695 resultados para Subject satisfaction
An important constituent group and a key resource of higher education institutions (HEIs) is the faculty or academic staff. The centrality of the faculty role makes it a primary sculptor of institutional culture and has implications for the quality of the institution and therefore has a major role in achieving the objectives of the institution. Demand for academic staff in higher education has been increasing and may be expected to continue to increase. Moreover the performance of academic staff as teachers and researchers determines much of the student satisfaction and has an impact on student learning. There are many factors that serve to undermine the commitment of academics to their institutions and careers. Job satisfaction is important in revitalizing staff motivation and in keeping their enthusiasm alive. Well motivated academic staff can, with appropriate support, build a national and international reputation for themselves and the institution in the professional areas, in research and in publishing. This paper aims to identify the issues and their impacts on academic staff job satisfaction and motivation within Portuguese higher education institutions reporting an ongoing study financed by the European Union through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
RESUMO: Nos últimos trinta anos, em Portugal, ocorreram processos de democratização política e de modernização da sociedade e das instituições, tendo como impulso as vontades nacionais e as mudanças ocorridas no Mundo em globalização, lideradas, no campo da educação, por agentes como a OCDE ou o Banco Mundial, e pela integração de Portugal na União Europeia. À implementação da(s) reforma(s), correspondeu uma mudança de paradigma educativo e organizacional, a criação de uma escola para todos, a emergência de novos alunos e de novos mandatos à Escola, a contingência de novas respostas educativas. Tais reformas constituiram instrumentos de mudança das organizações escolares e do sistema educativo, mas também do que significa ser professor, reformulando o desempenho e a “performatividade” docente (Ball, 2002), induzindo uma nova “identidade social” (Bernstein, 1996 e Dubar, 2006), produzindo novos modos de “fabricação da alma dos professores” (Foucault, 1996). Neste sentido, a autora procurou analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, as representações de professores do Ensino Básico, sobre os mecanismos de (re)configuração das suas identidades/perfis profissionais, recorrendo a uma investigação qualitativa descritiva, que privilegia a análise de conteúdo dos seus discursos sobre o tema, recolhidos segundo a técnica focus group. O estudo indiciou que os alunos são factor de realização, de risco e de mudança do perfil docente, actuando como uma quinta dimensão da (re)construção identitária dos Professores, a par da formação, do associativismo, do Estado e do Mercado, constituindo factor importante a ter em conta nos estudos sobre identidade docente. ABSTRACT: In the past thirty years, in Portugal, radical changes on politics and policies have been occurring, to achive the society and its institutions democratization and modernization, led by national wills and the changes occured in the World, stimulated, in the Education area, by global agencies like OECD, or the World Bank, and the integration of Portugal in the European Union. These reforms are connected to a new educational and organizational paradigm, the creation of a school for all, the emergence of new pupils, new demands to School and teachers, the imperative of new pedagogical solutions for educational problems, and are not only changing instruments in schools and in the educational system, but are also a powerful way to change “what to be a teacher” means, to re-formulate the teaching performance and “performativity” (Ball, 2002), to recompose his/her “social identity” (Bernstein, 1996; Dubar, 2006), or, in Michel Foucault (1996) words, to produce “new ways to manufacture teachers soul”. In this sense, the author intended to analyze, on a critical perspective, the representations of portuguese teachers of basic education (K12), on the mechanisms of (re)configuration of their professional identities/profiles, appealing to a qualitative descriptive research, which privileges the analysis of content of their speeches on the subject, collected according to the focus group technique, what, in its development, was brought near a circle of culture (in the sense of Paulo Freire‟s pedagogy). At least, pupils are the most important references and motivation to teachers changes, reflecting professional satisfaction and well done, but also risk, acting like a fifth dimension of teachers identity (re)construction, together with training, associative involvement, State and Market, and they must be considered on teatching identity studies.
Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional
OBJECTIVE: To test discriminant analysis as a method of turning the information of a routine customer satisfaction survey (CSS) into a more accurate decision-making tool. METHODS: A 7-question, 10-multiple choice, self-applied questionnaire was used to study a sample of patients seen in two outpatient care units in Valparaíso, Chile, one of primary care (n=100) and the other of secondary care (n=249). Two cutting points were considered in the dependent variable (final satisfaction score): satisfied versus unsatisfied, and very satisfied versus all others. Results were compared with empirical measures (proportion of satisfied individuals, proportion of unsatisfied individuals and size of the median). RESULTS: The response rate was very high, over 97.0% in both units. A new variable, medical attention, was revealed, as explaining satisfaction at the primary care unit. The proportion of the total variability explained by the model was very high (over 99.4%) in both units, when comparing satisfied with unsatisfied customers. In the analysis of very satisfied versus all other customers, significant relationship was identified only in the case of the primary care unit, which explained a small proportion of the variability (41.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Discriminant analysis identified relationships not revealed by the previous analysis. It provided information about the proportion of the variability explained by the model. It identified non-significant relationships suggested by empirical analysis (e.g. the case of the relation very satisfied versus others in the secondary care unit). It measured the contribution of each independent variable to the explanation of the variation of the dependent one.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Gestão e Administração dos Serviços de Saúde.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria. Orientada por: Mestre Alcina Dias
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the quality of life, life satisfaction, happiness and demands of work in workers with different work schedules. METHODS: The survey was carried out on professional workers in social care. Some were shiftworkers whose schedule included night shifts (N=311), some were shiftworkers without night shifts (N=207) and some were non-shiftworkers (N=1,210). Surveys were mailed and the response rate was 86%. For the purpose of this study several variables were selected from the Survey: The Quality of Life Profile, which measures importance, satisfaction, control and opportunities in nine domains of life plus measures of happiness, life satisfaction and demands of work. RESULTS: While both groups of shiftworkers, compared to non-shiftworkers, reported needing more physical effort to complete their work, and reported 'being' more physically tired, no differences were found in reports of overall happiness, life satisfaction or total quality of life. However, night-shiftworkers reported greater percentage of time unhappy than the other two groups of workers. In analyses of the quality of life, night-shiftworkers were less satisfied with domains of spiritual 'being' and physical and community 'belonging' than day-shiftworkers and non-shiftworkers. They also reported having fewer opportunities to improve their physical 'being', leisure, and personal growth than the other two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Quality of life in specific domains in night-shiftworkers was rated worse than in other groups of workers. Domain-based quality of life assessment gives more information regarding the particular needs of workers than overall or global measures of well-being.
In this paper we attempt to find out which motivations influence volunteers satisfaction. So, in a first moment, we categorize satisfaction through a factor analysis and then use linear regression models to find out the relations previously mentioned. Furthermore we analyse the existence of correlations between some demographic attributes and the other variables. In this research the population under study includes volunteers that work in the health area, more precisely volunteers that work in hospital and have direct contact with patients and their families. We obtained a total of 327 questionnaires and after excluding incomplete answers we get 304 questionnaires which embody a response rate of 36%. The outcomes of our analysis reveal that we can categorize satisfaction into intrinsic and extrinsic categories and show that motivations related to belonging and protection and career recognition are the ones influencing extrinsic satisfaction; motivations associated to development and learning and altruism are the ones with higher effect in intrinsic satisfaction. There are some negative correlations between age and extrinsic satisfaction, between years of participation and extrinsic satisfaction, between education and the motivation related to belonging and protection and between age and the motivation related to career recognition. There is only one positive correlation between hours per week and intrinsic satisfaction. The results offer new insights for research about volunteers’ motivations, motive fulfillment and volunteer satisfaction. Furthermore the outcomes advocate that to ensure satisfied volunteers, their motivations must be identified in a timely and appropriate moment, meaning that should happened as early as possible.
We examine volunteer satisfaction with HRM practices, namely recruitment, training and reward in NPOs and attitudes regarding the appropriateness of these practices. The participants in this study are 76 volunteers affiliated with four different NPOs, who work in hospitals and have direct contact with patients and their families. Analysing aggregate results we show that volunteers are more satisfied with training, and consider the training strategies to be very appropriate. After identifying differences between organisations we discover that in some organisations volunteers are satisfied with rewards but they have negative attitudes regarding the appropriateness of the recognition strategies. We also identify the volunteers who are the most and the least satisfied.
Introdução Actualmente, as mensagens electrónicas são consideradas um importante meio de comunicação. As mensagens electrónicas – vulgarmente conhecidas como emails – são utilizadas fácil e frequentemente para enviar e receber o mais variado tipo de informação. O seu uso tem diversos fins gerando diariamente um grande número de mensagens e, consequentemente um enorme volume de informação. Este grande volume de informação requer uma constante manipulação das mensagens de forma a manter o conjunto organizado. Tipicamente esta manipulação consiste em organizar as mensagens numa taxonomia. A taxonomia adoptada reflecte os interesses e as preferências particulares do utilizador. Motivação A organização manual de emails é uma actividade morosa e que consome tempo. A optimização deste processo através da implementação de um método automático, tende a melhorar a satisfação do utilizador. Cada vez mais existe a necessidade de encontrar novas soluções para a manipulação de conteúdo digital poupando esforços e custos ao utilizador; esta necessidade, concretamente no âmbito da manipulação de emails, motivou a realização deste trabalho. Hipótese O objectivo principal deste projecto consiste em permitir a organização ad-hoc de emails com um esforço reduzido por parte do utilizador. A metodologia proposta visa organizar os emails num conjunto de categorias, disjuntas, que reflectem as preferências do utilizador. A principal finalidade deste processo é produzir uma organização onde as mensagens sejam classificadas em classes apropriadas requerendo o mínimo número esforço possível por parte do utilizador. Para alcançar os objectivos estipulados, este projecto recorre a técnicas de mineração de texto, em especial categorização automática de texto, e aprendizagem activa. Para reduzir a necessidade de inquirir o utilizador – para etiquetar exemplos de acordo com as categorias desejadas – foi utilizado o algoritmo d-confidence. Processo de organização automática de emails O processo de organizar automaticamente emails é desenvolvido em três fases distintas: indexação, classificação e avaliação. Na primeira fase, fase de indexação, os emails passam por um processo transformativo de limpeza que visa essencialmente gerar uma representação dos emails adequada ao processamento automático. A segunda fase é a fase de classificação. Esta fase recorre ao conjunto de dados resultantes da fase anterior para produzir um modelo de classificação, aplicando-o posteriormente a novos emails. Partindo de uma matriz onde são representados emails, termos e os seus respectivos pesos, e um conjunto de exemplos classificados manualmente, um classificador é gerado a partir de um processo de aprendizagem. O classificador obtido é então aplicado ao conjunto de emails e a classificação de todos os emails é alcançada. O processo de classificação é feito com base num classificador de máquinas de vectores de suporte recorrendo ao algoritmo de aprendizagem activa d-confidence. O algoritmo d-confidence tem como objectivo propor ao utilizador os exemplos mais significativos para etiquetagem. Ao identificar os emails com informação mais relevante para o processo de aprendizagem, diminui-se o número de iterações e consequentemente o esforço exigido por parte dos utilizadores. A terceira e última fase é a fase de avaliação. Nesta fase a performance do processo de classificação e a eficiência do algoritmo d-confidence são avaliadas. O método de avaliação adoptado é o método de validação cruzada denominado 10-fold cross validation. Conclusões O processo de organização automática de emails foi desenvolvido com sucesso, a performance do classificador gerado e do algoritmo d-confidence foi relativamente boa. Em média as categorias apresentam taxas de erro relativamente baixas, a não ser as classes mais genéricas. O esforço exigido pelo utilizador foi reduzido, já que com a utilização do algoritmo d-confidence obteve-se uma taxa de erro próxima do valor final, mesmo com um número de casos etiquetados abaixo daquele que é requerido por um método supervisionado. É importante salientar, que além do processo automático de organização de emails, este projecto foi uma excelente oportunidade para adquirir conhecimento consistente sobre mineração de texto e sobre os processos de classificação automática e recuperação de informação. O estudo de áreas tão interessantes despertou novos interesses que consistem em verdadeiros desafios futuros.
Background: An asynchronous eLearning system was developed for radiographers in order to promote a better knowledge about senology and mammography. Objectives: to assess the learners’ satisfaction. Methods: Target population included radiographers and radiogr aphy students, in order to assess eLearning satisfaction according to different experience levels in breast imaging. Satisfaction was measured through a questionnaire developed especially for eLearning systems, using a seven - point Likert scale. Main topics related are content, interface, personalization and learning community. Results: Overall, 85% of learners were satisfied with the course and 87,5% considered that the course is successful. Main areas that were evaluated by most learners in a positive way were interface and content (between six and seven - point); on the other hand, learning community presented a wider distribution of answers . Conclusions: The course provides an overall high degree of learner satisfaction, thus providing more effective knowle dge gain on breast imaging for radiographers.
The importance of the organizational relationship (senior managers) with an internal public (employees) is the main focus of this research, aiming to understand how this relationship differs between the different publics. Nowadays, the relevance attributed by Public Relations to this relationship is crucial. The main purpose is to identify two consistent models to measure the impact of an organizational relationship on the internal public. The second purpose is to identify how the internal public react to this organizational relationship, namely by gender. The research was conducted in nine Portuguese companies with a sample of 1.244 subjects in order to study the context of the relationship and validate the identified models. The results show the gender stereotypes in the relationship in these companies and that the organizational relationship has an impact on organizational commitment with a consistent model that highlights the impact of Public Relations on a company's productivity.
The importance of the relationship with an internal public is the main focus of our research. Nowadays, the relevance attributed by Public Relations to this relationship is crucial. Our purpose is to identify two consistent models to measure the impact of an organizational relationship on its internal public. The research was conducted in nine Portuguese companies with a sample of 1244 subjects in order to study the context of the relationship and validate the identified models. The results show us the gender stereotypes in the relationship in these companies and that it is possible to identify the impact of Public Relations on a company's productivity.
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação das Tecnologias em Saúde
Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias da Saúde