266 resultados para SPT-T


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir os resultados de uma investigação geoambiental realizada em uma área contaminada por resíduos industriais, na qual foi depositada borra oleosa ácida. Sondagens de simples reconhecimento (SPT) foram empregadas para a identificação do perfil estratigráfico da área, e ensaios laboratoriais (granulometria e limites de Atterberg) foram utilizados para caracterização das amostras de solo. Os resultados mostraram que o subsolo da área é constituído por um perfil de solo residual composto essencialmente pelas frações argila e silte. Uma série de sondagens de cone resistivo (RCPT) foi realizada na área com o objetivo de detectar a presença de contaminantes no subsolo, através de medidas da resistividade elétrica. As verticais resistivas foram comparadas com os resultados de duas campanhas de geofísica superficial por eletro resistividade, que foram obtidas em trabalhos anteriores de avaliação da contaminação da área. Com o propósito de avaliar a eficiência do cone resistivo na identificação das zonas contaminadas, os ensaios de RCPT foram realizados próximos a poços de monitoramento, onde foram coletadas amostras da água subterrâneas para análises quantitativas da contaminação. O principal efeito da contaminação do meio físico é redução dos parâmetros físico-químicos, pH e resistividade elétrica da água subterrânea, em razão da elevada quantidade de ácido sulfúrico e metais que são liberados pelo resíduo borra ácida depositado na área. Através das verticais resistivas foi possível identificar uma zona altamente contaminada até 5 m de profundidade, caracterizada por valores muito baixos de resistividade. Os dados fornecidos pelo cone resistivo apresentaram concordância satisfatória com as análises químicas e físico-químicas da água subterrânea. Nas zonas superficiais do subsolo (< 5 m de profundidade) os valores de resistividade obtidos pelo cone resistivo foram inferiores àqueles obtidos através da geofísica de superfície. A compatibilidade entre os resultados foi observada para as cotas mais profundas do subsolo.


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Glicoesfingolipídios (GSL) são constituintes da membrana plasmática e possuem bases de cadeia longa (bases esfingóides) como componente estrutural lipídico. Açúcares podem ser adicionados à ceramida sintetizada de novo (rota 1), sintetizada pela reciclagem da esfingosina (rota 2) e em GSL reciclados através do Golgi (rota 3). A serina palmitoiltransferase (SPT) é a enzima marca-passo e catalisa o primeiro passo na biossíntese de novo destes componentes. A linhagem celular GRX, representativa das células estreladas hepáticas, expressa o fenótipo miofibroblástico e pode ser induzida in vitro a adquirir o fenótipo lipocítico. Ambos fenótipos possuem gangliosídios da série-a (GM2, GM1 e GD1a) bem como o seu precursor GM3, que são expressos como doublets em HPTLC (bandas 1 e 2, respectivamente). Para o estudo da biossíntese dos GSL neste modelo biológico, foram determinadas as condições ideais para a atividade da SPT, e foi avaliada sua atividade na fração microssomal nos dois fenótipos. Também foi determinada a contribuição de cada rota de biossíntese para as duplas bandas. As células foram pré-incubadas com 5mM de -cloroalanina (inibidor da SPT) ou com 25M de fumonisina B1 (inibidor da ceramida sintase) e então, [U-14C]galactose foi adicionada no meio de cultura na presença contínua dos inibidores. Culturas controles (sem inibidores) foram realizadas simultaneamente. Os lipídios foram extraídos, os gangliosídios purificados em colunas Sep-Pack C18 e analisados por HPTLC, a qual foi revelada por auto-radiografia e após, submetida à análise densitométrica. Em ambos fenótipos, a síntese de novo, a reciclagem da esfingosina e a reciclagem pelo Golgi contribuem com a biossíntese dos GSL No miofibroblasto, os doublets dos gangliosídios complexos (GD1a e GM1) são, principalmente, sintetizados pelas rotas de reciclagem; enquanto as bandas do GM2 e do GM3 têm uma participação importante da síntese de novo. No lipócito, as rotas de reciclagem são as mais importantes. Contudo, no lipócito, ambas bandas do GM2 e a banda 2 do GM3 apresentam considerável síntese pela rota de novo. Esta rota tem uma contribuição menor no lipócito do que no miofibroblasto, o que está de acordo com os níveis da atividade da SPT detectados nestes fenótipos. Isto sugere que os fenótipos miofibroblasto e lipócito utilizam pools de ceramida distintos para a síntese de seus GSL e que apresentam importantes diferenças entre as rotas biossintéticas, o que pode se refletir no seu comportamento celular.


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A numerical study on the behavior of tied-back retaining walls in sand, using the finite element method (FEM) is presented. The analyses were performed using the software Plaxis 2D, and were focused on the development of horizontal displacements, horizontal stresses, shear forces and bending moments in the structure during the construction process. Emphasis was placed on the evaluation of wall embedment, tie-back horizontal spacing, wall thickness, and free anchor length on wall behavior. A representative soil profile of a specific region at the City of Natal, Brazil, was used in the numerical analyses. New facilities built on this region often include retaining structures of the same type studied herein. Soil behavior was modeled using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model, whereas the structural elements were modeled using the linear elastic model. Shear strength parameters of the soil layers were obtained from direct shear test results conducted with samples collected at the studied site. Deformation parameters were obtained from empirical correlations from SPT test results carried out on the studied site. The results of the numerical analyses revealed that the effect of wall embedment on the investigated parameters is virtually negligible. Conversely, the tie-back horizontal spacing plays an important role on the investigated parameters. The results also demonstrated that the wall thickness significantly affects the wall horizontal displacements, and the shear forces and bending moments within the retaining structure. However, wall thickness was not found to influence horizontal stresses in the structure


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An experimental study has been conducted to investigate the behavior of continuous flight auger (cfa) bored piles and metalic driven H-section piles under lateral loading in cohesionless soils. The piles were tested in two different areas at the same site. Both areas consisted of a 3-m thick compacted superficial fill of pure fine sand, underlain by layers of naturally occurring pure fine-thick sand. Fills are differentiated by the relative densities which were compressed, 45% e 70%, respectively. Each area received one identical pair of cfa piles and two identical pairs of H-piles. A static lateral loading test was performed in each pair of piles. In this work, the pile load test results are reported and interpreted. The horizontal coefficient of subgrade reaction was determined from the results of the loading tests and compared with values determined by correlations based on penetration resistance index of SPT tests (NSPT). p-y formulations describing the static behavior of the piles were applied to the problem under evaluation. Back Analyses were made through theoretical and experimental p-y curves for obtaining input parameters for the analytic models, among which the coefficient of horizontal reaction. The soil pile system horizontal loading at rupture was determined by the theoretical methods and the results were compared with the experimental results, checking its validity


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The paper presents the results of instrumented compression load tests carried out in three uncased cast-in-place piles (pounded piles, called apiloadas in Brazil) which is largely used in interior part of the state of São Paulo. The tests were conducted with the soil in the natural condition and after soaking with water, before loading, in order to evaluate the influence of the soil collapsibility in the results. The values of the ultimate loads (total, point and lateral loads) obtained in the tests are presented and compared with the values predicted by empirical methods that utilize SPT and CPT results.


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During the construction of five residential buildings in the city of Taubate, State of São Paulo, it was possible to carry out one comprehensive investigation of the behavior of precast concrete piles in clay shales. This paper describes the results of Dynamic Load Tests (DLT's) executed in three piles with different diameters and with the same embedded length. The tests were monitored using the PDA(R) (Pile Driving Analyzer) and the pile top displacement was measured by pencil and paper procedure. From the curves of RMX versus DMX resulted from CASE(R) method, CAPWAPC(R) analyses were made for signals where the maximum mobilized soil resistance was verified. The results were compared with the predicted bearing capacity using the semi-empirical method of Decourt & Quaresma (1978) and Decourt (1982) based on SPT values and the description of the soil profile. Some comments related to the values of quake and damping used for clay shales in the analyses are also presented.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work investigated whether the preference for NaCl solution is shifted to more palatable solutions in the adult male sodium-depleted rat (n=6-10 per group). Animals had daily access to three bottles, one containing water, another 1.8% NaCl (300 mM), and a third containing 0.9% NaCl (150 mM), Gatorade (orange-OG or grape flavored-GG), orange juice (sweetened or unsweetened, from concentrate), or 10% sucrose (no sodium). Sodium content in Gatorade and orange juice ranged from 7 to 14 mEq/l. Daily intakes were recorded for at least 5 days prior to sodium depletion. Then, the animals were depleted of sodium (diuretic plus sodium-deficient diet and water for 24 h). Then, the other two bottles were returned to the animals and the intakes were recorded for 120 min (sodium preference test, SPT). Daily intake from the third bottle (except for unsweetened orange juice) at least doubled the daily 1.8% NaCl intake. The average 1.8% NaCl intake (13 +/- 2 ml) in the SPT was higher than the intake of 10% sucrose (6 +/- 1 ml) or of any other solution (less than 6 ml). The intakes of 1.8% NaCl and 0.9% NaCl (10 +/- 3 ml) were similar during the SPT. The animals also preferred 0.9% NaCl (27 +/- 1 ml) to OG (3 +/- 1 ml) in the absence of 1.8% NaCl in the SPT. Therefore, the preference for sodium in sodium-depleted rats also applies when palatable and nutritive solutions are simultaneously available. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Flotation has been widely used in studies of recent foraminifera in order to concentrate tests and save time during picking. In this paper, four flotation agents with different densities were compared: (1) trichloroethylene, TCE (C2HCl3), with a density of 1.46 g mL(-1); (2) sodium nitrate/sodium thiosulfate solution, SNT (NaNO3 + Na2O3S2 center dot 5H(2)O), with a density of 1.46 g mL(-1); (3) zinc chloride Solution, ZC (ZHCl(2)), with a density of 1.70 g mL(-1); and (4) sodium polytungstate solution, SPT (3Na(2)WO(4) center dot 9WO(3) center dot 5H(2)O), with a density of 2.50 g mL(-1). Comparison was carried out by means of qualitative and quantitative data. Results showed that ZC and SPT were the best flotation agents, recovering 91% and 96% of the total tests, respectively, whereas TCE and SNT recovered 59.1% and 72.8%, respectively. Both quantitative and qualitative results significantly improved with a higher density of the flotation liquid. Therefore, substitution of TCE with ZC or SPT solutions is strongly encouraged, because they are, additionally, less harmful to health and the environment. ZC is the most cost-effective, since its results were not significantly different from those of the SPT treatment. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) was not considered in this comparative study, because it has been banned in many countries and it is highly harmful to health and the environment.


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This paper deals with a class of singularly perturbed reversible planar vector fields around the origin where the normal hyperbolicity assumption is not assumed. We exhibit conditions for the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits and hetero-clinic cycles converging to singular orbits with respect to the Hausdorf distance. In addition, generic normal forms of such singularities are presented.


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Over the last decades, technical-scientific advances of oncology have brought about an increased survival rate for cancer patients. As a result, oncologists have detected an increased number of patients presenting with other neoplasms. This research aimed to analyze factors related to demography and to the anatomic site in patients having a FPT of the mouth who developed a SPT. Medical charts of 848 patients neoplasm admitted for treatment at the Head and Neck Surgery Department of the Hospital do Cancer, Antonio Candido Camargo, Brazil, from January of 1984 to December, were analysed. of these, 12 6 developed a SPT. 49.21 % were from 51 to 65 years of age, while 83.33% were of the male gender and Caucasian. Regarding FPT site 38.89% were of the tongue, and 28.5% were of the floor of the mouth. The esophagus, excepting skin (13.49%), was more often subject to SPT (11.9%), of these 74.6% were metachronic, 15.87% simultaneous and 9.52% synchronous.


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Recent work has demonstrated that some actively transcribed genes closely associate with nuclear pore complexes (NPC) at the nuclear periphery. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mlp1 and Mlp2 proteins are components of the inner nuclear basket of the nuclear pore that mediate interactions with these active genes. To investigate the physical link between the NPC and active loci, we identified proteins that interact with the carboxyl-terminal globular domain of Mlp1 by tandem affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry. This analysis led to the identification of several components of the Spt-Ada-Gcn5-acetyltransferase ( SAGA) histone acetyltransferase complex, Gcn5, Ada2, and Spt7. We utilized co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro binding assays to confirm the interaction between the Mlp proteins and SAGA components. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Mlp1 and SAGA components associate with the same region of the GAL promoters. Critically, this Mlp-promoter interaction depends on the integrity of the SAGA complex. These results identify a physical association between SAGA and the NPC, and support previous results that relied upon visualization of GAL loci at the nuclear periphery by microscopy ( Cabal, G. G. Genovesio, A., Rodriguez-Navarro, S., Zimmer, C., Gadal, O., Lesne, A., Buc, H., Feuerbach- Fournier, F., Olivo-Marin, J.-C., Hurt, E. C., and Nehrbass, U. ( 2006) Nature 441, 770-773). We propose that a physical interaction between nuclear pore components and the SAGA complex can link the actively transcribed GAL genes to the nuclear pore.


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The need for standardization of the measured blow count number N-spt into a normalized reference energy value is now fully recognized. The present paper extends the existing theoretical approach using the wave propagation theory as framework and introduces an analysis for large displacements enabling the influence of rod length in the measured N-spt values to be quantified. The study is based on both calibration chamber and field tests. Energy measurements are monitored in two different positions: below the anvil and above the sampler. Both experimental and numerical results demonstrate that whereas the energy delivered into the rod stem is expressed as a ratio of the theoretical free-fall energy of the hammer, the effective sampler energy is a function of the hammer height of fall, sampler permanent penetration, and weight of both hammer and rods. Influence of rod length is twofold and produces opposite effects: wave energy losses increase with increasing rod length and in a long rod composition the gain in potential energy from rod weight is significant and may partially compensate measured energy losses. Based on this revised approach, an analytical solution is proposed to calculate the energy delivered to the sampler and efficiency coefficients are suggested to account for energy losses during the energy transference process.


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THIS IS A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY of 418 patients who received active periodontal treatment between the years of 1984 and 1990. The patients were instructed to return for supportive periodontal treatment (SPT) at 3 to 6-month intervals. The objective of this study was to evaluate patient compliance with periodic recall visits, and to study the relationship of bleeding upon probing in those who returned regularly. The patients were divided into 3 groups: patients who returned periodically for supportive treatment, patients who interrupted the proposed maintenance treatment, and patients who never returned after active periodontal treatment. Analysis was made for each group to correlate the degree of compliance with gender, disease classification, and type of treatment received. To analyze bleeding upon probing, 2 groups of patients were selected: a test group with 39 patients who had attended at least 10 recall visits and participated in the study for more than 40 months, and a control group of 21 patients who interrupted the SPT for at least 12 months. The results showed that 26% of the treated patients returned for SPT and, of those, 40% returned irregularly. There was a statistical significant difference in compliance in relation to disease classification and the type of treatment received, but no correlation was found between compliance and gender. There was a statistically significant difference in compliance between the test group and the control group in relation to the variation of the bleeding index.