518 resultados para Reflectivity.


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We investigated the influence of different gas environments on the fabrication of surfaces, homogeneously covered with equally sized and spaced micro-structures. Two types of structures have been successfully micro-machined with a femtosecond laser on titanium surfaces in various atmospheres. The surface chemistry of samples machined in oxygen and helium shows TiO2, while machining in nitrogen leads to an additional share of TiN. The actual surface structure was found to vary significantly as a function of the gas environment. We found that the ablated particles and their surface triggered two consecutive events: The optical properties of the gas environment became non-isotropic which then led to the pulse intensity being redistributed throughout the cross section of the laser beam. Additionally, the effective intensity was further reduced for TiN surfaces due to TiN's high reflectivity. Thus, the settings for the applied raster-scanning machining method had to be adjusted for each gas environment to produce comparable structures. In contrast to previous studies, where only noble gases were found suitable to produce homogeneous patches, we obtained them in an oxygen environment.


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This study evaluates how the advection of precipitation, or wind drift, between the radar volume and ground affects radar measurements of precipitation. Normally precipitation is assumed to fall vertically to the ground from the contributing volume, and thus the radar measurement represents the geographical location immediately below. In this study radar measurements are corrected using hydrometeor trajectories calculated from measured and forecasted winds, and the effect of trajectory-correction on the radar measurements is evaluated. Wind drift statistics for Finland are compiled using sounding data from two weather stations spanning two years. For each sounding, the hydrometeor phase at ground level is estimated and drift distance calculated using different originating level heights. This way the drift statistics are constructed as a function of range from radar and elevation angle. On average, wind drift of 1 km was exceeded at approximately 60 km distance, while drift of 10 km was exceeded at 100 km distance. Trajectories were calculated using model winds in order to produce a trajectory-corrected ground field from radar PPI images. It was found that at the upwind side from the radar the effective measuring area was reduced as some trajectories exited the radar volume scan. In the downwind side areas near the edge of the radar measuring area experience improved precipitation detection. The effect of trajectory-correction is most prominent in instant measurements and diminishes when accumulating over longer time periods. Furthermore, measurements of intensive and small scale precipitation patterns benefit most from wind drift correction. The contribution of wind drift on the uncertainty of estimated Ze (S) - relationship was studied by simulating the effect of different error sources to the uncertainty in the relationship coefficients a and b. The overall uncertainty was assumed to consist of systematic errors of both the radar and the gauge, as well as errors by turbulence at the gauge orifice and by wind drift of precipitation. The focus of the analysis is error associated with wind drift, which was determined by describing the spatial structure of the reflectivity field using spatial autocovariance (or variogram). This spatial structure was then used with calculated drift distances to estimate the variance in radar measurement produced by precipitation drift, relative to the other error sources. It was found that error by wind drift was of similar magnitude with error by turbulence at gauge orifice at all ranges from radar, with systematic errors of the instruments being a minor issue. The correction method presented in the study could be used in radar nowcasting products to improve the estimation of visibility and local precipitation intensities. The method however only considers pure snow, and for operational purposes some improvements are desirable, such as melting layer detection, VPR correction and taking solid state hydrometeor type into account, which would improve the estimation of vertical velocities of the hydrometeors.


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Aim of this study is to investigate composition of the crust in Finland using seismic wide-angle velocity models and laboratory measurements on P- and S-wave velocities of different rock types. The velocities adopted from wide-angle velocity models were compared with laboratory velocities of different rock types corrected for the crustal PT conditions in the study area. The wide-angle velocity models indicate that the P-wave velocity does not only increase step-wise at boundaries of major crustal layers, but there is also gradual increase of velocity within the layers. On the other hand, the laboratory measurements of velocities indicate that no single rock type is able to provide the gradual downward increasing trends. Thus, there must be gradual vertical changes in rock composition. The downward increase of velocities indicates that the composition of the crust becomes gradually more mafic with increasing depth. Even though single rock types cannot simulate the wide-angle model velocities, it can be done with a mixture of rock types. There are a large number of rock type mixtures giving the correct P-wave velocities. Therefore, the inverse solution of rock types and their proportions from velocities is a non-unique problem if only P-wave velocities is available. Amount of the possible rock type mixtures can be limitted using S-wave velocities, reflection seismic results and other geological and geophysical results of the study area. Crustal model FINMIX-2 is presented in this study and it suggest that the crustal velocity profiles can be simulated with rock type mixtures, where the upper crust consists of felsic gneisses and granitic-granodioritic rocks with a minor contribution of quartzite, amphibolite and diabase. In the middle crust the amphibolite proportion increases. The lower crust consists of tonalitic gneiss, mafic garnet granulite, hornblendite, pyroxenite and minor mafic eclogite. This composition model is in agreement with deep crustal kimberlite-hosted xenolith data in eastern Finland and reflectivity of the FIRE (Finnish Reflection Experiment). According to FINMIX-2 model the Moho is deeper and the crustal composition is a more mafic than an average global continental model would suggest. Composition models of southern Finland are quite similar than FINMIX-2 model. However, there are minor differencies between the models, which indicates areal differences of composition. Models of northern Finland shows that the crustal thickness is smaller than southern Finland and composition of the upper crust is different. Density profiles calculated from the lithological models suggest that there is practically no density contrast at Moho in areas of the high-velocity lower crust. This implies that crustal thickness in the central Fennoscandian Shield may have been controlled by the densities of the lower crustal and upper mantle rocks.


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The metal to insulator transition in the charge-transfer NiS2-xSex compound has been investigated through infrared reflectivity. Measurements performed by applying pressure to pure NiS2 (lattice contraction) and by Se alloying (lattice expansion) reveal that in both cases an anomalous metallic state is obtained. We find that optical results are not compatible with the linear Se-alloying vs pressure-scaling relation previously established through transport, thus pointing out the substantially different microscopic origin of the two transitions.


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Refractive errors, especially myopia, seem to increase worldwide. Concurrently, the number of surgical refractive corrections has increased rapidly, with several million procedures performed annually. However, excimer laser surgery was introduced after a limited number of studies done with animals and to date there still are only few long-term follow-up studies of the results. The present thesis aims to evaluate the safety and functional outcome of, as well as to quantify the cellular changes and remodelling in the human cornea after, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). These procedures are the two most common laser surgical refractive methods. In Study I, myopic ophthalmic residents at Helsinki University Eye Hospital underwent a refractive correction by PRK. Five patients were followed up for 6 months to assess their subjective experience in hospital work and their performance in car driving simulator and in other visuomotor functions. Corneal morphological changes were assessed by in vivo confocal microscopy (ivCM). Study II comprised 14 patients who had undergone a PRK operation in 1993-1994. Visual acuity was examined and ivCM examinations performed 5 years postoperatively. In Study III 15 patients received LASIK refractive correction for moderate to high myopia (-6 - -12 D). Their corneal recovery was followed by ivCM for 2 years. Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) is a common but variable complication of LASIK. Yet, its aetiology remains unknown. In Study IV we examined six patients who had developed DLK as a consequence of formation of an intraoperative or post-LASIK epithelial defect, to assess the corneal and conjunctival inflammatory reaction. In the whole series, the mean refractive correction was -6.46 diopters. The best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) improved in 30 % of patients, whereas in four patients BSCVA decreased slightly. The mean achieved refraction was 0.35 D undercorrected. After PRK, the stromal scar formation was highest at 2 to 3 months postoperatively and subsequently decreased. At 5 years increased reflectivity in the subepithelial stroma was observed in all patients. Interestingly, no Bowman s layer was detected in any patient. Subbasal nerve fiber bundle(snfb) regeneration could be observed already at 2 months in 2 patients after PRK. After 5 years, all corneas presented with snfb, the density of which, however, was still lower than in control corneas. LASIK induced a hypocellular area on both sides of the flap interface. A decrease of the most anterior keratocyte density was also observed. In the corneas that developed DLK, inflammatory cell-type objects were present in the flap interface in half of the patients. The other patients presented only with keratocyte activation and highly reflective extracellular matrix. These changes resolved completely with medication and time. Snfb regeneration was first detected at one month post-LASIK, but still after two years the density of snfb, however, was only 64 % of the preoperative values. The performance of ophthalmological examinations and microsurgery without spectacles was easier postoperatively, which was appreciated by the residents. Both PRK and LASIK showed moderate to good accuracy and high safety. In terms of visual perception and subjective evaluation, few patients stated any complaints in the whole series of studies. Instead, the majority of patients experienced a marked improvement in everyday life and work performance. PRK and LASIK have shown similar results, with good long term morphological healing. It seems evident that, even without the benefit of over-20-year follow-up results, these procedures are sufficiently safe and accurate for refractive corrections and corneal reshaping.


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Hydrophobins are a group of particularly surface active proteins. The surface activity is demonstrated in the ready adsorption of hydrophobins to hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces such as the air/water interface. Adsorbed hydrophobins self-assemble into ordered films, lower the surface tension of water, and stabilize air bubbles and foams. Hydrophobin proteins originate from filamentous fungi. In the fungi the adsorbed hydrophobin films enable the growth of fungal aerial structures, form protective coatings and mediate the attachment of fungi to solid surfaces. This thesis focuses on hydrophobins HFBI, HFBII, and HFBIII from a rot fungus Trichoderma reesei. The self-assembled hydrophobin films were studied both at the air/water interface and on a solid substrate. In particular, using grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction and reflectivity, it was possible to characterize the hydrophobin films directly at the air/water interface. The in situ experiments yielded information on the arrangement of the protein molecules in the films. All the T. reesei hydrophobins were shown to self-assemble into highly crystalline, hexagonally ordered rafts. The thicknesses of these two-dimensional protein crystals were below 30 Å. Similar films were also obtained on silicon substrates. The adsorption of the proteins is likely to be driven by the hydrophobic effect, but the self-assembly into ordered films involves also specific protein-protein interactions. The protein-protein interactions lead to differences in the arrangement of the molecules in the HFBI, HFBII, and HFBIII protein films, as seen in the grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction data. The protein-protein interactions were further probed in solution using small-angle x-ray scattering. Both HFBI and HFBII were shown to form mainly tetramers in aqueous solution. By modifying the solution conditions and thereby the interactions, it was shown that the association was due to the hydrophobic effect. The stable tetrameric assemblies could tolerate heating and changes in pH. The stability of the structure facilitates the persistence of these secreted proteins in the soil.


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Plastic-coated paper is shown to possess reflectivity characteristics quite similar to those of the surface of water. This correspondence has been used with a conversion factor to model a sea surface by means of plastic-coated paper. Such a paper model is then suitably illuminated and photographed, yielding physically simulated daylight imagery of the sea surface under controlled conditions. A simple example of sinusoidal surface simulation is described.


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We report femtosecond time-resolved reflectivity measurements of coherent phonons in tellurium performed over a wide range of temperatures (3-296 K) and pump-laser intensities. A totally symmetric A(1) coherent phonon at 3.6 THz responsible for the oscillations in the reflectivity data is observed to be strongly positively chirped (i.e., phonon time period decreases at longer pump-probe delay times) with increasing photoexcited carrier density, more so at lower temperatures. We show that the temperature dependence of the coherent phonon frequency is anomalous (i.e, increasing with increasing temperature) at high photoexcited carrier density due to electron-phonon interaction. At the highest photoexcited carrier density of (1.4 x 10(21) cm(-3) and the sample temperature of 3 K, the lattice displacement of the coherent phonon mode is estimated to be as high as similar to 0.24 angstrom. Numerical simulations based on coupled effects of optical absorption and carrier diffusion reveal that the diffusion of carriers dominates the nonoscillatory electronic part of the time-resolved reflectivity. Finally, using the pump-probe experiments at low carrier density of 6 x 10(18) cm(-3), we separate the phonon anharmonicity to obtain the electron-phonon coupling contribution to the phonon frequency and linewidth.


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Sr2TiMnO6, a double perovskite associated with high degree of B-site cation disorder was investigated in detail for its structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties. Though x-ray powder diffraction analysis confirms its cubic structure, first order Raman scattering and infrared reflectivity spectra indicate a breaking of the local cubic symmetry. The magnetization study reveals an anomaly at 14 K owing to a ferrimagnetic/canted antiferromagneticlike ordering arising from local Mn-O-Mn clusters. Saturated M-H hysteresis loops obtained at 5 K also reflect the weak ferromagnetic exchange interactions present in the system and an approximate estimation of Mn3+/Mn4+ was done using the magnetization data for the samples sintered at different temperatures. The conductivity and dielectric behavior of this system has been investigated in a broad temperature range of 10 to 300 K. Intrinsic permittivity was obtained only below 100 K whereas giant permittivity due to conductivity and Maxwell-Wagner polarization was observed at higher temperatures. X-ray photoemission studies further confirmed the presence of mixed oxidation states of Mn and the valence band spectra analysis was carried out in detail. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3500369]


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Degenerate pump-probe reflectivity experiments have been performed on a single crystal of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) as a function of sample temperature (3 K to 296 K) and pump intensity using similar to 50 femtosecond laser pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. The time-resolved reflectivity data show two coherently generated totally symmetric A(1g) modes at 1.85 THz and 3.6 THz at 296 K which blue-shift to 1.9 THz and 4.02 THz, respectively, at 3 K. At high photoexcited carrier density of similar to 1.7 x 10(21) cm(-3), the phonon mode at 4.02 THz is two orders of magnitude higher positively chirped (i.e the phonon time period decreases with increasing delay time between the pump and the probe pulses) than the lower-frequency mode at 1.9 THz. The chirp parameter, beta is shown to be inversely varying with temperature. The time evolution of these modes is studied using continuous-wavelet transform of the time-resolved reflectivity data. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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This study explores the utility of polarimetric measurements for discriminating between hydrometeor types with the emphasis on (a) hail detection and discrimination of its size, (b) measurement of heavy precipitation, (c) identification and quantification of mixed-phase hydrometeors, and (d) discrimination of ice forms. In particular, we examine the specific differential phase, the backscatter differential phase, the correlation coefficient between vertically and horizontally polarized waves, and the differential reflectivity, collected from a storm at close range. Three range–height cross sections are analyzed together with complementary data from a prototype WSR-88D radar. The case is interesting because it demonstrates the complementary nature of these polarimetric measurands. Self-consistency among them allows qualitative and some quantitative discrimination between hydrometeors.


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Four polarimetric measurands were collected in the stratiform region of a mesoscale convective system. The four are the reflectivity factor, the differential reflectivity, the correlation coefficient between orthogonal copolar echoes, and the differential propagation constant. Most striking is a signature of large aggregates (about 10 mm in size) seen in the differential phase through the melting layer. Another significant feature is an abrupt notch in the correlation coefficient that occurs towards the bottom of the bright band. Aircraft observations and a one-dimensional cloud model are used to explain some polarimetric measurements and to infer the presence of aggregates, graupel, and supercooled cloud water in the stratiform region. These unique observations and model data provide inferences concerning the presence of graupel and the growth of large aggregates in the melting layer.


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature with a single tapered fiber Bragg grating is proposed. This method is based on the fact that the reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection changes with chirp (strain gradient). A diode laser is locked to the central wavelength of FBG reflection. Central wavelength of the FBG shifts with temperature. Change in reflectivity & wavelength of the diode laser were used to measure strain and temperature on the FBG respectively.


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A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of chirp (any parameter that can induce strain gradient on FBG) and temperature using a single FBG is proposed. Change in reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection & Bragg wavelength shifts induced due to temperature were used for chirp & temperature measurements respectively. Theoretical resolution limit for chirp and temperature using an Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) with 1pm wavelength resolution and >58dB dynamic range are 12.8fm and 1/13 degrees C respectively.


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A novel detection technique to estimate the amount of chirp in fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) is proposed. This method is based on the fact that reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection changes with strain/temperature gradient (linear chirp) applied to the same. Transfer matrix approach was used to vary different grating parameters (length, strength and apodization) to optimize variation of reflectivity with linear chirp. Analysis is done for different sets of `FBG length-refractive index strength' combinations for which reflectivity vary linearly with linear chirp over a decent measurement range. This article acts as a guideline to choose appropriate grating parameters in designing sensing apparatus based on change in reflectivity at central wavelength of FBG reflection.