857 resultados para Senses and sensation.
A Medicina chinesa divulgada no ocidente tem sido estudada de forma fragmentada entre as suas diferentes formas de expressão desenvolvidas ao longo da história do Pensamento Médico Chinês. Nesse sentido o texto destaca três possíveis vertentes desta expressão, que denomina: Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ), Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ZHÖNG YÏ) e Medicina Chinesa Contemporânea (DÄNG DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ). A primeira expressa as formulações nas obras clássicas surgidas a partir do período formativo da Medicina Chinesa, na Dinastia HÀN (206 a.C. a 221 d.C.). A segunda como corpo teórico e prático de conhecimento que, se disseminou no Oriente em geral e, posteriormente, no Ocidente como uma continuidade da Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ). A terceira refere-se à corrente hegemônica, hoje, na República Popular da China e mais tarde nos meios ocidentais. O objetivo do trabalho é investigar como tem sido divulgada no Ocidente por diferentes autores representantes de cada uma dessas vertentes a categoria SHÉN , frequentemente traduzida no Ocidente como Mente ou Espírito. Para tal, leva-se em conta a notoriedade acadêmica, a familiaridade com o idioma chinês, os pressupostos adotados, a história pessoal de cada um desses autores, entendidas como determinantes para suas apreensões de sentidos e significados da categoria SHÉN e, consequentemente, para os sentidos que assumem sua divulgação no Ocidente. Entendendo a Medicina Chinesa como uma Racionalidade Médica, conforme definição de Madel Therezinha Luz composta de seis dimensões: cosmologia, doutrina médica, dinâmica vital, morfologia, diagnose e terapêutica, o trabalho investiga do ponto de vista teórico-conceitual, amparado na Filosofia e Antropologia Médicas como a categoria SHÉN relaciona-se a cada uma das dimensões da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa. SHÉN relaciona-se com diversas outras categorias do Pensamento Médico e Filosófico Chinês, não sendo possível conceituá-lo sem mencionar categorias, tais como DÀO, YÏN YÁNG , TIÄN (Céu), RÉN (Homem), DÌ (Terra), MING (Destino), WÜ XÍNG (Cinco Fases), SÄN BÄO (Três Tesouros), GUÏ e LING Manifesta-se de diferentes formas através de sua relação com os ZÁNG FÜ (Órgãos e Vísceras), interferindo no funcionamento orgânico-visceral, nos aspectos de personalidade, nas emoções, entendidas como uma totalidade corpo-mente-espírito no Pensamento Médico chinês. SHÉN está presente em todas as dimensões da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa, diferindo o grau de importância dado por autores representantes de cada uma das três vertentes da Medicina Chinesa. Autores representantes da Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ) E DA Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ZHÖNG YÏ) tendem a valorizar sua presença em todas as dimensões. Autores representantes da Medicina Chinesa Contemporânea (DÄNG DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ) tendem a valorizar a participação de SHÉN na dimensão Diagnose. Percebe-se, portanto, que SHÉN ao participar de todas as dimensões ganha o importante papel de estruturante da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa, não podendo, portanto, ser negligenciado nos estudos da Medicina Chinesa, sob pena de comprometer a importância da Racionalidade Médica.
Trata-se de estudo exploratório em que se busca compreender sentidos e significados presentes no olhar de consumidores sobre um filme e as embalagens que fazem parte da campanha publicitária de uma linha de biscoitos industrializados, lançada no ano de 2008. Trabalhando a partir dos referenciais da pesquisa qualitativa, foram realizados oito grupos focais, envolvendo 42 participantes, dentre os quais estudantes do Curso de Graduação em Nutrição e Comunicação Social, estudantes do Curso de Mestrado em Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde, nutricionistas e trabalhadoras de empresa prestadora de serviços de limpeza. O tema alimentação saudável, fortemente presente em todos os grupos focais, foi tomado para discussão. O que se encontrou neste estudo foi uma combinação entre publicidade e biomedicina nutricional, que resulta num conjunto normativo de prescrições com foco em aumento de vendas que não dão conta do complexo que formam a alimentação, a saúde e a felicidade.
Psychophysical evidence suggests that sensations arising from our own movements are diminished when predicted by motor forward models and that these models may also encode the timing and intensity of movement. Here we report a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in which the effects on sensation of varying the occurrence, timing and force of movements were measured. We observed that tactile-related activity in a region of secondary somatosensory cortex is reduced when sensation is associated with movement and further that this reduction is maximal when movement and sensation occur synchronously. Motor force is not represented in the degree of attenuation but rather in the magnitude of this region's response. These findings provide neurophysiological correlates of previously-observed behavioural forward-model phenomena, and advocate the adopted approach for the study of clinical conditions in which forward-model deficits have been posited to play a crucial role.
IMPORTANCE: Forward models predict the sensory consequences of planned actions and permit discrimination of self- and non-self-elicited sensation; their impairment in schizophrenia is implied by an abnormality in behavioral force-matching and the flawed agency judgments characteristic of positive symptoms, including auditory hallucinations and delusions of control. OBJECTIVE: To assess attenuation of sensory processing by self-action in individuals with schizophrenia and its relation to current symptom severity. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired while medicated individuals with schizophrenia (n = 19) and matched controls (n = 19) performed a factorially designed sensorimotor task in which the occurrence and relative timing of action and sensation were manipulated. The study took place at the neuroimaging research unit at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, and the Maudsley Hospital. RESULTS: In controls, a region of secondary somatosensory cortex exhibited attenuated activation when sensation and action were synchronous compared with when the former occurred after an unexpected delay or alone. By contrast, reduced attenuation was observed in the schizophrenia group, suggesting that these individuals were unable to predict the sensory consequences of their own actions. Furthermore, failure to attenuate secondary somatosensory cortex processing was predicted by current hallucinatory severity. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Although comparably reduced attenuation has been reported in the verbal domain, this work implies that a more general physiologic deficit underlies positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
The aim of this research is to explore heart rate variability frequency field characteristics and personality influential factors of internet addicts by experimentation and questionnaire. Two studies were carried out: study 1 was to explore the pathological and mental mechanism of internet addicts by heart rate variability physiological index and EPQ and internet addiction scale. Study 2 was to compare the personality and mental characteristics between internet addicts and Non-addicts. The testees were 30 internet addict schoolboys who were in-patient and 43 schoolboys who accorded with qualification from grade 2 in senior high school and sophomore. It is found that: 1、 Internet addicts have obviously lower HFNU than Non-addicts, but have obviously higher LFNU and LF/HF ratio than Non-addicts. Internet addicts have dysfunction in their sympathetic and parasympathetic system; 2、 Internet addicts and Non-addicts have no significant difference in their EPQ except their lying point, but the nervous characteristics of EPQ of internet addicts have influence on their equipoise of parasympathetic system, that is to say when the score of nervous characteristics of EPQ become higher, equipoise of parasympathetic system become worse and worse. However the EPQ personality characteristics of non-addicts have no influence on their sympathetic and parasympathetic system. 3、 The extent of internet addiction of the internet addicts is independent of their equipoise of parasympathetic system, but non-addicts use internet more time, their equipoise of parasympathetic system become lower, there is the significant difference in the neurophysiology between internet addicts and non-addicts. That is to say internet environment is safe to most adolescent, they can make use of internet environment accurately, but internet addicts, their physiological and psychological level has changed to a certain, need to be treated.; 4、 Serious internet game addicts have the metal characteristics of low social support, low purpose in life and low adventure; 5、 The objective support、support utilization of social support questionnaire and sensation seeking characteristics have prognosticative function for internet addiction degree; 6、 Serious internet game addicts have the metal characteristics of low social support, low lying particularity, they are inclined to self abandonment. Serious internet game addicts of low N characteristic have high sensation seeking characteristic, and at the same E personality foundation, they also seek new stimulus with higher intension. There is a prompt that we should pay attention to internet addicts’ personality so that obtain better curative effect for internet addiction therapy.
O actual paradigma inclusivo associado a um enquadramento sociocultural da investigação em Didáctica reposiciona a escrita por iniciativa própria num referencial mais amplo, no qual o aprender a escrever se cruza com a relação com o (saber) escrever de todos os alunos. Neste enquadramento, torna-se possível conjugar a centralidade que a escrita ocupa (i) nos percursos escolares dos alunos, (ii) na definição das opções metodológicas dos professores e (iii) nas orientações programáticas estabelecidas para todo o ensino básico, confrontando-a com as características dos suportes de escrita utilizados em contexto escolar. Tais suportes são elementos essenciais porque constituem uma memória que viabiliza a partilha, a reformulação e a reflexão. É também nesse sentido que interpretamos o Programa de Língua Portuguesa para o 1.º Ciclo Ensino Básico quando propõe que cada aluno tenha «um caderno onde possa fazer tentativas de escrita, escrever como souber, o que quiser, quando quiser». Daí, a nossa opção por realizar uma investigação de cariz interpretativo centrada nas opções metodológicas do(s) professor(es) e na relação com a escrita subjacente às produções dos alunos, questionando os sentidos e as práticas perceptíveis na utilização de cadernos individuais de escrita no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os resultados obtidos junto de três turmas, ao longo do terceiro e quarto anos de escolaridade, destacam a diversidade de dinâmicas passíveis de serem estabelecidas em cada grupo e a expansão da gama de géneros de textos que, claramente, surge associada a uma crescente afirmação intencional do lugar dos alunos enquanto sujeitos que querem e sabem dizer de si, reflectindo acerca do seu próprio agir, entre pares.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Desenvolvimento Humano e Social), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
Olivier Bauer ne se demande pas si la théologie doit s’intéresser aux cinq sens, mais comment elle doit le faire ! L’auteur rappelle d’abord la manière dont nous percevons le monde avec nos cinq sens et le rôle que chacun remplit. Il démontre ensuite comment le christianisme s’est toujours exprimé autant dans des goûts, des odeurs et des textures que dans des mots, des musiques ou des images. Il souligne l’importance pour le théologien de repérer ce qui fait de nous les chrétiens que nous sommes. Il propose enfin une démarche communautaire pour choisir des goûts, des odeurs, des textures, des sons ou des images pour transmettre l’Évangile.
Ce mémoire a pour but de définir le rôle de l’expérience sensible à l’intérieur de la théorie de la connaissance des dialogues de maturité de Platon, à savoir le Phédon, le Phèdre, le Banquet et la République. Pour atteindre ce but, nous nous questionnons d’abord sur la notion de réminiscence, principalement par l’étude de l’extrait 72-77 du Phédon et des différentes interprétations qu’il est possible d’en donner. Ensuite, nous montrons que les quatre dialogues partagent une structure épistémologique commune, pour finalement nous concentrer sur les différentes fonctions attribuées à l’expérience sensible. L’objectif poursuivi par cette étude est de démontrer qu’en dépit de l’attitude critique de Platon à l’égard des sens et de l’imperfection du monde sensible, il n’en demeure pas moins que la perception joue un rôle épistémologique et pédagogique important : elle fait partie intégrante du processus qui mène à la formation de concepts chez tout un chacun, elle incite le philosophe en devenir à se retourner vers le monde intelligible, et elle permet au philosophe accompli de se remémorer, à chaque instant, les arguments en faveur de l’immortalité de l’âme et de la nécessité de la philosophie.
Dans la présente thèse, nous cherchons à comprendre comment l’image peut éclairer les questions de survivance et de transmission des traces psychiques et culturelles, à travers la notion d’un inconscient tactile. L’image n’est pas seulement simulacre, elle est présence porteuse de la trace psychique, de l’empreinte du réel, présentée à la perception pour en permettre la connaissance. Cette approche de l’image permet de mettre en lumière et d’expérimenter le lien qui existe entre mémoire et sensation, lorsque se dessine l’aptitude de l’image à conserver les traces vives d’une modification plastique imprimée dans la matière et à raviver la charge sensorielle du souvenir. Au fond de l’image, c’est principalement la persistance d’un inconscient, dans sa dimension tactile, que nous explorons. L’étude de ce médium capable d’actualiser l’inconscient tactile devient aussi une occasion, un prétexte, pour articuler une compréhension du point de contact où l’individu se relie à ses semblables et où il entre dans la vie de relation. Nous examinons donc comment l’image occupe une fonction carrefour entre le phénomène de la représentation et celui de la présentation, puis comment le mouvement de l’image vers la matière brute du souvenir fait d’elle un vecteur de plasticité psychique, de remaniement des traces et de créativité. Par ailleurs, nous suggérons que l’appareil perceptuel de l’homme, qui le rend capable d’être ému et sensible à une image artistique, de se laisser toucher par la présence tangible d’une œuvre, est le même qui permet que l’homme s’identifie à son semblable et éprouve de l’empathie à son égard. En ce sens, un parallèle est tracé entre le travail de l’image et le travail de culture. La façon dont certaines formes d’art contemporain s’appliquent à jouer avec les modalités du sensible est cependant aussi soumise à des limites qui sont inhérentes à la matière, comme nous le démontrons dans une réflexion sur les avatars d’une certaine postmodernité.
Le yoga est une pratique ancestrale qui a connu une effervescence phénoménale ces quarante dernières années. S’insérant dans un monde en changement où l’individu et son rapport à son environnement ne sont plus perçus de la même manière, le yoga est une pratique qui véhicule un concept flexible et malléable, ajustable à une société occidentale en changement. Le Québec, et plus spécifiquement Montréal où s'est effectuée notre ethnographie, porte une histoire religieuse encore fortement présente où l’on découvre une effervescence de nouvelles pratiques depuis la Révolution tranquille des années soixante. C’est dans ce cadre que nous avons découvert le yoga cachemirien qui se base sur la tradition du sivaïsme tantrique non-duel du Cachemire. Cette pratique est encore peu connue dans le monde du yoga, bien qu’elle soit déjà bien installée comme objet d’étude dans les milieux académiques (Inde, France, Angleterre, Italie, États-Unis et Canada). Ce yoga se dit « traditionnel » à cause de son orientation non-duelle qui fait écho à l’enseignement délivré dans les tantras de cette tradition. Par ailleurs, cette pratique, majoritairement basée sur le senti et l’exploration tactile, ne porte pas les caractéristiques des yogas type ashtanga, Iyengar ou hatha, disponibles sur le marché. Notre exploration ethnographique s’est donc portée sur le vécu des membres de ce groupe et sur la pratique et le discours de l’enseignant. Les membres, majoritairement d’origine québécoise, appréhendent cette approche et cette sotériologie avec un vécu religieux culturel spécifiquement identifiable, que ce soit au niveau du corps, des idées ou de la formulation qu’ils en font. L’enseignant, quant à lui, présente la pratique comme l’application directe et vécue de la doctrine délivrée dans les tantras de la tradition du sivaïsme cachemirien. La pratique du yoga cachemirien se veut donc traditionnelle tout en s’acculturant au contexte contemporain dans lequel l’enseignement se délivre. Il est alors pertinent de comprendre la dynamique qui se génère dans ce processus de transposition traditionnelle au sein d’un contexte contemporain. C’est donc ce processus de construction/ transformation que nous allons tenter d’expliquer; celui-ci semble s’établir entre continuité traditionnelle et rupture d’éléments redéfinis et réinventés. Nous verrons que dans cette dynamique, observée tant dans le discours que la pratique, les limites ne sont pas aussi hermétiques qu'il n'y paraît : les concepts d’identité culturelle et de temporalité s’entrechoquent, se construisent les unes sur les autres dans un mouvement incessant et vivant.
En este documento se describe la forma en la que el neuromarketing hace que la segmentación de género, sea una herramienta funcional para poder conocer al cliente y sus deseos. Se explorará el mercadeo desde sus inicios, mostrando cómo evoluciona hasta enfocarse en el cliente como su principal objetivo. Al llegar a este punto el mercadeo se encuentra con un nuevo aliado, la neurociencia, la cual le muestra que por medio de diversas técnicas tiene la capacidad de medir las reacciones de su consumidor, a los distintos estímulos que le envía para cautivarlo. En este proceso se dan a conocer las tecnologías más usadas por el neuromarketing para este fin; además se expondrá parte de la anatomía del consumidor con la que interactúa el mercadeo: sus sentidos y su cerebro. Posteriormente se explica cómo a través del entendimiento de las percepciones y comportamiento del cliente, puede beneficiarse el mercadeo en sus propósitos y su vez, satisfacer al mercado en lo que realmente quiere.
This article treats the topic of the perceptions of the delinquency that they have been formed by the inhabitants of two urban areas of the cty of Guadalajara, Mexico: the neighborhood of Analco and the colony Providence. The perceptions are defined as a social construction that propitiates the subjective configurations with those that the fellows appropriate in the daily personal experience and the way like they select the possible interpretations. This definition relates the perceptions with the sensations and the senses, but also with a lattice –can be call net, outline or copy– of symbols, senses and meanings that help them to act in and with the world. The own construction of the perceptions grants elements to link them with situations of vital importance for the fellows: space-temporary descriptions of the world, daily evaluations of the situations and, especially, with the prescriptive aspects of the life. In the sense up described, the perceptions are included inside the processes of social knowledge, located space-temporarily, as long as they depend on the senses of the fellows to capture the reality and of the previous knowledge. This is what gives floor to speak of the subjectivity, of the rationality and of the beliefs.
TGR5 is a G protein-coupled receptor that mediates bile acid (BA) effects on energy balance, inflammation, digestion and sensation. The mechanisms and spatiotemporal control of TGR5 signaling are poorly understood. We investigated TGR5 signaling and trafficking in transfected HEK293 cells and colonocytes (NCM460) that endogenously express TGR5. BAs (deoxycholic acid, DCA, taurolithocholic acid, TLCA) and the selective agonists oleanolic acid (OA) and 3-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-(4-chlorophenyl)-N, 5-dimethylisoxazole-4-carboxamide (CCDC) stimulated cAMP formation but did not induce TGR5 endocytosis or recruitment of β-arrestins, assessed by confocal microscopy. DCA, TLCA and OA did not stimulate TGR5 association with β-arrestin 1/2 or G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) 2/5/6, determined by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. CCDC stimulated a low level of TGR5 interaction with β-arrestin2 and GRK2. DCA induced cAMP formation at the plasma membrane and cytosol, determined using exchange factor directly regulated by cAMP (Epac2)-based reporters, but cAMP signals did not desensitize. AG1478, an inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase, the metalloprotease inhibitor batimastat, and methyl-β-cyclodextrin and filipin, which block lipid raft formation, prevented DCA stimulation of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK1/2). BRET analysis revealed TGR5 and EGFR interactions that were blocked by disruption of lipid rafts. DCA stimulated TGR5 redistribution to plasma membrane microdomains, localized by immunogold electron microscopy. Thus, TGR5 does not interact with β-arrestins, desensitize or traffic to endosomes. TGR5 signals from plasma membrane rafts that facilitate EGFR interaction and transactivation. An understanding of the spatiotemporal control of TGR5 signaling provides insights into the actions of BAs and therapeutic TGR5 agonists/antagonists.
The general 1-D theory of waves propagating on a zonally varying flow is developed from basic wave theory, and equations are derived for the variation of wavenumber and energy along ray paths. Different categories of behaviour are found, depending on the sign of the group velocity (cg) and a wave property, B. For B positive the wave energy and the wave number vary in the same sense, with maxima in relative easterlies or westerlies, depending on the sign of cg. Also the wave accumulation of Webster and Chang (1988) occurs where cg goes to zero. However for B negative they behave in opposite senses and wave accumulation does not occur. The zonal propagation of the gravest equatorial waves is analysed in detail using the theory. For non-dispersive Kelvin waves, B reduces to 2, and analytic solution is possible. B is positive for all the waves considered, except for the westward moving mixed Rossby-gravity (WMRG) wave which can have negative as well as positive B. Comparison is made between the observed climatologies of the individual equatorial waves and the result of pure propagation on the climatological upper tropospheric flow. The Kelvin wave distribution is in remarkable agreement, considering the approximations made. Some aspects of the WMRG and Rossby wave distributions are also in qualitative agreement. However the observed maxima in these waves in the winter westerlies in the eastern Pacific and Atlantic are not consistent with the theory. This is consistent with the importance of the sources of equatorial waves in these westerly duct regions due to higher latitude wave activity.