971 resultados para Secondary structures


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Les azasulfurylpeptides sont des mimes peptidiques auxquels le carbone en position alpha et le carbonyle d’un acide aminé sont respectivement remplacés par un atome d’azote et un groupement sulfonyle (SO2). Le but premier de ce projet a été de développer une nouvelle méthode de synthèse de ces motifs, également appelés N-aminosulfamides. À cette fin, l’utilisation de sulfamidates de 4-nitrophénol s’est avérée importante dans la synthèse des azasulfuryltripeptides, permettant le couplage d’hydrazides avec l’aide d’irradiation aux micro-ondes (Chapitre 2). Par la suite, en quantité stoechiométrique d’une base et d’un halogénure d’alkyle, les azasulfurylglycines (AsG) formés peuvent être chimiosélectivement alkylés afin d’y insérer diverses chaînes latérales. Les propriétés conformationnelles des N-aminosulfamides à l’état solide ont été élucidées grâce à des études cristallographiques par rayons X : elles possèdent une structure tétraédrique autour de l’atome de soufre, des traits caractéristiques des azapeptides et des sulfonamides, ainsi que du potentiel à favoriser la formation de tours gamma (Chapitre 3). Après le développement d’une méthode de synthèse des N-aminosulfamides en solution, une approche combinatoire sur support solide a également été élaborée sur la résine amide de Rink afin de faciliter la génération d’une librairie d’azasulfurylpeptides. Cette étude a été réalisée en employant le growth hormone releasing peptide 6 (GHRP-6, His-D-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2). Ce dernier est un hexapeptide possédant une affinité pour deux récepteurs, le growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a (GHS-R1a) et le récepteur cluster of differenciation 36 (CD36). Une affinité sélective envers le récepteur CD36 confère des propriétés thérapeutiques dans le traitement de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge (DMLA). Six analogues d’azasulfurylpeptides de GHRP-6 utilisés comme ligands du CD36 ont été synthétisés sur support solide, mettant en évidence le remplacement du tryptophane à la position 4 de GHRP-6 (Chapitre 4). Les analogues de GHRP-6 ont été ensuite analysés pour leur capacité à moduler les effets de la fonction et de la cascade de signalisation des ligands spécifiques au Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), en collaboration avec le Professeur Huy Ong du département de Pharmacologie à la Faculté de Pharmacie de l’Université de Montréal. Le complexe TLR2-TLR6 est reconnu pour être co-exprimé et modulé par CD36. En se liant au CD36, certains ligands de GHRP-6 ont eu un effet sur la signalisation du TLR2. Par exemple, les azasulfurylpeptides [AsF(4-F)4]- et [AsF(4-MeO)4]-GHRP-6 ont démontré une capacité à empêcher la surproduction du monoxyde d’azote (NO), un sous-produit réactif formé suite à l’induction d’un signal dans les macrophages par des ligands spécifiques liés au TLR2, tel le fibroblast-stimulating lipopeptide 1 (R-FSL-1) et l’acide lipotéichoïque (LTA). En addition, la sécrétion du tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) et du monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), ainsi que l’activation du nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB), ont été réduites. Ces résultats démontrent le potentiel de ces azasulfurylpeptides à pouvoir réguler le rôle du TLR2 qui déclenche des réponses inflammatoires et immunitaires innées (Perspectives). Finalement, le potentiel des azasulfurylpeptides d’inhiber des métallo-bêta-lactamases, tels le New-Delhi Metallo-bêta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1), IMP-1 et le Verona Integron-encoded Metallo-bêta-lactamase 2 (VIM-2), a été étudié en collaboration avec le Professeur James Spencer de l’Université de Bristol (Royaumes-Unis). Certains analogues ont été des inhibiteurs micromolaires du IMP-1 (Perspectives). Ces nouvelles voies de synthèse des azasulfurylpeptides en solution et sur support solide devraient donc permettre leur utilisation dans des études de relations structure-activité avec différents peptides biologiquement actifs. En plus d'expandre l'application des azasulfurylpeptides comme inhibiteurs d'enzymes, cette thèse a révélé le potentiel de ces N-aminosulfamides à mimer les structures secondaires peptidiques, tels que les tours gamma. À cet égard, l’application des azasulfurylpeptides a été démontrée par la synthèse de ligands du CD36 présentant des effets modulateurs sur le TLR2. Compte tenu de leur synthèse efficace et de leur potentiel en tant qu’inhibiteurs, les azasulfurylpeptides devraient trouver une large utilisation dans les sciences de peptides pour des applications dans la médecine et de la chimie biologique.


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Les ARN non codants (ARNnc) sont des transcrits d'ARN qui ne sont pas traduits en protéines et qui pourtant ont des fonctions clés et variées dans la cellule telles que la régulation des gènes, la transcription et la traduction. Parmi les nombreuses catégories d'ARNnc qui ont été découvertes, on trouve des ARN bien connus tels que les ARN ribosomiques (ARNr), les ARN de transfert (ARNt), les snoARN et les microARN (miARN). Les fonctions des ARNnc sont étroitement liées à leurs structures d’où l’importance de développer des outils de prédiction de structure et des méthodes de recherche de nouveaux ARNnc. Les progrès technologiques ont mis à la disposition des chercheurs des informations abondantes sur les séquences d'ARN. Ces informations sont accessibles dans des bases de données telles que Rfam, qui fournit des alignements et des informations structurelles sur de nombreuses familles d'ARNnc. Dans ce travail, nous avons récupéré toutes les séquences des structures secondaires annotées dans Rfam, telles que les boucles en épingle à cheveux, les boucles internes, les renflements « bulge », etc. dans toutes les familles d'ARNnc. Une base de données locale, RNAstem, a été créée pour faciliter la manipulation et la compilation des données sur les motifs de structure secondaire. Nous avons analysé toutes les boucles terminales et internes ainsi que les « bulges » et nous avons calculé un score d’abondance qui nous a permis d’étudier la fréquence de ces motifs. Tout en minimisant le biais de la surreprésentation de certaines classes d’ARN telles que l’ARN ribosomal, l’analyse des scores a permis de caractériser les motifs rares pour chacune des catégories d’ARN en plus de confirmer des motifs communs comme les boucles de type GNRA ou UNCG. Nous avons identifié des motifs abondants qui n’ont pas été étudiés auparavant tels que la « tetraloop » UUUU. En analysant le contenu de ces motifs en nucléotides, nous avons remarqué que ces régions simples brins contiennent beaucoup plus de nucléotides A et U. Enfin, nous avons exploré la possibilité d’utiliser ces scores pour la conception d’un filtre qui permettrait d’accélérer la recherche de nouveaux ARN non-codants. Nous avons développé un système de scores, RNAscore, qui permet d’évaluer un ARN en se basant sur son contenu en motifs et nous avons testé son applicabilité avec différents types de contrôles.


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A fi d'analitzar la contribució de la regió C-terminal proposada com a iniciadora del plegament (CFIS 106-118) a l'estabilitat de l'RNasa A, els residus alifàtics d'aquesta regió es van substituir, mitjançant mutagènesi dirigida, per altres residus en els quals la cadena lateral alifàtica era rogressivament escurçada. La major part de les substitucions projectades suposaven delecions no disruptives de grups metil(è). A més, es va reemplaçar la Tyr115 per un Trp, de manera que, potencialment, s'introduïa una única sonda fluorescent, no desestabilitzant, per tal de seguir els canvis conformacionals que es poguessin generar en la regió durant el procés de legament/desplegament de la proteïna. Tant els paràmetres cinètics, com els espectres d'FTIR i CD, determinats per cadascuna de les ribonucleases variants, indiquen que els reemplaçaments aminoacídics efectuats presenten, en general, poc o cap efecte en l'estructura nativa i en l'activitat de l'enzim. Es va emprar l'espectroscòpia d'absorció a l'ultraviolat de quarta derivada, la fluorescència (per la variant amb Trp) i l'espectroscòpia d'infraroig per transformada de Fourier, per tal de seguir i caracteritzar, en condicions d'equilibri, les transicions conformacionals de cada variant en funció de la pressió i de la temperatura. Els resultats es van comparar amb els que es van obtenir per la proteïna salvatge. Per determinar més a fons les característiques del procés de desplegament de la variant Y115W, les transicions de desnaturalització induïdes per urea d'aquesta variant i de la proteïna salvatge, van ésser examinades per mitjà d'electroforesi en gradient d'urea i espectroscòpia de fluorescència. Curiosament, els canvis conformacionals que resulten de la desnaturalització per pressió són molt semblants als que s'obtenen per temperatura. Enfront d'un augment gradual tant de pressió com de temperatura, l'estructura terciària i els elements d'estructura secundària de les proteïnes estudiades es perden de manera conjunta i reversible. Aquestes variacions estructurals que es promouen descriuen un procés de desplegament molt cooperatiu i en dos estats. Atès que ambdues tècniques (UV i FTIR) utilitzen cadascuna un règim de concentració proteica molt diferent, els resultats indiquen que el procés de desplegament per pressió i per temperatura és intramolecular. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que la hidrofobicitat i el volum de les cadenes laterals del CFIS, juntament amb les interaccions de van der Waals entre elements d'estructura secundària intervenen de manera molt notable en l'estabilització de la proteïna. Entre els diferents aminoàcids alifàtics que pertanyen al CFIS C-terminal, la Val108 és el residu més important per tal de preservar la integritat estructural de l'estat natiu. Els reemplaçaments en aquesta posició causen petites alteracions conformacionals i una gran desestabilització de la proteïna (per exemple, el punt mig de la transició de desnaturalització per pressió i per temperatura de la variant V108G disminueix uns 592 MPa i 25ºC, respectivament, respecte a la proteïna salvatge). D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts, la variant Y115W ofereix una sonda útil per tal de seguir la cinètica de plegament/desplegament de l'RNasa A.


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Previously, direct repeats (DRs) of 20-70 nucleotides were identified in the 3' untranslated regions (3'UTR) of flavivirus sequences. To address their functional significance, we have manually generated a pan-flavivirus 3'UTR alignment and correlated it with the corresponding predicted RNA secondary structures. This approach revealed that intra-group-conserved DRs evolved from six long repeated sequences (LRSs) which, as approximately 200-nucleotide domains were preserved only in the genomes of the slowly evolving tick-borne flaviviruses. We propose that short DRs represent the evolutionary remnants of LRSs rather than distinct molecular duplications. The relevance of DRs to virus replication enhancer function, and thus survival, is discussed.


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The enzymatic cleavage of a peptide amphiphile (PA) is investigated. The self-assembly of the cleaved products is distinct from that of the PA substrate. The PA C16-KKFFVLK is cleaved by α-chymotrypsin at two sites leading to products C16-KKF with FVLK and C16-KKFF with VLK. The PA C16-KKFFVLK forms nanotubes and helical ribbons at room temperature. Both PAs C16-KKF and C16-KKFF corresponding to cleavage products instead self-assemble into 5-6 nm diameter spherical micelles, while peptides FVLK and VLK do not adopt well-defined aggregate structures. The secondary structures of the PAs and peptides are examined by FTIR and circular dichroism spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Only C16-KKFFVLK shows substantial β-sheet secondary structure, consistent with its self-assembly into extended aggregates, based on PA layers containing hydrogen-bonded peptide headgroups. This PA also exhibits a thermoreversible transition to twisted tapes on heating.


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The cold shock response in bacteria involves the expression of low-molecular weight cold shock proteins (CSPs) containing a nucleic acid-binding cold shock domain (CSD), which are known to destabilize secondary structures on mRNAs, facilitating translation at low temperatures. Caulobacter crescentus cspA and cspB are induced upon cold shock, while cspC and cspD are induced during stationary phase. In this work, we determined a new coding sequence for the cspC gene, revealing that it encodes a protein containing two CSDs. The phenotypes of C. crescentus csp mutants were analyzed, and we found that cspC is important for cells to maintain viability during extended periods in stationary phase. Also, cspC and cspCD strains presented altered morphology, with frequent non-viable filamentous cells, and cspCD also showed a pronounced cell death at late stationary phase. In contrast, the cspAB mutant presented increased viability in this phase, which is accompanied by an altered expression of both cspC and cspD, but the triple cspABD mutant loses this characteristic. Taken together, our results suggest that there is a hierarchy of importance among the csp genes regarding stationary phase viability, which is probably achieved by a fine tune balance of the levels of these proteins.


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Leptospixosis, a spirochaetal zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira, has been recognized as an important emerging infectious disease. LipL32 is the major exposed outer membrane protein found exclusively in pathogenic leptospires, where it accounts for up to 75% of the total outer membrane proteins. It is highly immunogenic, and recent studies have implicated LipL32 as an extracellular matrix binding protein, interacting with collagens, fibronectin, and laminin. In order to better understand the biological role and the structural requirements for the function of this important lipoprotein, we have determined the 2.25-angstrom-resolution structure of recombinant LipL32 protein corresponding to residues 21-272 of the wild-type protein (LipL32(21-272)). The LipL32(21-272) monomer is made of a jelly-roll fold core from which several peripheral secondary structures protrude. LipL32(21-272) is structurally similar to several other jelly-roll proteins, some of which bind calcium ions and extracellular matrix proteins. Indeed, spectroscopic data (circular dichroism, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, and extrinsic 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid fluorescence) confirmed the calcium-binding properties of LipL32(21-272). Ca(2+) binding resulted in a significant increase in the thermal stability of the protein, and binding was specific for Ca(2+) as no structural or stability perturbations were observed for Mg(2+), Zn(2+), or Cu(2+). Careful examination of the crystal lographic structure suggests the locations of putative regions that could mediate Ca(2+) binding as well as binding to other interacting host proteins, such as collagens, fibronectin, and lamixidn. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Shrimp farming is one of the activities that contribute most to the growth of global aquaculture. However, this business has undergone significant economic losses due to the onset of viral diseases such as Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN). The IMN is already widespread throughout Northeastern Brazil and affects other countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The main symptom of disease is myonecrosis, which consists of necrosis of striated muscles of the abdomen and cephalothorax of shrimp. The IMN is caused by infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), a non-enveloped virus which has protrusions along its capsid. The viral genome consists of a single molecule of double-stranded RNA and has two Open Reading Frames (ORFs). The ORF1 encodes the major capsid protein (MCP) and a potential RNA binding protein (RBP). ORF2 encodes a probable RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and classifies IMNV in Totiviridae family. Thus, the objective of this research was study the IMNV complete genome and encoded proteins in order to develop a system differentiate virus isolates based on polymorphisms presence. The phylogenetic relationship among some totivirus was investigated and showed a new group to IMNV within Totiviridae family. Two new genomes were sequenced, analyzed and compared to two other genomes already deposited in GenBank. The new genomes were more similar to each other than those already described. Conserved and variable regions of the genome were identified through similarity graphs and alignments using the four IMNV sequences. This analyze allowed mapping of polymorphic sites and revealed that the most variable region of the genome is in the first half of ORF1, which coincides with the regions that possibly encode the viral protrusion, while the most stable regions of the genome were found in conserved domains of proteins that interact with RNA. Moreover, secondary structures were predicted for all proteins using various softwares and protein structural models were calculated using threading and ab initio modeling approaches. From these analyses was possible to observe that the IMNV proteins have motifs and shapes similar to proteins of other totiviruses and new possible protein functions have been proposed. The genome and proteins study was essential for development of a PCR-based detection system able to discriminate the four IMNV isolates based on the presence of polymorphic sites


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Small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) are important factors in the functioning of eukaryotic cells that form several small complexes with proteins; these ribonucleoprotein particles (U snRNPs) have an essential role in the pre-mRNA processing, particularly in splicing, catalyzed by spliceosomes, large RNA-protein complexes composed of various snRNPs. Even though they are well defined in mammals, snRNPs are still not totally characterized in certain trypanosomatids as Trypanosoma cruzi. For this reason we subjected snRNAs (U2, U4, U5, and U6) from T. cruzi epimastigotes to molecular characterization by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription-PCR. These amplified sequences were cloned, sequenced, and compared with those other of trypanosomatids. Among these snRNAs, U5 was less conserved and U6 the most conserved. Their respective secondary structures were predicted and compared with known T. brucei structures. In addition, the copy number of each snRNA in the T. cruzi genome was characterized by Southern blotting.


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The insects of the order Hymenoptera ( bees, wasps, and ants) are classified in two groups, based on their life history: social and solitary. The venoms of the social Hymenoptera evolved to be used as defensive tools to protect the colonies of these insects from the attacks of predators. Generally they do not cause lethal effects but cause mainly inflammatory and/or immunological reactions in the victims of their stings. However, sometimes it is also possible to observe the occurrence of systemic effects like respiratory and/or kidney failure. Meanwhile, the venoms of solitary Hymenoptera evolved mainly to cause paralysis of the preys in order to permit egg laying on/within the prey's body; thus, some components of these venoms cause permanent/transient paralysis in the preys, while other components seem to act preventing infections of the food and future progenies. The peptide components of venoms from Hymenoptera are spread over the molar mass range of 1400 to 7000 da and together comprise up to 70% of the weight of freeze-dried venoms. Most of these toxins are linear polycationic amphipatic peptides with a high content of alpha-helices in their secondary structures. These peptides generally account for cell lysis, hemolysis, antibiosis, and sometimes promote the delivery of cellular activators/mediators through interaction with the G-protein receptor, and perhaps some of them are even immunogenic components. In addition to these peptides, the Hymenopteran venoms also may contain a few neurotoxins that target Na+ and/or Ca+2 channels or even the nicotinic ACh receptor. This review summarizes current knowledge of the biologically active Hymenoptera venoms.


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Crotamine is one of four major components of the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. Similar to its counterparts in the family of the myotoxins, it induces myonecrosis of skeletal muscle cells. This paper describes a new NMR structure determination of crotamine in aqueous solution at pH 5.8 and 20 degrees C, using standard homonuclear (1)H NMR spectroscopy at 900 MHz and the automated structure calculation software ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA. The automatic NOESY spectral analysis included the identification of a most likely combination of the six cysteines into three disulfide bonds, i.e. Cys4-Cys36, Cys11-Cys30 and Cys18-Cys37; thereby a generally applicable new computational protocol is introduced to determine unknown disulfide bond connectivities in globular proteins. A previous NMR structure determination was thus confirmed and the structure refined. Crotamine contains an alpha-helix with residues 1-7 and a two-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet with residues 9-13 and 34-38 as the only regular secondary structures. These are connected with each other and the remainder of the polypeptide chain by the three disulfide bonds, which also form part of a central hydrophobic core. A single conformation was observed, with Pro13 and Pro21 in the trans and Pro20 in the cis-form. The global fold and the cysteine-pairing pattern of crotamine are similar to the beta-defensin fold, although the two proteins have low sequence homology, and display different biological activities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The peptide NS5A-1 (PPLLESWKDPDYVPPWHG), derived from hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5A protein, was immobilized into layer-by-layer (LbL) silk fibroin (SF) films. Deposition was monitored by UV-vis absorption measurements at each bilayer deposited. The interaction SF/peptide film induced secondary structure in NS5A-1 as indicated by fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) measurements. Voltammetric sensor (SF/NS5A-1) properties were observed when the composite film was tested in the presence of anti-HCV. The peptide-silk fibroin interaction studied here showed new architectures for immunosensors based on antigenic peptides and SF as a suitable immobilization matrix. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Background: The ZNF706 gene encodes a protein that belongs to the zinc finger family of proteins and was found to be highly expressed in laryngeal cancer, making the structure and function of ZNF706 worthy of investigation. In this study, we expressed and purified recombinant human ZNF706 that was suitable for structural analysis in Escherichia coli BL21(DH3). Findings. ZNF706 mRNA was extracted from a larynx tissue sample, and cDNA was ligated into a cloning vector using the TOPO method. ZNF706 protein was expressed according to the E. coli expression system procedures and was purified using a nickel-affinity column. The structural qualities of recombinant ZNF706 and quantification alpha, beta sheet, and other structures were obtained by spectroscopy of circular dichroism. ZNF706's structural modeling showed that it is composed of α-helices (28.3%), β-strands (19.4%), and turns (20.9%), in agreement with the spectral data from the dichroism analysis. Conclusions: We used circular dichroism and molecular modeling to examine the structure of ZNF706. The results suggest that human recombinant ZNF706 keeps its secondary structures and is appropriate for functional and structural studies. The method of expressing ZNF706 protein used in this study can be used to direct various functional and structural studies that will contribute to the understanding of its function as well as its relationship with other biological molecules and its putative role in carcinogenesis. © 2013 Colombo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE