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Cette Introduction informe ses lecteurs des questions essentielles abordées dans l'étude des vingt-sept livres du Nouveau Testament. Chacun d'eux fait ici l'objet d'un chapitre qui développe les rubriques suivantes : présentation littéraire de l'écrit, milieu et circonstances historiques de sa production, composition littéraire, visée théologique et indications bibliographiques. Regroupant des exégètes francophones de sensibilité protestante et catholique, cet ouvrage est devenu un manuel de référence.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Le cinquantenaire des Sources chrétiennes, qui a été célébré à Rome, Paris et Lyon en octobre, novembre et décembre 1993, a été l'occasion de faire une évaluation en profondeur de ce qui est en jeu dans la patrologie en cette fin du XXème siècle.
Rotaviruses have been implicated as the major causal agents of acute diarrhoea in mammals and fowls. Experimental rotavirus infection have been associated to a series of sub-cellular pathologic alterations leading to cell lysis which may represent key functions in the pathogenesis of the diarrhoeic disease. The current work describes the cytopathic changes in cultured MA-104 cells infected by a simian (SA-11) and a porcine (1154) rotavirus strains. Trypan blue exclusion staining showed increased cell permeability after infection by both strains, as demonstrated by cell viability. This effect was confirmed by the leakage of infected cells evaluated by chromium release. Nuclear fragmentation was observed by acridine orange and Wright staining but specific DNA cleavage was not detected. Ultrastructural changes, such as chromatin condensation, cytoplasm vacuolisation, and loss of intercellular contact were shown in infected cells for both strains. In situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (Tunel) assay did not show positive result. In conclusion, we demonstrated that both strains of rotavirus induced necrosis as the major degenerative effect.
(résumé de l'ouvrage) Studies on Origen at the beginning of the 21st century continue to dig old and new grounds of research. After the epoch-making rediscovery of the great Alexandrian doctor throughout the past century, contemporary research increasingly deals with the close context of his writings and thought: the cultural tradition of Alexandria in all its components - Hellenistic, Jewish, Egyptian, Gnostic and Christian. This topic was the theme chosen for the «Colloquium Origenianum Octavum» (Pisa, 27-31 August 2001), a major event of patristic scholarship. The proceedings now contain more than 100 papers of contributors from about 30 countries. They not only provide the best overview on a lively field of studies but also demonstrate how Origen's heritage in Christian history and theology carried with it the imprint of one of the most vital traditions of Western civilization.