944 resultados para Railroad safety, Bayesian methods, Accident modification factor, Countermeasure selection


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The stability of slopes is a major problem in geotechnical engineering. Of the methods available for the analysis of soil slopes such as limit equilibrium methods, limit analysis and numerical methods such as FEM and FDM, limit equilibrium methods are popular and generally used, owing to their simplicity in formulation and in evaluating the overall factor of safety of slope. However limit equilibrium methods possess certain disadvantages. They do not consider whether the slope is an embankment or natural slope or an excavation and ignore the effect of incremental construction, initial stress, stress strain behavior etc. In the work reported in this paper, a comparative study of actual state of stress and actual factor of safety and Bishop's factor of safety is performed. The actual factor of safety is obtained by consideration of contours of mobilised shear strains. Using Bishop's method of slices, the critical slip surfaces of a number of soil slopes with different geometries are determined and both the factors of safety are obtained. The actual normal stresses and shear stresses are determined from finite difference formulation using FLAG (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continuaa) with Mohr-Coulomb model. The comparative study is performed in terms of parameter lambda(c phi) (= gamma H tan phi/c). I is shown that actual factor of safety is higher than Bishop's factor of safety depending on slope angle and lambda(c phi).


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In this paper, an introduction to Bayesian methods in signal processing will be given. The paper starts by considering the important issues of model selection and parameter estimation and derives analytic expressions for the model probabilities of two simple models. The idea of marginal estimation of certain model parameter is then introduced and expressions are derived for the marginal probability densities for frequencies in white Gaussian noise and a Bayesian approach to general changepoint analysis is given. Numerical integration methods are introduced based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques and the Gibbs sampler in particular.


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In this paper, an introduction to Bayesian methods in signal processing will be given. The paper starts by considering the important issues of model selection and parameter estimation and derives analytic expressions for the model probabilities of two simple models. The idea of marginal estimation of certain model parameter is then introduced and expressions are derived for the marginal probabilitiy densities for frequencies in white Gaussian noise and a Bayesian approach to general changepoint analysis is given. Numerical integration methods are introduced based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques and the Gibbs sampler in particular.


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In the context of trans-dermal drug delivery it is very important to have mechanistic insight into the barrier function of the skin's stratum corneum and the diffusion mechanisms of topically applied drugs. Currently spectroscopic imaging techniques are evolving which enable a spatial examination of various types of samples in a dynamic way. ATR-FTIR imaging opens up the possibility to monitor spatial diffusion profiles across the stratum corneum of a skin sample. Multivariate data analyses methods based on factor analysis are able to provide insight into the large amount of spectroscopically complex and highly overlapping signals generated. Multivariate target factor analysis was used for spectral resolution and local diffusion profiles with time through stratum corneum. A model drug, 4-cyanophenol in polyethylene glycol 600 and water was studied. Results indicate that the average diffusion profiles between spatially different locations show similar profiles despite the heterogeneous nature of the biological sample and the challenging experimental set-up.


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McCausland (2004a) describes a new theory of random consumer demand. Theoretically consistent random demand can be represented by a \"regular\" \"L-utility\" function on the consumption set X. The present paper is about Bayesian inference for regular L-utility functions. We express prior and posterior uncertainty in terms of distributions over the indefinite-dimensional parameter set of a flexible functional form. We propose a class of proper priors on the parameter set. The priors are flexible, in the sense that they put positive probability in the neighborhood of any L-utility function that is regular on a large subset bar(X) of X; and regular, in the sense that they assign zero probability to the set of L-utility functions that are irregular on bar(X). We propose methods of Bayesian inference for an environment with indivisible goods, leaving the more difficult case of indefinitely divisible goods for another paper. We analyse individual choice data from a consumer experiment described in Harbaugh et al. (2001).


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Ma thèse est composée de trois chapitres reliés à l'estimation des modèles espace-état et volatilité stochastique. Dans le première article, nous développons une procédure de lissage de l'état, avec efficacité computationnelle, dans un modèle espace-état linéaire et gaussien. Nous montrons comment exploiter la structure particulière des modèles espace-état pour tirer les états latents efficacement. Nous analysons l'efficacité computationnelle des méthodes basées sur le filtre de Kalman, l'algorithme facteur de Cholesky et notre nouvelle méthode utilisant le compte d'opérations et d'expériences de calcul. Nous montrons que pour de nombreux cas importants, notre méthode est plus efficace. Les gains sont particulièrement grands pour les cas où la dimension des variables observées est grande ou dans les cas où il faut faire des tirages répétés des états pour les mêmes valeurs de paramètres. Comme application, on considère un modèle multivarié de Poisson avec le temps des intensités variables, lequel est utilisé pour analyser le compte de données des transactions sur les marchés financières. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous proposons une nouvelle technique pour analyser des modèles multivariés à volatilité stochastique. La méthode proposée est basée sur le tirage efficace de la volatilité de son densité conditionnelle sachant les paramètres et les données. Notre méthodologie s'applique aux modèles avec plusieurs types de dépendance dans la coupe transversale. Nous pouvons modeler des matrices de corrélation conditionnelles variant dans le temps en incorporant des facteurs dans l'équation de rendements, où les facteurs sont des processus de volatilité stochastique indépendants. Nous pouvons incorporer des copules pour permettre la dépendance conditionnelle des rendements sachant la volatilité, permettant avoir différent lois marginaux de Student avec des degrés de liberté spécifiques pour capturer l'hétérogénéité des rendements. On tire la volatilité comme un bloc dans la dimension du temps et un à la fois dans la dimension de la coupe transversale. Nous appliquons la méthode introduite par McCausland (2012) pour obtenir une bonne approximation de la distribution conditionnelle à posteriori de la volatilité d'un rendement sachant les volatilités d'autres rendements, les paramètres et les corrélations dynamiques. Le modèle est évalué en utilisant des données réelles pour dix taux de change. Nous rapportons des résultats pour des modèles univariés de volatilité stochastique et deux modèles multivariés. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous évaluons l'information contribuée par des variations de volatilite réalisée à l'évaluation et prévision de la volatilité quand des prix sont mesurés avec et sans erreur. Nous utilisons de modèles de volatilité stochastique. Nous considérons le point de vue d'un investisseur pour qui la volatilité est une variable latent inconnu et la volatilité réalisée est une quantité d'échantillon qui contient des informations sur lui. Nous employons des méthodes bayésiennes de Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov pour estimer les modèles, qui permettent la formulation, non seulement des densités a posteriori de la volatilité, mais aussi les densités prédictives de la volatilité future. Nous comparons les prévisions de volatilité et les taux de succès des prévisions qui emploient et n'emploient pas l'information contenue dans la volatilité réalisée. Cette approche se distingue de celles existantes dans la littérature empirique en ce sens que ces dernières se limitent le plus souvent à documenter la capacité de la volatilité réalisée à se prévoir à elle-même. Nous présentons des applications empiriques en utilisant les rendements journaliers des indices et de taux de change. Les différents modèles concurrents sont appliqués à la seconde moitié de 2008, une période marquante dans la récente crise financière.


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Asset correlations are of critical importance in quantifying portfolio credit risk and economic capitalin financial institutions. Estimation of asset correlation with rating transition data has focusedon the point estimation of the correlation without giving any consideration to the uncertaintyaround these point estimates. In this article we use Bayesian methods to estimate a dynamicfactor model for default risk using rating data (McNeil et al., 2005; McNeil and Wendin, 2007).Bayesian methods allow us to formally incorporate human judgement in the estimation of assetcorrelation, through the prior distribution and fully characterize a confidence set for the correlations.Results indicate: i) a two factor model rather than the one factor model, as proposed bythe Basel II framework, better represents the historical default data. ii) importance of unobservedfactors in this type of models is reinforced and point out that the levels of the implied asset correlationscritically depend on the latent state variable used to capture the dynamics of default,as well as other assumptions on the statistical model. iii) the posterior distributions of the assetcorrelations show that the Basel recommended bounds, for this parameter, undermine the levelof systemic risk.


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Systems Engineering often involves computer modelling the behaviour of proposed systems and their components. Where a component is human, fallibility must be modelled by a stochastic agent. The identification of a model of decision-making over quantifiable options is investigated using the game-domain of Chess. Bayesian methods are used to infer the distribution of players’ skill levels from the moves they play rather than from their competitive results. The approach is used on large sets of games by players across a broad FIDE Elo range, and is in principle applicable to any scenario where high-value decisions are being made under pressure.


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In this paper, the mixed logit (ML) using Bayesian methods was employed to examine willingness-to-pay (WTP) to consume bread produced with reduced levels of pesticides so as to ameliorate environmental quality, from data generated by a choice experiment. Model comparison used the marginal likelihood, which is preferable for Bayesian model comparison and testing. Models containing constant and random parameters for a number of distributions were considered, along with models in ‘preference space’ and ‘WTP space’ as well as those allowing for misreporting. We found: strong support for the ML estimated in WTP space; little support for fixing the price coefficient a common practice advocated and adopted in the environmental economics literature; and, weak evidence for misreporting.


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The aim of phase II single-arm clinical trials of a new drug is to determine whether it has sufficient promising activity to warrant its further development. For the last several years Bayesian statistical methods have been proposed and used. Bayesian approaches are ideal for earlier phase trials as they take into account information that accrues during a trial. Predictive probabilities are then updated and so become more accurate as the trial progresses. Suitable priors can act as pseudo samples, which make small sample clinical trials more informative. Thus patients have better chances to receive better treatments. The goal of this paper is to provide a tutorial for statisticians who use Bayesian methods for the first time or investigators who have some statistical background. In addition, real data from three clinical trials are presented as examples to illustrate how to conduct a Bayesian approach for phase II single-arm clinical trials with binary outcomes.


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A pre-requisite for understanding the transition to the Neolithic in the Levant is the establishment of a robust chronology, most notably for the late Epi-Palaeolithic and Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) periods. In this contribution we undertake a dating analysis of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of WF16, southern Jordan, drawing on a sample of 46 AMS 14C dates. We utilise Bayesian methods to quantify an old wood effect to provide an offset that we factor into chronological models for a number of individual structures at WF16 and for the settlement as a whole. In doing so we address the influence of slope variations in the calibration curve and expose the significance of sediment and sample redeposition within sites of this nature. We conclude that for the excavated deposits at WF16 human activity is likely to have started by c. 11.84 ka cal bp and lasted for at least c. 1590 years, ceasing by c. 10.24 ka cal bp. This is marked by a particularly intensive period of activity lasting for c. 350 years centred on 11.25 ka cal bp followed by less intensive activity lasting a further c. 880 years. The study reveals the potential of WF16 as a laboratory to explore methodological issues concerning 14C dating of early Neolithic sites in arid, erosional environments.


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Sensitivity and specificity are measures that allow us to evaluate the performance of a diagnostic test. In practice, it is common to have situations where a proportion of selected individuals cannot have the real state of the disease verified, since the verification could be an invasive procedure, as occurs with biopsy. This happens, as a special case, in the diagnosis of prostate cancer, or in any other situation related to risks, that is, not practicable, nor ethical, or in situations with high cost. For this case, it is common to use diagnostic tests based only on the information of verified individuals. This procedure can lead to biased results or workup bias. In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian approach to estimate the sensitivity and the specificity for two diagnostic tests considering verified and unverified individuals, a result that generalizes the usual situation based on only one diagnostic test.


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In this paper, we compare the performance of two statistical approaches for the analysis of data obtained from the social research area. In the first approach, we use normal models with joint regression modelling for the mean and for the variance heterogeneity. In the second approach, we use hierarchical models. In the first case, individual and social variables are included in the regression modelling for the mean and for the variance, as explanatory variables, while in the second case, the variance at level 1 of the hierarchical model depends on the individuals (age of the individuals), and in the level 2 of the hierarchical model, the variance is assumed to change according to socioeconomic stratum. Applying these methodologies, we analyze a Colombian tallness data set to find differences that can be explained by socioeconomic conditions. We also present some theoretical and empirical results concerning the two models. From this comparative study, we conclude that it is better to jointly modelling the mean and variance heterogeneity in all cases. We also observe that the convergence of the Gibbs sampling chain used in the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for the jointly modeling the mean and variance heterogeneity is quickly achieved.