266 resultados para Sponteneous perforation


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A proposta desta tese consiste em um recorte de uma abordagem mais ampla da determinação dos acidentes de trabalho, e tem como objetivo geral investigar o perfil de acidentes de trabalho que acometem funcionários técnico-administrativos do quadro efetivo de uma universidade do Rio de Janeiro. Para o alcance do objetivo, esta tese está estruturada em dois artigos, e como tal pretende explorar o perfil sócio-demográfico e ocupacional de funcionários públicos na ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho (Artigo 1); e investigar a associação entre os eventos de vida produtores de estresse (EVPE) e a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho (Artigo 2). Dados seccionais da fase 2 de um estudo de natureza prospectiva (Estudo Pró-Saúde) foram coletados entre 3572 funcionários. A história de acidentes de trabalho foi captada por meio de perguntas dicotômicas (sim vs. não) para cada um dos seguintes tipos de acidentes: perfuração com agulha; perfuração com outro objeto; corte; queimadura; choque elétrico; contusão ou distensão muscular; fratura, entorse ou luxação; e envenenamento ou intoxicação. O período de referência para aferição tanto dos EVPE quanto da ocorrência de acidente de trabalho correspondeu aos 12 meses anteriores a aplicação de questionário autopreenchível. No artigo 1 utilizou-se a técnica de análise de correspondência múltipla para delimitar agrupamentos de funcionários quanto ao perfil sócio-demográfico e ocupacional associado à ocorrência de acidente de trabalho, de acordo com as seguintes Característica : sexo, idade, escolaridade, renda per capita, ocupação, setor e local de trabalho. No artigo 2, a associação entre EVPE e acidentes de trabalho foi avaliada através de análise multivariada por meio de modelo lineares generalizados (logpoisson), sendo os resultados expressos através de razões de prevalência (RP) ajustadas e seus respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%). A prevalência total de acidentes no período de 12 meses foi de 25,6%. Dos tipos de acidentes referidos, o mais frequente foi a contusão ou fratura, com cerca de (10,2%) de relatos. Em seguida, aparecem as perfurações com agulha (6,5%). Os resultados da análise de correspondência revelam três grupos, destacando-se aquele formado pelos que sofreram perfuração com agulha com um perfil que abrange os auxiliares de enfermagem, trabalham no Hospital Universitário e setores adjacentes, especificamente em setores de terapia intensiva, emergência, cirurgia geral, clinica geral e ambulatório. Em relação à associação com EVPE, ter sido testemunha de agressão foi o evento mais fortemente associado com acidentes de trabalho (RP= 1,98, IC95%= 1,67; 2,34). Este estudo trouxe informações acerca da importância das características sócio-demográficas e de aspectos psicossociais na ocorrência dos acidentes de trabalho que podem ser úteis na elaboração de medidas para a prevenção desse importante problema de saúde pública.


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[ES] La reciente excavación de la cueva de Praile Aitz I (Deba) ha identificado sucesivas breves ocupaciones del Tardiglaciar. Se estudian los materiales arqueológicos más significativos del Magdaleniense Inferior recuperados sobre un suelo preparado con cantitos de caliza. En él se localizaron, además de restos industriales líticos y faunísticos que no trataremos en esta ocasión, las siguientes evidencias: una azagaya, restos de ocre y un interesante lote de colgantes (cuatro cantos rodados perforados y tres incisivos de cabra con doble perforación).


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A família Zingiberaceae é a mais representativa da ordem Zingiberales, contendo mais de 1.000 espécies divididas em quatro subfamílias e seis tribos, amplamente distribuídas por todos os continentes. Nas últimas décadas houve um incremento nos estudos relativos à distribuição, o grau de especialização e a funcionalidade dos elementos de vaso em diversas famílias de monocotiledôneas. Entretanto, ainda existem poucos estudos que contribuam para o delineamento dos aspectos evolutivos e ecológicos das tribos de Zingiberaceae. Os objetivos desse trabalho são os de comparar a anatomia dos órgãos subterrâneos e aéreos de oito espécies de Zingiberaceae e estabelecer a distribuição dos elementos traqueais, bem como, o de determinar a especialização dos elementos de vaso de vinte e oito espécies pertencentes a três tribos Alpineae, Zingibereae e Globbeae. As espécies foram coletadas em áreas naturais protegidas e em áreas de cultivos particulares no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os órgãos subterrâneos e aéreos foram processados de acordo com as técnicas usuais de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. A análise estrutural do eixo vegetativo das oito espécies pertencentes aos gêneros Alpinia, Renealmia, Curcuma, Hedychium e Zingiber indicam uma similaridade e mostram que os elementos de vaso estão restritos às raízes. Alguns caracteres estruturais dos elementos de vaso, como o tipo da placa de perfuração, o número de barras e o tipo de espessamento parietal se mostraram importantes para o estabelecimento da relação entre as subfamílias e tribos. Zingibereae e Globbeae reúnem estados de caracteres mais basais, como placa de perfuração escalariforme e espessamento parietal espiralado, e os mais derivados são encontrados na tribo Alpinieae, incluindo placa de perfuração simples e espessamento parietal parcialmente pontoado


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Polymer composites comprising ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHWMPE) fibers in a compliant matrix are now widely used in ballistic applications with varying levels of success. This is primarily due to a poor understanding of the mechanics of penetration of these composites in ballistic protection systems. In this study, we report experimental observations of the penetration mechanisms in four model systems impacted by a 12.7 mm diameter spherical steel projectile. The four model targets designed to highlight different penetration mechanisms in Dyneema® UHWMPE composites were: (i) a bare aluminum plate; (ii) the same plate fully encased in a 5.9 mm thick casing of Dyneema®; (iii) the fully encased plate with a portion of the Dyneema® removed from the front face so that the projectile impacts directly the Al plate; and (iv) the fully encased plate with a portion of the Dyneema® removed from the rear face so that the projectile can exit the Al plate without again interacting with the Dyneema®. A combination of synchronized high speed photography with three cameras, together with post-test examination of the targets via X-ray tomography and optical microscopy was used to elucidate the deformation and perforation mechanisms. The measurements show that the ballistic resistance of these targets increases in the order: bare Al plate, rear face cutout target, fully encased target and front face cutout target. These findings are explained based on the following key findings: (a) the ballistic performance of Dyneema® plates supported on a foundation is inferior to Dyneema® plates supported along their edges; (b) the apparent ballistic resistance of Dyneema® plates increases if the plates are given an initial velocity prior to the impact by the projectile, thereby reducing the relative velocity between the Dyneema® plate and projectile; and (c) when the projectile is fragmented prior to impact, the spatially and temporally distributed loading enhances the ballistic resistance of the Dyneema®. The simple model targets designed here have elucidated mechanisms by which Dyneema® functions in multi-material structures. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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The fully coupled methane hydrate model developed in Cambridge was adopted in this numerical study on gas production trial at the Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan 2013. Based on the latest experimental data of hydrate soil core samples, the clay parameters at Eastern Nankai site were successfully calibrated. With updated clay parameters and site geometry, a 50 days gas production trail was numerically simulated in FLAC2D. The geomechanical behaviour of hydrate bearing sediments under 3 different depressurization strategies were explored and discussed. The results from both axisymmetrical and plane-strain models suggest, the slope of the seabed only affects mechanical properties while no significant impact on the dissociation, temperature and pore pressure. For mechanical deformation after PT recovery, there are large settlements above the perforation zone and small uplift underneath the production zone. To validate the fully coupled model, numerical simulation with finer mesh in the hydrate production zone was carried out. The simulation results suggest good agreement between our model and JOE's results on history matching of gas and water production during trial. Parameter sensitivity of gas production is also investigated and concluded the sea water salinity is a dominant factor for gas production.


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With the example of Damintun Depression, Liaohe Oilfield, different methods to study fracture distribution were propsosed, i.e. combined crop, core, log, with seismic attribute and paleo-stress field to predict fractural reservoir. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. Secondary fracture and dissolution pore are the main reservoir space of fractured reservoir in Damintun buried hills through observing more than 270 meters core in 27 wells. Among them, structural fracture is the main reservoir spcace in Archaean metamorphism whose main mineral are silicates, while dissolution pore and structural fracture are the main reservoir space in Protozoic carbonate which has been proved with high dissolution. Structural fracture is not only the main reservoir space but also the influent path. 2. Actual core observation and log identification proved that the formation of buried hills have the following zone: weathering crust, fracturaed zone and compact zone, among which the weathering crust and fractured zone are the main reservoir. 3. The mineralogical component of rock is the inner factor and the tectonization is the outer factor, which control the development of structural fracture. The content of brittle material in rock influences the development of structural fracture. Dissolution, chemical eluviations, weathering and fill-up affect the development of structural fracture. 4. Basement faults control the distribution of structural fracture in Damintun Depression. The trend of fracture is consistent with that of faults and there is often large-scale fractural zone around faults. 5. Based on log response, the fracture is identified with core observation, imaging well log and ANN, which can provide geological basis for optimized perforation. 6. The methods for predicting fracture with structure restoration, seismic inversion and paleo-stress simulation aiming at different types of buried-hills reservoir, and then the spatial distribution of the fracture and density is obtained, which can provide geological basis for well site adjustment.


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A series of significant oil-gas exploration progresses have been achieved in Nanpu depression with 1.02 billion ton oil-gas reserves have been proven. It has been confirmed that Nanpu beach has a geologic condition to be a major field based on exhaustive research. This finding, which is integrated reservoir,great reserves, thick oil layer and high productivity in Nanpu depression, is the most excited success in Chinese oil-gas exploration in recent years. This abundant oilfield found is significant to the strategy of oil production stability in the east of China. Nanpu depression exploration is also a crucial exploration project for Petrochina. Based on the comprehensive research on Nanpu formation testing data, we reevaluate and analyze the reservoir property and the structure characteristics, and propose a series of testing technique that are suitable for Jidong oil field development. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The reservoir parameters and characters are defined by formation test data interpretation and systemic dynamic-static data comparison. 2. Based on sources analysis and statistical research related to formation contaminants, some technique measures, which can not only prevent or reduce invasion damage for different formations but also can effectively improve completion efficiency, are proposed. 3. By selecting the testing pressure drawdown, optimum working regulation and flow /shut-in duration, and adopting dynamic-static flow parameters correlation analysis to predict production, an optimum research on working regulation and flow /shut-in duration was accomplished. Optimization formation test principles suitable for any kinds of Nanpu oilfield are established, which can improve test quality, construction efficiency and data recording quality. 4. By reasonable selection of perforating gun and penetrating charge, the perforation penetration has been improved effectively and the flow channel of the oil gas have been expanded, so that the communication between formations and the wellbore is improved better. 5. One joint working procedure which combining formation test, perforation, unloading and stimulation treatment has become the dominant testing technology in the Nanpu offshore Oilfield. This combination technique can implement several procedures using one pipe string, and achieve rapid testing purpose.


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Low resistivity reservoir is a special reservoir which is different from normal reservoir in identification and evaluation.Through core experiment and analysis, the achievement of which resistivity is resulted from clay additive electric conductivities and high bound water saturation in Junggar basin is gained. For accurately evaluating low resistivity, a good many of experiment have been completed, such as resistivity index and formation factor in hi^jher temperature and higher pressure, semi-permeability board, cation exchange, bound water, NMR (nucleus magnetism response), non-Nad water in different temperature and salinity, the experiments result show that lower resistivity has complex relation with these electric-parameters and chloric ion content in non-NaCl water.Based on comprehensive interpretation of NMR and normal resistivity data, the volume of moved water, bound water, moved oil and residual oil in the strata can be determined quantitatively and which have significant influence on reservoir recognition and perforation optimized.Experiment data (SEM mold, thin section, X ray diffraction, mercury penetration) can be used to analysis low resistivity forming and the relation between low resistivity and pore texture, to set up relation between porosity, permeability and petrophysical property. The reservoir was sorted, evaluated and described. The oil bedding in southern margin of Junggar basin is low porosity, low resistivity reservoir.Based on invasion theory of electric well-logging, modelling and inversion of resistivity well-logging are accomplished. For enhancing low resistivity resulted from higher bound water saturation and cation exchange, invasion period, invasion radius, the relation between fluid distribution in pore and response of laterolog logging have been studied. Virgin zone resistivity, invasion zone resistivity and invasion radius were inversed and which enhanced evaluation accuracy of reservoir. The method was used to process well-logging data in Luliang oilfield and southern margin in Junggar basin, and reservoir resistivity was enhanced effectively, appropriate oil saturation gained and it has better effect on oil exploration.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Aims - To evaluate the efficacy of amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) for ocular surface reconstruction. Methods - 10 consecutive patients who underwent AMT were included. The indications were: group A, cases with persistent epithelial defect after corneal abscess (n = 1), radiation (n = 1), or chemical burn (n = 3); group B, cases with epithelial defect and severe stromal thinning and impending or recent perforation, due to chemical burn (two patients, three eyes) or corneal abscess (n = 2); group C, to promote corneal epithelium healing and prevent scarring after symblepharon surgery with extensive corneo-conjunctival adhesion (n = 1). Under sterile conditions amniotic membrane was prepared from a fresh placenta of a seronegative pregnant woman and stored at -70°C. This technique involved the use of amniotic membrane to cover the entire cornea and perilimbal area in groups A and B, and the epithelial defect only in group C. Results - The cornea healed satisfactorily in four of five patients in group A, but the epithelial defect recurred in one of these patients. After AMT three patients underwent limbal transplantation and one penetrating keratoplasty and cataract extraction. In group B amniotic membrane transplantation was not helpful, and all cases underwent an urgent tectonic corneal graft. Surgery successfully released the symblepharon, promoted epithelialisation and prevented adhesions in the case of group C. Conclusion - AMT was effective to promote corneal healing in patients with persistent epithelial defect, and appeared to be helpful after surgery to release corneo-conjunctival adhesion. Most surgery for further surface rehabilitation. Amniotic membrane used as a patch was not effective to prevent tectonic corneal graft in cases with severe stromal thinning and impending or recent perforation.


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Focal gamma irradiation was used to limit the intraocular extension of scar tissue which typically occurs after posterior perforating injury to the eye. Standard posterior perforating injuries were created in the right eye of forty-eight rabbits, half of which had the site of perforation focally irradiated using a Cobalt 60 ophthalmic plaque. Non-irradiated wounds healed with profuse formation of highly cellular and vascularised granulation tissue which invaded the vitreous to form contractile vitreo-retinal membranes. In irradiated eyes vitreo-retinal membrane formation was infrequent; the wounds showing only sparse granulation tissue with little or no extension into the vitreous cavity. Autoradiographic studies carried out in a second group of 40 animals showed that the episclera was the main source of the proliferating fibroblasts, and cell counts confirmed that the inflammatory and repair responses in irradiated wounds were both delayed and attenuated.


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The Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (BESO) method is a numerical topology optimisation method developed for use in finite element analysis. This paper presents a particular application of the BESO method to optimise the energy absorbing capability of metallic structures. The optimisation objective is to evolve a structural geometry of minimum mass while ensuring that the kinetic energy of an impacting projectile is reduced to a level which prevents perforation. Individual elements in a finite element mesh are deleted when a prescribed damage criterion is exceeded. An energy absorbing structure subjected to projectile impact will fail once the level of damage results in a critical perforation size. It is therefore necessary to constrain an optimisation algorithm from producing such candidate solutions. An algorithm to detect perforation was implemented within a BESO framework which incorporated a ductile material damage model.


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Approximate execution is a viable technique for energy-con\-strained environments, provided that applications have the mechanisms to produce outputs of the highest possible quality within the given energy budget.
We introduce a framework for energy-constrained execution with controlled and graceful quality loss. A simple programming model allows users to express the relative importance of computations for the quality of the end result, as well as minimum quality requirements. The significance-aware runtime system uses an application-specific analytical energy model to identify the degree of concurrency and approximation that maximizes quality while meeting user-specified energy constraints. Evaluation on a dual-socket 8-core server shows that the proposed
framework predicts the optimal configuration with high accuracy, enabling energy-constrained executions that result in significantly higher quality compared to loop perforation, a compiler approximation technique.


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We introduce a task-based programming model and runtime system that exploit the observation that not all parts of a program are equally significant for the accuracy of the end-result, in order to trade off the quality of program outputs for increased energy-efficiency. This is done in a structured and flexible way, allowing for easy exploitation of different points in the quality/energy space, without adversely affecting application performance. The runtime system can apply a number of different policies to decide whether it will execute less-significant tasks accurately or approximately.

The experimental evaluation indicates that our system can achieve an energy reduction of up to 83% compared with a fully accurate execution and up to 35% compared with an approximate version employing loop perforation. At the same time, our approach always results in graceful quality degradation.


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Approximate execution is a viable technique for environments with energy constraints, provided that applications are given the mechanisms to produce outputs of the highest possible quality within the available energy budget. This paper introduces a framework for energy-constrained execution with controlled and graceful quality loss. A simple programming model allows developers to structure the computation in different tasks, and to express the relative importance of these tasks for the quality of the end result. For non-significant tasks, the developer can also supply less costly, approximate versions. The target energy consumption for a given execution is specified when the application is launched. A significance-aware runtime system employs an application-specific analytical energy model to decide how many cores to use for the execution, the operating frequency for these cores, as well as the degree of task approximation, so as to maximize the quality of the output while meeting the user-specified energy constraints. Evaluation on a dual-socket 16-core Intel platform using 9 benchmark kernels shows that the proposed framework picks the optimal configuration with high accuracy. Also, a comparison with loop perforation (a well-known compile-time approximation technique), shows that the proposed framework results in significantly higher quality for the same energy budget.