967 resultados para Statistical Pattern Recognition


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Lipopolysaccharide and beta-1, 3-glucan binding protein (LGBP) is a kind of pattern recognition receptor, which can recognize and bind LPS and beta-1, 3-glucan, and plays curial roles in the innate immune defense against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. In this study, the functions of LGBP from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri performed in innate immunity were analyzed. Firstly, the mRNA expression of CfLGBP in hemocytes toward three typical PAMPS stimulation was examined by realtime PCR. It was up-regulated extremely (P < 0.01) post stimulation of LPS and beta-glucan, and also exhibited a moderate up-regulation (P < 0.01) after PGN injection. Further PAMPs binding assay with the polyclonal antibody specific for CfLGBP proved that the recombinant CfLGBP (designated as rCfLGBP) could bind not only LPS and beta-glucan, but also PGN in vitro. More importantly, rCfLGBP exhibited obvious agglutination activity towards Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coil, Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis and fungi Pichia pastoris. Taking the results of immunofluorescence assay into account, which displayed CfLGBP was expressed specifically in the immune cells (hemocytes) and vulnerable organ (gill and mantle), we believed that LGBP in C farreri, serving as a multi-functional PRR, not only involved in the immune response against Gram-negative and fungi as LGBP in other invertebrates, but also played significant role in the event of anti-Gram-positive bacteria infection. As the first functional research of LGBP in mollusks, our study provided new implication into the innate immune defense mechanisms of C. farreri and mollusks. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C-type lectins are a superfamily of carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play crucial roles as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in the innate immunity. In this study, the full-length cDNA of a C-type lectin was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as Cflec-5) by expression sequence tag (EST) analysis and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approach The full-length cDNA of Cflec-5 was of 1412 bp. The open reading frame encoded a polypeptide of 153 amino acids, including a signal sequence and a conserved carbohydrate-recognition domain with the EPN motif determining the mannose-binding specificity The deduced amino acid sequence of Cflec-5 showed high similarity to members of C-type lectin superfamily. The quantitative real-time PCR was performed to investigate the tissue distribution of Cflec-5 mRNA and its temporal expression profiles in hemocytes post pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) stimulation. In healthy scallops, the Cflec-5 mRNA was mainly detected in gill and mantle, and marginally in other tissues The mRNA expression of Cflec-5 could be significantly induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and glucan stimulation and reached the maximum level at 6 h and 12 h, respectively But its expression level did not change significantly during peptidoglycan (PGN) stimulation The function of Cflec-5 was investigated by recombination and expression of the cDNA fragment encoding its mature peptide in Escherichia coli Rosetta Gami (DE3) The recombinant Cflec-5 agglutinated Pichia pastoris in a calcium-independent way The agglutinating activity could be inhibited by D-mannose. LPS and glucan, but not by D-galactose or PGN. These results collectively suggested that Cflec-5 was involved in the innate Immune response of scallops and might contribute to nonself-recognition through its interaction with various PAMPs (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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A computer may gather a lot of information from its environment in an optical or graphical manner. A scene, as seen for instance from a TV camera or a picture, can be transformed into a symbolic description of points and lines or surfaces. This thesis describes several programs, written in the language CONVERT, for the analysis of such descriptions in order to recognize, differentiate and identify desired objects or classes of objects in the scene. Examples are given in each case. Although the recognition might be in terms of projections of 2-dim and 3-dim objects, we do not deal with stereoscopic information. One of our programs (Polybrick) identifies parallelepipeds in a scene which may contain partially hidden bodies and non-parallelepipedic objects. The program TD works mainly with 2-dimensional figures, although under certain conditions successfully identifies 3-dim objects. Overlapping objects are identified when they are transparent. A third program, DT, works with 3-dim and 2-dim objects, and does not identify objects which are not completely seen. Important restrictions and suppositions are: (a) the input is assumed perfect (noiseless), and in a symbolic format; (b) no perspective deformation is considered. A portion of this thesis is devoted to the study of models (symbolic representations) of the objects we want to identify; different schemes, some of them already in use, are discussed. Focusing our attention on the more general problem of identification of general objects when they substantially overlap, we propose some schemes for their recognition, and also analyze some problems that are met.


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British Petroleum (89A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225)


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An active, attentionally-modulated recognition architecture is proposed for object recognition and scene analysis. The proposed architecture forms part of navigation and trajectory planning modules for mobile robots. Key characteristics of the system include movement planning and execution based on environmental factors and internal goal definitions. Real-time implementation of the system is based on space-variant representation of the visual field, as well as an optimal visual processing scheme utilizing separate and parallel channels for the extraction of boundaries and stimulus qualities. A spatial and temporal grouping module (VWM) allows for scene scanning, multi-object segmentation, and featural/object priming. VWM is used to modulate a tn~ectory formation module capable of redirecting the focus of spatial attention. Finally, an object recognition module based on adaptive resonance theory is interfaced through VWM to the visual processing module. The system is capable of using information from different modalities to disambiguate sensory input.


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The system presented here is based on neurophysiological and electrophysiological data. It computes three types of increasingly integrated temporal and probability contexts, in a bottom-up mode. To each of these contexts corresponds an increasingly specific top-down priming effect on lower processing stages, mostly pattern recognition and discrimination. Contextual learning of time intervals, events' temporal order or sequential dependencies and events' prior probability results from the delivery of large stimuli sequences. This learning gives rise to emergent properties which closely match the experimental data.


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This article presents a new neural pattern recognition architecture on multichannel data representation. The architecture emploies generalized ART modules as building blocks to construct a supervised learning system generating recognition codes on channels dynamically selected in context using serial and parallel match trackings led by inter-ART vigilance signals.


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A new neural network architecture for spatial patttern recognition using multi-scale pyramida1 coding is here described. The network has an ARTMAP structure with a new class of ART-module, called Hybrid ART-module, as its front-end processor. Hybrid ART-module, which has processing modules corresponding to each scale channel of multi-scale pyramid, employs channels of finer scales only if it is necesssary to discriminate a pattern from others. This process is effected by serial match tracking. Also the parallel match tracking is used to select the spatial location having most salient feature and limit its attention to that part.


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An incremental, nonparametric probability estimation procedure using the fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is introduced. In slow-learning mode, fuzzy ARTMAP searches for patterns of data on which to build ever more accurate estimates. In max-nodes mode, the network initially learns a fixed number of categories, and weights are then adjusted gradually.


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This paper describes the design of a self~organizing, hierarchical neural network model of unsupervised serial learning. The model learns to recognize, store, and recall sequences of unitized patterns, using either short-term memory (STM) or both STM and long-term memory (LTM) mechanisms. Timing information is learned and recall {both from STM and from LTM) is performed with a learned rhythmical structure. The network, bearing similarities with ART (Carpenter & Grossberg 1987a), learns to map temporal sequences to unitized patterns, which makes it suitable for hierarchical operation. It is therefore capable of self-organizing codes for sequences of sequences. The capacity is only limited by the number of nodes provided. Selected simulation results are reported to illustrate system properties.


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Temporal representation and reasoning plays an important role in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, particularly, in mining and recognizing patterns with rich temporal information. Based on a formal characterization of time-series and state-sequences, this paper presents the computational technique and algorithm for matching state-based temporal patterns. As a case study of real-life applications, zone-defense pattern recognition in basketball games is specially examined as an illustrating example. Experimental results demonstrate that it provides a formal and comprehensive temporal ontology for research and applications in video events detection.


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Processes of enrichment, concentration and retention are thought to be important for the successful recruitment of small pelagic fish in upwelling areas, but are difficult to measure. In this study, a novel approach is used to examine the role of spatio-temporal oceanographic variability on recruitment success of the Northern Benguela sardine Sardinops sagax. This approach applies a neural network pattern recognition technique, called a self-organising map (SOM), to a seven-year time series of satellite-derived sea level data. The Northern Benguela is characterised by quasi-perennial upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water and is influenced by intrusions of warm, nutrient-poor Angola Current water from the north. In this paper, these processes are categorised in terms of their influence on recruitment success through the key ocean triad mechanisms of enrichment, concentration and retention. Moderate upwelling is seen as favourable for recruitment, whereas strong upwelling, weak upwelling and Angola Current intrusion appear detrimental to recruitment success. The SOM was used to identify characteristic patterns from sea level difference data and these were interpreted with the aid of sea surface temperature data. We found that the major oceanographic processes of upwelling and Angola Current intrusion dominated these patterns, allowing them to be partitioned into those representing recruitment favourable conditions and those representing adverse conditions for recruitment. A marginally significant relationship was found between the index of sardine recruitment and the frequency of recruitment favourable conditions (r super(2) = 0.61, p = 0.068, n = 6). Because larvae are vulnerable to environmental influences for a period of at least 50 days after spawning, the SOM was then used to identify windows of persistent favourable conditions lasting longer than 50 days, termed recruitment favourable periods (RFPs). The occurrence of RFPs was compared with back-calculated spawning dates for each cohort. Finally, a comparison of RFPs with the time of spawning and the index of recruitment showed that in years where there were 50 or more days of favourable conditions following spawning, good recruitment followed (Mann-Whitney U-test: p = 0.064, n = 6). These results show the value of the SOM technique for describing spatio-temporal variability in oceanographic processes. Variability in these processes appears to be an important factor influencing recruitment in the Northern Benguela sardine, although the available data time series is currently too short to be conclusive. Nonetheless, the analysis of satellite data, using a neural network pattern-recognition approach, provides a useful framework for investigating fisheries recruitment problems.