90 resultados para Puhakka, Onni
Kuntarakenneuudistus ja sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen muutosprosessi: Kunnallistieteellisen aikakauskirjan teemanumero.
Oxidative dissolution of chalcopyrite at ambient temperatures is generally slow and subject to passivation, posing a major challenge for developing bioleaching applications for this recalcitrant mineral. Chloride is known to enhance the chemical leaching of chalcopyrite, but much of this effect has been demonstrated at elevated temperatures. This study was undertaken to test whether 100-200 mM Na-chloride enhances the chemical and bacterial leaching of chalcopyrite in shake flasks and stirred tank bioreactor conditions at mesophilic temperatures. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and abiotic controls were employed for the leaching experiments. Addition of Na-chloride to the bioleaching suspension inhibited the formation of secondary phases from chalcopyrite and decreased the Fe(III) precipitation. Neither elemental S nor secondary Cu-sulfides were detected in solid residues by X-ray diffraction. Chalcopyrite leaching was enhanced when the solution contained bacteria, ferrous iron and Na-chloride under low redox potential (< 450 mV) conditions. Scanning electron micrographs and energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays revealed the presence of precipitates that were identified as brushite and jarosites in solid residues. Minor amounts of gypsum may also have been present. Electrochemical analysis of solid residues was in concurrence of the differential effects between chemical controls, chloride ions, and bacteria. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to characterize interfacial changes on chalcopyrite surface caused by different bioleaching conditions. In abiotic controls, the impedance signal stabilized after 28 days, indicating the lack of changes on mineral surface thereafter, but with more resistive behavior than chalcopyrite itself. For bioleached samples, the signal suggested some capacitive response with time owing to the formation of less conductive precipitates. At Bode-phase angle plots (middle frequency), a new time constant was observed that was associated with the formation of jarosite, possibly also with minor amount or elemental S, although this intermediate could not be verified by XRD. Real impedance vs. frequency plots indicated that the bioleaching continued to modify the chalcopyrite/solution interface even after 42 days. © 2013 The Authors.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This article presents the proceedings of a symposium presented at the ISBRA 12th World Congress on Biomedical Alcohol Research, held in Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, September 29 through October 2, 2004. The organizers of the symposium were Simon Worrall and Victor Preedy, and the symposium was chaired by Onni Niemelä and Geoffrey Thiele. The presentations scheduled for this symposium were (1) Adduct chemistry and mechanisms of adduct formation, by Thomas L. Freeman; (2) Malondialdehyde- acetaldehyde adducts: the 2004 update, by Geoffrey Thiele; (3) Adduct formation in the liver, by Simon Worrall; (4) Protein adducts in alcoholic cardiomyopathy, by Onni Niemelä; and (5) Alcoholic skeletal muscle myopathy: a role for protein adducts, by Victor R. Preedy.
In this master’s thesis, I examine the development of writer-characters and metafiction from John Irving’s The World According to Garp to Last Night in Twisted River and how this development relates to the development of late twentieth century postmodern literary theory to twenty-first century post-postmodern literary theory. The purpose of my study is to determine how the prominently postmodern feature metafiction, created through the writer-character’s stories-within-stories, has changed in form and function in the two novels published thirty years apart from one another, and what possible features this indicates for future post-postmodern theory. I establish my theoretical framework on the development of metafiction largely on late twentieth-century models of author and authorship as discussed by Roland Barthes, Wayne Booth and Michel Foucault. I base my close analysis of metafiction mostly on Linda Hutcheon’s model of overt and covert metafiction. At the end of my study, I examine Irving’s later novel through Suzanne Rohr’s models of reality constitution and fictional reality. The analysis of the two novels focuses on excerpts that feature the writer-characters, their stories-within-stories and the novels’ other characters and the narrators’ evaluations of these two. I draw examples from both novels, but I illustrate my choice of focus on the novels at the beginning of each section. Through this, I establish a method of analysis that best illustrates the development as a continuum from pre-existing postmodern models and theories to the formation of new post-postmodern theory. Based on my findings, the thesis argues that twenty-first century literary theory has moved away from postmodern overt deconstruction of the narrative and its meaning. New post-postmodern literary theory reacquires the previously deconstructed boundaries that define reality and truth and re-establishes them as having intrinsic value that cannot be disputed. In establishing fictional reality as self-governing and non-intrudable, post-postmodern theory takes a stance against postmodern nihilism, which indicates the re-founded, non-questionable value of the text’s reality. To continue mapping other possible features of future post-postmodern theory, I recommend further analysis solely on John Irving’s novels’ published in the twenty-first century.
Opettajat vaihtavat ammattia. Syitä ammatinvaihtoon on tutkittu eri maissa, mutta Suomessa vain vähän. Aikaisemmat kansainväliset tutkimukset ammatin vaihtamiseen liittyvistä tekijöistä osoittavat, että erityisesti johtamiseen ja hallintoon liittyvät tekijät vaikuttavat ammatinvaihtoon. Suomen koulujärjestelmä on kuitenkin muihin maihin verrattuna erilainen muun muassa hallinnon osalta. Siksi on tärkeää tutkia muissa tutkimuksissa osoitettujen tekijöiden roolia suomalaisella aineistolla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät ovat yhteydessä luokanopettajan aikomukseen vaihtaa ammattia Suomessa. Lisäksi tutkitaan, miten luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ja luokanopettajien näkemykset ammatin vaihtamiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä eroavat toisistaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin neljän satakuntalaisen koulun luokanopettajilta ja Turun yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen Rauman yksikön opiskelijoilta kyselylomakkeella. Aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin pohjautuva kyselylomake sisälsi 5 avointa vastausta ja 50 strukturoitua kysymystä. Opettajat vastasivat lisäksi 46 strukturoituun kysymykseen liittyen koulun tämänhetkiseen työviihtyvyyteen. Tutkimukseen osallistui 51 vastaajaa, joista 14 oli luokanopettajia ja 37 luokanopettajaopiskelijoita. Tutkimuksen mukaan joka neljäs opettaja on harkinnut ammatinvaihtoa silloin tällöin tai useammin. Tärkeimmät syyt ammatinvaihtoon ovat henkinen kuormittavuus ja palkkataso. Opettajien ammatinvaihto on suuri ongelma muissa maissa, kuten Yhdysvalloissa, Kanadassa ja Australiassa, ja sitä tulee ehkäistä myös Suomessa. Tutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että opettajien henkistä kuormittavuutta pitäisi pienentää ja palkkatasoa parantaa suhteessa työn määrään. Opettajat ja opiskelijat näyttävät kaipaavan erityisesti työn kuormittavuuteen liittyviä ohjeita ja opintoja. Opiskelijoiden ja opettajien välillä oli myös eroja. Opettajat pitävät kiireettömyyttä, palkkaa ja työn sopivaa määrää tärkeämpänä kuin opiskelijat. Opiskelijat kokivat sen sijaan opettajia tärkeämmäksi oppilaiden osaamisen ja käyttäytymisen. Opettajat kokivat kiireen olevan myös todennäköisempi syy vaihtaa ammattia.