997 resultados para South Georgia
Shows local topography, roads, and names of some residents.
ჩატარებულია რადონის განაწილების რაოდენობრივი შეფასება დასავლეთ საქართველოს ცალკეულ რაიონებში. მიღებული მონაცემები მოწმობს, რომ 100-ზე მეტი წყლის სინჯში აღინიშნება რადონის მაღალი შემცველობა. ამ უბნებთანაა დაკავშირებული ბინებში რადონის დაგროვების მაღალი მაჩვენებლები.ჩვენს მიერ ჩატარებული კვლევა კიდევ ერთხელ ადასტურებს კორელაციურ კავშირს რადონის კონცენტრაციასა და ფილტვის კიბოს გავრცელებას შორის.
The South America-Antarctica plate system shows many oceanic accretionary systems and subduction zones that initiated and then stopped. To better apprehend the evolution of the system, geodynamic reconstructions (global) have been created from Jurassic (165 Ma) to present, following the techniques used at the University of Lausanne. However, additional synthetic magnetic anomalies were used to refine the geodynamics between 33 Ma and present. The reconstructions show the break up of Gondwana with oceanisation between South America (SAM) and Antarctica (ANT), together with the break off of `Andean' geodynamical units (GDUs). We propose that oceanisation occurs also east and south of the Scotian GDUs. Andean GDUs collide with other GDUs crossing the Pacific. The west coast of SAM and ANT undergo a subsequent collision with all those GDUs between 103 Ma and 84 Ma, and the Antarctic Peninsula also collides with Tierra del Fuego. The SAM-ANT plate boundary experienced a series of extension and shortening with large strike-slip component, culminating with intra-oceanic subduction leading to the presence of the `V-' and anomalies in the Weddell Sea. From 84 Ma, a transpressive collision takes place in the Scotia region, with active margin to the east. As subduction propagates northwards into an old and dense oceanic crust, slab roll-back initiates, giving rise to the western Scotia Sea and the Powell Basin opening. The Drake Passage opens. As the Scotian GDUs migrate eastwards, there is enough space for them to spread and allow a north-south divergence with a spreading axis acting simultaneously with the western Scotia ridge. Discovery Bank stops the migration of South Orkney and `collides with' the SAM-ANT spreading axis, while the northern Scotian GDUs are blocked against the Falkland Plateau and the North-East Georgia Rise. The western and central Scotia and the Powell Basin spreading axes must cease, and the ridge jumps to create the South Sandwich Islands Sea. The Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia region has always experienced mid-oceanic ridge subduction since 84 Ma. Slab window location is also presented (57-0 Ma), because of its important implication for heat flux and magmatism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Desde la caída de la URSS el continente Euroasiático ha sufrido cambios importantes como una nueva configuración del Sistema Internacional que generó procesos políticos a través de la lucha de los Estados por alcanzar sus objetivos. La ubicación geográfica y los recursos resaltan la importancia de la zona y es por esto empiezan los conflictos entre los Estados por obtener un control y poder sobre estos territorios. Rusia afianzo su fuerza con la influencia que logró sobre los territorios que quedaron después de la disolución de la URSS en 1991 creando así una zona de protección y apoyo para sus intereses. Por su lado Georgia que había logrado finalmente su independencia total buscaba consolidar una estabilidad política, económica, social y cultural, elementos que se habían perdido un poco después de las invasiones y ocupaciones por otros poderes. En este contexto cae como una bomba la intención independentista de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur, territorios que siempre habían estado bajo mando de otros poderes y ahora querían libertad a través de la conformación de un Estado propio y una autonomía que les permitiera tener un gobierno y un aparato estatal que velara por sus intereses. Este trabajo se centrará en contestar a la siguiente pregunta ¿De qué manera la situación geopolítica de Osetia del Sur y Abjasia y las relaciones entre Rusia y Georgia influyeron en el conflicto generado a partir de la intención de independencia de los territorios de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur?
Esta monografía se centra en evaluar mediante un enfoque constructivista, y a partir de una serie de hechos históricos, cómo la identidad construida por Rusia y Georgia fue el detonante de la Guerra de Osetia del Sur en 2008. Para tal objetivo, se partirá del supuesto que este conflicto fue el resultado de las diferencias entre ambos actores que desarrollaron una serie de políticas antagónicas, enmarcadas en una cultura de anarquía hobbesiana la cual se configuró tras la Revolución de las Rosas y la posterior llegada de Mijaíl Saakashvili al poder, puesto que Georgia se convertiría en el principal aliado de occidente en el Cáucaso, basado en un rol anti ruso y disidente de la influencia del Kremlin en la zona, divergiendo con el liderazgo de Rusia el cual se fundamenta en una identidad construida a raíz de su pasado imperial y hegemónico.
This work seeks to understand what kind of impact educational policies have had on the secondary school students among internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their identity reconstruction in Georgia. The study offers a snapshot of the current situation based on desk study and interviews conducted among a sample of secondary school IDP pupils. In the final chapter, the findings will be reflected against the broader political context in Georgia and beyond. The study is interdisciplinary and its methodology is based on social identity theory. I shall compare two groups of IDPs who were displaced as a result of two separate conflicts. The IDPs displaced as a result of conflict in Abkhazia in 1992–1994 are named as old caseload IDPs. The second group of IDPs were displaced after a conflict in South Ossetia in 2008. Additionally, I shall touch upon the situation of the pupils among the returnees, a group of Georgian old caseload IDPs, who have spontaneously returned to de facto Abkhazia. According to the interviews, the secondary school student IDPs identify themselves strongly with the Georgian state, but their group identities are less prevailing. Particularly the old case load IDP students are fully integrated in local communities. Moreover, there seems not to be any tangible bond between the old and new caseload IDP students. The schools have neither tried nor managed to preserve IDP identities which would, for instance, make political mobilisation likely along these lines. Right to education is a human right enshrined in a number of international conventions to which the IDPs are also entitled. Access to education or its denial has a deep impact on individual and societal development. Furthermore, education has a major role in (re)constructing personal as well as national identity.
Nearly complete Paleogene sedimentary sequences were recovered by Leg 114 to the subantarctic South Atlantic. Silicoflagellate assemblages from the Paleogene and immediately overlying lower Neogene from Sites 698 (Northeast Georgia Rise), 700 (East Georgia Basin), 702 (Islas Orcadas Rise), and 703 (Meteor Rise) were examined. The described assemblage from Hole 700B represents the most complete yet described from the Paleocene, encompassing planktonic foraminifer Zones Plb (upper part) through P4 and Subchrons C25N to C23N. All lower Eocene sediments are barren as a result of diagenesis, except for a single sample from Hole 698A. Middle Eocene silicoflagellates described from Hole 702B range in age from early middle Eocene (P10) to late Eocene (PI5), with correlations to Subchrons C21N to C18N. Hole 703A contains late Eocene through early Miocene assemblages, with paleomagnetic control from Subchrons C16R to C6AAN. Leg 114 biosiliceous sequences contain exceptionally diverse assemblages of silicoflagellates. Approximately 155 species and separate morphotypes are described from the Paleogene and earliest Neogene. New taxa described from Leg 114 sediments include Bachmannocena vetula n. sp., Corbisema animoparallela n. sp., Corbisema camara n. sp., Corbisema constricta spinosa n. subsp., Corbisema delicata n. sp., Corbisema hastata aha n. subsp., Corbisema praedelicata n. sp., Corbisema scapana n. sp., Corbisema triacantha lepidospinosa n. subsp., Dictyocha deflandreifurtivia n. subsp., Naviculopsis biapiculata nodulifera n. subsp., Naviculopsis cruciata n. sp., Naviculopsis pandalata n. sp., Naviculopsis primativa n. sp., and Naviculopsis trispinosa eminula n. subsp. Taxonomic revisions were made to the following taxa: Corbisema constricta constricta emended, Corbisema disymmetrica crenulata n. comb., Corbisema jerseyensis emended, and Distephanus antarcticus n. comb. Silicoflagellate assemblages from the Paleogene and earliest Neogene of Holes 698A, 699A, 700B, 702B, and 703A are the basis of a silicoflagellate zonation spanning the interval from 63.2 to 22.25 Ma. Silicoflagellate zones recognized in this interval include the Corbisema hastata hastata Zone, Corbisema hastata aha Zone, Dictyocha precarentis Zone, Naviculopsis constricta Zone, Naviculopsis foliacea Zone, Bachmannocena vetula Zone, Dictyocha grandis Zone, Naviculopsis pandalata Zone, Naviculopsis constricta-Bachmannocena paulschulzii Zone, Bachmannocena paulschulzii Zone, Naviculopsis trispinosa Zone with subzones a and b, Corbisema archangelskiana Zone, Naviculopsis biapiculata Zone, Distephanus raupii Zone, Distephanus raupii-Corbisema triacantha Zone, and Corbisema triacantha mediana Zone.
Campanian-Maestrichtian planktonic foraminifers were examined from Sites 698 (2128 m water depth) and 700 (3611 m water depth) on the Northeast Georgia Rise (southern South Atlantic, 51°S). Site 698 penetrated 72.5 m of Campanian-Maestrichtian chalk and limestone with only 18.2% recovery, whereas Site 700 recovered 66.8% of a 152.7-m section of Coniacian-Maestrichtian limestone. Preservation of planktonic foraminifers from both sites is moderate in Maestrichtian samples, but worsens with increasing depth in the Campanian. The Northeast Georgia Rise planktonic foraminifers are typical of Late Cretaceous Austral Province faunas described from other southern high-latitude sites; species diversity is low and the assemblages are dominated by species of Heterohelix, Globigerinelloides, Hedbergella, and Archaeoglobigerina. Five species, including Globigerinelloides impensus Sliter, Archaeoglobigerina australis Huber, Archaeoglobigerina mateola Huber, Hedbergella sliteri Huber, and Rugotruncana circumnodifer (Finlay), are considered to be endemic to the Austral Province. Formation of a cool temperate water mass in the circum-Antarctic region, resulting from the final breakup of the Gondwana continents, may have led to increased provincialism of the Austral Province planktonic foraminifers during Campanian-Maestrichtian time. Magnetobiostratigraphic correlation of eight planktonic foraminifer datum events at Hole 700B with ages determined for datums at ODP Leg 113 Holes 689B and 690C (Maud Rise, 65°S) demonstrates regional synchroneity of first and last occurrences within the Austral Province. As was observed at the Maud Rise, several keeled and nonkeeled species previously thought to have been restricted to warmer low-latitude regions first occur later at the Northeast Georgia Rise than at the low-latitude sites. The causes for high-latitude diachroneity among these immigrant species are not clear; neither oxygen and carbon isotope data from the Maud Rise sites nor calcareous nannoplankton distributions for the southern South Atlantic region show conspicuous changes that correlate to the delayed first occurrences.
Isotopic-geochemical study revealed presence of mantle He (3He/4He up to 223x10**-8) in gases from mud volcanoes of Eastern Georgia. This fact confirms that the Middle Kura basin fill encloses an intrusive body previously distinguished from geophysical data. Wide variations of carbon isotopic composition d13C in CH4 and CO2 and chemical composition of gas and water at temporally constant 3He/4He ratio indicate their relation with crustal processes. Unusual direct correlations of 3He/4He ratio with concentrations of He and CH4 and 40Ar/36Ar ratio can be explained by generation of gas in the Cenozoic sequence of the Middle Kura basin.