972 resultados para Rite of passage


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Natural isolates and laboratory strains of West Nile virus (WNV) and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) were attenuated for neuroinvasiveness in mouse models for flavivirus encephalitis by serial passage in human adenocarcinoma (SW13) cells. The passage variants displayed a small-plaque phenotype, augmented affinity for heparin-Sepharose, and a marked increase in specific infectivity for SW13 cells relative to the respective parental viruses, while the specific infectivity for Vero cells was not altered. Therefore, host cell adaptation of passage variants was most likely a consequence of altered receptor usage for virus attachment-entry with the involvement of cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in this process. In vivo blood clearance kinetics of the passage variants was markedly faster and viremia was reduced relative to the parental viruses, suggesting that affinity for GAG (ubiquitously present on cell surfaces and extracellular matrices) is a key determinant for the neuroinvasiveness of encephalitic flaviviruses. A difference in pathogenesis between WNV and JEV, which was reflected in more efficient growth in the spleen and liver of the WNV parent and passage variants, accounted for a less pronounced loss of neuroinvasiveness of GAG binding variants of WNV than JEV. Single gain-of-net-positive-charge amino acid changes at E protein residue 49, 138, 306, or 389/390, putatively positioned in two clusters on the virion surface, define molecular determinants for GAG binding and concomitant virulence attenuation that are shared by the JEV serotype flaviviruses.


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I-2 is an avirulent strain of Newcastle disease virus. During establishment of the I-2 strain master vaccine seed, a series of selection procedures was carried out at 56 degrees C in order to enhance heat resistance. This master seed is used to produce a working seed, which is then employed to produce the vaccine. These two passages are done without further heat selection; however, it is not known how rapidly and to what extent thermostable variants would be lost during further passage. The study was therefore conducted to determine the effect of passage on thermostability of strain I-2. The virus was serially passaged and at various passage levels samples were subjected to heat treatment at 56 degrees C for 120 min. The inactivation rates for infectivity and haemagglutinin (HA) titres were assayed by use of chicken embryonated eggs and HA test, respectively. Thermostability of HA and infectivity of I-2 virus were reduced after 10 and 5 passages, respectively, without heat selection at 56 degrees C. These results suggest that 5 more passages could be carried out between the working seed and vaccine levels without excessive loss of thermostability. This would result in increased vaccine production from a single batch of a working seed.


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Routine cell line maintenance involves removal of waste products and replenishment of nutrients via replacement of cell culture media. Here, we report that routine maintenance of three discrete cell lines (HSB-CCRF-2 and Jurkat T cells, and phaeo-chromocytoma PC12 cells) decreases the principal cellular antioxidant, glutathione, by up to 42% in HSB-CCRF-2 cells between 60 and 120 min after media replenishment. However, cellular glutathione levels returned to baseline within 5 h after passage. The decrease in glutathione was associated with modulation of the response of Jurkat T cells to apoptotic and mitogenic signals. Methotrexate-induced apoptosis over 16 h, measured as accumulation of apoptotic nucleoids, was decreased from 22 to 17% if cells were exposed to cytotoxic agent 30 min after passage compared with cells exposed to MTX in the absence of passage. In contrast, interleukin-2 (IL-2) production over 24 h in response to the toxin phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), was increased by 34% if cells were challenged 2 h after passage compared with PHA treatment in the absence of passage. This research highlights the presence of a window of time after cell passage of non-adherent cells that may lead to over- or under-estimation of subsequent cell responses to toxins, which is dependent on cellular antioxidant capacity or redox state. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reseña: LE BRETON, David. 2015. Disparaître de soi. Une tentation contemporaine. París: Métailié.


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Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e interpretación del corpus, su estructura y función. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los múltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurrección y salvación del difunto.


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The present work analyses, under an anthropologic perspective, each one of the phases of the rites of passage lived by the protagonists of Guimarães Rosa’s Campo geral and Mia Couto’s Terra sonâmbula, trying to track in these texts the elements related to the traditional societies’ culture and trying to identify the meaning of the mentioned elements in the specific context of the authors. The two writers mix these primitive components with the regional culture and therefore achieve, starting also from the local representations, to reach a universal extent.


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18 months embargo on the thesis and check appendix for copy right materials


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This paper presents a “research frame” which we have found useful in analyzing complex socio- technical situations. The research frame is based on aspects of actor-network theory: “interressment”, “enrollment”, “points of passage” and the “trial of strength”. Each of these aspects are described in turn, making clear their purpose in the overall research frame. Having established the research frame it is used to analyse two examples. First, the use of speech recognition technology is examined in two different contexts, showing how to apply the frame to compare and contrast current situations. Next, a current medical consultation context is described and the research frame is used to consider how it could change with innovative technology. In both examples, the research frame shows that the use of an artefact or technology must be considered together with the context in which it is used.


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Recent data highlighted the association between penetration of antiretrovirals in the central nervous system (CNS) and neurocognitive impairment in HIVpositive patients. Existing antiretrovirals have been ranked according to a score of neuropenetration, which was shown to be a predictor of anti-HIVactivity in the CNS and improvement of neurocognitive disorders [1]. Main factors affecting drug penetration are known to be protein binding, lipophilicity and molecular weight [2]. Moreover, active translation by membrane transporters (such as p-glycoprotein) could be a key mechanism of passage [3]. The use of raltegravir (RGV), a novel antiretroviral drug targeted to inhibit the HIV preintegrase complex, is increasing worldwide due to its efficacy and tolerability. However, penetration of RGV in the CNS has not been yet elucidated. In fact, prediction of RGV neuropenetration according to molecular characteristics is controversial. Intermediate protein binding (83%) and large volume of distribution (273 l) could suggest a high distribution beyond extracellular spaces [4]. On the contrary, low lipophilicity (oil/water partition coefficient at pH 7.4 of 2.80) and intermediate molecular weight (482.51 Da) suggest a limited diffusion. Furthermore, in-vitro studies suggest that RGV is substrate of p-glycoprotein, although this efflux pump has not been identified to significantly affect plasma pharmacokinetics [5]. In any case, no data concerning RGV passage into cerebrospinal fluid of animals or humans have yet been published.


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This practice-led project is implemented in the context of rites of passage based on significant events in formative transitions of Self. It employs an intuitive methodology to examine and explore the 'Child archetype', mythos, symbolic imagination and self-narrative, through the manifestation of a visual symbolic language. The contexts, methods and processes enable empowerment, heightened awareness of personal and collective relationships, meaningful discovery and development of innovative ideas and forms. The implications for this project highlight the importance of intuition in creativity and innovation. Creative practice is a vehicle for personal and collective interconnectedness. I have discovered self-empowerment, meaningful learning and innovative forms of personal and collective communication as a way of enabling transition of a significant life event.


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The mechanisms and control of hardseededness in the 3 Australian cultivars of the genus Desmanthus were investigated in a series of experiments in which the effects of various seedsoftening treatments, particularly boiling water, were measured. Desmanthus seed is predominantly hard, only defective seeds being normally otherwise. As it has only very brief, early embryo dormancy, hardseededness is the only serious barrier to germination. Seed is most readily softened through rupture of the palisade at the lens (strophiole). The lens is of a typically mimosaceous type which is readily ruptured by immersion in boiling water or less readily by application of pressure to adjacent parts of the testa. Ruptures may consist only of separation of the palisade from underlying tissue, which alone does not confer permeability; mostly they also result in fractures to the palisade that then render seeds irreversibly permeable. The palisade becomes reflective as it separates, which allows the event to be witnessed at the moment of separation if suitable pressure is applied to the testa of an individual seed while it is viewed under magnification. Brief (4–10 seconds) immersion of highquality seed in boiling water consistently softened a high proportion of seeds without causing serious damage. Extending the duration of immersion led to a progressive increase in the proportion of seed deaths. Neither previous boiling water treatment nor scarification damage to the testa materially affected results of treatment, but immature and small seeds behaved differently, being more vulnerable to damage than mature seed, and less likely to undergo lens rupture. Adaptation of boiling water treatment to farm-scale seed handling was simple and reliable. Commercial treatment of seed by an alternative method suitable for greater bulks and consisting of passage through a rice-whitener was checked and found to be successful through a combination of gentle scarification and lens rupture, both attributable to the numerous minor impacts of the process. Percentage emergence of seedlings from soil in the greenhouse closely followed percentage laboratory germination, except when inferior seed grades were included in the comparison, when emergence was poor. Very little seed softened in soil. Already-permeable seed either germinated rapidly or died, while buried hard seed mostly remained hard and viable even more than a year after sowing.


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Information retrieval of concise and consistent text passages is called passage retrieval. Passages can be used in an information retrieval system to improve its user interface and performance. In this thesis passage retrieval is compared to other forms of information retrieval. Implementation of passage retrieval as a feature of an information retrieval system is discussed. Various existing passage retrieval methods, their implementation and their efficiency are compared. I evaluated two different implementations of passage retrieval: direct passage retrieval and combined passage retrieval. In comparison combined passage retrieval turned out to be more efficient.


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The purpose of this work is to use the concepts of human time and cultural trauma in a biographical study of the turning points in the recent history of Estonia. This research is primarily based on 148 in-depth biographical interviews conducted in Estonia and Sweden in 1995-2005, supplemented by excerpts from 5 collections and 10 individually published autobiographies. The main body of the thesis consists of six published and of two forthcoming separate refereed articles, summarised in the theoretical introduction, and Appendix of the full texts of three particular life stories. The topic of the first article is the generational composition and the collective action frames of anti-Soviet social mobilisation in Estonia in 1940-1990. The second article details the differentiation of the rites of passage and the calendar traditions as a strategy to adapt to the rapidly changed political realities, comparatively in Soviet Estonia and among the boat-refugees in Sweden. The third article investigates the life stories of the double-minded strategic generation of the Estonian-inclined Communists, who attempted to work within the Soviet system while professing to uphold the ideals of pre-war Estonia. The fourth article is concentrated on the problems of double mental standards as a coping strategy in a contradictory social reality. The fifth article implements the theory of cultural trauma for the social practice of singing nationalism in Estonia. The sixth article bridges the ideas of Russian theoreticians concerning cultural dialogue and the Western paradigm of cultural trauma, with examples from Estonian Russian life stories. The seventh article takes a biographical look at the logic of the unraveling of cultural trauma through four Soviet decades. The eighth article explores the re-shaping of citizen activities as a strategy of coping with the loss of the independent nation state, comparatively in Soviet Estonia and among Swedish Estonians. Cultural trauma is interpreted as the re-ordering of the society s value-normative constellation due to sharp, violent, usually political events. The first one under consideration was caused by the occupations of the Republic of Estonia by the Soviet army in 1940-45. After half a century of suppression the memories of these events resurfaced as different stories describing the long-term, often inter-generational strategies of coping with the value collapse. The second cultural trauma is revealed together with the collapse of the Soviet power and ideology in Estonia in 1991. According to empirical data, the following three trauma discourses have been reconstructed: - the forced adaptation to Soviet order of the homeland Estonians; - the difficulty of preserving Estonian identity in exile (Sweden); - the identity crisis of the Russian population of Estonia. Comparative analyses of these discourses have shown that opposing experiences and worldviews cause conflicting interpretations of the past. Different social and ethnic groups consider coping with cultural trauma as a matter of self-defence and create appropriate usable pasts to identify with. Keywords: human time, cultural trauma, frame analysis, discourse, life stories


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Busca conhecer as razões pelas quais as comissões mistas não se instalam para apreciar as medidas provisórias. Para isso, foram analisados os precursores do instituto da medida provisória nas constituições republicanas no sentido de compará-los; observadas práticas políticas em detrimento às regras; verificadas manifestações das lideranças partidárias que colaboram para a instalação ou não das comissões; foram estudados casos de algumas comissões. Por último, foram analisadas propostas de emenda à Constituição na busca pela solução da questão, com a extinção ou criação de uma comissão mista permanente.


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Analisa a tramitação de Medidas Provisórias pela Câmara dos Deputados, levando em consideração os princípios basilares do processo legislativo, bem como os aspectos controversos que envolvem aplicação do texto constitucional, interpretações e decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal. A presente obra aborda em especial a Questão de Ordem n. 411, de 2009, que alterou significativamente o rito de deliberação das Medidas Provisórias, destacando a importante contribuição política e acadêmica trazida pelo então presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Michel Temer. Busca-se evidenciar a importante discussão no Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre as matérias interna corporis. Evidencia o constante e delicado controle de um poder sobre o outro. Por fim, explora as decisões da Suprema Corte em relação à atuação parlamentar, no que se refere ao cumprimento de dispositivos constitucionais e regimentais. A análise desta obra permite ao leitor uma visão global sobre o processo legislativo, tramitação das Medidas Provisórias, mecanismos e limites de controle entre os poderes da República e as decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal em relação ao Parlamento.