920 resultados para Prosecution of pirates


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Considerada um dos elementos basilares para uma cabal e completa prossecução dos objetivos das instituições, a avaliação de desempenho permite valorizar o elemento distintivo das organizações, o ser humano. É neste contexto holístico, centrado na necessidade objetiva de incrementar o empenhamento organizacional, que a Guarda Nacional Republicana procura, através da aplicação do seu Regulamento de Avaliação de Mérito, avaliar o desempenho dos seus militares, no sentido de verificar em que medida estes contribuem para os fins últimos definidos para a instituição. Deste modo, torna-se evidente a importância de, concomitantemente, investigar de que forma este sistema de avaliação é aceite, interiorizado e percebido pelos militares da instituição e compreender se esse sistema de avaliação se assume como uma mais-valia objetiva na promoção do empenho operacional, permitindo o desenvolvimento da carreira dos mais capazes e orientados para a tarefa institucional. Assim, considerando a unicidade que se encontra adjudicada à categoria profissional de Oficiais, únicos elementos do sistema avaliativo que são, cumulativamente, avaliados e avaliadores, a presente pesquisa, através da aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra de 294 Oficiais, procura saber qual é a representação social que estes têm do sistema de avaliação em vigor na Guarda Nacional Republicana. Abstract: Seen as an essential element for a complete and exact prosecution of the institution’s aims, the evaluation of the performance allows the recognition of the organization’s distinctive element, the human being. It’s in this holistic context, centralized around the objective need to increment the organizational commitment, that the Guarda Nacional Republicana tries to evaluate the performance of its militaries, through the application of its Merit Assessment Regulations, as a manner of verifying the way these contribute to the defined aims of the institution. Therefore, it is of evident importance the investigation that, concomitantly, analyses how the evaluation system is accepted, interiorized and understood by the militaries of the institution, along with understanding how much that same evaluation system comes as an objective advantage on the promotion of the operational performance, allowing the development of the career of the more capable and guided for the institutional mission. According to this, and considering the unity that is adjudicated to the professional category of Officials, the only elements of the evaluation system that are both evaluated and evaluators, this research, through the use of a set of questions made to a sample of 294 Officials, tries to discover the social representation that they have of the evaluation system that is now applied in the Guarda Nacional Republicana.


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El presente tema de investigación, se centra en analizar las formas anticipadas para la terminación de procesos en todo lo referente a adolescentes infractores, sin embargo, previo a ello, hedesarrollado concepciones generales sobre los mismos, su reseña histórica y un análisis de las legislaciones de Brasil, Colombia y Chile; así mismo tomando en consideración que el adolescente es sumamente protegido a nivel internacional, he analizado los Tratados Internacionales de los que elEcuador es suscriptor. Considerando que el juzgamiento de los Adolescentes Infractores tiene cierto carácter especial, que le diferencia del juzgamiento de los adultos, en el Capítulo I también se ha abordado todo lo referente al proceso penal en relación directa a los adolescentes infractores y sus garantías, así como también he desarrollado cada una de las Etapas Procesales para el Juzgamiento de los mismos. Así mismo he realizado un análisis de cada una de las medidas socioeducativas que puedan aplicarse a un adolescente infractor una vez que se ha determinado su responsabilidad en el cometimiento de una infracción, considerándolas como una forma de reeducar al adolescente teniendo como fin su desarrollo.


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 Resumen  Palabras clave: drogas, psiquiatrización, medicalización, control social.AbstractThe article addresses the connections between medicalization and the prosecution of the consumption of substances called narcotics and their effects on the subject- a subject who, at the same time, is entitled to rights. Through the examination of six judicial warrants for compulsory admissions to a "psychiatric colony", the working of the interconnection between legal and psychiatric practices is analyzed. What is also analysed are the effects such interconnection has on the construction of a broader spectrum of action and intervention, both of the judiciary and the medical practices, beyond the framework of the statutory regulations upon which such admissions are based. From the examined material two main aspects come to light: firstly, the medical and mental-health arguments from which decisions about psychiatric hospital admissions in drug or alcohol abuse cases will be made. Secondly, there is also an indication of the purpose or objective of such hospital admissions. This paper also deals with the processes that Foucault calls "indefinite medicalization « and the real productions that go beyond therapeutic aspects, relating the effects of the former with the workings of the control of subjects through the different diagnoses categories of addicts, be it alcoholics or drug addicts.Keywords: drug, psychiatrization, medicalization, social control. 


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1974 was the year when the Swedish pop group ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest in Brighton and when Blue Swede reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US. Although Swedish pop music gained some international success even prior to 1974, this year is often considered as the beginning of an era in which Swedish pop music had great success around the world. With brands such as ABBA, Europe, Roxette, The Cardigans, Ace of Base, In Flames, Robyn, Avicii, Swedish House Mafia and music producers Stig Andersson, Ola Håkansson, Dag Volle, Max Martin, Andreas Carlsson, Jorgen Elofsson and several others have the myth of the Swedish music miracle kept alive for nearly more than four decades. Swedish music looks to continue reap success around the world, but since the millennium, Sweden's relationship with music has been more focused on relatively controversial Internet-based services for music distribution developed by Swedish entrepreneurs and engineers rather than on successful musicians and composers. This chapter focusses on the music industry in Sweden. The chapter will discuss the development of the Internet services mentioned above and their impact on the production, distribution and consumption of recorded music. Ample space will be given in particular to Spotify, the music service that quickly has fundamentally changed the music industry in Sweden. The chapter will also present how the music industry's three sectors - recorded music, music licensing and live music - interact and evolve in Sweden.


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In a nation of rampant illegal downloaders, a tax on movies and television downloads is the last thing we need. Australian consumers and content producers are among those likely to be worse off should Joe Hockey succeed in his efforts to extend GST to online video-on-demand services like Netflix. It is easy to see why Mr Hockey and his state treasurer counterparts have reportedly agreed to this move. That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


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Concert Program for The Pirates of Penzance, March 10, 1987


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The maritime piracy included a wide variety of associated criminal activities including attack and confiscation of vessels and merchandise, imprisonment or torturing of merchants and rulers in sea-space in return for ransom money, attack and raiding of coastal trading centers and villages, creation of fear and terror in chief channels of navigation and attacking commercial competitors as a strategy to weaken the trading ability and the wealth-mobilizing ability of their rivals. All this applied to coastal south west India during the period under study. The merchant chiefs of Cannanore like Mamale Marakkar and later under Poca Amame (Pokar Ahamad) and Pocarallee (Pokar Ali) were some of the better known protagonists that the Portuguese had to deal with. But the Malabar corsairs had their corresponding English and Sicilian corsairs in the Mediterranean.


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"Originally written in Dutch ... and first published in Amsterdam in 1678 under the title of De Americaeneche [!] zee rovers ... The first English edition was printed in 1684 ... In arranging this edition, the original English text only has been used, and but few changes made ..." Introd.


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