978 resultados para SURFACE-ENHANCED RAMAN


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Surface-enhanced Raman (SERS) spectra of deoxyadenosine and 5'-dAMP on Ag and Au surfaces showed the protonation of both compounds in the N1 position, their orientation geometry on metal surfaces, and the formation of Ag+ complexes at alkaline pH on hydroxylamine-reduced Ag colloids. Interestingly, substitution at the N9 position caused dramatic changes in the relative band intensities within the spectra of both deoxyadenosine and 5'-dAMP compared to that of simple adenine, although they continued to be dominated by adenine vibrations. Concentration-dependent spectra of 5'-dAMP were observed, which matched that of adenine at high concentrations and that of deoxyadenosine at lower concentration (


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We present surface enhanced Raman optical activity (SEROA), as well as Raman, SERS and ROA, spectra of D- and L-ribose. By employing a gel forming polyacrylic acid to control colloid aggregation and associated birefringent artefacts we observe the first definitive proof of SEROA through measurement of mirror image bands for the two enantiomers.


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The SERS spectra of adenine recorded under a broad range of pH values and concentrations using both silver and gold colloids provided evidence for the existence of several distinct species. At high concentration (0.5-10 ppm), the spectra recorded between pH 1 and 11 showed only two distinct spectra, rather than the three forms that would be expected for a compound with two pK(a) values of 4.2 and 9.8. The spectra at neutral and alkaline pH were identical and assigned to the deprotonated form of adenine on the basis of DFT calculations, isotope shifts, and comparison with the normal Raman spectra of neutral and deprotonated adenine. The spectra at acidic pH were different, consistent with adenine protonation. Neutral adenine was not detected at any pH studied. At low adenine concentration (


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DNA sequences attached to Au nanoparticles via thiol linkers stand up from the surface, giving preferential enhancement of the adenine ring breathing SERS band. Non-specific binding via the nucleobases reorients the DNA, reducing this effect. This change in intensity on reorientation was utilised for label-free detection of hybridization of a molecular beacon.


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Singles only: DNA sequences can be induced to spontaneously adsorb to the surfaces of Ag colloids through their nucleotide side chains (see picture). The SERS spectra of these nonspecifically bound strands are sufficiently reproducible that they can be used to identify single-base mismatches in short (25-mer and 23-mer) strands. Subtracting the spectra of different DNA sequences results in difference spectra that contain features corresponding to the exchanged nucleotides.


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A series of metalloporphyrins of the type M(TMPyP) (where M = Ag(II), Zn(II), Cu(II) and TMPyP = meso-tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin) have been investigated in solution and on the surface of silver sols, electrodes, and MELLFs (metal liquidlike films). Similar spectra were recorded on all three surfaces but significant differences in detailed behavior were found. In particular, a novel, reversible, and rapid photoinduced demetalation reaction has been observed for the AgII(TMPyP)/MELLF system. An apparently similar demetalation reaction for the same metalloporphyrin was observed on Ag electrodes but this reversed at a very much slower rate. No demetalation of Ag(II)(TMPyP) was observed with Ag sols nor with any of the other metalloporphyrins at any of the surfaces investigated. The implications of the findings in relation to the nature of the MELLF environment are briefly considered.


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Novel Ag on TiO2 films are generated by semiconductor photocatalysis and characterized by ultraviolet-visible (UV/Vis) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and atomic force microscopy (AFM), as well as assessed for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity. The nature and thickness of the photodeposited Ag, and thus the degree of SERS activity, is controlled by the time of exposure of the TiO2 film to UV light. All such films exhibit the optical characteristics (λmax ≅ 390 nm) of small (<20 nm) Ag particles, although this feature becomes less prominent as the film becomes thicker. The films comprise quite large (>40 nm) Ag islands that grow and merge with increasing levels of Ag photodeposition. Tested with a benzotriazole dye probe, the films are SERS active, exhibiting activity similar to that of 6-nm-thick vapordeposited films. The Ag/TiO2 films exhibit a lower residual standard deviation (∼25%) compared with Ag vapor-deposited films (∼45%), which is, however, still unacceptable for quantitative work. The sample-to-sample variance could be reduced significantly (<7%) by spinning the film during the SERS measurement. The Ag/TiO2 films are mechanically robust and resistant to removal and damage by scratching, unlike the Ag vapor-deposited films. The Ag/TiO2 films also exhibit no obvious loss of SERS activity when stored in the dark under otherwise ambient conditions. The possible extension of this simple, effective method of producing Ag films for SERS, to metals other than Ag and to semiconductors other than TiO2, is briefly discussed. 


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Unlabelled single- and double-stranded DNA (ssDNA and dsDNA, respectively) has been detected at concentrations =10-9?M by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Under appropriate conditions the sequences spontaneously adsorbed to the surface of both Ag and Au colloids through their nucleobases; this allowed highly reproducible spectra with good signal-to-noise ratios to be recorded on completely unmodified samples. This eliminated the need to promote absorption by introducing external linkers, such as thiols. The spectra of model ssDNA sequences contained bands of all the bases present and showed systematic changes when the overall base composition was altered. Initial tests also showed that small but reproducible changes could be detected between oligonucleotides with the same bases arranged in a different order. The spectra of five ssDNA sequences that correspond to different strains of the Escherichia coli bacterium were found to be sufficiently composition-dependent so that they could be differentiated without the need for any advanced multivariate data analysis techniques.


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We present here a detailed study of the complex relationship between the electromagnetic near-field and far-field responses of "real" nanostructured metallic surfaces. The near-field and far-field responses are specified in terms of (spectra of) the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering enhancement factor (SERS EF) and optical extinction, respectively. First, it is shown that gold nanorod- and nanotube-array substrates exhibit three distinct localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs): a longitudinal, a transverse, and a cavity mode. The cavity mode simultaneously has the largest impact on the near-field behavior (as observed through the SERS EF) and the weakest optical interaction: It has a "near-field-type" character. The transverse and longitudinal modes have a significant impact on the far-field behavior but very little impact on SERS: They have a "far-field-type" character. We confirm the presence of the cavity mode using a combination of SERS EF spectra, electron microscopy, and electromagnetic modeling and thus clearly illustrate and explain the (lack of) correlation between the SERS EF spectra and the optical response in terms of the contrasting character of the three LSPRs. In doing so, we experimentally demonstrate that, for a surface that supports multiple LSPRs, the near-field and far-field properties can in fact be tuned almost independently. It is further demonstrated that small changes in geometrical parameters that tune the spectral location of the LPSRs can also drastically influence the character of these modes, resulting in certain unusual behavior, such as the far-field resonance redshift as the near-field resonance blueshifts. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.011001


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A hierarchical nanoparticle strategy to simultaneously gain super Raman signal amplification, high uniformity, and reproducibility is presented. Using hollow Au-Ag alloy nanourchins, an ultrahigh sensitivity, e.g., down to 1 fM concentrations for DEHP molecule is obtained. A small standard deviation of <10% is achieved by simply dropping and evaporating sub-100 nm nanourchins onto a substrate.


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A simple derivatization methodology is shown to extend the application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to the detection of trace concentration of contaminants in liquid form. Normally in SERS the target analyte species is already present in the molecular form in which it is to be detected and is extracted from solution to occupy sites of enhanced electromagnetic field on the substrate by means of chemisorption or drop-casting and subsequent evaporation of the solvent. However, these methods are very ineffective for the detection of low concentrations of contaminant in liquid form because the target (ionic) species (a) exhibits extremely low occupancy of enhancing surface sites in the bulk liquid environment and (b) coevaporates with the solvent. In this study, the target analyte species (acid) is detected via its solid derivative (salt) offering very significant enhancement of the SERS signal because of preferential deposition of the salt at the enhancing surface but without loss of chemical discrimination. The detection of nitric acid and sulfuric acid is demonstrated down to 100 ppb via reaction with ammonium hydroxide to produce the corresponding ammonium salt. This yields an improvement of ∼4 orders of magnitude in the low-concentration detection limit compared with liquid phase detection.


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The surface roughness of nominally smooth and of randomly roughened thin silver films is characterized using scanning tunneling microscopy and the metal grain size is assessed using transmission electron microscopy. On each type of substrate used, glass or CaF2-roughened glass, the silver films are deposited either very slowly (approximately 0.15 nm s-1) or quite quickly (approximately 2.0 nm s-1). Only silver films deposited on CaF2-roughened glass yield measurable surface-enhanced Raman signals for benzoic acid; the enhancement is brought about by surface field amplification due to the excitation of delocalized surface-plasmon polaritons. However, the surface-enhanced Raman signals obtained from the slow-deposited silver films are significantly better (by about a factor of 3) than those obtained from the fast-deposited silver films on a given CaF2-roughened substrate. The explanation of this observation does not lie with different surface roughness; both types of film yield closely similar data on the scanning tunneling microscope. Rather, it is suggested that the relatively small grain size of the fast-deposited silver films leads to increased elastic scattering of surface-plasmon polaritons at the grain boundaries, with a consequent increase of internal damping. This results in a reduction of the scattered Raman signal.