951 resultados para Student exchange programs
Higher education in Portugal, in the last forty years, has undergone profound changes with the enlargement of public higher education network, the appearance of new institutions, the quantity and the heterogeneity of students. The implementation of the Bologna Process in European community countries led to the redesign of higher education Portuguese courses as well as their corresponding curricula. In recent years, the use of Project-led education was one of the most significant changes in teaching and learning, particularly in engineering in higher education in Portugal. This teaching methodology encourages students and teachers to undertake new roles, new responsibilities and a new learning perspective. This study aims at understanding whether the role of the tutor is to be suitable to the needs and expectations of Project-led education students. These changes however are not only structural. At the University of Minho, new teaching and learning methodologies were adopted, which could guide the training of professionals on to the twenty-first century. The opportunity arising from the implementation of Project-led education in Engineering methodology was used in the University of Minho’s courses. This teaching method is intended to provide students with educational support programs that benefit the academic performance, allowing the opportunity to upgrade, train and develop the ability to study and learn more effectively. Through the Project-led education it is possible to provide students with techniques and procedures and develop the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students and teachers have assumed new roles in the teaching-learning process allowing in one hand the students to explore, discover and question themselves about some knowledge and on the other hand the teachers to change to a tutor, a companion and to a student project guide. Therefore, surveys were analyzed, comprising questions about the most significant contribution of the tutor as well as if there are some initial expectations that have not been foreseen by the tutor.
Annual report for Iowa College Student Aid Commission
Abstract OBJECTIVE Check the relationship between the users' contact time in educational programs and self-care and knowledge variables in diabetes mellitus. METHOD A longitudinal study with a quantitative approach with the participation, in the initial phase, of 263 users linked to Basic Health Units in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during the years 2012 and 2013. The data were collected with respect to the total contact time of the users' participation in the educational program as regards knowledge and self-care in acquired diabetes mellitus. The data were analyzed using the Student t-test for comparison of means, considering a 0.05 significance level. RESULTS The final sample included 151 users. The analysis showed that the improvement in self-care scores was statistically higher during an educational intervention of eight hours or more (p-value <0.05). In relation to the scores for knowledge, there was a statistically significant improvement at the end of the educational program. It was not possible to identify a value for the contact time from which there was an increase in mean scores for the ability of knowledge. CONCLUSION To improve the effectiveness of the promotion of skills related to knowledge and self-care in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to consider the contact time as a relevant factor of the educational program.
Work Internship Placements (WIP) is a new and transversal enterprise internships programme, which is focused on quality improvement, academic control and satisfaction of collaborating enterprises. This programme is addressed to the engineering students of the PolytechnicSchool at the University of Girona (UdG) in Spain. The fundamental WIP infrastructure combines a web-based intranet platform, that provides a complete set of WIP tools, with a protocol of procedures and tasks that are observed and followed at all internship stages by every participating agent, i.e. enterprises, students, coaching professors and administrative staff. Our new programme is centered on a broader, more holistic internship placement procedure than the traditional “career and academic goals” approach. The WIP programme has been found to be a valuable asset in addressing enterprise and student needs in the experiential project
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report FY 2005
Fall enrollment grew 1.2 percent to a record high of 88,104 unduplicated students in fiscal year 2009 (Table 1). College enrollment has grown for 11 consecutive years since enrollment slipped in fiscal year 1997. In the 44‐year history of the modern community college system, enrollment has only fallen four times (Figure 1). Enrollment growth was slightly slower than prior years. In 2006, enrollment grew over three percent, while enrollment grew 2.5 percent last year. Nevertheless, enrollment growth is outpacing the projected nationwide growth in community colleges (Hussar and Bailey, 2008: Table 16). For the second consecutive year, part‐time enrollment exceeded full‐time enrollment. Slightly over half, 50.9 percent, of students are enrolled in less than 12 credit hours. Last year, part‐time enrollment exceeded full‐time enrollment for the first time. The shift represents growing enrollment by working students and joint enrollment— high school students who enroll in community colleges.. Nationally, part‐time enrollment at public two‐year colleges has exceeded full‐time enrollment for more than 15 years. In 2006, part‐time students exceeded full‐time students by 60 percent (Hussar and Bailey, 2008: Table 16). Iowa’s enrollment growth has traditionally been consistent. Enrollment decreased four times—1976, 1983, 1984, and 1997—during the entire 44‐year history. Fulltime enrollment decreased nine times over the same period while part time enrollment only fell twice. The remainder of this report will break down credit enrollment by credit hours, student demographics, the programs in which students are enrolled, how the programs break down demographically, and joint enrollment.
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report FY 2005-2006
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report
The Condition of Higher Education in Iowa report prepared by Iowa College Student Aid Commission.
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Annual Report
TeliaSoneran älykkään viestintäjärjestelmän kehitysluonnoksella (SME) pilotoidaan prototyyppipalveluita, joiden avulla asiakkaat voivat välittää viestejä matkapuhelimilla sekä tietokoneilla. SME:n peruspalveluita voidaan käyttää SIP-standardin mukaisilla asiakasohjelmilla sekä SME:n omilla WAP- ja WWW-käyttöliittymillä. Käyttäjät voivat nähdä toistensa tilatiedon, muuttaa omaa tilatietoaan sekä lähettää SIP-pikaviestejä, sähköpostiviestejä ja tekstiviestejä. Käyttäjät voivat myös ylläpitää listaa yhteyshenkilöistään, vastaanottaa pikaviestejä ja selata vastaanotettuja viestejä. Diplomityössä käsitellään yleisesti SME-järjestelmän rakennetta ja paneudutaan tutkimaan työssä toteutetun SME:n WWW-asiakasohjelman toteutusta. Diplomityössä käydään läpi projektiin liittyviä standardeja, suosituksia, toteustekniikoita sekä palveluita. Lisäksi tarkastellaan työssä hyödynnettyjä ohjelmointirajapintoja, nykyisiä älypuhelimia sekä niiden Internet-selaimia, jotka rajoittavat WWW-asiakaspalvelun toteutuksessa käytettyjä toteutustekniikkavaihtoehtoja. Lopuksi esitellään toteutettujen ohjelmistojen sisäistä rakennetta ja toimintaa.
Many educators and educational institutions have yet to integrate web-based practices into their classrooms and curricula. As a result, it can be difficult to prototype and evaluate approaches to transforming classrooms from static endpoints to dynamic, content-creating nodes in the online information ecosystem. But many scholastic journalism programs have already embraced the capabilities of the Internet for virtual collaboration, dissemination, and reader participation. Because of this, scholastic journalism can act as a test-bed for integrating web-based sharing and collaboration practices into classrooms. Student Journalism 2.0 was a research project to integrate open copyright licenses into two scholastic journalism programs, to document outcomes, and to identify recommendations and remaining challenges for similar integrations. Video and audio recordings of two participating high school journalism programs informed the research. In describing the steps of our integration process, we note some important legal, technical, and social challenges. Legal worries such as uncertainty over copyright ownership could lead districts and administrators to disallow open licensing of student work. Publication platforms among journalism classrooms are far from standardized, making any integration of new technologies and practices difficult to achieve at scale. And teachers and students face challenges re-conceptualizing the role their class work can play online.