882 resultados para Serviço de integração escola-empresa


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Muitos dos problemas auditivos não são notados por pais e professores. Este fato prejudica a aprendizagem da criança principalmente no ambiente escolar. Por isso, programas de triagem auditiva podem ser utilizados com o intuito de detectar e, posteriormente, diagnosticar escolares a fim de que se possa prevenir ou minimizar o impacto a que possíveis sequelas auditivas venham prejudicar o rendimento escolar da criança. Hoje em dia podemos contar com programas que permitem o melhor acompanhamento de populações que necessitam de cuidados preventivos e curativos, e a audição é um aspecto muito importante que pode ser avaliado quando estes programas são colocados em prática. O Programa Nacional de Reorientação da Formação Profissional em Saúde (Pró-Saúde), que visou reorientar a formação profissional, teve como objetivo integrar ensino-serviço e promover atenção básica por meio da abordagem integral do processo saúde-doença. Ambientes externos podem ser utilizados por alunos e professores universitários para que possam colocadas em prática ações que possibilitem a humanização das práticas de atenção a saúde e a integralidade das mesmas, por meio da articulação de ações e serviços de saúde, preventivos e curativos, individuais e coletivos. A escola é considerada um dos ambientes que este trabalho pode ser realizado. O Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE) abre o ambiente escolar com a finalidade de contribuir para a formação integral dos estudantes da rede pública de educação básica por meio de ações de prevenção, promoção e atenção à saúde. Sendo um estudo do tipo retrospectivo transversal, como objetivo principal caracterizar o perfil audiológico de escolares de escola pública do município de Bauru SP, contando com a integração de profissionais da área da saúde e educação no ambiente escolar, o que teve como base os programas citados acima. A triagem auditiva foi realizada com a aplicação dos seguintes procedimentos: imitanciometria, inspeção visual do meato acústico externo, emissões otoacústicas por produto de distorção e audiometria tonal liminar. Observou-se que do total de 652 estudantes, a grande maioria (97,1%) dos participantes com faixa etária entre 10 e 18 anos, apresentaram audição normal. Em 2,9% desta população foi encontrada alguma alteração auditiva temporária. Com a exceção de um único participante, portador de perda auditiva sensorioneural. Apesar de encontrarmos muitas crianças e adolescentes com audição normal, o que mais ressalta a importância deste trabalho é a necessidade da triagem auditiva em ambientes escolares e, essencialmente, o acompanhamento das mesmas nesta faixa etária, já que são escassos os estudos referentes a ela. Apesar das poucas alterações auditivas encontradas serem passageiras, são exatamente estas que interferem no bom rendimento escolar e outros fatores.


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Este trabalho, fruto de uma iniciativa de mestrado profissional, combinou pesquisa científica com arte literária, especialmente com o romance Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira, de José Saramago. O objetivo desta pesquisa: elaborar um ensaio baseado em um processo de argumentação para pensar a minha formação em saúde a partir de diferentes experiências. Para desenvolvê-lo, uso o seguinte argumento: as minhas experiências no Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde (PET-Saúde) são um diferencial na minha formação em Educação Física. Para demonstrar a validade desse argumento, levantei premissas e discorri sobre elas a fim de concluir esse processo de argumentação. São elas: (1) diversificação do cenário de ensino-aprendizagem; (2) aproximação de estudantes com o ambiente de trabalho; (3) vivência interprofissional com vistas ao exercício da integralidade; (4) abertura para outros modos de pensar o corpo na formação em Educação Física. A propósito das experiências dos participantes da pesquisa, foi feito um encontro no qual conduzi duas atividades: narrativas individuais escritas e roda de conversa nos moldes de um grupo focal. Como resultado, apresento experiências de integração ensino-serviço de estudantes de Educação Física na atenção primária/atenção básica em saúde a partir do PET-Saúde no Projeto da USP-Capital, versão de 2010-2012. A partir delas, destacamos que houve mudanças nos modos de pensar e de operar as práticas de saúde, além de transformar o profissional a ponto de ele se interessar e defender o SUS como espaço de trabalho. É interessante enfatizar que as experiências produziram o que denomino gestos, movimentos que poderão inspirar ou instigar estudantes e profissionais da saúde na reflexão a respeito da formação.


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A finalidade deste trabalho é discorrer sobre a contribuição da Escola de Educação Profissional na formação de jovens profissionais, considerando as especificidades desta escola que, por estar inserida na indústria automobilística, procura apresentar os processos de ensino-aprendizagem no desenvolvimento das competências técnicas e comportamentais para atender às necessidades de formação profissional no Brasil. Além disso, identificar a partir da percepção dos recém-egressos se essa formação está focada somente nas necessidades da empresa ou oferece oportunidades em outros segmentos do mercado de trabalho.(AU)


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Unplanned pregnancy is experienced by millions of women worldwide. Such fact increases the risk of abortion-related morbimortality, which represents a serious public health problem. This study aims to evaluate the advances and challenges of the implementation of Humanized Abortion Care at the Maternity-School in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research was evaluative, was preceded by an Evaluative Study, and resulted in a Case Study. The intentional sample totaled 102 subjects (60 users, 39 professionals and 3 managers). The collection techniques included documental analysis, semi-structured interview and observation with a field diary. The documental analysis was descriptive, while the Content Analysis by Bardin was used for semi-structured interviews and field diary. The Evaluative Study observed that Humanized Abortion Care is an evaluative program with preparation and pact of the logical model, of the matrix of indicators and evaluative questions. The Case Study showed that users were satisfied with the problem-solving capacity and access to the service; however, is also showed that they pointed out inadequacy in terms of environment, qualified hearing and reproductive planning. Professionals reported that the inefficiency of service consists of infrastructure and environment, which are considered inefficient and inadequate to humanized care, especially regarding patient accommodation, the lack of hospital beds, the reduced number of rooms in the surgical center and the lack of laboratory inside the maternity. Moreover, reproductive planning does not consist of an institutionalized practice in the service, and integrality with other services or partnership with the community is not in place. The Maternity Board emphasizes that the excessive demand of patients is one of the reasons that hinders the appropriate implementation of the technical standard. We then conclude that although satisfied regarding problem-solving capacity in terms of service and ease of access, there is room for improvement in qualified hearing systems, in the creation of a system to promote team work, implementation of ombudsman and satisfaction surveys. The right of shared choice did not prevail among users and health professionals with regard to the option of uterine evacuation procedure. Environment was the most mentioned category as that requiring more changes, seeing as a limited factor for the development of humanized and welcoming practices. Health professionals do not establish a periodic routine of planning practices, and such practices are not aligned with the Technical Standard. Incorporation of guidelines and availability of a plurality of methods and possibilities of choices for family planning are required. There is no institutionalization of reference and counter-reference, or partnerships with the community, which makes integrality of care not viable. The Standard needs to be included in the action plans of managers as one of the priorities in the construction of care strategies for women's health, in order to enable, allied to other initiatives, the real integration among safe conduct service, primary care network and social organizations. As a result, respect for human rights and adequate humanized care, as a way of attention and prevention of abortion, can be secured.


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The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.


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The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.


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The current discussion on Education and Health has shown the need for greater integration between health services and academia, and this issue has been addressed by researchers in the area as being of great importance. How do we say what we need to do? The National Policy on Education Permanent Health proposes the dissemination of pedagogical skills at SUS, so that the public health clearance to constitute an area of teaching and learning in work performance. This study aimed to know how is the process of integration between education and health services in primary health care, from the knowledge on the role of mentors in the training of undergraduate students in the healthcare field in UFRN. Qualitative Methodology possible, from the use of the techniques of Semi-Structured Interview and Direct Observation of achieving this goal. The analysis of data taken from the Hermeneutic-Dialectic Approach, taking as mediators knowledge of the areas of Education, Health Education and Public Health, showed that the performance of preceptors constitutes an important strategy to enable the integration of teaching and service, and the professionals involved in the preceptorship educate themselves while they educate. The educational process is permeated by knowledge and experiences heterogeneous, highly favorable to the training of students and professionals factor. Innovative educational practices proven capable of starting the mediation of preceptors and other professionals involved in the Work Programme Education for Health, extend learning. The curriculum components Integrated Activity of Health, Education and Citizenship, and Tutorial Program for Integrated Health Work chosen as the basis for this experiment set, for preceptors, the need to seek new knowledge, allowing each actor transcend its specific area of academic training and interact with other areas, which makes learning interesting, enjoyable and meaningful.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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COSTA, Ivaneide Alves Soares de; Santos, Adriana de Souza; COSTA, Anderson Pereira, et al. Um novo olhar: atividade lúdica como instrumento de integração entre a universidade e escola pública. SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DO ENSINO MÉDIO, 1. ,2011, Mossoró. Anais... Mossoró: UERN, 2011. p.955 - 965