988 resultados para Sun: magnetic fields
The present dissertation is concerned with the determination of the magnetic field distribution in ma[.rnetic electron lenses by means of the finite element method. In the differential form of this method a Poisson type equation is solved by numerical methods over a finite boundary. Previous methods of adapting this procedure to the requirements of digital computers have restricted its use to computers of extremely large core size. It is shown that by reformulating the boundary conditions, a considerable reduction in core store can be achieved for a given accuracy of field distribution. The magnetic field distribution of a lens may also be calculated by the integral form of the finite element rnethod. This eliminates boundary problems mentioned but introduces other difficulties. After a careful analysis of both methods it has proved possible to combine the advantages of both in a .new approach to the problem which may be called the 'differential-integral' finite element method. The application of this method to the determination of the magnetic field distribution of some new types of magnetic lenses is described. In the course of the work considerable re-programming of standard programs was necessary in order to reduce the core store requirements to a minimum.
We present a novel device for the characterisation of static magnetic fields through monitoring wavelength shifts of femtosecond inscribed fibre Bragg grating and micromachined slot, coated with Terfenol-D. The device was sensitive to static magnetic fields and can be used as a vectoral sensor for the detection of magnetic fields as low as 0.046 mT with a resolution of 0.3mT in transmission and 0.7mT in reflection. The use of a femtosecond laser to both inscribe the FBGs and micromachine the slot in a single stage prior to coating the device significantly simplifies the fabrication.
A novel device for the detection and characterisation of static magnetic fields is presented. It consists of a femtosecond laser inscribed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) that is incorporated into an optical fibre with a femtosecond laser micromachined slot. The symmetry of the fibre is broken by the micro-slot, producing non-uniform strain across the fibre cross section. The sensing region is coated with Terfenol-D making the device sensitive to static magnetic fields, whereas the symmetry breaking results in a vectorial sensor for the detection of magnetic fields as low as 0.046 mT with a resolution of 0.3mT in transmission and 0.7mT in reflection. The sensor output is directly wavelength encoded from the FBG filtering, leading to simple demodulation through the monitoring of wavelength shifts that result as the fibre structure changes shape in response to the external magnetic field. The use of a femtosecond laser to both inscribe the FBG and micro-machine the slot in a single stage, prior to coating the device, significantly simplifies the sensor fabrication.
A novel device for the detection and characterisation of static magnetic fields is presented. It consists of a femtosecond laser inscribed fibre Bragg grating (FBG) that is incorporated into an optical fibre with a femtosecond laser micromachined slot. The symmetry of the fibre is broken by the micro-slot, producing non-uniform strain across the fibre cross section. The sensing region is coated with Terfenol-D making the device sensitive to static magnetic fields, whereas the symmetry breaking results in a vectorial sensor for the detection of magnetic fields as low as 0.046 mT with a resolution of 0.3mT in transmission and 0.7mT in reflection. The sensor output is directly wavelength encoded from the FBG filtering, leading to simple demodulation through the monitoring of wavelength shifts that result as the fibre structure changes shape in response to the external magnetic field. The use of a femtosecond laser to both inscribe the FBG and micro-machine the slot in a single stage, prior to coating the device, significantly simplifies the sensor fabrication.
Fiber optic sensors are fabricated for detecting static magnetic fields. The sensors consist of a UV inscribed long period grating with two 50 micron long microslots. The microslots are fabricated using the femtosecond laser based inscribe and etch technique. The microslots and the fiber surface are coated with a magnetostrictive material Terfenol-D. A spectral sensitivity of 1.15 pm/mT was measured in transmission with a working resolution of 0.2 mT for a static magnetic field strength below 10 mT. These devices also present a different response when the spatial orientation of the fiber was adjusted relative to the magnetic field lines.
In the study of relativistic jets one of the key open questions is their interaction with the environment on the microscopic level. Here, we study the initial evolution of both electronproton (ep+) and electronpositron (e) relativistic jets containing helical magnetic fields, focusing on their interaction with an ambient plasma. We have performed simulations of global jets containing helical magnetic fields in order to examine how helical magnetic fields affect kinetic instabilities such as the Weibel instability, the kinetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (kKHI) and the Mushroom instability (MI). In our initial simulation study these kinetic instabilities are suppressed and new types of instabilities can grow. In the ep+ jet simulation a recollimation-like instability occurs and jet electrons are strongly perturbed. In the e jet simulation a recollimation-like instability occurs at early times followed by a kinetic instability and the general structure is similar to a simulation without helical magnetic field. Simulations using much larger systems are required in order to thoroughly follow the evolution of global jets containing helical magnetic fields.
The aim of this study is to explore the suitability of chromospheric images for magnetic modeling of active regions. We use high-resolutionimages (0.2"-0.3"), from the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer in the Ca II 8542 line, the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument in the H 6563 line, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph in the 2796 line, and compare non-potential magnetic field models obtainedfrom those chromospheric images with those obtained from images of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in coronal (171 , etc.) and inchromospheric (304 ) wavelengths. Curvi-linear structures are automatically traced in those images with the OCCULT-2 code, to which we forward-fitted magnetic field lines computed with the Vertical-current Approximation Nonlinear Force Free Field code. We find that the chromospheric images: (1) reveal crisp curvi-linear structures (fibrils, loop segments, spicules) that are extremely well-suited for constraining magnetic modeling; (2) that these curvi-linear structures arefield-aligned with the best-fit solution by a median misalignment angle of 2 47 (3) the free energy computed from coronal data may underestimate that obtained from chromospheric data by a factor of 24, (4) the height range of chromospheric features is confined to h4000 km, while coronal features are detected up to h = 35,000 km; and (5) the plasma- parameter is 10^-5 - 10^-1 for all traced features. We conclude that chromospheric images reveal important magnetic structures that are complementary to coronal images and need to be included in comprehensive magnetic field models, something that is currently not accomodated in standard NLFFF codes.
This paper describes a new 2D model for the photospheric evolution of the magnetic carpet. It is the first in a series of papers working towards constructing a realistic 3D non-potential model for the interaction of small-scale solar magnetic fields. In the model, the basic evolution of the magnetic elements is governed by a supergranular flow profile. In addition, magnetic elements may evolve through the processes of emergence, cancellation, coalescence and fragmentation. Model parameters for the emergence of bipoles are based upon the results of observational studies. Using this model, several simulations are considered, where the range of flux with which bipoles may emerge is varied. In all cases the model quickly reaches a steady state where the rates of emergence and cancellation balance. Analysis of the resulting magnetic field shows that we reproduce observed quantities such as the flux distribution, mean field, cancellation rates, photospheric recycle time and a magnetic network. As expected, the simulation matches observations more closely when a larger, and consequently more realistic, range of emerging flux values is allowed (41016 - 1019 Mx). The model best reproduces the current observed properties of the magnetic carpet when we take the minimum absolute flux for emerging bipoles to be 41016 Mx. In future, this 2D model will be used as an evolving photospheric boundary condition for 3D non-potential modeling.
This article is the third in a series working towards the construction of a realistic, evolving, non-linear force-free coronal-field model for the solar magnetic carpet. Here, we present preliminary results of 3D time-dependent simulations of the small-scale coronal field of the magnetic carpet. Four simulations are considered, each with the same evolving photospheric boundary condition: a 48-hour time series of synthetic magnetograms produced from the model of Meyer et al. ( Solar Phys. 272, 29, 2011). Three simulations include a uniform, overlying coronal magnetic field of differing strength, the fourth simulation includes no overlying field. The build-up, storage, and dissipation of magnetic energy within the simulations is studied. In particular, we study their dependence upon the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field and the strength of the overlying coronal field. We also consider where energy is stored and dissipated within the coronal field. The free magnetic energy built up is found to be more than sufficient to power small-scale, transient phenomena such as nanoflares and X-ray bright points, with the bulk of the free energy found to be stored low down, between 0.5 - 0.8 Mm. The energy dissipated is currently found to be too small to account for the heating of the entire quiet-Sun corona. However, the form and location of energy-dissipation regions qualitatively agree with what is observed on small scales on the Sun. Future MHD modelling using the same synthetic magnetograms may lead to a higher energy release.
Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in galaxy cluster atmospheres and have a variety of astrophysical and cosmological consequences. Magnetic fields can contribute to the pressure support of clusters, affect thermal conduction, and modify the evolution of bubbles driven by active galactic nuclei. However, we currently do not fully understand the origin and evolution of these fields throughout cosmic time. Furthermore, we do not have a general understanding of the relationship between magnetic field strength and topology and other cluster properties, such as mass and X-ray luminosity. We can now begin to answer some of these questions using large-scale cosmological magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the formation of galaxy clusters including the seeding and growth of magnetic fields. Using large-scale cosmological simulations with the FLASH code combined with a simplified model of the acceleration of cosmic rays responsible for the generation of radio halos, we find that the galaxy cluster frequency distribution and expected number counts of radio halos from upcoming low-frequency sur- veys are strongly dependent on the strength of magnetic fields. Thus, a more complete understanding of the origin and evolution of magnetic fields is necessary to understand and constrain models of diffuse synchrotron emission from clusters. One favored model for generating magnetic fields is through the amplification of weak seed fields in active galactic nuclei (AGN) accretion disks and their subsequent injection into cluster atmospheres via AGN-driven jets and bubbles. However, current large-scale cosmological simulations cannot directly include the physical processes associated with the accretion and feedback processes of AGN or the seeding and merging of the associated SMBHs. Thus, we must include these effects as subgrid models. In order to carefully study the growth of magnetic fields in clusters via AGN-driven outflows, we present a systematic study of SMBH and AGN subgrid models. Using dark-matter only cosmological simulations, we find that many important quantities, such as the relationship between SMBH mass and galactic bulge velocity dispersion and the merger rate of black holes, are highly sensitive to the subgrid model assumptions of SMBHs. In addition, using MHD calculations of an isolated cluster, we find that magnetic field strengths, extent, topology, and relationship to other gas quantities such as temperature and density are also highly dependent on the chosen model of accretion and feedback. We use these systematic studies of SMBHs and AGN inform and constrain our choice of subgrid models, and we use those results to outline a fully cosmological MHD simulation to study the injection and growth of magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. This simulation will be the first to study the birth and evolution of magnetic fields using a fully closed accretion-feedback cycle, with as few assumptions as possible and a clearer understanding of the effects of the various parameter choices.
The subject of the present work is the synthesis of novel nanoscale objects, designed for self-propulsion under external actuation. The synthesized objects present asymmetric hybrid particles, consisting of a magnetic core and polymer flagella and their hydrodynamic properties under the actuation by external magnetic fields are investigated. The single-domain ferromagnetic cobalt ferrite nanoparticles are prepared by thermal decomposition of a mixture of metalorganic complexes based on iron (III) cobalt (II) in non-polar solvents. Further modification of the particles includes the growth of the silver particle on the surface of the cobalt ferrite particle to form a dumbbell-shaped heterodimer. Different possible mechanisms of dumbbell formation are discussed. A polyelectrolyte tail with ability to adjust the persistence length of the polymer, and thus the stiffness of the tail, by variation of pH is attached to the particles. A polymer tail consisting of a polyacrylic acid chain is synthesized by hydrolysis of poly(tert-butyl acrylate) obtained by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). A functional thiol end-group enables selective attachment of the tail to the silver part of the dumbbell, resulting in an asymmetric functionalization of the dumbbells. The calculations on the propulsion force and the sperm number for the resulting particles reveal a theoretical possibility for the propelled motion. Under the actuation of the particles with flagella by alternating magnetic field an increase in the diffusion coefficient compared to non-actuated or non-functionalized particles is observed. Further development of such systems for application as nanomotors or in drug delivery is promising.
In this thesis, we perform a next-to-leading order calculation of the impact of primordial magnetic fields (PMF) into the evolution of scalar cosmological perturbations and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy. Magnetic fields are everywhere in the Universe at all scales probed so far, but their origin is still under debate. The current standard picture is that they originate from the amplification of initial seed fields, which could have been generated as PMFs in the early Universe. The most robust way to test their presence and constrain their features is to study how they impact on key cosmological observables, in particular the CMB anisotropies. The standard way to model a PMF is to consider its contribution (quadratic in the magnetic field) at the same footing of first order perturbations, under the assumptions of ideal magneto-hydrodynamics and compensated initial conditions. In the perspectives of ever increasing precision of CMB anisotropies measurements and of possible uncounted non-linear effects, in this thesis we study effects which go beyond the standard assumptions. We study the impact of PMFs on cosmological perturbations and CMB anisotropies with adiabatic initial conditions, the effect of Alfvn waves on the speed of sound of perturbations and possible non-linear behavior of baryon overdensity for PMFs with a blue spectral index, by modifying and improving the publicly available Einstein-Boltzmann code SONG, which has been written in order to take into account all second-order contributions in cosmological perturbation theory. One of the objectives of this thesis is to set the basis to verify by an independent fully numerical analysis the possibility to affect recombination and the Hubble constant.
Here we investigate the contribution of surface Alfven wave damping to the heating of the solar wind in minima conditions. These waves are present in the regions of strong inhomogeneities in density or magnetic field (e.g., the border between open and closed magnetic field lines). Using a three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model, we calculate the surface Alfven wave damping contribution between 1 and 4 R(circle dot) (solar radii), the region of interest for both acceleration and coronal heating. We consider waves with frequencies lower than those that are damped in the chromosphere and on the order of those dominating the heliosphere: 3 x 10(-6) to 10(-1) Hz. In the region between open and closed field lines, within a few R(circle dot) of the surface, no other major source of damping has been suggested for the low frequency waves we consider here. This work is the first to study surface Alfven waves in a 3D environment without assuming a priori a geometry of field lines or magnetic and density profiles. We demonstrate that projection effects from the plane of the sky to 3D are significant in the calculation of field line expansion. We determine that waves with frequencies >2.8 x 10(-4) Hz are damped between 1 and 4 R(circle dot). In quiet-Sun regions, surface Alfven waves are damped at further distances compared to active regions, thus carrying additional wave energy into the corona. We compare the surface Alfven wave contribution to the heating by a variable polytropic index and find it as an order of magnitude larger than needed for quiet-Sun regions. For active regions, the contribution to the heating is 20%. As it has been argued that a variable gamma acts as turbulence, our results indicate that surface Alfven wave damping is comparable to turbulence in the lower corona. This damping mechanism should be included self-consistently as an energy driver for the wind in global MHD models.
In the nonlinear phase of a dynamo process, the back-reaction of the magnetic field upon the turbulent motion results in a decrease of the turbulence level and therefore in a suppression of both the magnetic field amplification (the alpha-quenching effect) and the turbulent magnetic diffusivity (the eta-quenching effect). While the former has been widely explored, the effects of eta-quenching in the magnetic field evolution have rarely been considered. In this work, we investigate the role of the suppression of diffusivity in a flux-transport solar dynamo model that also includes a nonlinear alpha-quenching term. Our results indicate that, although for alpha-quenching the dependence of the magnetic field amplification with the quenching factor is nearly linear, the magnetic field response to eta-quenching is nonlinear and spatially nonuniform. We have found that the magnetic field can be locally amplified in this case, forming long-lived structures whose maximum amplitude can be up to similar to 2.5 times larger at the tachocline and up to similar to 2 times larger at the center of the convection zone than in models without quenching. However, this amplification leads to unobservable effects and to a worse distribution of the magnetic field in the butterfly diagram. Since the dynamo cycle period increases when the efficiency of the quenching increases, we have also explored whether the eta-quenching can cause a diffusion-dominated model to drift into an advection-dominated regime. We have found that models undergoing a large suppression in eta produce a strong segregation of magnetic fields that may lead to unsteady dynamo-oscillations. On the other hand, an initially diffusion-dominated model undergoing a small suppression in eta remains in the diffusion-dominated regime.