969 resultados para School violence


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A escola é uma instituição inserida na sociedade e, portanto reflete seus sintomas, dentre eles a violência, que de maneira geral vem sendo institucionalizada, sendo percebida como algo natural e imutável, e a maneira com a qual ela vem sendo tratada pela escola apenas a perpetua. Comumente a resolução dos conflitos perpassa por uma noção de justiça vinculada à punição e a obediência, havendo sempre uma relação proporcional ou não, entre o ato e sua sanção, sendo o enfoque no crime, ou seja, a justiça retributiva. A proposta de justiça restaurativa, diferentemente, visa exatamente o oposto, pois se fixa não no castigo e na vingança, mas na restauração das relações e na valorização de todos os envolvidos, por meio dos círculos restaurativos. Estes inserem o facilitador e os participantes. Inicialmente é feita uma apresentação do funcionamento do círculo. Afinal esse modo de organização é envolto de uma aura sagrada, em que todos se preparam para a restituição, pois se deve estar disposto a reconciliar-se. Nos círculos pode-se ouvir e falar por meio do bastão da fala que circula, quem está em seu poder conta sua versão da história sem estigmas de vítimas ou ofensores, ao recontar e ao ouvir o posicionamento do outro, há o estabelecimento de novos vínculos. A partir desta formação os sujeitos podem buscar soluções consensuais a fim de restabelecer as relações, sanar as necessidades individuais e eliminar as disputas conflituosas. A ênfase na responsabilização dos sujeitos em uma sociedade que delega responsabilidades promoveu na pesquisa a necessidade da discussão dos conceitos de culpa e vergonha como agentes reparadores. Tem-se por objetivo relatar experiências analisando o uso de processos restaurativos na promoção da resolução dos conflitos escolares. O estudo consta de uma amostra de quatro casos envolvendo adolescentes em conflitos escolares, que foram analisados qualitativamente, considerando as subjetividades envolvidas nos relatos. Assim, este trabalho mostra que o uso de práticas restaurativas no trato dos conflitos escolares, é uma possibilidade de intervenção que atua na melhora do ambiente e da convivência escolar, promovendo aprendizagens e troca de saberes, valorizando a tolerância ao diferente e a possibilidade de escuta, compreendendo o conflito de maneira positiva, abdicando condutas punitivas, mas principalmente restaurando relações. ões. Neste trabalho foi possível entender que a violência esta institucionalizada, naturalizada e reproduzida na escola, e que rompe essa cadeia ao compreender as causas da violência escolar, promovendo a substituição da violência pelo diálogo e por outras tantas outras respostas possíveis. Entender o conflito como inerente aos relacionamentos e o abordar como possibilidade de aprendizagem, os manejando sob a ótica da justiça restaurativa, promove uma rede multiplicadora de paz, em que os alunos disseminam às suas famílias e comunidade estes novos olhares. Reparar, restituir, reintegrar, restabelecer, recuperar, reconstituir, restaurar. A beleza dessa ideia, desse novo paradigma do qual essa pesquisa se apropria é a capacidade humana de se refazer, de se reinventar. Compreender a oportunidade de reiniciar, satisfazendo necessidades e compensando perdas, é validar a própria humanidade.


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Les élèves vivant dans la crainte d’être victimisés par leurs pairs peuvent se comporter de différentes façons, notamment en évitant de se rendre à l’école ou encore en imaginant différents moyens d’autoprotection (ex., apporter divers objets potentiellement dangereux à l’école). L’objectif de ce mémoire est de vérifier s’il existe des liens entre la victimisation par les pairs et le fait d’apporter des objets potentiellement dangereux et pouvant servir d’arme à l’école. L’échantillon est composé de 28 015 élèves de la première à la cinquième secondaire (12 à 17 ans) en provenance des écoles secondaires publiques du Québec. Les participants ont rempli le Questionnaire sur la Sécurité et la Violence à l’école Révisé (QSVE-R) visant à dresser le portrait de la violence dans les établissements scolaires du Québec. Les résultats démontrent que 5,1 % des élèves, davantage de garçons (8,2 %) que de filles (2,1 %) disent avoir déjà apporté un objet potentiellement dangereux à l’école. Le risque d’apporter ces objets augmente avec l’âge et c’est le couteau qui est l’objet le plus populaire auprès des répondants. L’étude confirme l’influence de la victimisation de type direct (insultes-menaces et agressions physiques), du sexe (garçons) et de l’âge (17 ans et plus) sur le fait d’apporter un objet pouvant servir d’arme à l’école. En plus de proposer des pistes d’études futures pour en connaître davantage sur ce que vivent les élèves victimisés à l’école, les conclusions de cette recherche soulèvent l’importance d’aider ces jeunes victimes à développer de meilleures stratégies afin de mieux gérer cette situation pénible, et amènent des réflexions pour orienter les interventions visant à créer des milieux scolaires sécurisants pour tous.


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El presente proyecto se enmarca como un informe diagnóstico sobre la educación para la paz en el IED José Joaquín Castro Martínez. Es importante resaltar que este informe no pretende abarcar aspectos investigativos sobre el conflicto, la violencia escolar o la educación para la paz; lo que se busca es a partir de un diagnóstico del colegio posibilitar un posterior diseño de una estrategia de intervención para esta institución educativa ubicada en la localidad de San Cristóbal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Este diagnóstico pretende ser una avance en este tipo de experiencias en el colegio, el cual se espera propicie un impacto positivo en las dinámicas del conflicto que viven día a día los estudiantes de la institución educativa reseñada, y propiciar así un mayor conocimiento de las problemáticas de los y las estudiantes en relación a una cultura de paz, entendida esta desde 4 aspectos: primero el respeto a sí mismo, al otro y a su entorno; segundo, resolución y resignificacion positiva del conflicto; tercero, prevención del consumo de SPA; y cuarto convivencia escolar.


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Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of life cycle marked by various physical, psychological and social changes. During this stage, young people are faced with the feeling of threat of identity, which may trigger aggressive behaviours. Bullying is a form of school violence with high prevalence, that shouldn't be a "normal" occurrence or a event that young people should experience during the transition between childhood and adolescent. In order to reduce the prevalence of bullying in the school community, we elaborated the Educational Intervention Project "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", with the specific objectives: Evaluate the knowledge level about bullyng, before and after the Project, and increase the level of literacy about the subject in the school community (students and teachers). Methodology: Our target population consisted in a total of 203 students from 5th to 9th grade and 13 teachers of school. It's a cross-sectional study of research - action, with the application of a diagnostic questionnaire, before and after, we conducted the educational sessions. Results: After the educational sessions, 93,1% of students identified what to do in a bullying situation, and 62,6% of students responded that in an assault situation, called an adult; 95,1% said they knew what was bullying, 56,8% associated the concept to physical aggression and 92,6 % mentioned to know the types of bullying, and physical bullying (71,9%) and verbal bullying (69,5%) were the most mentioned types. Meanwhile, the teachers: 76,9% considered that the school environment was pleasant, 84,6% characterized the relationship between the students as "adequate" and 77% said they didn't experience any bullying situation. Conclusions: We found an overall improvement to the level of bullying related knowledge after the educational intervention. So, we verified that the integrated intervention in the school health teams, allows greater attention to the detection, signalling and routing situations of violence.


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Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of life cycle marked by various physical, psychological and social changes. During this stage, young people are faced with the feeling of threat of identity, which may trigger aggressive behaviours. Bullying is a form of school violence with high prevalence, that shouldn't be a "normal" occurrence or a event that young people should experience during the transition between childhood and adolescent. In order to reduce the prevalence of bullying in the school community, we elaborated the Educational Intervention Project "R.E.D. BULL(ying)", with the specific objectives: Evaluate the knowledge level about bullyng, before and after the Project, and increase the level of literacy about the subject in the school community (students and teachers). Methodology: Our target population consisted in a total of 203 students from 5th to 9th grade and 13 teachers of school. It's a cross-sectional study of research - action, with the application of a diagnostic questionnaire, before and after, we conducted the educational sessions. Results: After the educational sessions, 93,1% of students identified what to do in a bullying situation, and 62,6% of students responded that in an assault situation, called an adult; 95,1% said they knew what was bullying, 56,8% associated the concept to physical aggression and 92,6 % mentioned to know the types of bullying, and physical bullying (71,9%) and verbal bullying (69,5%) were the most mentioned types. Meanwhile, the teachers: 76,9% considered that the school environment was pleasant, 84,6% characterized the relationship between the students as "adequate" and 77% said they didn't experience any bullying situation. Conclusions: We found an overall improvement to the level of bullying related knowledge after the educational intervention. So, we verified that the integrated intervention in the school health teams, allows greater attention to the detection, signalling and routing situations of violence.


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Introduction: School violence discloses a phenomenon that has acquired a marked visibility in today's society, becoming a reality in all schools. With these aggressive behaviors comes a new conception, which increasingly reveals a concern for the community, the bullying (Eiras, 2009). Objectives: Tidentify bullying as a health need in schools; identify the factors associated with bullying. Methods: Integrative Literature Review, and were analyzed 7 articles published in MEDLINE, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), the Online Knowledge Library (B -on) and the Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP), whereas inclusion criteria were established the Portuguese, English and Spanish and the interval 2011-2016. Results: After analyzing the articles selected for the preparation of this monograph, we identified the following contexts and factors associated with bullying. Conclusions: age with higher prevalence, where this phenomenon was found is between 12 and 13 years; gender, where there is no consensus on the influence of the same in bullying behaviors; family and socio-demographic context in which a family environment marked by cohesion and support promotes attitudes of non-violence and socioeconomic status are not directly related to find this type of episode; bullying characteristics, wherein said type of behavior is more verbal bullying; substance use and knowledge.


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Abstract Introduction: School violence discloses a phenomenon that has acquired a marked visibility in today's society, becoming a reality in all schools. With these aggressive behaviors comes a new conception, which increasingly reveals a concern for the community, the bullying (Eiras, 2009). Objectives: Tidentify bullying as a health need in schools; identify the factors associated with bullying. Methods: Integrative Literature Review, and were analyzed 7 articles published in MEDLINE, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), the Online Knowledge Library (B -on) and the Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP), whereas inclusion criteria were established the Portuguese, English and Spanish and the interval 2011-2016. Results: After analyzing the articles selected for the preparation of this monograph, we identified the following contexts and factors associated with bullying. Conclusions: age with higher prevalence, where this phenomenon was found is between 12 and 13 years; gender, where there is no consensus on the influence of the same in bullying behaviors; family and socio-demographic context in which a family environment marked by cohesion and support promotes attitudes of non-violence and socioeconomic status are not directly related to find this type of episode; bullying characteristics, wherein said type of behavior is more verbal bullying; substance use and knowledge.


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In the current context of education, parents, students, teachers, media and other sectors of Costa Rican society, express concern about the problem of school violence, a social phenomenon that has been increasing in recent years. Its manifestations are perceived by means of abuse behavior, intimidation, verbal or physical abuse among youth, which are constructed through cultural practices. Therefore, to understand this problem, reflection about possible causes is in order, taking into account the context in which social interaction is developed in each school. Some of the manifestations of violence are rooted in the family, the community, the imitation of the behavioral patterns, and the influence of mass media. Moreover, these behaviors are reinforced by the current curriculum model, generating resistance to institutional rules.


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and sexual violence on the social adjustment of Grade 8 and 9 school children in the state of Tripura, India. The study participants, 160 boys and 160 girls, were randomly selected from classes in eight English and Bengali medium schools in Agartala city, Tripura. Data were collected using a self-administered Semi-structured Questionnaire for Children/Students and a Social Adjustment Inventory which were custom-made for the study based on measures in the extant research adapted for the Indian context. Findings revealed that students experienced physical (21.9%), psychological (20.9%), and sexual (18.1%) violence at home, and 29.7% of the children had witnessed family violence. Boys were more often victims of physical and psychological violence while girls were more often victims of sexual violence. The social adjustment scores of school children who experienced violence, regardless of the nature of the violence, was significantly lower when compared with scores of those who had not experienced violence (p<0.001). Social adjustment was poorer for girls than boys (p<0.001). The study speaks in favour of early detection and intervention for all child maltreatment subtypes and for children exposed to interparental violence, and highlights the crucial role of schools and school psychology in addressing the problem.


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Percepciones y preocupaciones del profesorado con respecto a la violencia en la Educaci??n Secundaria y a las posibilidades de la educaci??n para elaborar estrategias y alternativas v??lidas para educar en favor de la paz, la justicia y el desarrollo. 42 profesores de Educaci??n Secundaria, seleccionados en funci??n de: cobertura geogr??fica, disponibilidad y criterios de tipo pr??ctico. La investigaci??n se distribuy?? en cuatro fases, la primera de car??cter exploratorio y de inmersi??n en la comunidad, en la segunda se realiz?? una din??mica con un grupo de discusi??n formado por educadores con circunstancias personales, profesionales y acad??micas distintas, en la tercera la realizaci??n de entrevistas pretest y selecci??n de la muestra y en la cuarta la interpretaci??n y categorizaci??n de la informaci??n obtenida de las entrevistas. Investigaci??n cualitativa de car??cter cuasi-etnogr??fico. No se puede afirmar que se disponga de un paradigma conceptual capaz de interpretar la naturaleza del problema de la violencia escolar en todas sus dimensiones. Su estudio requiere de una reflexi??n profunda sobre el alcance del problema que ponga las bases para comprender su naturaleza y gu??e el camino de la intervenci??n educativa para prevenirla; para ello es necesario multiplicar los procesos de investigaci??n y de intervenci??n que permitan acceder, de forma democr??tica y no traum??tica a su comprensi??n y erradicaci??n.


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Background. One in 4 adolescents reports some form of dating violence each year. Dating violence among high school adolescents has been linked with several morbidity issues. However, the association between dating violence and sexual risk and/or substance use among young adolescents has rarely been studied.^ Methods. Research hypotheses were tested using a secondary data analysis from a HIV, STI, pregnancy prevention intervention study for urban middle school students.^ Results. At baseline, 21% of youth reported experiencing physical ADV victimization, 48.2% reported non-physical victimization, and 52.6% report any victimization. After adjusting for race/ethnicity, gender, and age ever having sex, alcohol use, and illicit drug use were significantly associated with several forms of ADV.^ Conclusions. Dating violence appears to be associated with early initiation of sexual behavior, as well as alcohol and drug use. Few interventions address ADV among middle school youth. Early interventions that prevent dating violence are needed. ^


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Tenth grade students in a lower income neighborhood Houston school were surveyed on violence related beliefs, attitudes, and coping ability. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect information for scale scores for statistical analysis.^ One hundred twenty six students participated of which 60% were Hispanic, 18% Black, 18% White, 2 American Indians, and 3 Asian/Pacific persons. There were 60 males, mean age 16.03, and 66 females, mean age 15.49. One-half of the sample reported repeating a grade, 53.4% of males, and 47% of females. Females' self-reported grades were slightly higher than males.^ Measures of student acceptance of violence and ability to handle conflict peacefully were studied in relation to student responses to questions about five areas: parental monitoring of the student, parent type of punishment, optimism about future prospects, frustration tolerance, and perceived peer group attitudes and practices.^ Significant gender differences included males having higher violence acceptance scores and females higher on coping with conflict peacefully. No significant race differences or gender interactions were found.^ Females' scores on future orientation were inversely related to their scores on the measure of acceptance of violence. For males, parents' punishment and perceived peer attitudes were positively related to their acceptance of violence, p $<$.0083.^ Female handling of conflict was significantly related to frustration tolerance and optimism; not significant were perceived peer attitudes, parent monitoring or punishment method. For males significantly related to handling conflict were perceived peer attitudes, parental monitoring, and severity of punishment, with the last two terms having a significant interaction effect, and inversely correlated (less monitoring, harsher punishment explained lower ability to handle conflict). ^


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Schools have several competing demands, and often suffer from inefficient access to needed resources. Thus, the addition of any program into an already overtaxed school system must be met with convincing evidence that 1) a need or problem exists and is relevant to the education of students, 2) the problem is amenable to change, and 3) addressing the problem is in the best interest of educators and students. The purpose of the present paper is to present a case for inclusion of teen dating violence prevention programs in middle and high schools. We also discuss a recent survey of 219 employees of a suburban school district in southeast Texas. Specifically, we examined their perceived need for and appropriateness of a school-based dating violence prevention program. The anonymous internet-based survey revealed that a majority of participants believed that teen dating violence was a problem, 19% reported having observed an instance of teen dating violence, and 82% believed school to be an appropriate outlet for the implementation of a dating violence prevention program.