959 resultados para Spread spectrum communication


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing, i.e., the detection of whether or not a primary user is transmitting data by a cognitive radio. The Bayesian framework is adopted, with the performance measure being the probability of detection error. A decentralized setup, where N sensors use M observations each to arrive at individual decisions that are combined at a fusion center to form the overall decision is considered. The unknown fading channel between the primary sensor and the cognitive radios makes the individual decision rule computationally complex, hence, a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT)-based approach is adopted. Analysis of the probabilities of false alarm and miss detection of the proposed method reveals that the error exponent with respect to M is zero. Also, the fusion of N individual decisions offers a diversity advantage, similar to diversity reception in communication systems, and a tight bound on the error exponent is presented. Through an analysis in the low power regime, the number of observations needed as a function of received power, to achieve a given probability of error is determined. Monte-Carlo simulations confirm the accuracy of the analysis.


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks when the primary user is using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). For this we develop cooperative sequential detection algorithms that use the autocorrelation property of cyclic prefix (CP) used in OFDM systems. We study the effect of timing and frequency offset, IQ-imbalance and uncertainty in noise and transmit power. We also modify the detector to mitigate the effects of these impairments. The performance of the proposed algorithms is studied via simulations. We show that sequential detection can significantly improve the performance over a fixed sample size detector.


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In this paper, we present a belief propagation (BP) based equalizer for ultrawideband (UWB) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels characterized by severe delay spreads. We employ a Markov random field (MRF) graphical model of the system on which we carry out message passing. The proposed BP equalizer is shown to perform increasingly closer to optimal performance for increasing number of multipath components (MPC) at a much lesser complexity than that of the optimum equalizer. The proposed equalizer performs close to within 0.25 dB of SISO AWGN performance at 10-3 bit error rate on a severely delay-spread MIMO-ISI channel with 20 equal-energy MPCs. We point out that, although MIMO/UWB systems are characterized by fully/densely connected graphical models, the following two proposed features are instrumental in achieving near-optimal performance for large number of MPCs at low complexities: i) use of pairwise compatibility functions in densely connected MRFs, and ii) use of damping of messages.


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We consider a framework in which several service providers offer downlink wireless data access service in a certain area. Each provider serves its end-users through opportunistic secondary spectrum access of licensed spectrum, and needs to pay primary license holders of the spectrum usage based and membership based charges for such secondary spectrum access. In these circumstances, if providers pool their resources and allow end-users to be served by any of the cooperating providers, the total user satisfaction as well as the aggregate revenue earned by providers may increase. We use coalitional game theory to investigate such cooperation among providers, and show that the optimal cooperation schemes can be obtained as solutions of convex optimizations. We next show that under usage based charging scheme, if all providers cooperate, there always exists an operating point that maximizes the aggregate revenue of providers, while presenting each provider a share of the revenue such that no subset of providers has an incentive to leave the coalition. Furthermore, such an operating point can be computed in polynomial time. Finally, we show that when the charging scheme involves membership based charges, the above result holds in important special cases.


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We consider a setting in which several operators offer downlink wireless data access services in a certain geographical region. Each operator deploys several base stations or access points, and registers some subscribers. In such a situation, if operators pool their infrastructure, and permit the possibility of subscribers being served by any of the cooperating operators, then there can be overall better user satisfaction, and increased operator revenue. We use coalitional game theory to investigate such resource pooling and cooperation between operators.We use utility functions to model user satisfaction, and show that the resulting coalitional game has the property that if all operators cooperate (i.e., form a grand coalition) then there is an operating point that maximizes the sum utility over the operators while providing the operators revenues such that no subset of operators has an incentive to break away from the coalition. We investigate whether such operating points can result in utility unfairness between users of the various operators. We also study other revenue sharing concepts, namely, the nucleolus and the Shapely value. Such investigations throw light on criteria for operators to accept or reject subscribers, based on the service level agreements proposed by them. We also investigate the situation in which only certain subsets of operators may be willing to cooperate.


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This paper considers the high-rate performance of source coding for noisy discrete symmetric channels with random index assignment (IA). Accurate analytical models are developed to characterize the expected distortion performance of vector quantization (VQ) for a large class of distortion measures. It is shown that when the point density is continuous, the distortion can be approximated as the sum of the source quantization distortion and the channel-error induced distortion. Expressions are also derived for the continuous point density that minimizes the expected distortion. Next, for the case of mean squared error distortion, a more accurate analytical model for the distortion is derived by allowing the point density to have a singular component. The extent of the singularity is also characterized. These results provide analytical models for the expected distortion performance of both conventional VQ as well as for channel-optimized VQ. As a practical example, compression of the linear predictive coding parameters in the wideband speech spectrum is considered, with the log spectral distortion as performance metric. The theory is able to correctly predict the channel error rate that is permissible for operation at a particular level of distortion.


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This paper analyzes the error exponents in Bayesian decentralized spectrum sensing, i.e., the detection of occupancy of the primary spectrum by a cognitive radio, with probability of error as the performance metric. At the individual sensors, the error exponents of a Central Limit Theorem (CLT) based detection scheme are analyzed. At the fusion center, a K-out-of-N rule is employed to arrive at the overall decision. It is shown that, in the presence of fading, for a fixed number of sensors, the error exponents with respect to the number of observations at both the individual sensors as well as at the fusion center are zero. This motivates the development of the error exponent with a certain probability as a novel metric that can be used to compare different detection schemes in the presence of fading. The metric is useful, for example, in answering the question of whether to sense for a pilot tone in a narrow band (and suffer Rayleigh fading) or to sense the entire wide-band signal (and suffer log-normal shadowing), in terms of the error exponent performance. The error exponents with a certain probability at both the individual sensors and at the fusion center are derived, with both Rayleigh as well as log-normal shadow fading. Numerical results are used to illustrate and provide a visual feel for the theoretical expressions obtained.


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We consider cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. We develop an energy efficient detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing. Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) is used at both the local nodes and the fusion center. We also analyse the performance of this algorithm and compare with the simulations. Modelling uncertainties in the distribution parameters are considered. Slow fading with and without perfect channel state information at the cognitive radios is taken into account.


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This paper considers cooperative spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radios. In our previous work we have developed DualSPRT, a distributed algorithm for cooperative spectrum sensing using Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) at the Cognitive Radios as well as at the fusion center. This algorithm works well, but is not optimal. In this paper we propose an improved algorithm- SPRT-CSPRT, which is motivated from Cumulative Sum Procedures (CUSUM). We analyse it theoretically. We also modify this algorithm to handle uncertainties in SNR's and fading.


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While the under-utilization of licensed spectrum based on measurement studies conducted in a few developed countries has spurred lots of interest in opportunistic spectrum access, there exists no infrastructure today for measuring real-time spectrum occupancy across vast geographical regions. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of SpecNet, a first-of-its-kind platform that allows spectrum analyzers around the world to be networked and efficiently used in a coordinated manner for spectrum measurement as well as implementa- tion and evaluation of distributed sensing applications. We demonstrate the value of SpecNet through three applications: 1) remote spectrum measurement, 2) primary transmitter coverage estimation and 3) Spectrum-Cop that quickly identifies and localizes transmitters in a frequency range and geographic region of interest.


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We consider cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radios. We develop an energy efficient detector with low detection delay using sequential hypothesis testing. Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) is used at both the local nodes and the fusion center. We also analyse the performance of this algorithm and compare with the simulations. Modelling uncertainties in the distribution parameters are considered. Slow fading with and without perfect channel state information at the cognitive radios is taken into account.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of finding a spectrum hole of a specified bandwidth in a given wide band of interest. We propose a new, simple and easily implementable sub-Nyquist sampling scheme for signal acquisition and a spectrum hole search algorithm that exploits sparsity in the primary spectral occupancy in the frequency domain by testing a group of adjacent subbands in a single test. The sampling scheme deliberately introduces aliasing during signal acquisition, resulting in a signal that is the sum of signals from adjacent sub-bands. Energy-based hypothesis tests are used to provide an occupancy decision over the group of subbands, and this forms the basis of the proposed algorithm to find contiguous spectrum holes. We extend this framework to a multi-stage sensing algorithm that can be employed in a variety of spectrum sensing scenarios, including non-contiguous spectrum hole search. Further, we provide the analytical means to optimize the hypothesis tests with respect to the detection thresholds, number of samples and group size to minimize the detection delay under a given error rate constraint. Depending on the sparsity and SNR, the proposed algorithms can lead to significantly lower detection delays compared to a conventional bin-by-bin energy detection scheme; the latter is in fact a special case of the group test when the group size is set to 1. We validate our analytical results via Monte Carlo simulations.


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We consider nonparametric sequential hypothesis testing when the distribution under null hypothesis is fully known and the alternate hypothesis corresponds to some other unknown distribution. We use easily implementable universal lossless source codes to propose simple algorithms for such a setup. These algorithms are motivated from spectrum sensing application in Cognitive Radios. Universal sequential hypothesis testing using Lempel Ziv codes and Krichevsky-Trofimov estimator with Arithmetic Encoder are considered and compared for different distributions. Cooperative spectrum sensing with multiple Cognitive Radios using universal codes is also considered.


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We consider a setting in which a single item of content is disseminated in a population of mobile nodes by opportunistic copying when pairs of nodes come in radio contact. The nodes in the population may either be interested in receiving the content (referred to as destinations) or not yet interested in receiving the content (referred to as relays). We consider a model for the evolution of popularity, the process by which relays get converted into destinations. A key contribution of our work is to model and study the joint evolution of content popularity and its spread in the population. Copying the content to relay nodes is beneficial since they can help spread the content to destinations, and could themselves be converted into destinations. We derive a fluid limit for the joint evolution model and obtain optimal policies for copying to relay nodes in order to deliver content to a desired fraction of destinations, while limiting the fraction of relay nodes that get the content but never turn into destinations. We prove that a time-threshold policy is optimal for controlling the copying to relays, i.e., there is an optimal time-threshold up to which all opportunities for copying to relays are exploited, and after which relays are not copied to. We then utilize simulations and numerical evaluations to provide insights into the effects of various system parameters on the optimally controlled co-evolution model.


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This paper considers cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms for Cognitive Radios which focus on reducing the number of samples to make a reliable detection. We propose algorithms based on decentralized sequential hypothesis testing in which the Cognitive Radios sequentially collect the observations, make local decisions and send them to the fusion center for further processing to make a final decision on spectrum usage. The reporting channel between the Cognitive Radios and the fusion center is assumed more realistically as a Multiple Access Channel (MAC) with receiver noise. Furthermore the communication for reporting is limited, thereby reducing the communication cost. We start with an algorithm where the fusion center uses an SPRT-like (Sequential Probability Ratio Test) procedure and theoretically analyze its performance. Asymptotically, its performance is close to the optimal centralized test without fusion center noise. We further modify this algorithm to improve its performance at practical operating points. Later we generalize these algorithms to handle uncertainties in SNR and fading. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.