251 resultados para Sandeel Ammodytes-marinus
Volúmen que recoge las actas de las Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Psicología y Educación celebrado en Madrid en 1986. El libro se estructura en dos grandes apartados: en el primero se recogen las aportaciones de los conferenciantes, en los que se da un repaso a los avances de la investigación internacional en el ámplio campo de la psicología de la educación : los entornos educativos y los procesos de adquisición del conocimiento y los modelos del desarrollo que se propician en ellos son los protagonistas de esta primera parte. La segunda parte, reúne las ponencias y comunicaciones temáticas con el objetivo de ofrecer una panorámica del trabajo autóctono en áreas específicas de la educación : los procesos de educación, psicología y educación especial, la psicopedagogía del lenguaje oral, de la lectoescritura, la enseñanza de las matemáticas, de las ciencias sociales, de las ciencias físico-naturales y nuevas tecnologías.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Breeding seabirds are threatened by human activities that affect nesting and foraging habitat. In Canada, one of the seabirds most at risk of extirpation is the Roseate Tern, Sterna dougallii. Although critical nesting habitat has been identified for the Roseate Tern in Canada, its foraging locations and the diet of its chicks are unknown. Therefore, our goal was to determine the foraging locations and diet of chicks of Roseate Tern breeding on Country Island, Nova Scotia, which is one of Canada's two main breeding colonies. In 2003 and 2004, we radio-tracked the Roseate Tern by plane to locate foraging areas and conducted feeding watches to determine the diet of chicks. Roseate Tern foraged approximately 7 km from the breeding colony over shallow water < 5 m deep. In both years, sand lance, Ammodytes spp., was the most common prey item delivered to chicks, followed by hake, Urophycis spp. Our results are consistent with previous work at colonies in the northeastern United States, suggesting that throughout its range, this species may be restricted in both habitat use and prey selection. The reliance on a specific habitat type and narrow range of prey species makes the Roseate Tern generally susceptible to habitat perturbations and reductions in the availability of prey.
This study addresses the extent to which insecure and disorganized attachments increase risk for externalizing problems using meta-analysis. From 69 samples (N = 5,947), the association between insecurity and externalizing problems was significant, d = 0.31 (95% CI: 0.23, 0.40). Larger effects were found for boys (d = 0.35), clinical samples (d = 0.49), and from observation-based outcome assessments (d = 0.58). Larger effects were found for attachment assessments other than the Strange Situation. Overall, disorganized children appeared at elevated risk (d = 0.34, 95% CI: 0.18, 0.50), with weaker effects for avoidance (d = 0.12, 95% CI: 0.03, 0.21) and resistance (d = 0.11, 95% CI: −0.04, 0.26). The results are discussed in terms of the potential significance of attachment for mental health.
Karyotypes of Leposoma show a clear differentiation between species of the scincoides group from Brazilian Atlantic Forest (2n = 52, without distinctive size groups of chromosomes) and those of the parietale group from the Amazon (2n = 44, with 20M + 24m). In a previous study, we found that in the parietale group the parthenoform Leposoma percarinatum from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, exhibited a triploid karyotype (3n = 66) with 30 macrochromosomes and 36 microchromosomes. It was suggested that this karyotype arose after hybridization between a bisexual species with N = 22 (10M + 12m) and a hypothetical unisexual cryptic diploid form of the L. percarinatum complex. Herein, we describe the karyotypes for two species of the parietale group occurring sympatrically in the Arquipelago das Anavilhanas, lower Rio Negro, in Amazonian Brazil. The first represents a distinctive diploid parthenogenetic clone of the L. percarinatum complex, and the other is the recently described Leposoma ferreirai. Both species have 44 biarmed chromosomes clearly represented by 20 macrochromosomes and 24 microchromosomes and present Ag-NORs in one pair of the smallest sized microchromosomes; heteromorphism of size for these regions was detected in L. percarinatum. C-banding revealed blocks of constitutive heterochromatin on the telomeric and pericentromeric regions of macrochromosomes and some microchromosomes. The description of a diploid karyotype (2n = 44, 20M + 24m) for the L. percarinatum complex and its sympatric congener L. ferreirai provides new insight for a better understanding of the origin of parthenogenesis in the L. percarinatum complex.
Marinus Duran; Isabel G. Tavares de Almeida; Helena P. Gaspar Tomás
The venom proteome of Daboia russelli siamensis, a snake of medical importance in several Asian countries, was analysed by 2-D electrophoresis, subsequent MS/MS and enzymatic assays. The proteome comprises toxins from six protein families: serine proteinases, metalloproteinases, phospholipases A(2), L-amino acid oxidases, vascular endothelial growth factors and C-type lectin-like proteins. The venom toxin composition correlates with the clinical manifestation of the Russell's viper bite and explains pathological effects of the venom such as coagulopathy, oedema, hypotensive, necrotic and tissue damaging effects. The vast majority of toxins are potentially involved in coagulopathy and neurotoxic effects. The predominant venom components are proteinases capable of activating blood coagulation factors and promoting a rapid clotting of the blood, and neurotoxic phospholipase A(2)s. The analysis of the venom protein composition provides a catalogue of secreted toxins. The proteome of D. r. siamensis exhibits a lower level of toxin diversity than the proteomes of other viperid snakes. In comparison to the venoms of Vipera ammodytes ammodytes and Vipera ammodytes meridionalis, the venom from D. r. siamensis showed quantitative differences in the proteolytic, phospholipase A2, L-amino acid oxidase and alkaline phosphatase activities. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. 1. Water balance in the toad Bufo marinus ictericus was studied by evaluating cutaneous water uptake and renal excretion. 2. 2. The permeability of the skin to water was 78 ± 6 nl min -1 cm -2 atm -1 in 60 toads anaesthetized by chloralose and preincubated in water for 3 hr. Injection of Ringer's solution did not reduce the water uptake by the skin, while hemorrhage, or injection of vasopressin, or oxytocin approximately doubled the rates of water transport. In vivo values of skin water permeability were similar to those observed in vitro. 3. 3. The renal parameters of the water balance were significantly reduced by hemorrhage and by injection of vasopressin. Injection of Ringer's solution promoted a significant increase of the urinary flow and osmolar clearance. 4. 4. It is suggested that the fight against water deprivation could proceed initially by the triggering of the urinary mechanisms of water retention, while the increase of the skin water permeability would occur in a later stage. © 1981.
1. 1. Open-circuit voltage (PD) and short-circuit current (SCC) across toad skin were studied in in vivo conditions. An improved technique for fastening a lucite chamber on the abdominal region of the animal was developed. 2. 2. Saline bridges (230 mM Nacl in 4% agar solution) were placed subcutaneously to make the connections between the extracellular fluid and the half-cells. 3. 3. A clear relationship was observed between the electrical parameters and sodium transport by the skin, since PD and SCC were related to the sodium concentration of the bathing solution, and abolished by the presence of amiloride-a specific sodium transport inhibitor in epithelia. 4. 4. The initial control values of SCC in vivo were higher than those in vitro, which was attributed to hormonal stimulation. However, these high initial control values of SCC in vivo fell with time, reaching steady levels after a 2 hr period. 5. 5. Vasopressin failed to increase SCC in vivo when the external sodium concentration was 115 mM, being effective only when the sodium concentration was low (5 mM). 6. 6. On the other hand, in isolated preparations vasopressin significantly promoted an increase in both PD and SCC. © 1983.
Cytogenetic studies were made on Brazilian Bufo: B. marinus, B. paracnemis, B. ictericus, B. rufus, B. arenarum, B. crucifer, Bufo granulosus, B. pygmaeus and B. margaritifer (= B. typhonius). All these species had a typical karyotype of 2n = 22. Species from the marinus and crucifer groups had NORs on Chromosome 7, species from the granulosus group had NORs on Chromosome 5, and B. margaritifer had NORs on Chromosome 10. The last two locations of NORs are described for the first time for the genus Bufo in South America.
São conhecidas 89 espécies de Gymnophiona para a região Neotropical sendo para a maioria dessas a taxonomia ainda mal definida. Alguns gêneros são claramente parafiléticos e em nível de espécies a falta de novas coletas e a dificuldade aí implícita, pela natureza fossorial desses anfíbios impedem o conhecimento sobre a variação nos caracteres utilizados para as definições taxonômicas. Este trabalho foi implementado para fornecer conhecimento sobre a variação não geográfica e geográfica em caracteres morfológicos externos das espécies da Amazônia brasileira, além de atualizar as informações sobre a distribuição delas. Foram analisados 623 espécimes provenientes de dez coleções zoológicas nacionais e duas do exterior. Foram reconhecidas 16 espécies de Gymnophiona para a Amazônia brasileira, sendo duas formas incertae sedis. Caecilia marcusi Wake, 1984 é sinonimizada com C. mertensi Taylor, 1973 em base na análise de material recentemente coletado em diferentes localidades no Brasil, além de um dos parátipos de C. marcusi (ZSM 82/1982) e fotos detalhadas do holótipo de C. mertensi. Uma espécie nova do gênero, até então monoespecífico, Rhinatrema Duméril & Bibron 1841 e outra do gênero Microcaecilia são descritas. É constatada baixa variação geográfica nos caracteres examinados. A análise multivariada apontou baixa variação quanto à morfometria entre as populações estudadas de Caecilia gracilis e C. tentaculata. São apresentados alguns problemas na diagnose de espécies a partir de comentários sobre espécimes que permanecem como incertae sedis. São apresentadas a distribuição das espécies em mapas e discussões sobre o seu status de conservação.
Este estudo investigou a biodiversidade e a distribuição espaço-temporal da abundância das populações de camarões e descreveu a estrutura populacional de Farfantepenaeus subtilis em um estuário amazônico. Os camarões foram coletados mensalmente de agosto de 2006 a julho de 2007 nos períodos chuvoso (janeiro a junho) e seco (julho a dezembro) com arrasto-de-fundo e arrasto-de-praia nos setores Médio-Superior (MS), Médio (M) e Inferior (I). Em cada setor dois locais foram amostrados, nos quais dois arrastos de fundo de cinco minutos cada e, três arrastos praiais de 150 m2 cada um foram realizados. As variáveis: temperatura, pH e salinidade da água e granulometria e matéria orgânica do sedimento foram analisadas. Para cada camarão foram anotados os Comprimentos Total (CT) e do Cefalotórax (CC), peso total, sexo e estádio de maturação gonadal. A salinidade diferiu significativamente entre os setores I e MS (p<0,05) e o M apresentou baixo teor de matéria orgânica. Em todos os setores os grãos arenosos foram predominantes no substrato, destacando-se a areia fina no setor M. Foram coletados 11.939 camarões, distribuídos em doze espécies e seis famílias. Palaemonidae e Penaeidae tiveram maior riqueza com cinco e três espécies, respectivamente. Penaeidae, Sergestidae e Palaemonidae apresentaram maior abundância, com Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, F. subtilis, Acetes marinus e Nematopalaemon schmitti, contribuindo com 43, 31, 21 e 1,3% do total capturado, respectivamente. As espécies F. subtilis, X. kroyeri e Litopenaeus schmitti contribuíram com 97% da biomassa total. A densidade e a biomassa de F. subtilis diferiram entre o chuvoso e seco (p<0,05), sendo maior no chuvoso. No chuvoso, a densidade de X. kroyeri foi mais elevada nos setores M e I e no seco nos setores MS e M, com maior biomassa no I em ambos períodos sazonais. A densidade e a biomassa de A. marinus foi elevada no setor I (p<0,05). A salinidade, areia, silte e argila influenciaram significativamente a distribuição espaço-temporal da abundância dos camarões (p<0,05). O CC das fêmeas de F. subtilis foi superior aos machos com 13,7 mm e 12,8 mm, respectivamente, e diferiu em março (p<0,05). As fêmeas foram mais abundantes e a razão sexual foi de 0,8:1 com destaque para janeiro, fevereiro, maio e o total analisado (p<0,05). Camarões desenvolvidos ocorreram no chuvoso e a abundância de juvenis foi maior de janeiro a junho quando ocorre o pico mais intenso de desova em mar aberto.