
Autoria(s): 王红梅





横断山区干旱河谷地区的土壤是制约植被恢复的一个关键要素,但干旱条件下土壤质量与动态演变状况并不清楚,本研究以岷江干旱河谷核心地段的土壤为对象,研究了阳坡褐土土壤的物理、化学以及生物学特征在海拔梯度(1800m、2000m、2200m)格局及其时间动态(2005-2007)变化,应用主成分分析综合评价了土壤质量及其时空差异性,明确了土壤质量的变化趋势。主要研究结论如下: 1) 海拔梯度上土壤物理性状的变化,2005 年和2007 年土壤物理性状综合质量随着海拔的升高均得到了优化,即海拔2200 m>海拔2000 m>海拔1800 m。 2) 海拔梯度上土壤化学性质的变化,土壤化学综合性质2005 年随海拔升高而趋于变得更优,而2007 年海拔2000 m 最优,海拔1800 m 则最差。 3) 海拔梯度上土壤生物学性质的变化,2005 年土壤生物学性质随海拔升高表现出趋于更好,2007 年海拔2000 m 最优而海拔1800 m 地段最差。 4) 从土壤物理、化学、生物学三方面出发,应用主成分分析,分别分析得出2005 年和2007 年不同海拔高度的土壤质量综合得分。根据综合得分得出土壤质量综合评价的排列顺序为:2005 海拔2200 m>2007 年海拔2000 m>2005 年海拔2000 m>2007 年海拔1800 m>2007 海拔2200 m>2005 年海拔1800 m。2005年土壤综合质量随海拔升高而趋好,2007 年则以海拔2000 m 最优,海拔1800 m和2200 m 差异不大。 5)排除人为干扰后,干旱河谷土壤物理性状在海拔1800 m 略有恢复,海拔2000 m 变化不明显,而海拔2200 m 仍有退化趋势;土壤化学性质在海拔1800 m和2000 m 地段得到恢复,而海拔2200 m 处仍有退化;土壤生物学性质在海拔2000 m 地段呈恢复趋势,而1800 m 和2200 m 仍处于退化状态。综合质量分析表明,与2005 年相比,2007 年海拔1800 m 和2000 m 地段土壤质量趋于变优而海拔2200 m 地段仍有退化迹象。 Soil is a key factor that affect the restoration of vegetation in the Hengduan Mountains dry valley area. But the dynamics and quality of soil is not knowed in dry area. In this study, soil physiochemical and biological characteristics ranging from 1800~2200m above sea level from a typical south-facing slope at the Minjiang River dry valley area had been studied, and characteristics of changes in soil quality along altitudinal gradients and time scales were also discussed. The principal component analysis was used to assess the soil quality. The main results were as follows: 1) Changes in soil physical properties along altitudes. Soil physical properties obtained the optimization along with the elevation in 2005 and 2007. 2) Changes in soil chemical properties. It was summarized that soil chemical properties increased with elevation in 2005, but the soil of 2000 m was the best in 2007. 3) Changes in soil biological characteristics. Soil biological properties increased with elevation in 2005, but the soil of 2000 m was the best and 1800 m was the worst in 2007. 4) Change tendency of soil quality. With the soil physics, chemistry and biology characteristics, we analysised the change tendency of soil quality in altitudes. The result indicated that soil quality increased with altituded in 2005, and soil quality of 2000 m was the best in 2007. 5) In brief, the soil quality is by physics, chemistry as well as the biology synthesizes the influence the final outcome. And the soil quality's change was manifested by soil physics, chemistry and the biology characteristics. All the results indicated soil quality still degenerated at 2200 m in in the dry valley of Minjiang River. And soil quality of 1800 m and 2000 m resumed slight.






王红梅.岷江干旱河谷典型阳坡土壤质量动态与评估.[硕士学位论文 ].中国科学院研究生院.2008-05-01

Palavras-Chave #生态学 #干旱河谷 #动态变化 #土壤质量 #综合评估 #岷江 #dry valley #dynamic change #soil quality #synthetic evaluation #the upper reaches of the Minjiang River
