354 resultados para Social ethics Australia


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In this article we take a discourse-historical approach to illustrate the significance of George W Bush's (2001) declaration of a 'war on terror'. We present four exemplary 'call to arms' speeches by Pope Urban 11 (1095), Queen Elizabeth I (1588), Adolf Hitler (1938) and George W Bush (2001) to exemplify the structure, function, and historical significance of such texts in western societies over the last millennium. We identify four generic features that have endured in such texts throughout this period: (i) an appeal to a legitimate power source that is external to the orator, and which is presented as inherently good; (ii) an appeal to the historical importance of the culture in which the discourse is situated; (iii) the construction of a thoroughly evil Other; and (iv) an appeal for unification behind the legitimating external power source. We argue further that such texts typically appear in historical contexts characterized by deep crises in political legitimacy.


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A number of survey studies were conducted with landholders throughout Queensland to assess the effectiveness and perceived influence of campaigns promotng sustainable land use. While previous studies have addressed the role of group membership in persuasive communications, the current line of research extends this by focusing on the intergroup context, namely, the perceptions of group status. Across a range of samples it was found that landholders' perceptions of lower status in relation to urban people were associated with increased support for ingroup messages and decreased support for outgroup messages. These results are broadly consistent with research that suggests that threats to group identity (such as an infiuence attempt by a higher status group) will be responded to in a negative way and highlights the importance of considering relations between groups when attempting to change attiutudes.


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This paper provides evidence from a newly constructed database of UK firms about the extent of their intellectual property acquisition activities over five years. We focus on service sector firms, which have not previously been studied, with comparisons for firms in manufacturing and other sectors, such as agriculture. The measures of IP include both trade marks, which are most important in services, and patents, which are predominantly sought by manufacturing firms. The analysis includes patents and trade marks applied for via both the UK and European routes. While IP assets sought through the UK Patent Office remained strong, more services firms were seeking European Community trade marks and more manufacturing firms were seeking patents via European Patent Office through time. Firm characteristics that are positively correlated with IP activity include larger firm size, stock market listed status and high product market diversification.


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Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre is a Professor of Social Ethics at Illif School of Theology. His lecture is on the interplay between American eating habits and its contribution to oppressive structures throughout Latin America.


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Tendo como ponto de partida a leitura intertextual das obras Caim, de José Saramago, e Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar, de Michel Tournier, encaradas à luz da Teoria da Carnavalização do filósofo russo Mikhail Bakhtin, procura-se estabelecer afinidades e antinomias passíveis de constarem na temática da revisitação subversiva de mitos bíblicos. Assim sendo, pretende-se concluir, nomeadamente, acerca da relevância do diálogo efetuado pelos autores em torno da verdade oficial e sua reinterpretação, ainda que insolente; da validade da viagem de iniciação, enquanto lenitivo, “via-sacra” e demanda de absoluta Plenitude, empreendida pelos heróis e pelos anti-heróis; do grotesco na representação carnavalesca do corpo e da vida terrena; da presença de um discurso narrativo fazendo uso de uma linguagem subversiva, onde grotesco, ironia e/ou paródia são percetíveis; dos valores morais e ética social a preservar versus crítica acérrima ao poder instituído; da queda do Homem e do confronto com Deus e suas imperdoáveis limitações “humanas”; da presença do binómio entidade divina/entidade mefistofélica e o modo como as várias vozes narrativas surgem articuladas. Concomitantemente, pretende-se comprovar que os textos de José Saramago e Michel Tournier, embora mergulhando no desmascaramento, “profanação” e aparente niilismo do Texto Bíblico, na dessacralização de um cosmos oficial e na adoção do riso e impertinência enquanto catarse, longe de provocarem a aniquilação do mito, antes concorrem para uma releitura profícua, pois repleta de pluralidade de significados, onde o Transcendente, por oposição à desilusão prodigalizada pela vida terrena, é objeto de revitalização; pretendendo autores, narradores e leitores, postos em diálogo polifónico, a não reiteração de modos perniciosos de “estar” e “ser”, mas um olhar lúcido e puro sobre o futuro da Humanidade.


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The University presents this bulletin for the benefit of the citizens of South Carolina, arguing that suggestions for moral betterment are always timely. The bulletin is intended to help citizens improve their social and moral conditions.


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8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE)