838 resultados para Residence for elderly people


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Objectives: This study examined the impact of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in Hong Kong in 2003, on the subjective wellbeing (SWB) of elderly people and a younger comparative sample. The Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI), a contemporary instrument employed to measure SWB, was also examined for its psychometric performance to substantiate its use.

Method: A total of 302 older adults (age 65 + years) and 158 younger adults (age 35-46 years) were recruited from different districts. Data were collected by individual face-to-face interviews.

Result: While elderly people living in severely infected districts showed significantly lower levels of SWB, these levels and those of the younger sample were found to remain within the normative range. A major mitigating factor was an increased sense of community-connectedness. Other characteristics linked to low wellbeing levels included chronic illness, female gender, low education and unemployment. The living districts, characterized by varying extents of infection, had stronger associations with SWB than participants' age. The PWI demonstrated good psychometric performance and also more robustness with elderly people, including its sensitivity to the sense of population threat.

: Psychological resilience was identified among both the elderly and younger age-groups in Hong Kong during the SARS pandemic. The PWI is verified as a suitable instrument for SWB measurements.


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The aim of the study was to determine how aspects of communication between nurses and the elderly were perceived by elderly people, future nurses, and uninvolved observers. Respondents (elderly women and nursing and psychology students) rated videotapes of interactions between a nurse and an elderly woman on three dimensions: patronizing, status, and solidarity. Three communication strategies and their combinations were represented in the vignettes. Because the strategies presented were perceived as patronizing by all three groups, no group effect was found for the patronizing dimension. The results show clear group differences particularly between the nursing students and the elderly, with the elderly rating many of the strategies more positively than did the nursing students. The results are discussed in relation to previous evaluations of overaccommodation, and implications of the different perceptions are considered.


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Relevant to the study of people’s attitudes towards public transport use is the consideration to the role of technology as part of the travel experience. Technologies aim to enhance daily tasks but tend to change the way people interact with products and can be perceived as difficult to use. This is critical in the context of “public use” where products and services are to be used by the population at large: adults, children, elderly, people with disabilities, and tourists. From different perspectives, the topic of users and the use of technologies have been studied in the social sciences and human computer interaction fields; however, earlier approaches fail to address the ways in which experiential knowledge informs people’s interactions with products and technologies, and how such information could guide the design of future technologies. This paper describes a pilot study, part of a larger ongoing exploratory research that investigates people’s experiences with infrastructure, systems, and technologies in the context of public transport. The methodological approach included focus groups, field observations, and retrospective verbal reports. At this stage, the study found that four context led factors were the primary source of reference informing participants’ actions and interactions; they are: (i) context >> experience, (ii) context >> interface, (iii) context >> knowledge, (iv) context >> emotion.


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Background Physical conditions through gait and other functional task are parameters to consider for frailty detection. The aim of the present study is to measure and describe the variability of acceleration, angular velocity and trunk displacement in the ten meter Extended Timed Get-Up-and-Go test in two groups of frail and non-frail elderly people through instrumentation with the iPhone4® smartphone. Secondly, to analyze the differences and performance of the variance between the study groups (frail and non-frail). This is a cross-sectional study of 30 subjects aged over 65 years, 14 frail subjects and 16 non-frail subjects. Results The highest difference between groups in the Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit subphases was in the y axis (vertical vector). The minimum acceleration in the Stand-to-Sit phase was -2.69 (-4.17 / -0.96) m/s2 frail elderly versus -8.49 (-12.1 / -5.23) m/s2 non-frail elderly, p < 0.001. In the Gait Go and Gait Come subphases the biggest differences found between the groups were in the vertical axis: -2.45 (-2.77 /-1.89) m/s2 frail elderly versus -5.93 (-6.87 / -4.51) m/s2 non-frail elderly, p < 0.001. Finally, with regards to the turning subphase, the statistically significant differences found between the groups were greater in the data obtained from the gyroscope than from the accelerometer (the gyroscope data for the mean maximum peak value for Yaw movement angular velocity in the frail elderly was specifically 25.60°/s, compared to 112.8°/s for the non-frail elderly, p < 0.05). Conclusions The inertial sensor fitted in the iPhone4® is capable of studying and analyzing the kinematics of the different subphases of the Extended Timed Up and Go test in frail and non-frail elderly people. For the Extended Timed Up and Go test, this device allows more sensitive differentiation between population groups than the traditionally used variable, namely time.


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Infectious diseases put an enormous burden on both children and the elderly in the forms of respiratory, gastrointestinal and oral infections. There is evidence suggesting that specific probiotics may be antagonistic to pathogens and may enhance the immune system, but the clinical evidence is still too sparce to make general conclusions on the disease-preventive effects of probiotics. This thesis, consisting of four independent, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, investigated whether Lactobacillus GG (LGG) or a specific probiotic combination containing LGG would reduce the risk of common infections or the prevalence of pathogens in healthy and infection-prone children and in independent and institutionalised elderly people. In healthy day-care children, the 7-month consumption of probiotic milk containing Lactobacillus GG appeared to postpone the first acute respiratory infection (ARI) by one week (p=0.03, adjusted p=0.16), and to reduce complicated infections (39% vs. 47%, p<0.05, adjusted p=0.13), as well as the need for antibiotic treatment (44% vs. 54%, p=0.03, adjusted p=0.08) and day-care absences (4.9 vs. 5.8 days, p=0.03, adjusted p=0.09) compared to the placebo milk. In infection-prone children, the 6-month consumption of a combination of four probiotic bacteria (LGG, L. rhamnosus LC705, Propionibacterium freudenreichii JS, Bifidobacterium breve 99) taken in capsules appeared to reduce recurrent ARIs (72% vs. 82%, p<0.05; adjusted p=0.06), and the effect was particularly noticeable in a subgroup of children with allergic diseases (12% vs. 33%, p=0.03), although no effect on the presence of nasopharyngeal rhinovirus or enterovirus was seen. The 5-month consumption of the same probiotic combination did not show any beneficial effects on the respiratory infections in frail, institutionalised elderly subjects. In healthy children receiving Lactobacillus GG, the reduction in complications resulted in a marginal reduction in the occurrence of acute otitis media (AOM) (31% vs. 39%, p=0.08; adjusted p=0.19), and the postponement of the first AOM episode by 12 days (p=0.04; adjusted p=0.09). However, in otitis-prone children, a probiotic combination did not reduce the occurrence of AOM or the total prevalence of common AOM pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis), except in the case of children with allergic diseases, in whom probiotics reduced recurrent AOM episodes (0% vs. 14%, p=0.03). In addition, interaction between probiotics and bacterial carriage was seen: probiot-ics reduced AOM in children who did not carry any bacterial pathogens (63% vs. 83%), but the effect was the reverse in children carrying bacteria in the nasopharynx (74% vs 62%) (p<0.05). Long-term probiotic treatment, either LGG given in milk to healthy children for 7 months or a combination of probiotics given in capsules to institutionalised elderly subjects for 5 months, did not reduce the occurrence of acute diarrhoea. However, when the probiotic combination (LGG, L. rhamnosus LC705, Propionibacterium JS) was given in cheese to independent elderly subjects for 4 months, the oral carriage of high Candida counts was reduced in the probiotic group vs. the placebo group (21% vs. 34%, p=0.01, adjusted p=0.004). The risk of hyposalivation was also reduced in the probiotic group (p=0.05). In conclusion, probiotics appear to slightly alleviate the severity of infections by postponing their appearance, by reducing complications and the need for antimicrobial treatments. In addition, they appear to prevent recurrent infections in certain subgroups of children, such as in infection-prone children with allergic diseases. Alleviating ARI by probiotics may lead to a marginal reduction in the occurrence of AOM in healthy children but not in infection-prone children with disturbed nasopharyngeal microbiota. On the basis of these results it could be supposed that Lactobacillus GG or a specific combination containing LGG are effective against viral but not against bacterial otitis, and the mechanism is probably mediated through the stimulation of the immune system. A specific probiotic combination does not reduce respiratory infections in frail elderly subjects. Acute diarrhoea, either in children or in the elderly, is not prevented by the continuous, long-term consumption of probiotics, but the consumption of a specific probiotic combination in a food matrix is beneficial to the oral health of the elderly, through the reduction of the carriage of Candida.


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Las previsiones del número de personas mayores en España para el año 2050 se han disparado. Un aumento de la población mayor que supondrá grandes dificultades para un sistema público de pensiones cuya viabilidad está en duda. España es un país en el que la cultura del ahorro a través de la vivienda en propiedad está muy arraigada. Sin embargo, en la actualidad existe un auge de las personas que optan por el alquiler como forma de residencia. Por ello, durante este trabajo se analiza la vida de una persona que optará bien por la compra de una vivienda o bien por el alquiler de una vivienda para complementar su futura pensión pública. Mediante la compra de vivienda, y una vez amortizado el préstamo hipotecario que deberá soportar, se le presentaran los productos denominados vivienda pensión e hipoteca inversa para financiar las posibles necesidades que puedan surgir en su jubilación. Por otro lado, el arrendatario optara por un producto de ahorro a largo plazo, cuya rentabilidad variara a lo largo del tiempo en función de su aversión al riesgo, de manera que llegado el momento de la jubilación disponga de un capital.


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Q. Meng and M. H. Lee, Learning and Control in Assistive Robotics for the Elderly, IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), Singapore, 2004.


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Q. Meng and M.H. Lee, 'Design issues for Assistive Robotics for the Elderly', Advanced Engineering Informatics, 20(2), pp 171-186, 2006.


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Introduction: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTIs) are highly prevalent in institutionalised people with dementia, constituting an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Computerised auscultation of Adventitious Lung Sounds (ALS) has shown to be objective and reliable to assess and monitor respiratory diseases, however its application in people with dementia is unknown. Aim: This study characterised ALS (crackles and wheezes) in institutionalised people with dementia. Methods: An exploratory descriptive study, including 6 long-term care institutions was conducted. The sample included a dementia group (DG) of 30 people with dementia and a match healthy group (HG) of 30 elderly people. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data, cognition, type and severity of dementia, cardio-respiratory parameters, balance, mobility and activities and participation were collected. Lung sounds were recorded with a digital stethoscope following Computerised Respiratory Sound Analysis (CORSA) guidelines. Crackles’ location, number (N), frequency (F), two-cycle duration (2CD), initial deflection width (IDW) and largest deflection width (LDW) and wheezes’ number (N), ratio (R) and frequency (F) were analysed per breathing phase. Statistical analyses were performed using PASW Statistics(v.19). Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to the mean N of crackles during inspiration and expiration in both trachea and thorax. DG trachea crackles had significant higher F during inspiration and lower IDW, 2CD and LDW during expiration when compared with HG. At the thorax, the LDW during inspiration was also significantly lower in the DG. A significant higher N of inspiratory wheezes was found in the HG. Both groups had a low ratio of high frequency wheezes. Conclusion: Computerised analyses of ALS informed on the respiratory system and function of people with dementia and elderly people. Hence, this could be the step towards prevention, early diagnosis and continuous monitoring of respiratory diseases in people with cognitive impairment.


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RESUMO - O crescimento da população idosa constitui um dos principais desafios para as atuais e futuras sociedades. A possibilidade de as pessoas permanecerem na sua comunidade de forma saudável e ativa, à medida que envelhecem, elevam a importância da questão da mobilidade e da forma como se deslocam, na saúde e qualidade de vida desta população. O presente trabalho propôs-se perceber de que forma o acesso a transporte influencia a saúde e qualidade de vida, na perspetiva das pessoas idosas e identificar fatores que atuassem como barreiras ao acesso e utilização de transportes, principalmente transportes públicos. A metodologia utilizada foi estudo de caso, com base no modelo PRECEDEPROCEED, desenvolvido na Ameixoeira, Lisboa. Os dados resultaram de um questionário aplicado a 24 pessoas idosas, da análise documental e da realização de entrevistas. A análise dos dados sugere que, é ao nível da autonomia e independência que o acesso a transporte influencia a saúde e a qualidade de vida da amostra, e a mobilidade e utilização de transporte, por sua vez, é influenciada por fatores individuais, como a idade, o género, o rendimento e as condições de saúde, e fatores ambientais envolvendo características dos transportes e da zona de residência. Tendo-se focado o trabalho na identificação das barreiras percecionadas pelas pessoas idosas na utilização de transportes públicos, sugere-se o elevado preço, a insuficiente distribuição do serviço, a distância às paragens e os horários inadequados como os principais constrangimentos identificados. Embora os resultados não possam ser extrapolados, devem ser encarados como um ponto de partida para futuras investigações.


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Chez les personnes âgées, la dépression est un problème important en santé publique, à cause de sa prévalence élevée et de son association avec les incapacités fonctionnelles, la mortalité et l’utilisation des services. La plupart des études ont montré que le manque de relations sociales était associé à la dépression, mais les résultats ne sont pas clairs. Au Québec et au Canada, on possède peu de données sur la prévalence de la dépression chez les personnes âgées et de son association avec les relations sociales. Peu d’études ont examiné le rôle des relations sociales sur l’utilisation des services de santé par les personnes âgées déprimées. Le but de cette recherche était d’examiner le rôle des relations sociales dans la présence de la dépression et dans la consultation chez un professionnel de la santé des personnes âgées déprimées, au Québec. Plus spécifiquement, ce travail visait à : 1) examiner les associations entre les relations sociales et les troubles dépressifs selon la région de résidence; 2) examiner les associations différentielles des relations sociales sur la dépression des femmes et des hommes âgés; 3) examiner le rôle des relations sociales dans la consultation auprès d’un professionnel de la santé des personnes âgées déprimées. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, nous avons utilisé les données de l’enquête ESA (Enquête sur la Santé des Aînés), réalisée en 2005 -2006 auprès d’un échantillon de 2670 personnes âgées résidant à domicile au Québec, qui nous ont permis de rédiger trois articles. Les troubles dépressifs (incluant la dépression majeure et mineure) ont été mesurés, selon les critères du DSM-IV, en excluant le critère de l’altération du fonctionnement social, professionnel ou dans d’autres domaines importants, à l’aide du questionnaire ESA développé par l’équipe de recherche. Les relations sociales ont été mesurées à l’aide de cinq variables : (1) le réseau social; (2) l’intégration sociale; (3) le soutien social, (4) la perception d’utilité auprès des proches et (5) la présence de relations conflictuelles avec le conjoint, les enfants, les frères et sœurs et les amis. Des modèles de régression logistique multiple ont été ajustés aux données pour estimer les rapports de cote et leur intervalle de confiance à 95 %. Nos résultats ont montré des prévalences de dépression plus élevées chez les personnes qui résident dans les régions rurales et urbaines, comparées à celles qui résident dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal. La pratique du bénévolat, le soutien social et les relations non conflictuelles avec le conjoint sont associés à une faible prévalence de dépression, indépendamment du type de résidence. Comparés aux hommes, les femmes ont une prévalence de dépression plus élevée. L’absence de confident est associée à une prévalence de dépression élevée, tant chez les hommes que chez les femmes. La probabilité de dépression est plus élevée chez les hommes veufs et chez ceux qui ne pratiquent pas d’activités de bénévolat, comparativement à ceux qui sont mariés et font du bénévolat. Chez les femmes, aucune association significative n’a été observée entre le statut marital, le bénévolat et la dépression. Cependant, la présence de relations conflictuelles avec le conjoint est associée avec la dépression, seulement chez les femmes. Les relations avec les enfants, les frères et sœurs et les amis ne sont pas associées avec la dépression dans cette population de personnes âgées du Quebec. En ce qui concerne la consultation chez un professionnel de la santé, nos résultats ont révélé que presque la moitié des personnes âgées dépressives n’ont pas consulté un professionnel de la santé, pour leurs symptômes de dépression, au cours des 12 derniers mois. Par ailleurs, notre étude a montré que les personnes âgées qui disposent de tous les types de soutien (confident, émotionnel et instrumental) consultent plus pour leurs symptômes de dépression que ceux qui ont moins de soutien. Comparativement aux hommes mariés, les femmes mariées consultent plus les professionnels de la santé, ce qui laisse supposer que le réseau de proches (épouse et enfants) semble agir comme un substitut en réduisant la fréquence de consultation chez les hommes. Vu la rareté des études canadiennes sur la prévalence de la dépression chez les personnes âgées et les facteurs psychosociaux qui y sont associés, les résultats de ce travail seront utiles pour les cliniciens et pour les responsables des politiques à l’échelle nationale, provinciale et locale. Ils pourront guider des interventions spécifiques, selon la région de résidence et pour les hommes et les femmes âgées, dans le domaine de la santé mentale.


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L’expérience de souffrance des vieux, en perte d’autonomie physique, vivant dans un CHSLD comprend deux dimensions : la souffrance et les vieux. Les deux sont liées. L’hypothèse sur le sens de la souffrance tient compte de celui que les vieux ont donné et donnent à leur vie. Le sens de la souffrance dépend de celui de la vie. Selon qu’on est plutôt individualiste, humaniste agnostique ou humaniste religieux, le sens de la souffrance prend une couleur particulière. Tour à tour, le mémoire examine les deux parties du problème de recherche, dresse un portrait des vieux de l’an 2008, propose un fondement théorique au projet de recherche, établit un arrimage de sens entre la souffrance des vieux et le sens de leur vie. La vie des vieux en CHSLD est en discontinuité avec leur existence antérieure : leurs valeurs et leur rythme de vie sont remis en question. Leur présence dans une résidencesubstitut invite à une réflexion sur la place des vieux dans la société individualiste contemporaine et sur l’humanisation des services. Comment concilier individualisme et humanisation ? Comment vivre avec la perte de son autonomie, une souffrance globale, un certain isolement, ... ? Autant de sujets et d’enjeux qui interrogent l’ensemble de la société. Les personnes âgées réclament un entourage empathique, des intervenants dynamiques, des politiques de santé qui font de ces centres de vrais milieux de vie et de soins. Il s’agit d’une responsabilité collective face au mouvement d’exclusion sociale.


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This RTD project, 2007-2009, is partly funded by the European Commission, in Framework Programme 6. It aims to assist elderly people for living well, independently and at case. ENABLE will provide a number of services for elderly people based on the new technology provided by mobile phones. The project is developing a Wrist unit with both integrated and external sensors, and with a radio frequency link to a mobile phone. Dedicated ENABLE software running on the wrist unit and mobile phone makes these services fully accessible for the elderly users. This paper outlines the fundamental motivation and the approach which currently is undertaken in order to collect the more detailed user needs and requirements. The general architecture and the design of the ENABLE system are outlined.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the commonest malignancies of Western countries, with approximately half the incidence occurring in patients >70 years of age. Elderly CRC patients, however, are understaged, undertreated and underrepresented in clinical trials. The International Society of Geriatric Oncology created a task force with a view to assessing the potential for developing guidelines for the treatment of elderly (geriatric) CRC patients. A review of the evidence presented by the task force members confirmed the paucity of clinical trial data in elderly people and the lack of evidence-based guidelines. However, recommendations have been proposed on the basis of the available data and on the emerging evidence that treatment outcomes for fit, elderly CRC patients can be similar to those of younger patients. It is hoped that these will pave the way for formal treatment guidelines based upon solid scientific evidence in the future.


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Various fall-detection solutions have been previously proposed to create a reliable surveillance system for elderly people with high requirements on accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In this paper, an enhanced fall detection system is proposed for elderly person monitoring that is based on smart sensors worn on the body and operating through consumer home networks. With treble thresholds, accidental falls can be detected in the home healthcare environment. By utilizing information gathered from an accelerometer, cardiotachometer and smart sensors, the impacts of falls can be logged and distinguished from normal daily activities. The proposed system has been deployed in a prototype system as detailed in this paper. From a test group of 30 healthy participants, it was found that the proposed fall detection system can achieve a high detection accuracy of 97.5%, while the sensitivity and specificity are 96.8% and 98.1% respectively. Therefore, this system can reliably be developed and deployed into a consumer product for use as an elderly person monitoring device with high accuracy and a low false positive rate.