π match circuit. The low actuation voltage and also tunability are important features of the design objective. All portions of the filter can be realized simultaneously. Thus, the filter docs not require any extra steps during its fabrication, and is not costly. The simulation results confirm the good performance of the filter.


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This paper investigates the sound absorption characteristics of a precast panel system made from an environmentally sustainable concrete which can be used as an acoustical material. A current research project undertaken at the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, aims at utilising alternative materials and innovative approach to concrete precasting in the production of architecturally pleasing concrete panels. The normal incidence sound absorption coefficients of the assemblies were measured using an impedance tube. In general, the peak frequencies reduced with increasing thickness of concrete. The preliminary results indicate that the sound absorption of a three-layer variation of the panel meet design specifications related to acoustic performance. The major benefits of this investigated approach to concrete and concrete precasting are the ease of tunability to specific peak frequency, improved aesthetics and utilisation of industrial waste.