819 resultados para School year 03


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Partindo da premissa que O ensinar requer saber aprender e saber construir (juntamente com os nossos alunos) as aprendizagens que buscamos, desenvolvi uma proposta de atividades investigativas, para o ensino-aprendizagem em Ciências. Ressalto que ministrar aulas diferenciadas, nem sempre seria ou é fácil, pois há um conteúdo a ser cumprido e terminado, além de um tempo muito curto para realizá-las. Assim, minha dissertação é uma investigação do tipo qualitativa, que se configura como uma pesquisa-ação, sobre as atividades programadas em momentos, com alunos das 7 séries do ensino fundamental de duas escolas da rede particular de ensino do município de Belém (denominadas aqui, Escola A e Escola B), tendo como conteúdo programático o corpo humano. Na escola A, enfatizando o sistema digestório, tivemos os seguintes momentos: o grande lanche; um vídeo sobre o processo de digestão alimentar e mini-gincana (prova). Já na escola B, com o conteúdo sobre o Sistema Locomotor, os momentos: construção hipotética do corpo humano, a partir do contorno de um modelo; a caminhada até uma Academia de Ginástica com a realização de atividades; aulas na quadra da escola, em conjunto com o professor de Ed. Física; e por fim, a confecção de um CD-ROM com todos os assuntos trabalhados, durante o ano letivo. Em ambas as escolas, houve o momento da releitura dos livros didáticos. Concluímos que aprendizagens, a partir de atividades investigativas, e que levam em conta as vivências, os questionamentos e as contribuições dos alunos, são efetivas, independente do assunto que será abordado e da Instituição de Ensino (pública ou particular). Porém, consideramos que essa metodologia de trabalho funcionará se o professor: 1 estiver disposto a continuar seus estudos e 2 compartilhar com seus alunos os sabores e os saberes, assim como os ensinamentos e as aprendizagens.


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Este trabalho propõe-se a discutir sobre os instrumentos didáticos utilizados em práticas de ensino de textos narrativos. Essa discussão consiste na descrição e análise dos modos como o professor utiliza tais instrumentos para proporcionar aos alunos o encontro com o objeto de ensino, levando-os a apropriarem-se da capacidade de produção de textos narrativos, transformando, assim, o objeto de ensino em objeto efetivamente ensinado. Nesse contexto, o corpus de que nos ocupamos decorre de entrevistas, questionários, gravações em áudio e vídeo e anotações em diário de campo sobre as aulas de língua portuguesa observadas no segundo semestre do ano letivo de 2006. A coleta de dados aconteceu em uma turma de 4ª etapa da Educação de Jovens e Adultos de uma escola pública da periferia da cidade de Castanhal no Pará. Do ponto de vista teórico, buscamos as contribuições de Geraldi (2002) e Bakhtin (1929/1986) sobre a concepção interacionista de linguagem e as contribuições produzidas na área da didática das línguas pelo grupo de estudos de Genebra coordenado por Schneuwly, Dolz e colaboradores (2000, 2001, 2004, 2005), no que se refere ao trabalho do professor e os elementos que o compõe (instrumentos e gestos didáticos). Do ponto de vista metodológico, apropriamo-nos das contribuições de André (2000, 2005) e Bogdan & Biklen (1999), para direcionarmos os procedimentos de constituição dos dados à luz dos estudos da pesquisa etnográfica. A análise dos dados nos permitiu afirmar que os modos como o professor utiliza determinados instrumentos didáticos direcionam sua prática de ensino de Língua Portuguesa de modo a promover a apropriação dos saberes sobre texto narrativo pelos alunos. Tais práticas mostram o caráter heterogêneo de seu trabalho ao apresentar características do ensino considerado tradicional, que leva em consideração a concepção representacionista de linguagem, e características do ensino de língua baseado na lingüística textual que leva em consideração a língua como forma de interação.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar quais as possíveis dificuldades advindas da linguagem que alunos enfrentam na conversão da língua natural para a linguagem matemática. A investigação foi realizada ao longo do ano letivo de 2008 em classes de Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas da cidade de Belém, onde foram coletadas informações por meio de registros produzidos pelos alunos em testes e avaliações bimestrais. Para subsidiar a investigação foram utilizadas, como aporte teórico, idéias de Raymond Duval acerca da teoria dos registros de representação semiótica; o conceito de significado ligado a filosofia da linguagem segundo Wittgenstein; algumas considerações feitas por Gottlob Frege sobre a distinção entre sentido e referência assim como algumas idéias do filósofo Gilles-Gaston Granger no que concerne ao problema das significações e do aspecto formal da linguagem matemática. As análises das informações que foram coletadas no decorrer do processo investigativo revelaram que, na perspectiva dos alunos, a conversão da língua natural para a linguagem matemática se depara com quatro tipos de dificuldades: a primeira apontou para o fato de existirem em cada registro de representação de um mesmo objeto matemático, diferentes conteúdos a serem mobilizados; a segunda mostrou que os alunos fracassam ao realizar a conversão da língua natural para a linguagem matemática quando não interpretam corretamente as regras matemáticas implícitas no enunciado de uma situação problema; a terceira surgiu do fato de existirem no texto de uma situação problema, palavras que os alunos não compreendiam o seu significado ou que geravam ambigüidade de sentidos; a quarta surgiu a partir do fato dos alunos não conseguirem compreender o significado matemático das letras utilizadas nos enunciados dos problemas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to expand educational services in the country, were recently approved laws that changed both the organization of schools as the population they served, as was the case of Law nº. 11.274/2006 that extended the elementary school from eight to nine years registration of students at six years old. The Elementary School for nine years and the implications of this legal change were object of study in this research was proposed to analyze the relationship between texts and practices experienced in a public school in Sao Paulo state in which they identify with adjustment difficulties the new educational context. The research was also carried out to study the pedagogical practice developed in a first class this school year. In compliance with the proposed objectives, we conducted a qualitative empirical research base associated with a bibliographic and documentary. In empirical research were used as instruments to collect data to participant observation in a classroom of 1st year and the interview with the teacher of their class. Our initial hypothesis was that schools were presenting great difficulties of adaptation and organization by the mandatory extension of service to children in elementary school. Through the research, this hypothesis is confirmed evidence of a real gap between the guidelines and their legal ramifications in the official documents published by the Ministry of Education and the state for resources for adaptation to physical, material and educational schools


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Researches show high rates of school failure on the part of students who are unable to learn, referring to them as the idea of an incapable individual and intended not to achieve the goals proposed during the school year. Among the most varied problems posed by teachers and that are instilled in students in order to justify the poor performance of the same, we find Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Faced with this problem the objective was to investigate teachers‟ conception of the second year of primary education on ADHD, knowing well the mechanisms of identification, confirmation and referral of these cases, as well as the appropriate treatment and teaching practices suggested. To achieve the proposed objective a literature search was performed supplemented by an empirical study in which we used two instruments to collect data: interviews and observation. The study included empirical two teachers from a state school and two teachers from a private school, all of a midsize city in São Paulo. The interviews showed that teachers of second grade of elementary school consider ADHD a neurological problem in order to be addressed, however, chose not to speak about the treatment carried out by drugs. The observations revealed that the discourse of these teachers are away from their practices, it is worth noting that the differences in these two situations studied - state and private network - are so disparate and interfere in this important teaching practice


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In the universities, before the start of each school year, is held the distribution of classes among available teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the maximum workweek for each teacher and their preferences for each discipline, to prevent a teacher to give lessons in two separate locations at the same time and to avoid some teachers to become overloaded while others with large clearance. This process, manually performed, is time consuming and does not allow the visualization of other combinations of assignment of teachers to classes, besides being liable to error. This work aims to develop a decision support tool for the problem of assigning teachers to classes in college. The project encompasses the development of a computer program using the concepts of object orientation and a tree search algorithm of a combinatorial nature called Beam Search. The programming language used is Java and the program has a graphical interface for entering and manipulating data of the problem. Once obtained the schedule data of classes and teachers is possible, by means of the tool, perform various simulations and manual adjustments to achieve the final result. It is an efficient method of class scheduling, considering the speed of task execution and the fact that it generates only feasible results


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This research was aimed at analyzing whether there is an association between the positioning of the pupil in the classroom and his academic performance, as well as to diagnose the main factors underlying the association. Thus, this study analyzed 4 Elementary School II institutions of both public and private educational systems, in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil during a school year bimester. To register the positions students were seated, 29 similar classes (containing 6 rows x 6 columns) were investigated, each one with around 30 students, which resulted in a sampling of 859 students. For the questionnaire application, which objective was to verify the main reason for students’ seat choice, the same 29 classes were investigated. However, the sampling number was reduced to 692 students. In turn, for the collection of school performance and absence percentage of each student for the bimester in question, teachers’ evaluation books were used. As a result, it was found that the lower the percentage of the student's absences, the greater is their performance at school, and the greater their performance at school is, the closer up front to the board they are seated. Finally, the closer up to the board they are seated, the more their motivation and interest in learning increase. Therefore, there is an association between the position of a student in the classroom and his or her academic performance, where the association is conditioned by the motivation and interest in learning


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We present in this paper parts of the results of a research that had the intention to promote a space of communicative interaction among teachers of an undergraduate Course of Physics Teaching so they could plan their courses together. From the theoretical recommendations of the Theory of Communicative Action , by Jürgen Habermas , it was possible to draw a way of rationality crisis in training degree in physics in Brazil and then propose the creation of a Joint Planning Group (JPG) with teachers of specific nature disciplines of physics and disciplines about physics teaching. They start a joint discussion about the relationship among the disciplines in delivering of a project for future high school teachers' training. All meetings developed over a school year in the GPC were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with a part of a methodological analysis feature of the intersubjective interactions. This methodology was developed specifically for the research. The conclusions are related to the joint constructions developed by the JPG, its local contexts and the possibility of extension of this group. The joint constructions undertaken in the group point to the defense of the formation of JPG in the formation of the professors who teach these courses.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As the Elementary School expanded quantitatively at the end of last century, a new social debate started on the quality of the education offered in public schools. Among many concerns and questions, there was the quality of literacy of the young people that finished the Basic Stage of Education. Federal documents drawn up over the last years, such as the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age, defend that the obligatory literacy takes place until the end of the third grade of Elementary School. Based on this, it is intended that, at the end of the 5th school year of this education step, the students master the social practices of reading and writing that let them pursue their literacy process in the following school years. In this sense, the present study intended to observe and think over how the alphabetization (reading and writing technology acquisition) and literacy (using of written language in different social practices) processes happened at the end of the Elementary School I. In order to exploit to the full the meanings and conceptions involved in the presented theme, it was decided, methodologically, to elaborate a qualitative research, in where the adopted procedure was data survey and bibliographic research of authors that conceptualize, explain, relate and distinguish alphabetization from literacy. Next, it was performed a documental research based on laws and other Federal documents, from the State of São Paulo and from the municipality of Rio Claro-SP, observing the established discussion with the studied academic productions, as well as attributions given to the public school to perform the process of alphabetization and literacy. The visitation of these papers was also considered necessary for the understanding of expected knowledge, capabilities and skills of the student that finishes Elementary School I. In the last stage of the research, with the purpose of thinking about the level/kind of alphabetization...


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)