941 resultados para Reduced growth


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os Thalassinidea são invertebrados marinhos de grande importância na ecologia de ambientes de fundos moles, especialmente dado sua influência nos fluxos de oxigênio, energia e nutrientes e, atividades bioturbadoras. Estes organismos vivem em galerias das quais dependem para diversas necessidades, como proteção, reprodução e alimentação. Em alguns lugares do mundo este grupo tem sido explorado para utilização como isca. A espécie Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 (Crustacea: Callianassidae) ocorre desde a Flórida até o Brasil. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica e a estrutura populacional de L. siriboia na ilha de Maiandeua (PA), associando os processos observados com características ambientais ligadas ao sedimento e à água. As coletas ocorreram mensalmente entre junho de 2007 e maio de 2008, sendo os organismos capturados utilizando bomba de sucção. Em laboratório, os animais foram sexados, medidos e pesados. Nas fêmeas ovígeras foi contado o número de ovos aderidos aos pleópodos. O crescimento foi estimado através da equação de crescimento de Von Bertalanffy que estabelece a relação entre o comprimento total (CT) e a idade (t). Foi capturado um total de 1268 indivíduos (753 machos e 515 fêmeas), cujos comprimentos variaram de 0,3 a 1,85 cm e o peso de 0,01 a 3,09 g. Os comprimentos médios mensais das fêmeas foram significantemente maiores do que dos machos (p<0.05) em quase todos os meses do ano. O comprimento da carapaça e o comprimento do propódio para os machos tiveram alta e significante correlação, com crescimento alométrico positivo para ambos os sexos. O tamanho de primeira maturação obtido foi de 0,7 cm para as fêmeas e 0,6 cm para os machos. Os machos foram proporcionalmente mais abundantes, totalizando 59,4% de todos os organismos capturados (proporção sexual de 1,46 machos: 1 fêmea). Houve predomínio significativo de machos nas classes de comprimento entre 0,2 e 1,2 cm e de fêmeas nas classes de comprimento maior/igual a 1,2 cm. Foram registradas 139 fêmeas ovígeras, na qual a maioria (48,2% do total) ocorreu no intervalo de classe 1,1 a 1,2 cm de comprimento da carapaça. A fecundidade absoluta variou de 0 a 1546 ovos/fêmea, com valor médio de 826,25 ovos/fêmea. Observou-se correlação significativa entre o número de ovos, peso e comprimento da carapaça. As fêmeas tiveram crescimento maior que dos machos, sendo observados valores para machos de L_: 1,63 , K: 1, C: 0,2, WP: 0,18 e para fêmeas; L_: 1,68, K: 0,8, C: 0,2 e WP: 0,09. As estimativas de mortalidade dos machos foram maiores que para as fêmeas em todos os métodos utilizados: curva de captura (Z=1,67 e Z=0,11 para machos e fêmeas), Beverton e Holt (Z=1,9 e Z= 1,76 para machos e fêmeas) e Powell–Wetherall (Z/K=3,98 e Z/K= 2,25 para machos e fêmeas). Foram registrados três pulsos principais, sendo um pulso registrado em novembro, um em fevereiro e outro em maio. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir: 1. comprimento médio dos machos é inferior ao das fêmeas ao longo do ano; 2. fêmeas são dominantes nas classes de comprimento superiores (_1,2 cm); 3. a reprodução é contínua com a ocorrência de fêmeas ovígeras ao longo do ano; 4. parâmetros de crescimento estimados foram maiores para as fêmeas do que para machos; 5. Fêmeas tiveram redução da taxa de crescimento em janeiro (WP: 0,09) e machos em fevereiro (WP: 0,18); 6. a mortalidade é maior para os machos; 7. Recrutamento ocorre ao longo do ano com três picos pronunciados em novembro, fevereiro e maio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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The Ca2+-calcineurin pathway affects virulence and morphogenesis in filamentous fungi. Here, we identified 37 CalA-interacting proteins that interact with the catalytic subunit of calcineurin (CalA) in Aspergillus fumigatus, including the nucleoside diphosphate kinase (SwoH). The in vivo interaction between CalA and SwoH was validated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation. A. fumigatus swoH is an essential gene. Therefore, a temperature-sensitive conditional mutant strain with a point mutation in the active site, SwoH(V83F), was constructed, which demonstrated reduced growth and increased sensitivity to elevated temperatures. The SwoH(V83F) mutation did not cause a loss in virulence in the Galleria mellonella infection model. Taken together these results imply that CalA interacts with SwoH. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Aspergillus fumigatus is a major opportunistic pathogen and allergen of mammals. Nutrient sensing and acquisition mechanisms, as well as the capability to cope with different stressing conditions, are essential for A. fumigatus virulence and survival in the mammalian host. This study characterized the A. fumigatus SebA transcription factor, which is the putative homologue of the factor encoded by Trichoderma atroviride seb1. The Delta sebA mutant demonstrated reduced growth in the presence of paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, CaCl2, and poor nutritional conditions, while viability associated with sebA was also affected by heat shock exposure. Accordingly, SebA:GFP (SebA:green fluorescent protein) was shown to accumulate in the nucleus upon exposure to oxidative stress and heat shock conditions. In addition, genes involved in either the oxidative stress or heat shock response had reduced transcription in the Delta sebA mutant. The A. fumigatus Delta sebA strain was attenuated in virulence in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Furthermore, killing of the Delta sebA mutant by murine alveolar macrophages was increased compared to killing of the wild-type strain. A. fumigatus SebA plays a complex role, contributing to several stress tolerance pathways and growth under poor nutritional conditions, and seems to be integrated into different stress responses.


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Abstract Background Heavy metal Resistance-Nodulation-Division (HME-RND) efflux systems help Gram-negative bacteria to keep the intracellular homeostasis under high metal concentrations. These proteins constitute the cytoplasmic membrane channel of the tripartite RND transport systems. Caulobacter crescentus NA1000 possess two HME-RND proteins, and the aim of this work was to determine their involvement in the response to cadmium, zinc, cobalt and nickel, and to analyze the phylogenetic distribution and characteristic signatures of orthologs of these two proteins. Results Expression assays of the czrCBA operon showed significant induction in the presence of cadmium and zinc, and moderate induction by cobalt and nickel. The nczCBA operon is highly induced in the presence of nickel and cobalt, moderately induced by zinc and not induced by cadmium. Analysis of the resistance phenotype of mutant strains showed that the ΔczrA strain is highly sensitive to cadmium, zinc and cobalt, but resistant to nickel. The ΔnczA strain and the double mutant strain showed reduced growth in the presence of all metals tested. Phylogenetic analysis of the C. crescentus HME-RND proteins showed that CzrA-like proteins, in contrast to those similar to NczA, are almost exclusively found in the Alphaproteobacteria group, and the characteristic protein signatures of each group were highlighted. Conclusions The czrCBA efflux system is involved mainly in response to cadmium and zinc with a secondary role in response to cobalt. The nczCBA efflux system is involved mainly in response to nickel and cobalt, with a secondary role in response to cadmium and zinc. CzrA belongs to the HME2 subfamily, which is almost exclusively found in the Alphaproteobacteria group, as shown by phylogenetic analysis. NczA belongs to the HME1 subfamily which is more widespread among diverse Proteobacteria groups. Each of these subfamilies present distinctive amino acid signatures.


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Das Glioblastoma multiforme zählt zu den häufigsten glialen Neoplasien des Menschen und weist zudem unter den Gliomen die höchste Malignität auf. Glioblastompatienten haben trotz aggressiver therapeutischer Ansätze eine mittlere Überlebenszeit von weniger als einem Jahr. Die diffuse Invasion in das umliegende Hirngewebe ist einer der Hauptgründe für die Rezidivbildung und die infauste Prognose von Glioblastompatienten. Neuere Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, dass die starke Invasion auch einer der Gründe für die beobachtete anti-angiogene Resistenz bei der Behandlung von Glioblastomen ist. Das bidirektionale EphB/Ephrin-B-System wurde bei der axonalen Wegfindung als Vermittler repulsiver Signale identifiziert und auch im Zusammenhang der Migration und Invasion von Zellen überprüft. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher die Funktion der bidirektionalen Eph- und Ephrin-Signaltransduktion in Bezug auf die Glioblastominvasion und Progression untersucht werden. rn Genetische und epigenetische Untersuchungen der EphB/Ephrin-B-Familie in einer Kohorte von Gliompatienten unterschiedlicher Malignitätsgrade identifizierten Ephrin-B2 als mögliches Tumorsuppressorgen. In Übereinstimmung damit führte die Inaktivierung von Ephrin-B2 in einem murinen Gliommodell zu einer verstärkten Invasion und einem erhöhtem Tumorwachstum in vivo. Dies konnte in verschiedenen Invasion-Assays in vitro bestätigt werden. Weiterhin zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass Ephrin-B2 transkriptionell durch das hypoxische Mikromilieu HIF-1α-vermittelt reprimiert wird. Da HIF-1α als transkriptioneller Aktivator Ephrin-B2 nicht direkt reprimieren kann, wurden potentielle HIF-1α-regulierte Repressoren untersucht, die für die Ephrin-B2 Herunterregulation verantwortlich sein könnten. Dabei wurde anhand von Ephrin-B2-Promotoranalysen und ChIP-Assays ZEB2 als HIF-1α-induzierbarer Repressor von Ephrin-B2 identifiziert. Zur Bestätigung der Hypothese, dass ZEB2 ein wichtiger Regulator der Tumorinvasion ist, wurden humane ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen generiert und in vitro sowie in vivo untersucht. Im Hinblick auf mögliche therapeutische Anwendungen wurden die ZEB2-Knockdown-Glioblastomzellen zusätzlich im Zusammenhang anti-Angiogenese-induzierter Invasion analysiert. Der Verlust von ZEB2 führte dabei zu einer verringerten Glioblastominvasion und Progression in einem Maus-Xenograft Modell. Die Behandlung der Tumoren mit dem anti-VEGF-Antikörper Avastin resultierte in einer stark erhöhten Invasion, die durch die Inaktivierung von ZEB2 und der dadurch reaktivierten repulsiven Signale von Ephrin-B2 wieder aufgehoben werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Ephrin-B2 als Tumorsuppressor in Gliomen agiert und durch verschiedene Mechanismen wie der genetischen und epigenetischen Kontrolle, aber auch der HIF-1α-vermittelten, ZEB2-abhängigen Repression inaktiviert wird. Dies resultiert in einer Blockade repulsiver Signale, so dass Tumorzellen diffus in das Parenchym und zu den Blutgefäßen migrieren können. Der in dieser Arbeit neu identifizierte Signalweg stellt ein attraktives therapeutisches Ziel zur Inhibition der Tumorzellinvasion dar und ermöglicht darüber hinaus der Ausbildung von Resistenzen gegenüber anti-angiogener Behandlung entgegenzuwirken. rn


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Poiché le infestazioni parassitarie dei rettili in cattività possono incidere sulla loro salute, è stato condotto uno studio sui parassiti intestinali e gli ectoparassiti su 213 rettili del Bioparco di Roma. In cattività, dove gli animali sono confinati in piccoli spazi, la concentrazione di parassiti può essere più alta. Alcuni di essi sono innocui, ma altri, specialmente in associazione allo stress, possono essere pericolosi, causare malattie e portare anche alla morte se non trattati. Inoltre, i rettili parassitati hanno una vita più breve, sono più suscettibili ad altre malattie, hanno scarsa fertilità, ridotta crescita ed alta mortalità. Tra Gennaio 2012 e Dicembre 2014 sono stati raccolti campioni da 213 rettili che non mostravano alcun segno clinico e che includevano 23 specie di sauri, 20 specie di cheloni, 20 specie di ofidi e 4 specie di alligatori. I campioni sono stati esaminati per la presenza di parassiti intestinali mediante copromicroscopia di tipo qualitativo previa sedimentazione e successiva flottazione, mentre la tecnica di Zihel-Neelsen è stata usata per la ricerca di oocisti di Cryptosporidium . I campioni di feci sottoposti ad esame copromicroscopico qualitativo sono risultati positivi per almeno una tipologia di endoparassiti nel 49% dei casi. Il 35% dei campioni è risultato positivo per ossiuri, il 22% per coccidi, l’1% per strongili ed il 5% per ascaridi. Degli strisci fecali colorati con la tecnica di Zihel-Neelsen, il 25% sono risultati positivi per Cryptosporidium spp. Ossiuri e coccidi sono stati più prevalenti nei sauri rispetto ai cheloni, agli ofidi e agli alligatori e nel 14% è stata osservata la presenza di entrambi. Inoltre, per quanto riguarda gli ectoparassiti, sono state rilevate uova di Myocoptes musculinus nel 24% dei rettili esaminati. Tutti gli strisci risultati positivi per Cryptosporidium spp. sono stati inviati all’Università di Santiago de Compostela per essere sottoposti alla tecnica PCR.


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Species coexistence and local-scale species richness are limited by the availability of seeds and microsites for germination and establishment. We conducted a seed addition experiment in seminatural grassland at three sites in southern Switzerland and repeated the experiment in two successive years to evaluate various circumstances under which seed limitation and establishment success affect community functioning. A collection of 144000 seeds of 22 meadow species including grasses and forbs of local provenance was gathered, and seeds were individually sown in a density that resembled natural seed rain. The three communities were seed limited. Three years after sowing, single species varied in emergence (0–50%), survival (0–69%), and establishment rates (0–27%). One annual and 13 perennial species reached reproductive stage. Low establishment at one site and reduced growth at another site indicated stronger microsite limitation compared to the third site. Recruitment was influenced by differences in abiotic environmental conditions between sites (water availability, soil minerals) and by within-site differences in biotic interaction (competition). At the least water-limited site, sowing resulted in an increase in phytomass due to establishment of short-lived perennials in the second and third years after sowing. This increase persisted over the following two years due to establishment of longer-lived perennials. After sowing in a wetter year with higher phytomass, however, productivity did not increase, because higher intensity of competition in an early phase of establishment resulted in less vigorous plants later on. Due to the generally favorable weather conditions during this study, sowing year had a small effect on numbers of established individuals over all species. Recruitment limitation can thus constrain local-scale species richness and productivity, either by a lack of seeds or by reduced seedling growth, likely due to competition from the established vegetation.