922 resultados para Soil physicochemical characteristics
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo, a preparação de hidrogéis à base de alginato contendo argila e material magnético em sua estrutura. Foram analisadas as modificações nas características físico-químicas dos hidrogéis preparados com diferentes reticulantes (CaCl2 e FeCl3) e diferentes concentrações de material magnético (1 e 3 % m/m) e argila (1, 5 e 10 %). Após isso, os hidrogéis foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de íons Cu2+ e Zn2+ de soluções aquosas. As amostras foram caracterizadas quanto à composição química por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR), quanto à morfologia por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM) e quanto às propriedades magnéticas por magnetometria de amostra vibrante (VSM). Através da técnica de difratometria de raios-X (XRD), foi possível verificar a natureza do material magnético e a dispersão da argila nos hidrogéis. A estabilidade térmica das amostras foi analisada por análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Os resultados mostraram que tanto a argila como o material magnético ficaram bem dispersos nas amostras. De forma geral, foram preparados hidrogéis com morfologia esférica, sendo que os hidrogéis de alginato de cálcio tenderam a apresentar maior resistência térmica do que os hidrogéis de alginato de ferro. Todas as amostras magnéticas apresentaram comportamento superparamagnético, porém as amostras de alginato de ferro mostraram-se quebradiças após o intumescimento em água. O tempo médio de equilíbrio de intumescimento foi de 240 minutos. Os resultados de cinética de adsorção mostraram que os hidrogéis de alginato de cálcio preparados nas condições avaliadas nesta Dissertação foram eficientes na remoção dos íons Cu2+ e Zn2+, sendo que o cobre apresentou maior afinidade pelo hidrogel do que o zinco
The performance of a wetland system in treating lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine drainage was evaluated by using the polyurethane foam unit (PFU) microbial community (method), which has been adopted by China as a standardized procedure for monitoring water quality. The wetland system consisted of four cells with three dominant plants: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Paspalum distichum. Physicochemical characteristics [pH, EC, content of total suspended solid (TSS) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu)] and PFU microbial community in water samples had been investigated from seven sampling sites. The results indicated that the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and TSS in the mine drainage were gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system and 99%, 98%, 75%, 83%, and 68% of these metals and TSS respectively, had been reduced in concentration after the drainage passed through the wetland system. A total of 105 protozoan species were identified, the number of protozoa species and the diversity index (DI) gradually increased, while the heterotrophic index (HI) gradually decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system. The results indicated that DI, HI, and total number species of protozoa could be used as biological indicators indicating the improvement of water quality.
The benthic community structure in Baoan Lake was examined in relation to lake water physicochemical characteristics and biological parameters. Seventy macroinvertebrate taxa were identified, and mollusks constituted the dominant group and accounted for more than 80% of the total abundance. Assemblages were composed mainly of scrapers (81.5%) and collector-gatherers (roughly 10%). Three plant variables (richness, total cover, and total biomass) were strongly correlated with the faunal gradient (p<0.05). Other predicator variables were Cl-, SiO2, and chemical oxygen demand. Because of the importance of macrophytes in structuring benthic assemblage in this lentic system, the spatial heterogeneity of macrophytes also influenced the pattern of macroinvertebrates. Seven lake regions were uniquely characterized according to primary macrophyte composition and biomass. There were significant differences for macroinvertebrate taxa richness, abundance, and biodiversity among the seven macrophyte regions.
Substantial amounts of algal crusts were collected from five different desert experimental sites aged 42, 34, 17, 8 and 4 years, respectively, at Shapotou ( China) and analyzed at a 0.1 mm microscale of depth. It was found that the vertical distribution of cyanobacteria and microalgae in the crusts was distinctly laminated into an inorganic-layer (ca. 0.00 - 0.02 mm, with few algae), an algae-dense-layer ( ca. 0.02 - 1.0 mm) and an algae-sparse-layer ( ca. 1.0 - 5.0 mm). It was interesting to note that in all crusts Scytonema javanicum Born et Flah ( or Nostoc sp., cyanobacterium), Desmococcus olivaceus (Pers ex Ach., green alga) Laundon and Microcoleus vaginatus Gom. ( cyanobacterium) dominated at the depth of 0.02 - 0.05, 0.05 - 0.1 and 0.1 - 1.0 mm, respectively, from the surface. Phormidium tenue Gom. ( or Lyngbya cryptovaginatus Schk., cyanobacterium) and Navicula cryptocephala Kutz.( or Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. and N. cryptocephala together, diatom) dominated at the depth of 1.0 - 3.0 and 3.5 - 4.0 mm, respectively, of the crusts from the 42 and 34 year old sites. It was apparent that in more developed crusts there were more green algae and the niches of Nostoc sp., Chlorella vulgaris Beij., M. vaginatus, N. cryptocephala and fungi were nearer to the surface. If lichens and mosses accounted for less than 41.5% of the crust surface, algal biovolume was bigger when the crust was older, but the opposite was true when the cryptogams other than algae covered more than 70%. In addition to detailed species composition and biovolume, analyses of soil physicochemical properties, micromorphologies and mineral components were also performed. It was found that the concentration of organic matter and nutrients, electric conductivity, silt, clay, secondary minerals were higher and there were more micro-beddings in the older crusts than the less developed ones. Possible mechanisms for the algal vertical microdistribtion at different stages and the impact of soil topography on crust development are discussed. It is concluded that biomethods ( such as fine species distribution and biovolume) were more precise than mineralogical approaches in judging algal crust development and thus could be a better means to measure the potentiality of algal crusts in desert amelioration.
为了了解植被恢复过程土壤水库特征的变化及其驱动因子,为半干旱典型草原区植被恢复的土壤环境效应提供评价依据,研究了宁南半干旱典型草原区植被恢复80 a对土壤水库库容、实际贮水量和贮水效率的影响及驱动因子。结果表明:土壤水库总库容、吸持库容、实际贮水量、贮水效率以及土壤物理性质均在草原植被恢复25 a内不断提高,经37 a略微下降后随植被演替土壤水库特征和土壤物理性质继续改善。通过逐步回归分析,容重、有机质含量和水稳性团聚体分形维数是影响土壤水库总库容的主要因子,毛管孔隙度则是影响土壤实际贮水量和贮水效率的主要因子。土壤有机质含量与容重、分形维数呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与毛管孔隙度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。植被恢复促使有机质积累,从而改善了土壤结构状况,提高了土壤土壤贮水能力、贮水量和贮水效率。可以认为土壤有机质积累是土壤水库功能提高的直接动力。
对黄土丘陵区植被次生演替灌木初期的土壤养分特征进行了研究。结果表明:灌木初期土壤养分含量总体上表现出0~20 cm土层明显高于20~60 cm土层,而20~40 cm和40~60 cm间无显著差异。0~60 cm土壤深度内,土壤养分因子含量平均值变化范围分别为:有机质4.66~9.83 g.kg-1,全氮0.33~0.61 g.kg-1,全磷0.49~0.52 g.kg-1,有效氮21.56~41.80 mg.kg-1,有效磷0.73~1.31 mg.kg-1,有效钾58.31~102.01 mg.kg-1。灌木初期的土壤养分条件略好于草本阶段,说明植被演替草本阶段对土壤的培肥作用为群落向灌丛演替阶段发展提供了一个较好的土壤养分环境。灌木初期不同,灌木树种间的土壤养分条件存在一定差异,表明不同灌木树种定居所需适宜的土壤养分条件也不同;灌木初期除土壤全磷外,其他各养分因子间均表现出极显著线性相关关系(P<0.01)。
磷是植物生长发育所必需的营养元素之一,由于磷在土壤中的难溶性和难移动性,使得磷在陆地生态系统的循环越来越受到重视,尤其是在明确土壤磷素存在形态和分布特征的基础上,探讨土壤磷素与土地利用方式以及植被生长发育状况之间的关系,对于指导土地利用和恢复植被建设具有重要意义。本研究以辽东山区天然次生林主要林型胡桃楸林、杂木林(由蒙古栎、花曲柳和山杨等树种组成)和蒙古栎林为主要研究对象,系统研究了辽东山区天然次生林土壤磷素的分布特征,并比较研究了落叶松人工林取代天然次生林后土壤磷素的变化特征。主要结论如下: 1. 辽东山区天然次生林土壤磷素特征:(1)次生林0-30 cm土壤全磷含量的变化范围为326.5 mg kg-1-984.9 mg kg-1,土壤总有机磷含量、总无机磷含量、Olsen-P含量和土壤微生物量磷含量占全磷含量的比例变化范围分别为47%-76%、24%-53%、1.23%-1.40%和2.67%-3.45%,土壤全磷与土壤有机碳、全氮之间呈显著正相关,说明次生林土壤有机质含量是影响土壤磷素含量的主要因素之一;土壤Olsen-P和微生物量磷季节变化明显,均表现为夏季最高,且土壤Olsen-P和微生物量磷的季节变化规律不受植被类型的影响;另外,土壤Olsen-P、土壤微生物量磷的季节变化均与土壤含水量相关。(2)三个林型土壤酸性磷酸酶与土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、Olsen-P和微生物量磷之间存在密切的相关性,酸性磷酸酶可以作为评价次生林土壤磷素状况的一个指标。(3)不同林型土壤各形态无机磷分布不同,胡桃楸林以Fe-P(铁结合的磷酸盐)和Ca-P(钙结合的磷酸盐)为主,杂木林和蒙古栎林以O-P(闭蓄态磷)为主;不同林型土壤各形态无机磷随季节的变化规律不同,与Olsen-P的关系也不同,胡桃楸林土壤Olsen-P与Al-P(铝结合的磷酸盐)之间具有显著的相关性,杂木林土壤Olsen-P与Fe-P和Ca-P之间相关性显著,蒙古栎林土壤Olsen-P与Ca-P之间显著相关,说明辽东山区不同林型土壤磷素的有效来源不同。(4)辽东山区有机磷各形态的分布特征为:中等活性有机磷 > 中等稳定性有机磷 > 高稳定性有机磷 > 活性有机磷;土壤活性有机磷的季节变化与Olsen-P变化一致,中等活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷的含量随季节变化无此规律;胡桃楸林、蒙古栎林土壤Olsen-P与活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷之间显著相关,杂木林土壤Olsen-P与活性有机磷、中等活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷之间相关性显著,说明在本研究区土壤有机磷对磷素有效性的贡献较大。(5)三个林型内主要树种叶片磷含量均较高,且叶片N/P < 10,土壤磷素不是辽东山区次生林植被生长的限制性养分因子。 2. 落叶松人工林取代天然次生林后土壤磷素特征的变化:(1)和天然次生林相比,落叶松人工林土壤全磷、总有机磷、Olsen-P、土壤微生物量磷和磷酸酶活性均显著降低(P<0.05),土壤总无机磷含量无明显变化,这说明次生林转变为落叶松人工林后土壤磷素状况下降。(2)随着次生林转变为落叶松人工林和落叶松人工林连栽后,土壤无机磷各形态含量变化显著,土壤Fe-P和Ca-P含量逐渐降低,O-P含量升高,土壤Olsen-P与无机磷形态中的Fe-P和Ca-P之间显著正相关,表明了Fe-P和Ca-P是Olsen-P的主要无机磷来源。(3)落叶松人工林取代次生林后,土壤活性有机磷、中等活性有机磷、中等稳定性有机磷和高等稳定性有机磷含量均降低,土壤Olsen-P与活性有机磷显著正相关,活性有机磷是补充Olsen-P的直接有机磷源;土壤微生物量磷与各有机磷组分及 Olsen-P含量之间均呈显著正相关,这说明微生物量磷在有机磷转化中起着重要作用。
横断山区干旱河谷地区的土壤是制约植被恢复的一个关键要素,但干旱条件下土壤质量与动态演变状况并不清楚,本研究以岷江干旱河谷核心地段的土壤为对象,研究了阳坡褐土土壤的物理、化学以及生物学特征在海拔梯度(1800m、2000m、2200m)格局及其时间动态(2005-2007)变化,应用主成分分析综合评价了土壤质量及其时空差异性,明确了土壤质量的变化趋势。主要研究结论如下: 1) 海拔梯度上土壤物理性状的变化,2005 年和2007 年土壤物理性状综合质量随着海拔的升高均得到了优化,即海拔2200 m>海拔2000 m>海拔1800 m。 2) 海拔梯度上土壤化学性质的变化,土壤化学综合性质2005 年随海拔升高而趋于变得更优,而2007 年海拔2000 m 最优,海拔1800 m 则最差。 3) 海拔梯度上土壤生物学性质的变化,2005 年土壤生物学性质随海拔升高表现出趋于更好,2007 年海拔2000 m 最优而海拔1800 m 地段最差。 4) 从土壤物理、化学、生物学三方面出发,应用主成分分析,分别分析得出2005 年和2007 年不同海拔高度的土壤质量综合得分。根据综合得分得出土壤质量综合评价的排列顺序为:2005 海拔2200 m>2007 年海拔2000 m>2005 年海拔2000 m>2007 年海拔1800 m>2007 海拔2200 m>2005 年海拔1800 m。2005年土壤综合质量随海拔升高而趋好,2007 年则以海拔2000 m 最优,海拔1800 m和2200 m 差异不大。 5)排除人为干扰后,干旱河谷土壤物理性状在海拔1800 m 略有恢复,海拔2000 m 变化不明显,而海拔2200 m 仍有退化趋势;土壤化学性质在海拔1800 m和2000 m 地段得到恢复,而海拔2200 m 处仍有退化;土壤生物学性质在海拔2000 m 地段呈恢复趋势,而1800 m 和2200 m 仍处于退化状态。综合质量分析表明,与2005 年相比,2007 年海拔1800 m 和2000 m 地段土壤质量趋于变优而海拔2200 m 地段仍有退化迹象。 Soil is a key factor that affect the restoration of vegetation in the Hengduan Mountains dry valley area. But the dynamics and quality of soil is not knowed in dry area. In this study, soil physiochemical and biological characteristics ranging from 1800~2200m above sea level from a typical south-facing slope at the Minjiang River dry valley area had been studied, and characteristics of changes in soil quality along altitudinal gradients and time scales were also discussed. The principal component analysis was used to assess the soil quality. The main results were as follows: 1) Changes in soil physical properties along altitudes. Soil physical properties obtained the optimization along with the elevation in 2005 and 2007. 2) Changes in soil chemical properties. It was summarized that soil chemical properties increased with elevation in 2005, but the soil of 2000 m was the best in 2007. 3) Changes in soil biological characteristics. Soil biological properties increased with elevation in 2005, but the soil of 2000 m was the best and 1800 m was the worst in 2007. 4) Change tendency of soil quality. With the soil physics, chemistry and biology characteristics, we analysised the change tendency of soil quality in altitudes. The result indicated that soil quality increased with altituded in 2005, and soil quality of 2000 m was the best in 2007. 5) In brief, the soil quality is by physics, chemistry as well as the biology synthesizes the influence the final outcome. And the soil quality's change was manifested by soil physics, chemistry and the biology characteristics. All the results indicated soil quality still degenerated at 2200 m in in the dry valley of Minjiang River. And soil quality of 1800 m and 2000 m resumed slight.
实地测定了黄土高原半干旱区固原不同生长年限苜蓿草地和连作8a苜蓿草地翻耕轮作不同年限粮食作物后深层土壤水分特征,分析了苜蓿草地土壤干燥化特征和粮草轮作对土壤水分的恢复效应。结果表明:(1)苜蓿连作1a、5a、8a和12a等4类苜蓿草地0~1000cm土层平均土壤湿度值为6.6%,平均土壤水分过耗量702.8mm,平均土壤干燥化速率147.1 mm/a,达到强烈干燥化程度,苜蓿连作5a土壤干层深度超过1000cm,苜蓿连作8a土壤干层深度超过1360cm,苜蓿草地合理利用年限为7a。(2)连作8a苜蓿草地翻耕并轮作4~7a和25a粮食作物等5类粮田0~1000cm土层土壤湿度介于6.74%~11.95%,土壤贮水量恢复值介于210.6~887.3mm,平均土壤水分恢复速率为80.8mm/a。轮作6a后粮田土壤干层轻度恢复程度以上深度达到1000cm。通过粮草轮作使苜蓿草地土壤湿度恢复到当地土壤稳定湿度需要13a以上。黄土高原半干旱区适宜的粮草轮作模式为:7a苜蓿→13a粮食作物。
调查了安达市盐碱地生物资源环境研究中心试验区羊草Leymus chinensis地土壤物理性状,包括土壤硬度、含水量、饱和导水率、粒径分布、剖面特征和土壤温度等。阐明土地碱化对土壤物理性质的影响,为安达市以及松嫩平原生态环境的修复和土地资源的永续利用提供科学依据。同时,讨论了地下水化学成分和土壤冻融变化对碱化的可能影响,认为在没有植被覆盖的条件下,冻融变化会加剧土壤的碱化程度。
Paclitaxel-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide (LA)) (PEG-PLA) micelles were prepared by two methods. One is physical encapsulation of paclitaxel in micelles composed of a PEG-PLA block copolymer and the other is based on a PEG-PLA-paclitaxel conjugate, abbreviated as "conjugate micelles" Their physicochemical characteristics, e.g. critical micelle concentration (CMC), morphology, and micelle size distribution were then evaluated by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results show that the CMC of PEG-PLA-paclitaxel and PEG-PLA are 6.31 x 10(4) and 1.78 x 10(-3) g L-1, respectively. Both micelles assume a spherical shape with comparable diameters and have unimodal size distribution. Moreover, in vitro drug delivery behavior was studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antitumor activity of the paclitaxel-loaded micelles against human liver cancer H7402 cells was evaluated by 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method.