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The quality of the sibling relationship has an important role in the development of psychosocial skills throughout childhood. While the literature suggests that the significance of sibling relationships is heightened when one sibling has a disability, empirical findings about the quality of these relationships are few and inconsistent. The present study aimed to address this gap, by investigating mothers’ perspectives about the impact of disability on the quality of the childhood sibling relationship. Forty-one mothers with a child with disability, and 48 with no children with disability completed an online questionnaire that assessed the amount of perceived warmth/closeness and conflict in their children’s sibling relationship. It was found that while there were no differences in reported conflict between the two groups, mothers with a child with disability reported significantly lower warmth/closeness in their children’s sibling relationship than mothers without a child with disability. Demographic variables such as number of children, gender grouping, target gender, target age and age order did not moderate this result. Mothers overall reported significantly more warmth/closeness for younger rather than older children, and more conflict when the sibling was younger than the target child as opposed to older than them. Clinical implications for intervention are discussed.


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Chips were produced by orthogonal Cutting of cast pure magnesium billet with three different tool rake angles viz., -15 degrees, -5 degrees and +15 degrees on a lathe. Chip consolidation by solid state recycling technique involved cold compaction followed by hot extrusion. The extruded products were characterized for microstructure and mechanical properties. Chip-consolidated products from -15 degrees rake angle tools showed 19% increase in tensile strength, 60% reduction ingrain size and 12% increase in hardness compared to +15 degrees rake chip-consolidated product indicating better chip bonding and grain refinement. Microstructure of the fracture specimen Supports the abovefinding. On the overall, the present work high lights the importance of tool take angle in determining the quality of the chip-consolidated products. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A growing body of empirical research examines the structure and effectiveness of corporate governance systems around the world. An important insight from this literature is that corporate governance mechanisms address the excessive use of managerial discretionary powers to get private benefits by expropriating the value of shareholders. One possible way of expropriation is to reduce the quality of disclosed earnings by manipulating the financial statements. This lower quality of earnings should then be reflected by the stock price of firm according to value relevance theorem. Hence, instead of testing the direct effect of corporate governance on the firm’s market value, it is important to understand the causes of the lower quality of accounting earnings. This thesis contributes to the literature by increasing knowledge about the extent of the earnings management – measured as the extent of discretionary accruals in total disclosed earnings - and its determinants across the Transitional European countries. The thesis comprises of three essays of empirical analysis of which first two utilize the data of Russian listed firms whereas the third essay uses data from 10 European economies. More specifically, the first essay adds to existing research connecting earnings management to corporate governance. It testifies the impact of the Russian corporate governance reforms of 2002 on the quality of disclosed earnings in all publicly listed firms. This essay provides empirical evidence of the fact that the desired impact of reforms is not fully substantiated in Russia without proper enforcement. Instead, firm-level factors such as long-term capital investments and compliance with International financial reporting standards (IFRS) determine the quality of the earnings. The result presented in the essay support the notion proposed by Leuz et al. (2003) that the reforms aimed to bring transparency do not correspond to desired results in economies where investor protection is lower and legal enforcement is weak. The second essay focuses on the relationship between the internal-control mechanism such as the types and levels of ownership and the quality of disclosed earnings in Russia. The empirical analysis shows that the controlling shareholders in Russia use their powers to manipulate the reported performance in order to get private benefits of control. Comparatively, firms owned by the State have significantly better quality of disclosed earnings than other controllers such as oligarchs and foreign corporations. Interestingly, market performance of firms controlled by either State or oligarchs is better than widely held firms. The third essay provides useful evidence on the fact that both ownership structures and economic characteristics are important factors in determining the quality of disclosed earnings in three groups of countries in Europe. Evidence suggests that ownership structure is a more important determinant in developed and transparent countries, while economic determinants are important determinants in developing and transitional countries.


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Amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) is well-known material in the global semiconductor industry. The quality of the a-Si:H films is generally decided by silicon and hydrogen bonding configuration (Si-H-x, x=1,2) and hydrogen concentration (C-H). These quality aspects are correlated with the plasma parameters like ion density (N-i) and electron temperature (T-e) of DC, Pulsed DC (PDC) and RF plasmas during the sputter-deposition of a-Si:H thin films. It was found that the N-i and T-e play a major role in deciding Si-H-x bonding configuration and the C-H value in a-Si:H films. We observed a trend in the variation of Si-H and Si-H-2 bonding configurations, and C-H in the films deposited by DC, Pulsed DC and RF reactive sputtering techniques. Ion density and electron energy are higher in RF plasma followed by PDC and DC plasma. Electrons with two different energies were observed in all the plasmas. At a particular hydrogen partial pressure, RF deposited films have higher C-H followed by PDC and then DC deposited films. The maximum energy that can be acquired by the ions was found to be higher in RF plasma. Floating potential (V-f) is more negative in DC plasma, whereas, plasma potential (V-p) is found to be more positive in RF plasma. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is often difficult to define ‘water quality’ with any degree of precision. One approach is that suggested by Battarbee (1997) and is based on the extent to which individual lakes have changed compared with their natural ‘baseline’ status. Defining the base-line status of artificial lakes and reservoirs however, is, very difficult. In ecological terms, the definition of quality must include some consideration of their functional characteristics and the extent to which these characteristics are self-sustaining. The challenge of managing lakes in a sustainable way is particularly acute in semi-arid, Mediterranean countries. Here the quality of the water is strongly influenced by the unpredictability of the rainfall as well as year-to-year variations in the seasonal averages. Wise management requires profound knowledge of how these systems function. Thus a holistic approach must be adopted and the factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of the lakes quantified over a range of spatial and temporal scales. In this article, the authors describe some of the ways in which both long-term and short-term changes in the weather have influenced the seasonal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton in El Gergal, a water supply reservoir situated in the south of Spain. The quality of the water stored in this reservoir is typically very good but surface blooms of algae commonly appear during warm, calm periods when the water level is low. El Gergal reservoir is managed by the Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento (EMASESA) and supplies water for domestic, commercial and industrial use to an area which includes the city of Seville and twelve of its surrounding towns (ca. 1.3 million inhabitants). El Gergal is the last of two reservoirs in a chain of four situated in the Rivera de Huelva basin, a tributary of the Guadalquivir river. It was commissioned by EMASESA in 1979 and since then the company has monitored its main limnological parameters on, at least, a monthly basis and used this information to improve the management of the reservoir. As a consequence of these intensive studies the physical, chemical and biological information acquired during this period makes the El Gergal database one of the most complete in Spain. In this article the authors focus on three ‘weather-related’ effects that have had a significant impact on the composition and distribution of phytoplankton in El Gergal: (i) the changes associated with severe droughts; (ii) the spatial variations produced by short-term changes in the weather; (iii) the impact of water transfers on the seasonal dynamics of the dinoflagellate Ceratium.


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Water quality of three stations representing polluted (Sts. B & S) and relatively unpolluted (St. M) areas along the coast of Bombay was studied during Mar 1981 to May 1982. Stations B & S were characterized by relatively wider fluctuations in salinity, low range of dissolved oxygen and higher BOD, phosphate and nitrate levels. At St. M higher range of dissolved oxygen coupled with low values of BOD and nutrients suggest the prevailing good water quality. The deteriorating water quality of the polluted station probably lead to retarded growth of Saccostrea cucullata and Cerithium rubus living in the shallow intertidal region.


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A quality of survey was conducted at the fish curing yards in a northwest coast and the southern coast in Sri Lanka. A total of 40 samples different varieties of fishes were collected from the market and jaadi curing yards and all were evaluated for the quality, fungal and insect infestation. Samples were analyzed for proximate composition chemical, microbiological and sensory quality. Thirty percent of the total analyzed samples of fish were found to be unfit for consumption. Samples collected from Negombo were found to the infected with maggots. Only 42% samples had dry matter above 50%. All the samples showed a protein content above 20%. The highest protein content was 27.92% in hurulla. Over 90% of the samples had TVN at acceptable quality limits (>40). The TBC for 33% of the samples were in the range 104-105/g range, while 48% were in the range of 107-108/g due to contamination of maggots and fungi. The Survey showed jaadi had a high level of protein in its composition. But defects of curing process such on imperfect cleaning inadequate salting resulted in low (Chemical and microbiological) quality of the product.


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Chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic characteristics of sun dried/dry salted fish collected from five major centres of coastal Maharastra [sic] are reported. Wide variations are seen in the quality of the different samples. In dry salted products, moisture ranged from 16.17 to 46.58%; salt from 5.18 to 22.75%; acid insoluble ash from 1.0 to 6.8%. In sun dried samples moisture varied from 16.15 to 39.51% and acid insoluble ash from 0.42 to 2.82%. The sun dried samples, though no salt was used in the process, showed fairly good amount of salt.


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Protein powders were prepared from processing waste of prawns either by mechanically squeezing the shell and freeze drying the resultant aqueous extract or by treating the shell with 0.5% sodium hydroxide, filtering it and freeze drying the filtrate. Comparative studies on the proximate composition, amino acid profile, consumer acceptability and nutritional quality of the protein powders showed that the product prepared by freeze drying of the press liquor obtained by passing the waste through a hand operated expeller is better in all aspects studied than the product prepared by mild alkali extraction.


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In this study, quality of fresh, slow frozen and quick frozen tilapia fillets and its changes during storage at -18C° were investigated. For preparation the samples, fresh tilapia fillets were frozen by slow and quick frozen methods. Slow frozen samples were prepared by storing the packed fillets directly in the -18 C°. The sprila freezing tunle with -30C° was also used for preparation the quick frozen sample. The quick frozen samples were then stored at -18C°for six months. Proximate composition, fatty acid profiles, TBA, PV, TVN, Total cuont, Drip loss, and sensory evaluation of the samples were determined in every month. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used for study on the effects of the frozen condition on the microstructure of the fillets. Results indicated that two different frozen methods had significantly different effects on the quality of the fillets. Most of the proximate composition (protein, moistre and fat) reduced during the storage. Quick frozen filets had significantly (P<0.05) lower reduction than slow frozen samples. All of the chemical quality indexes (PV, TBA, and TVN) increased during the storage as compered to the fresh samples. In these paramethers, the slow freezing had higher changes than quick freezing metods (P<0.05). The microbial properties of the samples showed decrese during the storage. Lower amont of total cuont was observed at the end of the storage time in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen once (P<0.05). The large changes in the fatty acid profiles of the sample were fond in all samples. During the storage SFA and MUF of the samples increased however, the PUFA decresed. A lower change was obseved in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen samples (P<0.05). Drip loss was increased in both frozen samples during the storage period. The percentage of the drip in the slow frozen samples was significantly higer than quick frozen samples (P<0.05). SEM micrographs were also showed that the chnges in the microstructur of the samples was different in the slow and frozen samples. Slow freezing methods had higher damge in the microstructure of the sample then quick freezing mathods. Sensory evaluation of the samples indicated that a better acceptability in the quick frozen samples than slow frozen sample (P<0.05).


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The ZnO films were deposited on c-plane sapphire, Si (0 0 1) and MgAl2O4 (1 1 1) substrates in pure Ar ambient at different substrate temperatures ranging from 400 to 750 degrees C by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence and Hall measurements were used to evaluate the growth temperature and the substrate effects on the properties of ZnO films. The results show that the crystalline quality of the ZnO films improves with increasing the temperature up to 600 degrees C, the crystallinity of the films is degraded as the growth temperature increasing further, and the ZnO film with the best crystalline quality is obtained on sapphire at 600 degrees C. The intensity of the photoluminescence and the electrical properties strongly depend on the crystalline quality of the ZnO films. The ZnO films with the better crystallinity have the stronger ultraviolet emission, the higher mobility and the lower residual carrier concentration. The effects of crystallinity on light emission and electrical properties, and the possible origin of the n-type conductivity of the undoped ZnO films are also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Taihu Lake is the third largest fresh water lake in China. With the fast economic development, abundant industrial and agricultural waste water has been discharged into Taihu Lake, causing the eutrophication of the water quality, which greatly affected the water utility. In the past decades, the treatment of Taihu Lake has witnessed limited success. Therefore, it is practically and theoretically significant to study the eutrophication of Taihu Lake. This research has focused on the issue of water quality including the characteristics of spatial and temporal distributions, and the rules of nutrient diffusion in the Taihu lake area. Based on the monitoring data, the basis distribution characteristics of water quality in Taihu Lake are analyzed. Comparing Taihu Lake with other Lakes shows that one important reason for Taihu eutrophication is the long period of water retention. A transporting and diffusing model of Taihu nutrient is developed by combining with the hydrodynamics model. Using the model, the concentration field of the total phosphorus (TP) and the influence of wind-driven current are numerically investigated, which leads to the conclusion that the flow field has a great influence on the spatial and temporal distributions of TP in Taihu Lake. Furthermore, the effect for improving the water quality by the project of water diversion from the Yangtze River to Taihu Lake was analyzed by simulation. The results demonstrate that short-term water diversion cannot improve the water quality of the heavily-polluted Meiliang Bay and the western bank areas of Taihu Lake.


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Aesthetics of concrete structures is directly related to the quality of their surface finish. The objective of this investigation was to examine the effect of rheological properties of cement-based mortars on the quality of their surface finish. The study was divided into two phases. Firstly, the influence of the mix composition of mortars, viz. the water to cement (w/c) ratio, the sand content and the superplasticiser (SP) dosage on their rheology was evaluated. Secondly, the surface finish quality was characterised and related to the rheology of the studied systems. Rheology of these materials, i.e. the yield value, was measured using a vane viscometer. The quality of the surface finish was assessed by quantification of the surface air voids by analysing digital photographs of the mould finished sample surfaces. It was found that an increase in the w/c ratio and the SP content decreased the yield value, whilst the increase in the sand content had an opposite effect. When the surface quality is concerned, an increase in the yield value was found to increase the total content of the surface air voids and especially those with size smaller than 1 mm in diameter. Moreover, the analysis of the location of the surface air voids along the height of the sample revealed that with the increase in the yield value their concentration was higher in the bottom section of the analysed samples.


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A core activity in information systems development involves building a conceptual model of the domain that an information system is intended to support. Such models are created using a conceptual-modeling (CM) grammar. Just as high-quality conceptual models facilitate high-quality systems development, high-quality CM grammars facilitate high-quality conceptual modeling. This paper provides a new perspective on ways to improve the quality of the semantics of CM grammars. For many years, the leading approach to this topic has relied on ontological theory. We show, however, that the ontological approach captures only half the story. It needs to be coupled with a logical approach. We explain how the ontological quality and logical quality of CM grammars interrelate. Furthermore, we outline three contributions that a logical approach can make to evaluating the quality of CM grammars: a means of seeing some familiar conceptual-modeling problems in simpler ways; the illumination of new problems; and the ability to prove the benefit of modifying existing CM grammars in particular ways. We demonstrate these benefits in the context of the Entity-Relationship grammar. More generally, our paper opens up a new area of research with many opportunities for future research and practice.


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The water quality and fish populations of the Welland River were observed to decline with distance downstream. This coincided with increased agricultural , domestic and industrial waste loadings. The river upstream of the City of Welland received considerable loadings from agricultural sources. Centrarchids, sciaenids, ictalurids, cyprinids and esocids characterized this upper section of the river. Most of these species were tolerant of low dissolved oxygen concentrations and the high turbidity which prevailed there . The river near Port Robinson receives many industrial and domestic wastes as evidenced by the water quality data. The fish in this section were less abundant and the observed population was comprised almost solely of cyprinids. Further downstream, near Montrose, the Welland River received shock loads of chemical wastes that exceeded a specific conductance of ISiOOO ;umhos/cm. Few fish were captured at this site and those that were captured were considered to be transients. A review of the literature revealed that none of the common indices of water quality in use today could adequately predict the observed distributions. In addition to the above, the long-term trend (l3 yrs) of water quality of the lower Welland River revealed a gradual improvement. The major factor thought to be responsible for this improvement was the operation of the Welland Sewage Treatment Plant. The construction of the New Welland Ship Canal coincided with large fluctuations of the total solids and other parameters downstream. These conditions prevailed for a maximum of three years (1972- 1975)' Furthermore, spawning times and temperatures, geographic distributions, length-weight regressions and many other descriptive aspects of the ecology of some 26 species/ taxa of fish were obtained. Several of these species are rare or new to southern Ontario.