174 resultados para Stylosanthes scabra


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim was to study the recovery of degraded pasture with the introduction of Stylosanthes macrocephala e capitata cv. Campo Grande on Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk evaluating the levels N-total in roots, biomass, area, and length, diameter and root levels of macro and micronutrients in the soil. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Andradina, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block design in a split-plot (with and without phosphorus), with four replicates, forming the following treatments: control Brachiaria decumbens (CB), partial desiccation with 1.5 L ha(-1) of glyphosate (DP), total desiccation with 3.0 L ha(-1) of glyphosate (TD); tillage (T), soil scarification (S); harrowing rome (H) and plowing + disking (PD). Treatments H and PD were sown by broadcasting and the other in the form of direct seeding. Recovery strategies of grazing signal grass showed significant differences between treatments only for the content of N-total, there were no differences in geometric characteristics of roots and root biomass. The contents of macro and micronutrients in the soil showed no significant differences between the strategies of recovery. Fertilization had a significant effect for P. The introduction of estilosantes Campo Grande accompanied by techniques such as drying and plowing + disking contributed to increases in the N-total levels in the root system. Forms of introduction of legumes did not change the soil chemical properties.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a incidência populacional de plantas daninhas em diferentes manejos de implantação de Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Campo Grande em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens. Realizou-se um experimento na AgênciaPaulista de Tecnologia dos AgronegóciosExtremo Oeste no município de Andradina/SP emfevereiro de 2011. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições e compostos por sete tratamentos (parcelas principais) e duas testemunhas: T1=Plantio direto com dessecação ½ dose de glifosato; T2=Plantio direto sem dessecação; T3=Plantio direto com escarificação do solo; T4=GradagemRome + Plantio direto; T5=Sistema convencional; T6=Brachiaria decumbens e T7= Estilosantes Campo Grande (dessecação com glifosato). Foi avaliado a massa seca de espécies infestantes em diferentes manejos de implantação de Estilosantes Campo Grande, aos 15 dias após semeadura. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA para comparação múltipla de médias, a 5% de significância pelo teste de Tukey. Os T2, T3 e T6 apresentaram uma maior massa seca de espécies infestantes, foram diferentes estatisticamente dos demais (P<0,05), porém não houve diferença significativa entre eles (P>0,05). A massa seca das monocotiledôneas é praticamente toda de Brachiaria decumbens e das dicotiledôneas foi insignificante.


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The Late Quaternary benthic foraminifera of four deep-sea cores off Western Australia (ODP 122-760A, ODP 122-762B, BMR96GC21 and RC9-150) have been examined for evidence of increased surface productivity to explain the anomalously low sea-surface paleotemperatures inferred by planktic foraminifera for the last and penultimate glaciations. The delta13C trends of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, and differences between the delta13C trends of planktics (Globigerinoides sacculifer) and benthics (C. wuellerstorfi) in the four cores indicate that during stage 6 bottom waters were significantly depleted in delta13C, and strong delta13C gradients were established in the water column, while during stage 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum, delta13C trends did not differ greatly from that of the Holocene. Two main assemblages of benthic foraminifera were identified by principal component analyses: one dominated by Uvigerina peregrina, another dominated by U. proboscidea. Abundance of these Uvigerinids, and of taxa preferring an infaunal microhabitat, and of Epistominella exigua and Bulimina aculeata indicate that episodes of high influx of particulate organic matter were established in most sites during glacial episodes, and particularly so during stage 6, while evidence for upwelling during the Last Glacial Maximum is less strong. The Penultimate Glaciation upwellings were established within the areas of low sea-surface paleotemperature indicated by planktic foraminifera. During the Last Interglacial Climax, upwelling appears to have been established in an isolated region offshore from a strengthened Leeuwin Current off North West Cape. Last Glacial Maximum delta13C values of C. wuellerstorfi at waterdepths of less than 2000 m show smaller than global mean glacial-interglacial changes suggesting the development of a deep hydrological front. A similar vertical stratification/bathyal front was also established during the Penultimate Glaciation.


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In 1986 participants of the Benthos Ecology Working Group of ICES conducted a synoptic mapping of the infauna of the southern and central North Sea. Together with a mapping of the infauna of the northern North Sea by Eleftheriou and Basford (1989, doi:10.1017/S0025315400049158) this provides the database for the description of the benthic infauna of the whole North Sea in this paper. Division of the infauna into assemblages by TWINSPAN analysis separated northern assemblages from southern assemblages along the 70 m depth contour. Assemblages were further separated by the 30, 50 m and 100 m depth contour as well as by the sediment type. In addition to widely distributed species, cold water species do not occur further south than the northern edge of the Dogger Bank, which corresponds to the 50 m depth contour. Warm water species were not found north of the 100 m depth contour. Some species occur on all types of sediment but most are restricted to a special sediment and therefore these species are limited in their distribution. The factors structuring species distributions and assemblages seem to be temperature, the influence of different water masses, e.g. Atlantic water, the type of sediment and the food supply to the benthos.


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Two foraminiferal assemblages are observed in surface sediments of the Elbe estuarv. an Elphidium excavatum assemblaae and an Ahmonia/Protelphidium assemblage. They are the result of test-size sorting in accordance to the grain size of the sediments. These assemblages of mainly empty tests differ basically from the living population, which is dominated exclusively by E. excavatum. The average test size is decreasing when advancing from the Open sea into the estuary and the living fauna disappears near the entrance of the Kiel Canal. In the dead assemblage the diversity is distinctively higher and the average test size varies with the grain size of the sediment. The assemblages found in plankton tows are nearly identical with those in corresponding bottom samples. This indicates the distribution pattern to be caused by transport in currents (mainly in suspension). This type of foraminiferal assemblages characterize macro- and mesotidal estuaries and might indicate a high tidal range when observed in sediments of fossil estuaries.


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Reworked shallow-water foraminifers that settled on the upper slope of the central Great Barrier Reef at Site 821 (water depth, 212.6 m) were used as indicators of the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that have controlled the Pleistocene evolution of the adjacent platform. Throughout the 400-m-thick sequence drilled, the nature, composition, and distribution of the shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages studied indicate that (1) all the species recorded are at present living in diverse tropical, reef-related areas of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic provinces; (2) the composition of the microfaunal taphocoenoses is almost identical between the different stratigraphic intervals studied and the modern Great Barrier Reef environments; (3) inner-neritic, tropical environments have continued to develop since the middle Pleistocene; (4) high- to moderate-energy platform edges occurred repeatedly throughout Pleistocene time. These factors may suggest that, since the beginning of the Pleistocene, several reef-like tracts have grown successively on the central area of the northeastern Australian shelf edge. These tracts probably had a sufficiently evolved morphological zonation to act as shelters for foraminiferal biocoenoses of high species diversity.