407 resultados para RDA-kuvailusäännöt
RESUMO: Considerando que a pressão arterial elevada constitui um dos maiores fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares, a sua associação ao consumo elevado de sal, e o facto das escolas constituírem ambientes de excelência para a aquisição de bons hábitos alimentes e promoção da saúde, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conteúdo de sal presente nas refeições escolares e a perceção dos consumidores sobre o sabor salgado. A quantificação de sal foi realizada com um medidor portátil. Para avaliar a perceção dos consumidores foi desenvolvido e aplicado um questionário a alunos das escolas preparatórias e secundárias e aos responsáveis pela preparação e confeção das refeições. Foram analisadas um total de 898 componentes de refeições, incluindo refeições escolares e de restauração padronizada. Em média, as refeições escolares disponibilizam entre 2,83 a 3,82 g de sal por porção servida (p=0,05), o que representa entre duas a cinco vezes mais as necessidades das crianças e jovens. Os componentes das refeições padronizadas apresentam um valor médio de sal que varia entre 0,8 e 2,57 g por porção (p=0,05), o que pode contribuir para um valor total de sal por refeição mais elevado comparativamente com as refeições escolares. O sabor das refeições é percecionado como sendo nem salgado nem insonso para a maioria dos estudantes, o que parece demonstrar habituação à intensidade/ quantidade de sal consumida. Os responsáveis pelas refeições, apesar de apresentarem conhecimentos sobre sal e a necessidade da sua limitação, demonstram barreiras e limitações e perceções à sua redução. A realização de escolhas alimentares saudáveis e adequadas só é possível se suportada por um ambiente facilitador dessas mesmas escolas. O impacto que o consumo de sal tem na saúde, em particular nas doenças crónicas, torna imperativa a implementação de estratégias de redução de sal ao nível da indústria e dos serviços de catering e restauração, em particular direcionadas para o público mais jovem.------------ABSTRACT Considering the fact that high blood pressure is a major rick factor for cardiovascular disease and its association to salt intake and the fact that schools are considered ideal environments to promote health and proper eating habits, the objective of this study was to evaluate the amount of salt in meals served in school canteens and consumers perceptions about salt. Quantification of salt was performed using a portable salt meter - PAL ES2. For food perception we constructed a questionnaire that was applied to students from high schools. A total of 898 food samples were analysed. Bread presents the highest value with a mean of 1.35 (SD=0.12). Salt in soups ranges from 0.72 g/100 g to 0.80 g/100 g (p=0.05) and main courses from 0.71 g/100 to 0.97 g/100g (p=0.05). Salt in school meals is high with a mean value from 2.83 to 3.82 g of salt per meal, which is between 2 and 5 times more than the RDA for children. The components of standardized meals have an average value of salt ranging from 0.8 to 2.57 g per serving, which may contribute to a higher intake of salt per meal compared to school meals. Moreover, a high percentage of students consider meals neither salty nor lacking in salt, which shows they are used to the intensity/amount of salt consumed. Despite the knowledge and perceived necessity about salt reduction, those responsible for cooking and preparing meals, still demonstrate barriers and limitation in doing so. Making healthy choices is only possible if backed up by an environment where such choices are accessible. Therefore salt reduction strategies, aimed at the food industry and catering services should be implemented, with children and young people targeted as a major priority.
RESUMOO estado nutricional relacionado ã vitamina A foi estudado em 240 crianças de ambos os sexos com idade entre 3 a 7 anos incompletos, residentes em um bairro pobre de Manaus-AM. Foram realizadas dosagens bioquímicas de retinol e β-caroteno no soro e inquérito alimentar. Constatou-se níveis séricos de retinol e β-caroteno abaixo do normal em 36% e 61% respectivamente, os quais, pelos critérios do Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense (ICNND), sugerem problema de Saúde Pública. Quanto adequação de consumo de vitamina "A" foi de apenas 62,6%, segundo as recomendações da National Academy of Sciences (RDA-Dose Recomendada Diária).
ABSTRACT Seven sites were examined in the Challhuaco-Ñireco system, located in the reserve of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, however part of the catchment is urbanized, being San Carlos de Bariloche (150,000 inhabitants) placed in the lower part of the basin. Physico-chemical variables were measured and benthic macroinvertebrates were collected during three consecutive years at seven sites from the headwater to the river outlet. Sites near the source of the river were characterised by Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera, whereas sites close to the river mouth were dominated by Diptera, Oligochaeta and Mollusca. Regarding functional feeding groups, collector-gatherers were dominant at all sites and this pattern was consistent among years. Ordination Analysis (RDA) revealed that species assemblages distribution responded to the climatic and topographic gradient (temperature and elevation), but also were associated with variables related to human impact (conductivity, nitrate and phosphate contents). Species assemblages at headwaters were mostly represented by sensitive insects, whereas tolerant taxa such as Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, Chironomidae and crustacean Aegla sp. were dominant at urbanised sites. Regarding macroinvertebrate metrics employed, total richness, EPT taxa, Shannon diversity index and Biotic Monitoring Patagonian Stream index resulted fairly consistent and evidenced different levels of disturbances at the stream, meaning that this measures are suitable for evaluation of the status of Patagonian mountain streams.
Introduction. Critically ill patients suffer from oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Although ROS/RNS are constantly produced under normal circumstances, critical illness can drastically increase their production. These patients have reduced plasma and intracellular levels of antioxidants and free electron scavengers or cofactors, and decreased activity of the enzymatic system involved in ROS detoxification. The pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance is of functional relevance during critical illness because it is involved in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure. In this study the objective was to evaluate the relation between oxidative stress in critically ill patients and antioxidant vitamin intake and severity of illness. Methods. Spectrophotometry was used to measure in plasma the total antioxidant capacity and levels of lipid peroxide, carbonyl group, total protein, bilirubin and uric acid at two time points: at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and on day seven. Daily diet records were kept and compliance with recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E) was assessed. Results. Between admission and day seven in the ICU, significant increases in lipid peroxide and carbonyl group were associated with decreased antioxidant capacity and greater deterioration in Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score. There was significantly greater worsening in oxidative stress parameters in patients who received antioxidant vitamins at below 66% of RDA than in those who received antioxidant vitamins at above 66% of RDA. An antioxidant vitamin intake from 66% to 100% of RDA reduced the risk for worsening oxidative stress by 94% (ods ratio 0.06, 95% confidence interval 0.010 to 0.39), regardless of change in severity of illness (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score). Conclusion. The critical condition of patients admitted to the ICU is associated with worsening oxidative stress. Intake of antioxidant vitamins below 66% of RDA and alteration in endogenous levels of substances with antioxidant capacity are related to redox imbalance in critical ill patients. Therefore, intake of antioxidant vitamins should be carefully monitored so that it is as close as possible to RDA.
Nutrition is the basis of human physiological processes. Inadequate nutrition can lead to dysfunction in the metabolic chain links. One of the most important micronutrients is zinc, as evidenced by its wide range of carriers in the body. Zinc intake has a large margin in the current world population, may be 7 mg/d in the UK, reaching 15 mg/d in the U.S., although of course, the RDA's are set according to age, sex , physiological status (pregnancy, lactation, etc..), or disease. It is known that zinc is essential for the structure and function as well as DNA and enzymes, coenzymes, hormones and so on. Life is short, zinc, since the most rapidly absorbed and is transferred to tanks where it is stored, so the amount available zinc in the blood cannot be the amount "real". In this work we have done a mini-review of the passage of zinc by the body trying since their intake to their tour of the blood in both healthy and sick people.
Este estudo tem como objetivos traduzir e validar o instrumento Requirement for Directed Attention (RDA), desenvolvido por Guirardello, para a cultura brasileira. É um instrumento composto de 39 itens que aborda situações no ambiente de trabalho de unidades de cuidados críticos e médico-cirúrgica que demandam atenção dirigida do enfermeiro. O procedimento metodológico constituiu nas etapas de: a) tradução do instrumento para a língua portuguesa; b) back-translation; c) avaliação por um grupo de juízes e d) pré-teste da versão final do instrumento. O instrumento na versão em Português foi aplicado a um grupo de 44 enfermeiros. Os dados resultaram em alta consistência interna para o total dos itens (a = 0,91) e para os domínios: Ambiente Físico (a = 0,78), Psicológico (a = 0,85) e Comportamental (a = 0,80). Apenas o domínio Informação obteve um a de 0,12. Esses resultados sugerem que a versão em Português do RDA pode ser usada para avaliar as demandas de atenção do enfermeiro.
Comparison of donor-acceptor electronic couplings calculated within two-state and three-state models suggests that the two-state treatment can provide unreliable estimates of Vda because of neglecting the multistate effects. We show that in most cases accurate values of the electronic coupling in a π stack, where donor and acceptor are separated by a bridging unit, can be obtained as Ṽ da = (E2 - E1) μ12 Rda + (2 E3 - E1 - E2) 2 μ13 μ23 Rda2, where E1, E2, and E3 are adiabatic energies of the ground, charge-transfer, and bridge states, respectively, μij is the transition dipole moments between the states i and j, and Rda is the distance between the planes of donor and acceptor. In this expression based on the generalized Mulliken-Hush approach, the first term corresponds to the coupling derived within a two-state model, whereas the second term is the superexchange correction accounting for the bridge effect. The formula is extended to bridges consisting of several subunits. The influence of the donor-acceptor energy mismatch on the excess charge distribution, adiabatic dipole and transition moments, and electronic couplings is examined. A diagnostic is developed to determine whether the two-state approach can be applied. Based on numerical results, we showed that the superexchange correction considerably improves estimates of the donor-acceptor coupling derived within a two-state approach. In most cases when the two-state scheme fails, the formula gives reliable results which are in good agreement (within 5%) with the data of the three-state generalized Mulliken-Hush model
We have reported that ingesting a meal immediately after exercise increased skeletal muscle accretion and less adipose tissue accumulation in rats employed in a 10 week resistance exercise program. We hypothesized that a possible increase in the resting metabolic rate (RMR) as a result of the larger skeletal muscle mass might be responsible for the less adipose deposition. Therefore, the effect of the timing of a protein supplement after resistance exercise on body composition and the RMR was investigated in 17 slightly overweight men. The subjects participated in a 12-week weight reduction program consisting of mild energy restriction (17% energy intake reduction) and a light resistance exercise using a pair of dumbbells (3-5 kg). The subjects were assigned to two groups. Group S ingested a protein supplement (10 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 3.3 g fat and one-third of recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals) immediately after exercise. Group C did not ingest the supplement. Daily intake of both energy and protein was equal between the two groups and the protein intake met the RDA. After 12 weeks, the bodyweight, skinfold thickness, girth of waist and hip and percentage bodyfat significantly decreased in the both groups, however, no significant differences were observed between the groups. The fat-free mass significantly decreased in C, whereas its decrease in S was not significant. The RMR and post-meal total energy output significantly increased in S, while these variables did not change in C. In addition, the urinary nitrogen excretion tended to increase in C but not in S. These results suggest that the RMR increase observed in S might be associated with an increase in body protein synthesis.
[cat] Utilitzem un conjunt de mètriques del paisatge per estudiar l'evolució a llarg termini seguida en una típica zona costanera del Mediterrani des de 1850 fins a 2005, que mostren una greu deterioració del medi ambient entre 1950 i 2005. Les principals forces motores d'aquesta degradació del paisatge han estat el creixement urbà experimentat a les antigues zones agrícoles situades a les planes litorals, juntament amb l'abandonament i la reforestació dels vessants dels pujols interceptats per àrees residencials de baixa densitat, carreteres i altres infraestructures lineals. Duem a terme una anàlisi estadística de redundància (RDA) amb la finalitat d'identificar els que considerem com alguns agents rectors socioeconòmics i polítics d'última instància d'aquests impactes ambientals. Els resultats confirmen les nostres hipòtesis interpretatives, que són que: 1) els canvis en les cobertes i usos del sòl determinen canvis en les propietats dels paisatge, tant estructurals com funcionals; 2) aquests canvis no es produeixen per atzar, sinó que estan relacionats amb factors geogràfics i forces socioeconòmiques i polítiques.
Depuis les années 1980, les périphéries urbaines sont très fortement investies par les écrivains. Six d'entre eux sont étudiés dans ce livre: François Bon, François Maspero, Jacques Réda, Jean Rolin, Denis Tillinac et Philippe Vasset. Ils "voyagent" sur le pourtour parisien, parfois plus loin, là où, dit-on, la ville est moins ville que la ville, dans des espaces qui souffriraient d'un déficit d'urbanité. Ce faisant, ils en éprouvent la consistance paysagère, compliquent l'opposition facile entre Paris et sa banlieue, apparaissent, de fait, comme les agents d'une requalification symbolique de la ville contemporaine. La démarche de l'auteur se situe ici au confluent d'un corpus particulier, circonscrit dans le temps - les textes retenus ont paru entre 1990 et 2007 - et d'une question de grande ampleur historique, culturelle et esthétique: le paysage. Tout en plaçant les oeuvres commentées dans la lumière où elles trouvent leur relief spécifique, sa réflexion, associant ponctuellement l'analyse littéraire à d'autres disciplines (géographie, sociologie, philosophie), apporte, sur un champ peu exploré de la littérature vivante, un éclairage neuf et original qui s'adresse aux spécialistes du contemporain, ou de l'extrême contemporain, mais aussi à tous les lecteurs intéressés par les pratiques et les savoirs de la ville.
[cat] Utilitzem un conjunt de mètriques del paisatge per estudiar l'evolució a llarg termini seguida en una típica zona costanera del Mediterrani des de 1850 fins a 2005, que mostren una greu deterioració del medi ambient entre 1950 i 2005. Les principals forces motores d'aquesta degradació del paisatge han estat el creixement urbà experimentat a les antigues zones agrícoles situades a les planes litorals, juntament amb l'abandonament i la reforestació dels vessants dels pujols interceptats per àrees residencials de baixa densitat, carreteres i altres infraestructures lineals. Duem a terme una anàlisi estadística de redundància (RDA) amb la finalitat d'identificar els que considerem com alguns agents rectors socioeconòmics i polítics d'última instància d'aquests impactes ambientals. Els resultats confirmen les nostres hipòtesis interpretatives, que són que: 1) els canvis en les cobertes i usos del sòl determinen canvis en les propietats dels paisatge, tant estructurals com funcionals; 2) aquests canvis no es produeixen per atzar, sinó que estan relacionats amb factors geogràfics i forces socioeconòmiques i polítiques.
The levels of several chemical elements were determined simultaneously in ten different beers of the Venezuelan market by ICP-OES. With the exception of chromium, beer does not provide important amounts of nutritional oligoelements. The average chromium content found (33 µg/L) is higher than one reported for USA's beer (10 µg/L) but smaller than another reported for Brazilian beer (66 µg/L). The average percentage of chromium RDA by beer consumption found for Venezuela (6.3%) is similar to that reported for Belgium (5%). Regarding toxic elements, one of the samples contained an elevated amount of aluminium, probably dissolved from the aluminium can.
En del av de intressantaste fenomenen inom dagens materialfysik uppstår ur ett intrikat samspel mellan myriader av elektroner. Högtemperatursupraledare är det mest berömda exemplet. Varken klassiska teorier eller modeller där elektronerna är oberoende av varandra kan förklara de häpnadsväckande effekterna i de starkt korrelerade elektronsystemen. I vissa kopparoxider, till exempel La2CuO4, är det känt att valenselektronerna till följd av en stark ömsesidig växelverkan lokaliseras en och en till kopparatomerna i föreningens CuO2 plan. Laddningarnas inneboende magnetiska moment—spinnet—får då en avgörande roll för materialets elektriska och magnetiska egenskaper, vilka i exemplets fall kan beskrivas med Heisenbergmodellen som är den grundläggande teoretiska modellen för mikroskopisk magnetism. Men exakt varför föreningarna kan bli supraledande då de dopas med överskottsladdningar är än så länge en obesvarad fråga. Min avhandling undersöker orenheters inverkan på Heisenbergmodellens magnetiska egenskaper—ett problem av både experimentell och teoretisk relevans. En etablerad numerisk metod har använts—en kvantmekanisk Monte Carlo teknik—för att utföra omfattande datorsimuleringar av den matematiska modellen på två dedikerade Linux datorkluster. Arbetet hör till området beräkningsfysik. De teoretiska modellerna för starkt korrelerade elektronsystem, däribland Heisenbergmodellen, är ytterst invecklade matematiskt sett och de kan inte lösas exakt. Analytiska utredningar bygger för det mesta på antaganden och förenklingar vars inverkningar på slutresultatet är ofta oklara. I det avseende kan numeriska studier vara exakta, det vill säga de kan behandla modellerna som de är. Oftast behövs bägge tillvägagångssätten. Den röda tråden i arbetet har varit att numeriskt testa vissa högaktuella analytiska förutsägelser rörande effekterna av orenheter i Heisenbergmodellen. En del av dem har vi på basen av mycket noggranna data kunnat bekräfta. Men våra resultat har också påvisat felaktigheter i de analytiska prognoserna som sedermera delvis reviderats. En del av avhandlingens numeriska upptäckter har i sin tur stimulerat till helt nya teoretiska studier.
Avhandlingen handlar om den berömda tyska svartkonstnären och magikern Faust (eller Faustus). Faust gällde - och gäller - som en människa som aldrig nöjde sig med den vetskap som han själv hade kunnat nå. Han beslöt att söka efter en lösning för sitt missnöje hos djävulen i stället, gjorde alltså en pakt med denne för att kunna erfara sådant som egentligen bara Gud kunde veta. Djävulspakten är en av de viktigaste och väsentligaste beståndsdelarna i Faust-traditionen, men just den har också kunnat tolkas på särskild många olika sätt under de senaste århundradena: Vad hände t.ex. med en som gjorde en pakt med djävulen under renässanstiden, hur går det med en sådan människa i vår tid? Kan man överhuvudtaget göra en konkret pakt med en "djävul" i vår inte mera så "strängt-kristliga" tid? Avhandlingen använder djävulspakten och dess moralisk värdering i olika tyska Faust-verk som en röd tråd genom den europeiska litteratur- och kulturhistorian. Därutöver fogas de hittills mycket obekanta finska och svenska Faust-bearbetningarna genom denna röda tråd till den långa tyska Faust-traditionen. Avsikten är att genom ett sådant perspektiv skapa en enhetlig men dock mångsidig traditionskedja för Faust-legenden i Tyskland och i Norden, samt därigenom bevisa att legenden om Faust är fortfarande aktuell: de moraliska frågorna som en djävulspakt väckte på 1600-talet består ännu i dag men har förvandlats i form och följder.