928 resultados para System integration


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The land question has been a widely discussed topic in Brazil, regarding land tenure. Law No. 10.267/01 was a major breakthrough for the agrarian issue. Since then on all rural properties must be georeferenced to the Brazilian Geodetic System (BGS). Therefore, satellite positioning and conventional methods are extensively used. Changes have been occurring in satellite positioning systems due to the addition of new signals in GPS (Global System Positioning), restructuring of GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System), and the new systems like Galileo and Compass as well. To evaluate the effects of combining GPS and GLONASS data, several batches of processings were performed on different configurations. The data processing was performed to determine the coordinates of points of basic support and those materializing the neighborhood of the rural properties. As a result, it was found that the use of accurate ephemeris in transporting coordinates to support points has no significant influence, since transportation with broadcast ephemeris also meets the accuracy requirements for the Standard Technique for Georreferencing Rural Properties. On the other hand, when GPS and GLONASS data were used, such combination provides the best results. In the case of neighboring points, the use of GPS and GLONASS data is also recommended because such data meet the precision requirement and showed better results than those from where data were processed separately.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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An important feature in computer systems developed for the agricultural sector is to satisfy the heterogeneity of data generated in different processes. Most problems related with this heterogeneity arise from the lack of standard for different computing solutions proposed. An efficient solution for that is to create a single standard for data exchange. The study on the actual process involved in cotton production was based on a research developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) that reports all phases as a result of the compilation of several theoretical and practical researches related to cotton crop. The proposition of a standard starts with the identification of the most important classes of data involved in the process, and includes an ontology that is the systematization of concepts related to the production of cotton fiber and results in a set of classes, relations, functions and instances. The results are used as a reference for the development of computational tools, transforming implicit knowledge into applications that support the knowledge described. This research is based on data from the Midwest of Brazil. The choice of the cotton process as a study case comes from the fact that Brazil is one of the major players and there are several improvements required for system integration in this segment.


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[ES] Este trabajo consiste en la creación de un sistema de gestión abierto de cita previa, surge de la necesidad del personal de las Administración Tributaria de Canarias que trabajan en las oficinas de atención tributaria de tener un sistema que facilite al contribuyente la forma de gestionar una cita previa para solicitar atención tributaria, además de facilitar al coordinador, la gestión de citas solicitadas por los contribuyentes. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis previo para cubrir todos los requisitos que eran necesarios para que se cubrieran todas las necesidades del sistema y que fuera totalmente escalable. Para el desarrollo del sistema se ha utilizado la plataforma Java EE que dota de todas las herramientas necesarias para la creación de un software de estas características, además de numerosas herramientas que ayudan a la consecución satisfactoria del sistema, como pueden ser Hibernate y Spring. Se ha utilizado un sistema de virtualización para tratar de imitar lo máximo posible la forma de desarrollo que tiene la empresa para que así la integración del sistema sea absoluto, por eso se han utilizado las mismas herramientas que utilizan y la misma estructura de base de datos. Además de las diversas herramientas se han utilizado distintos patrones de diseño para el desarrollo del software como pueden ser: Front Controller, Facade y Data Access Object además del patrón Modelo-Vista-Controlador para la arquitectura de este sistema. La utilización de estos patrones ayuda a que el mantenimiento de este sistema sea mucho más óptimo.


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Testing e Analisi di problemi di usabilità che potrebbero sorgere se due sistemi venissero integrati in un unico nuovo sistema.


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Workflows are increasingly used to manage and share scientific computations and methods. Workflow tools can be used to design, validate, execute and visualize scientific workflows and their execution results. Other tools manage workflow libraries or mine their contents. There has been a lot of recent work on workflow system integration as well as common workflow interlinguas, but the interoperability among workflow systems remains a challenge. Ideally, these tools would form a workflow ecosystem such that it should be possible to create a workflow with a tool, execute it with another, visualize it with another, and use yet another tool to mine a repository of such workflows or their executions. In this paper, we describe our approach to create a workflow ecosystem through the use of standard models for provenance (OPM and W3C PROV) and extensions (P-PLAN and OPMW) to represent workflows. The ecosystem integrates different workflow tools with diverse functions (workflow generation, execution, browsing, mining, and visualization) created by a variety of research groups. This is, to our knowledge, the first time that such a variety of workflow systems and functions are integrated.


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En la presente memoria se describe el trabajo de diseño de una herramienta de interacción persona-ordenador (HMI) para la operación y supervisión de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV). En primer lugar se hace una introducción a los tipos de UAVs y aplicaciones más comunes, describiendo sus características técnicas y los componentes que integra en el sistema. Mediante la revisión y análisis de los diferentes niveles de autonomía y las diferentes soluciones de presentación existentes en el mercado, se identifican los modos de operación y componentes principales de la interfaz. A continuación se describe el diseño final del software de la interfaz y el proceso de desarrollo de la misma, para ello se hace un análisis previo del software robótico sobre el que opera el sistema abordo del UAV y se establecen los enlaces de comunicación entre cada uno de los componentes y los requisitos de integración con el sistema. Finalmente, se muestran las pruebas que se han realizado para validar la construcción de la herramienta. This report outlines the design and construction of a human-machine interface (HMI), designed to facilitate the supervision and operation with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). First, it is described an introduction to UAVs classification and application fields, reviewing the hardware features and software integration components. In order to define the basic components and operation modes in the general design, a brief review of the different presentation solutions and autonomous levels is described. As a result, it is presented the final software design, the components details and the system integration requirements. Finally, it is also concluded with some of the tests that have been conducted to validate the design and construction of the human-machine interface


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O presente trabalho propõe um processo para auxiliar a tarefa de implantação de controles de Cadeia Logística Segura para a importação e exportação de cargas conteinerizadas, transportadas pelo modal rodoviário. Está em consonância com a legislação brasileira atual, no que se refere à Receita Federal do Brasil e demais Órgãos Anuentes. Além disso, inclui, também, as novas diretrizes do Programa Brasileiro de Operador Econômico Autorizado que teve seu início na primeira quinzena de Dezembro de 2014, bem como os aspectos principais do quadro SAFE, da Organização Mundial das Aduanas (OMA) e do programa americano Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). O processo proposto no trabalho contempla a instrumentação dos controles e seus principais pontos de integração de dados, estágio em que grande parte dos operadores econômicos atuais se encontra. A proposta justifica-se pela complexidade dos processos de cadeias logísticas, sua importância para o comércio exterior e, portanto, para a economia do país, que exigem um aperfeiçoamento constante para atender à competitividade crescente dos mercados, controlar e gerenciar riscos e incertezas dos tempos da globalização. A metodologia do trabalho de pesquisa constou de estudos sobre o significado de cadeia logística segura, legislações e normatizações existentes, principais tecnologias utilizadas no Brasil e no mundo e suas estratégias de integração de sistemas, com enfoque em alguns projetos de gestão já existentes no país. O porto de Santos foi tomado como campo principal de pesquisa. O trabalho evidenciou a importância da presença de três características fundamentais em um processo de cadeia logística segura: ser instrumentado, integrado e inteligente. Considera-se que, a partir do processo proposto, será possível aumentar o grau de inteligência de uma cadeia logística, de forma a gerenciar e mitigar os potenciais riscos de forma mais racional.


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Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have increased in the twenty-first century; however, the majority of cross-border mergers fail to achieve their financial objectives. Nonetheless, the number of merger failures has not stopped organizations from undertaking mergers. There are multiple sources and types of conflict associated with merger failure, which can all be traced back to the facts that human resource departments have not been utilized effectively and that there has been a lack of planning during the M&A process. Thus, this capstone proposes a training program as a reference for human resource departments to apply best practices for planning, training, and evaluating during the process of M&As, which will help potentially alleviate conflicts during the merger period.


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There is growing interest in comparing patterns of social and health service development in advanced Asian economies. Most publications concentrate broadly on a range of core social services such as education, housing, social security and health care. In terms of those solely focused on health, most discuss arrangements in specific countries and territories. Some take a comparative approach, but are focused on presentation and discussion of expenditure, resourcing and service utilization data. This article extends the comparative analysis of advanced Asian health systems, considering the cases of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The article provides basic background information, and delves into common concerns among the world's health systems today including primary care organization, rationing and cost containment, service quality, and system integration. Conclusions include that problems exist in 'classifying' the five diverse systems; that the systems face common pressures; and that there are considerable opportunities to enhance primary care, service quality and system integration. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The control needed in the management of a project was analysed with particular reference to the unique needs of the construction industry within the context of site management. This was explored further by analysing the various problems facing managers within the overall system and determining to what extent the organisation would benefit from an integrated mangement information system. Integration and management of information within the organisational units and the cycles of events that make up the main sub-system was suggested as the means of achieving this objective. A conceptual model of the flow of information was constructed within the whole process of project management by examining the type of information and documents which are generated for the production cycle of a project. This model was analysed with respect to the site managers' needs and the minimum requirements for an overall integrated system. The most tedious and time-consuming task facing the site manager is the determination of weekly production costs, calculation and preparation of interim certificates and valuation of variations occurring during the production stage and finally the settlement and preparation of supplier and sub-contractors' accounts. These areas where microcomputers could be of most help were identified and a number of packages were designed and implemented for various contractors. The gradual integration of stand-alone packages within the whole of the construction industry is a logical sequence to achieve integration of management system. The methods of doing this were analysed together with the resulting advantages and disadvantages.


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Increasingly in the UK, companies that have traditionally considered themselves as manufacturers are being advised to now see themselves as service providers and to reconsider whether to have any production capability. A key challenge is to translate this strategy into a selection of product and service-centred activities within the company's supply chain networks. Strategic positioning is concerned with the choice of business activities a company carries out itself, compared to those provided by suppliers, partners, distributors and even customers. In practice, strategic positioning is directly impacted by such decisions as outsourcing, off-shoring, partnering, technology innovation, acquisition and exploitation. If companies can better understand their strategic positioning, they can make more informed decisions about the adoption of alternative manufacturing and supply chain activities. Similarly, they are more likely to reject those that, like off-shoring, are currently en vogue but are highly likely to erode competitive edge and business success. Our research has developed a new concept we call 'competitive space' as a means of appreciating the strategic positioning of companies, along with a structured decision process for managing competitive space. Our ideas about competitive space, along with the decision process itself, have been developed and tested on a range of manufacturers. As more and more manufacturers are encouraged to move towards system integration and a serviceable business model, the challenge is to identify the appropriate strategic position for their organisations, or in other words, to identify their optimum competitive space for manufacture.