948 resultados para Psycho-Oncology


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Objective: Relapse fear is a common psychological scar in cancer survivors. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of an abridged version of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in breast cancer patients.Method: An open trial was developed with 12 non-metastatic breast cancer patients assigned to 2 conditions, ACT and waiting list. Interventions were applied in just one session and focused on the acceptance of relapse fears through a ‘defusion’ exercise. Interference and intensity of fear measured through subjective scales were collected after each intervention and again 3 months later. Distress, hypochondria and ‘anxious preocupation’ were also evaluated through standardized questionnaires.Results: The analysis revealed that ‘defusion’ contributed to decrease the interference of the fear of recurrence, and these changes were maintained three months after intervention in most subjects. 87% of participants showed clinically significant decreases in interference at follow-up sessions whereas no patient in the waiting list showed such changes. Statistical analysis revealed that the changes in interference were significant when comparing pre, post and follow-up treatment, and also when comparing ACT and waiting list groups. Changes in intensity of fear, distress, anxious preoccupation and hypochondria were also observed.Conclusions: Exposure through ‘defusion’ techniques might be considered a useful option for treatment of persistent fears in cancer patients. This study provides evidence for therapies focusing on psychological acceptance in cancer patients through short, simple and feasible therapeutic methods.


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Objective: This essay aims at identifying, describing and analyzing possible changes both in the experience of the body and in interpersonal relations of women with breast cancer, which result from their participation in Dance Therapy group meetings.Method: This is a phenomenologically oriented qualitative research using Maria Fux´s dance therapy method for group experiences. Eight meetings are described here, and an analysis of descriptions based primarily on Merleau-Ponty and María Fux is provided.Results: The participants have been able to express pain and sorrow over the circumstances that breast cancer and its relational environments have brought to their lives. They have been able to go through moments of creation and surrender to the rhythmic body sensations and experiential environment with different emotions lived separately and jointly. They have revived memories and sensations of their childhood and adolescence, and finally, they have rediscovered their sensitive body through body resignifications marked by the absence of the breast, and by means of feelings of greater acceptance and integration of lived experiences in new gestalts.Conclusions: This project is still under way, but it is already possible to conclude that the life experiences provided in dance therapy have allowed these women to improve their integration and welfare. Likewise, they have felt positive changes in the perception of their corporality and in their way of being in the world and with other subjects, thus experiencing the body in a new and different way.


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El arteterapia permite una aproximación creativa biográfica particularmente valiosa en la etapa final de la vida. La persona enferma presenta múltiples necesidades – físicas, emocionales, sociales y espirituales – que solo una atención holística puede pretender abarcar, tal como lo contempla la filosofía de los cuidados paliativos. El arteterapeuta integrado en el equipo interdisciplinar contribuye a aliviar y acompañar el sufrimiento del paciente y su familia. Se presentan aquí las bases teóricas y la metodología de la intervención, así como el marco sanitario en el cual se inscribe.


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Objectives: To summarise black and minority ethnic (BME) patients' and partners
experiences of prostate cancer (PCa) by examining the findings of existing qualitative studies
We undertook a systematic metasynthesis of qualitative studies using a modified version of
Noblit and Hare's 'meta-ethnography' approach, with a 2000-2015 search of seven databases.
Results: Thirteen studies of men from US and UK BME groups were included. We explored
constructs with BME-specific features. Healthcare provider relationships, formation of a
spiritual alliance with God (which enhanced the participants’ feeling of empowerment and
ability to cope with the cancer) and living on for others (generally to increase cancer
awareness), often connected to spiritual regrowth, were the three constructs most commonly
reported. A magnified effect from erectile dysfunction was also common. Initially this
affected men’s disclosure to others about their cancer and their sexual problems, but
eventually men responded by shifting their conceptualisations of masculinity to sustain self
and social identities. There was also evidence of inequality resulting from financial
constraints and adversity that necessitated resilience in coping.
Conclusions: The prostate cancer experience of BME men and their partners is affected by a
complex intersection of ethnicity with other factors. Healthcare services should acknowledge
this. If providers recognise the men’s felt masculinities, social identities and spiritual beliefs
and their shifting nature, services could be improved, with community as well as individual
benefits. More studies are needed in diverse ethnic groups


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Objective: The term grief, from the French term grever, which means “to burden, to oppress”, can be deined as the process through which a person must go due to the loss of a loved one. We present a case of grief elaboration in a patient and his family that face a terminal illness. Clinical case: The patient is a 51-year-old man diagnosed with stage T4a N2b M1 colon adenocarcinoma. He came to the Department of Psycho-Oncology presenting depressive symptoms, marital and family issues associated with a medical condition, and work related issues. Conclusions: The patient was diagnosed with a secondary major depressive disorder episode in reaction to his medical condition. He was prescribed anti-depressive treatment, and family psychotherapy was recommended for grief elaboration.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar la relación entre ideación suicida y desesperanza en 160 pacientes con cáncer. La ideación suicida se midió a través de dos ítems de una entrevista semiestructurada, la escala de ideación suicida (ISS), el ítem 9 del inventario de depresión de Beck (BDI-IA). La desesperanza se midió con la escala de desesperanza de Beck (BHS). Los resultados obtenidos indicaron una relación significativa (p=.000) entre ideación suicida y desesperanza; una prevalencia de ideación suicida en los pacientes con cáncer entre 4.4% y 13.8% y de riesgo de suicidio entre 5.6% y 30.6%; y algún grado de desesperanza en 31.9 % de los participantes. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se confirma que existe relación entre la desesperanza y la ideación suicida en pacientes oncológicos adultos. Adicionalmente, que estas variables están presentes en los pacientes y que ameritan atención en la intervención interdisciplinaria.


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El Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional (SAP), es común en los trabajadores de la salud, particularmente en los expuestos a altos niveles de estrés en el trabajo e incluye el agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal. Se considera que los médicos residentes presentan una mayor prevalencia del síndrome que los médicos debido a que se encuentran en entrenamiento, período en el cual están sometidos a alta carga laboral debido a las largas horas de trabajo, horarios irregulares, privación de sueño, intensas demandas emocionales, así como la presión de dominar un gran conocimiento clínico. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional o Burnout en la población de médicos residentes. Metodología. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en la base de datos electrónica Pubmed, seleccionando aquellos publicados entre los años 2001 al 2016, tanto en idioma inglés como en español, a texto completo y enfocados en estudios en médicos residentes. Resultados. Los hallazgos sugieren que el Síndrome de Agotamiento Profesional o Burnout es altamente prevalente, que varía de acuerdo a la residencia que se esté realizando, encontrando un promedio del 50% con un rango de 27% a 75% entre las diferentes especialidades de la población estudiada y, en consecuencia, puede constituir un problema de salud que amerita atención en cada Institución, esto a pesar de que la prevalencia pueda variar de un lugar a otro y en las diferentes especialidades. Conclusiones. El SAP o Burnout constituye un problema de salud entre la población de médicos residentes, lo que sugiere la conveniencia de diseñar medidas para su prevención como informar en la inducción al programa de residencia sobre el riesgo de la aparición del síndrome y sus síntomas, consultar tempranamente ante signos de alarma, adecuar el sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica para que incluya esta condición específica y ajustar o disminuir la carga laboral entre otras.


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BACKGROUND There is evidence for the efficacy of psycho-oncological interventions (POI) in randomized controlled trials for cancer patients. Our objective was to explore, under naturalistic conditions (using propensity score matching), whether POI are effective to decrease anxiety, depression, distress and overall psychopathological symptoms within cancer patients and their partners. METHODS This study was conducted in the Oncology and Hematology Center of a University clinic in Switzerland with a group of 186 patients and 117 partners. Outcome measures of mental health were the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Symptom Checklist (SCL-9-K). Repeated-measures ANOVAs were used to analyze change over time and group effects between individuals with POI vs. without POI. RESULTS Highly distressed patients and their partners participating in POI reported better mental health over time. Among moderately distressed patients, a decrease over time emerged in depression and distress independent of POI. No effectiveness of POI could be demonstrated in moderately distressed patients and partners. CONCLUSION Most of the highly distressed patients receive additional POI and therefore conclusions about the efficacy of POI are difficult. For moderately distressed individuals, POI as implemented in Switzerland does not improve mental health in such patients and their partners, which may be caused by very time limited POI treatments. Studies with more intense POI treatments are needed.


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Objective: Psycho-neuro-immune research suggests an association between cancer outcomes and psychosocial distress. Objective criteria to determine patients’ levels of distress are important to establish potential links to disease outcomes. Methods: We compared three patient-reported with one doctor-reported measures of psychooncologic distress frequently used in routine cancer care and investigated associations with standard disease severity parameters in melanoma patients. We enrolled n = 361 patients, successively seen at two outpatient university clinics in Germany. In the naturalistic study, n = 222 patients had been diagnosed <180 days and were seen for the first time (Group I); n = 139 had been diagnosed >180 days and were in after-care (Group II). Results: Across groups, only moderate associations were seen between patient- reported and doctorreported measures. Regarding clinical variables, disease severity and perceived need of psychooncologic support reported by patients or doctors showed hardly any association. After subgroup stratification, in patients of Group II, patient-reported and doctor-reported instruments showed some small associations with disease parameters commonly linked to more rapid cancer progression in patients who are in cancer after-care. Conclusions: Overall, the few and low associations suggest that need of psycho-oncologic support and clinical variables were largely independent of each other and doctors’ perception may not reflect the patient’s view. Therefore, the assessment of the patient perspective is indispensable to ensure that melanoma patients receive appropriate support, as such need cannot be derived from other disease parameters or proxy report. More research is needed applying psychometrically robust instruments that are ideally combined with sensitive biomarkers to disentangle psycho-neuro-immune implications in melanoma patients.


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Videotelephony (real-time audio-visual communication) has been used successfully in adult palliative home care. This paper describes two attempts to complete an RCT (both of which were abandoned following difficulties with family recruitment), designed to investigate the use of videotelephony with families receiving palliative care from a tertiary paediatric oncology service in Brisbane, Australia. To investigate whether providing videotelephone-based support was acceptable to these families, a 12-month non-randomised acceptability trial was completed. Seventeen palliative care families were offered access to a videotelephone support service in addition to the 24 hours ‘on-call’ service already offered. A 92% participation rate in this study provided some reassurance that the use of videotelephones themselves was not a factor in poor RCT participation rates. The next phase of research is to investigate the integration of videotelephone-based support from the time of diagnosis, through outpatient care and support, and for palliative care rather than for palliative care in isolation


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Imperatives to improve the sustainability of cities often hinge upon plans to increase urban residential density to facilitate greater reliance on sustainable forms of transport and minimise car use. However there is ongoing debate about whether high residential density land use in isolation results in sustainable transport outcomes. Findings from surveys with residents of inner-urban high density dwellings in Brisbane, Australia, suggest that solo car travel accounts for the greatest modal share of typical work journeys and attitudes toward dwelling and neighbourhood transport-related features, residential sorting factors and socio-demographics, alongside land use such as public transport availability, are significantly associated with work travel mode choice. We discuss the implications of our findings for transport policy and management including encouraging relatively sustainable intermodal forms of transport for work journeys.


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This study aimed to identify: i) the prevalence of malnutrition according to the scored Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA); ii) utilization of available nutrition resources; iii) patient nutrition information needs; and iv) external sources of nutrition information. An observational, cross-sectional study was undertaken at an Australian public hospital on 191 patients receiving oncology services. According to PG-SGA, 49% of patients were malnourished and 46% required improved symptom management and/or nutrition intervention. Commonly reported nutrition-impact symptoms included: peculiar tastes (31%), no appetite (24%) and nausea (24%). External sources of nutrition information were accessed by 37%, with popular choices being media/internet (n=19) and family/friends (n=13). In a sub-sample (n=65), 32 patients were aware of the available nutrition resources, 23 thought the information sufficient and 19 patients had actually read them. Additional information on supplements and modifying side effects was requested by 26 patients. Malnutrition is common in oncology patients receiving treatment at an Australian public hospital and almost half require improved symptom management and/or nutrition intervention. Patients who read the available nutrition information found it useful, however awareness of these nutrition resources and the provision of information on supplementation and managing symptoms requires attention.


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Aim: This study aimed to enhance the capacity of oncology nurses to provide supportive care for patients with advanced cancer who have dependent children. ---------- Method: This was a pilot study of an educational intervention comprising a study-developed self-directed learning manual, supported by a day-long communication skills training workshop. Evaluation pre- and post-training included measures of stress and burnout, self-reports of confidence and attitudes, responses to clinical vignettes and video-taped interviews with simulated patients.---------- Results: Nurses found the educational intervention highly acceptable, and reported increased confidence in their ability to provide information and support for parents, and to initiate discussion about emotional issues. There were significant improvements in general communication skills and skills specific to this training, as well as reduced use of blocking.---------- Conclusion: Brief communication skills training supplemented with tailored educational resources can enhance confidence skills and knowledge of oncology nurses regarding their supportive care of parents with advanced cancer.