966 resultados para Progesterone -- pharmacology


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An effervescent formulation of ranitidine may be absorbed faster and achieve a faster onset of action than conventional tablet form. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of effervescent formulations of ranitidine with equivalent dose standard tablets, in terms of intragastric pH and plasma pharmacokinetics in the initial 6 h following dosing.


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Alternariol (AOH) is a mycotoxin commonly produced by Alternaria alternata on a wide range of foods. Few studies to date have been performed to evaluate the effects of AOH on endocrine activity. The present study makes use of in vitro mammalian cellular based assays and gene expression to investigate the ability of AOH to act as an endocrine disruptor by various modes of action. Reporter gene assays (RGAs), incorporating natural steroid hormone receptors for oestrogens, androgens, progestagens and glucocorticoids were used to identify endocrine disruption at the level of nuclear receptor transcriptional activity, and the H295R steroidogenesis assay was used to assess endocrine disruption at the level of gene expression and steroid hormone production. AOH exhibited a weak oestrogenic response when tested in the oestrogen responsive RGA and binding of progesterone to the progestagen receptor was shown to be synergistically increased in the presence of AOH. H295R cells when exposed to 0.1-1000ng/ml AOH, did not cause a significant change in testosterone and cortisol hormones but exposure to 1000ng/ml (3.87µM) AOH resulted in a significant increase in estradiol and progesterone production. In the gene expression study following exposure to 1000ng/ml (3.87µM) AOH, only one gene NR0B1 was down-regulated, whereas expression of mRNA for CYP1A1, MC2R, HSD3B2, CYP17, CYP21, CYP11B2 and CYP19 was up-regulated. Expression of the other genes investigated did not change significantly. In conclusion AOH is a weak oestrogenic mycotoxin that also has the ability to interfere with the steroidogenesis pathway.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se esclarecer o papel que a progesterona e os seus metabolitos exercem no sistema nervoso central. Nos últimos anos, com a descoberta da síntese local de esteróides no cérebro, a progesterona, assim como outras hormonas sexuais, ganharam uma relevância crescente em fenómenos tais como plasticidade neuronal e neuroprotecção. Ainda que já se comece a entender o papel de muitas hormonas no cérebro, tal como o estrogénio, o papel da progesterona continua menos conhecido. Deste modo, o nosso trabalho centrou-se na elucidação dos efeitos da progesterona em fenómenos de sobrevivência celular, plasticidade neuronal/sináptica. Graças à colaboração com um grupo pioneiro em estudos sobre hormonas sexuais neuroactivas, o presente trabalho fornece uma importante contribuição ao entendimento do papel desta hormona no sistema nervoso central. Este trabalho fornece novos dados, relativamente ao papel da progesterona e dos seus metabolitos reduzidos na regulação de vias de sinalização associadas com sobrevivência celular, tal como Akt/PI3K e ERK. Também é analisado o efeito do tratamento hormonal na expressão e estado de fosforilação da proteína Tau, sendo ainda motivo de estudo cinases e fosfatases envolvidas nestes mecanismos.


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Current in vitro fertilisation (IVF) practice requires synchronisation between the¦environment of cultured oocytes and embryos and the surroundings to what they would have¦been exposed to in vivo. Commercial, sequential media follow this requirement but their exact¦composition is not available. We have compared two widely used IVF culture media systems using¦the two choriocarcinoma cell lines JEG-3 and BeWo. The two hormones hCG and progesterone¦were determined in the culture supernatants as endpoints. In both cell lines, but in a more¦pronounced way in JEG-3, progesterone rather than hCG production was stimulated, and a¦higher hormone release was observed in the fertilisation than in the cleavage media. Differences¦between manufacturers were small and did not favour one system over the other. We conclude¦that both sequential media systems can be equally well used in current IVF laboratory practice.¦© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer les qualifications de performance du système FlexiWare® chez le rat male Sprague Dawley et le singe Cynomolgus éveillés, ainsi que chez le chien Beagle éveillé et anesthésié, suite à l’administration de produits ayant une activité pharmacologique connue. Les produits utilisés incluaient l’albutérol administré par inhalation, la méthacholine, et le rémifentanil administrés par voie intraveineuse. Une solution saline administré par voie intraveneuse, a été utilisée comme substance témoin. Différentes variables ont servi à évaluer la réponse des animaux (rats, chien, singe). Ces dernières comprenaient la fréquence respiratoire (RR), le volume courant (TV), la ventilation minute (MV). Des paramètres additionnels ont été évalués chez le rat, soit les temps d’inspiration (IT) et d’expiration (ET), le temps du pic de débit expiratoire, les pics de débits inspiratoire et expiratoire, le ratio inspiratoire:expiratoire (I:E), le ratio inspiratoire sur respiration totale (I:TB), et l’écoulement expiratoire moyen (EF50). Les résultats obtenus ont démontré que le système FlexiWare® était suffisamment sensible et spécifique pour dépister, chez les espèces animales utilisées, les effets bronchodilateur, bronchoconstricteur et dépresseur central des substances testées. Il pourrait faire partie des méthodes (ICH 2000) utilisées en pharmacologie de sécurité lors de l’évaluation de substances pharmacologiques sur le système respiratoire des animaux de laboratoire. Les espèces animales utilisées ont semblé s’adapter aisément aux procédures de contention. Les paramètres évalués, RR, TV et MV ont permis de caractériser la réponse des animaux suite à l’administration de produits pharmacologiques à effets connus, judicieusement complétés par les variables de débit. L’ajout de paramètres du temps n’était pas primordiale pour détecter les effets des drogues, mais offre des outils complémentaires d’interpréter les changements physiologiques. Cependant, chez le rat conscient, la période d’évaluation ne devrait pas s’étendre au-delà d’une période de deux heures post traitement. Ces études constituent une évaluation des qualifications de performance de cet appareil et ont démontré de manière originale, la validation concurrentielle, en terme de précision (sensibilité et spécificité) et fiabilité pour différentes variables et sur différentes espèces.


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Progesterone-receptor complex from freshly prepared hen oviduct cytosol acquired the ability to bind to isolated nuclei, DNA-cellulose and ATP-Sepharose when incubated with 5-10 mM ATP at 4°C. The extent of this ATP-dependent activation was higher when compared with heat-activation achieved by warming the progesterone- receptor complex at 23 °C. The transformation of progesterone-receptor complex which occurred in a time-dependent manner was only partially dependent on hormone presence. The ATP effect was selective in causing this transformation whereas ADP, AMP and cAMP failed to show any such effect. The non-hydrolizable analogs of ATP, adenosine 5'-[a,/3-methylene]triphosphate and adenosine 5-[/l,y-imido]triphosphate were also found to be ineffective. Presence of 10 mM sodium molybdate blocked both the ATP and the heat-activation of progesterone-receptor complex. Mn" or Mg` had no detectable effect on the receptor activation but the presence of Ca" increased the extent of ATP-activation slightly. EDTA presence (> 5 mM) decreased the extent of receptor activation by about 40 % and was, therefore, not included in the buffers used for activation studies. Divalent cations were also ineffective when tested in the presence of 1- 5 mM EDTA. The properties of progesterone-receptor complex remained intact under the above conditions when analyzed for steroid-binding specificity and Scatchard analysis. However, the ATP-activated progesterone-receptor complex lost the ability to aggregate when tested on low-salt sucrose gradients. ATP was equally effective in activating the rat-uterine estradiol-receptor complex at 4 "C and influenced the transformation of 4-S receptor form into a 5-S form when analyzed on sucrose gradients containing 0.3 M KCI. The presence of ATP also increased the rate of activation of progesterone-receptor complex at 23 °C. These findings suggest a role for ATP in receptor function and offer a convenient method of studying the process of receptor activation at low temperature and mild assay conditions.


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This study investigated the ovarian function, metabolic profiles and fertility in first lactation Holstein-Friesian dairy cows (mean 305 day milk yield: 7417 +/- 191 kg, n = 37). Reproductive profiles obtained from milk progesterone analysis were categorized into normal (n = 17) and four abnormal profiles (delayed ovulation, DOV1, n = 9; DOV2, n = 2; persistent corpus luteum, PCL1, n = 6; PCL2, n = 4; 1: immediately post-calving, 2: subsequent cycles). Fifty-five percent of cows had abnormal profiles with half of these being categorized as DOV1. Fertility of DOV1 and DOV2 cows was reduced whereas PCL1 and PCL2 cows had similar reproductive competence to normal profile cows. DOV1 animals had higher milk energy values, lower energy balances, lower dry matter intakes (DMI) and greater body weight and body condition score (BCS) losses post-calving than normal profile animals. DOV1 animals also had lower insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and higher betahydroxybutyrate (BHB) concentrations and tended to have the lower insulin and glucose concentrations in the pre-service period than normal profile cows. All PCL animals had vulval discharges postpartum. Despite this, the DMI, body weight and BCS changes, IGF-I concentrations and fertility of PCL1 animals was similar to normal profile cows. In conclusion, the high prevalence of delayed ovulation post-calving (DOV1) in primiparous high yielding cows lasted long enough (71 +/- 8.3 days) to have a detrimental impact on fertility and was associated with significant physiological changes. This study did not establish any detrimental effects of PCL profiles on fertility or production parameters. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aims were to examine ovarian expression of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ligands/receptor mRNAs in the chicken and to test the hypothesis that theca-derived BMP(s) modulates granulosa cell function in a paracrine manner. RT-PCR revealed expression of multiple BMPs in granulosa and theca cells from prehierarchical and preovulatory follicles with greater expression in theca cells; both cell types expressed BMP receptors-1A, -1B and -II consistent with tissue responsiveness. Preovulatory granulosa cells F1, F2 and F3/4) were cultured with BMP-6 (expressed by theca but not granulosa) in the presence/absence of LH, FSH or 8-Br-cAMP. RMP-6 increased 'basal' and gonadotrophin-induced inhibin-A and progesterone secretion by each cell type but did not enhance the effect of 8-Br-cAMP. This indicates that the observed synergism between BMP-6 and gonadotrophin might involve BMP-induced up-regulation of gonadotrophin receptors. In support of this, BMP-6 alone increased LH-receptor (LHR) mRNA in F1 cells and FSH-receptor (FSHR) mRNA in F1, F2 and F3/4 cells. RMP-6 also enhanced LH/FSH-induced LHR transcript amount in each cell type but did not raise FSHR transcript amounts above those induced by BMP-6 alone. To further explore BMP6 action on inhibin-A secretion, we quantified inhibin/activin subunits (alpha, beta(A), beta(B)) mRNAs. Consistent with its effect on inhibin-A secretion, BMP-6 enhanced 'basal' expression of alpha- and beta(A)-Subunit mRNA in F1, F2 and F3/4 cells, and beta(B)-subunit mRNA in F3/4 cells. BMP-6 markedly enhanced FSH/LH-induced expression of alpha-subunit in all follicles and FSH-induced beta(A)-subunit in F2 and F3/4 follicles but not in F1 follicles. Neither BMP-6 alone, nor FSH/LH alone, affected 'basal' OB mRNA abundance. However, co-treatment with gonadotrophin and BMP-6 greatly increased beta(B)-subunit expression, the response being lowest in F1 follicles and greatest in F3/4 follicles. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that intra-ovarian OMPs of thecal origin have a paracrine role in modulating granulosa cell function in the chicken in a preovulatory stage-dependent manner.


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Resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum and the unavailability of useful antimalarial vaccines reinforce the need to develop new efficacious antimalarials. This study details a pharmacophore model that has been used to identify a potent, soluble, orally bioavailable antimalarial bisquinoline, metaquine (N,N'-bis(7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)benzene-1,3-diamine) (dihydrochloride), which is active against Plasmodium berghei in vivo (oral ID50 of 25 mu mol/kg) and multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum K1 in vitro (0.17 mu M). Metaquine shows strong affinity for the putative antimalarial receptor, heme at pH 7.4 in aqueous DMSO. Both crystallographic analyses and quantum mechanical calculations (HF/6-31+G*) reveal important regions of protonation and bonding thought to persist at parasitic vacuolar pH concordant with our receptor model. Formation of drug-heme adduct in solution was confirmed using high-resolution positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry. Metaquine showed strong binding with the receptor in a 1: 1 ratio (log K = 5.7 +/- 0.1) that was predicted by molecular mechanics calculations. This study illustrates a rational multidisciplinary approach for the development of new 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials, with efficacy superior to chloroquine, based on the use of a pharmacophore model.


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Simulated intestinal fluids (SIFs) used to assay the solubility of orally administered drugs are typically based on a single bile salt; sodium taurocholate (STC). The aim of this study was to develop mimetic intestinal fluids with a closer similarity to physiological fluids than those reported to date by developing a mixed bile salt (MBS) system (STC, sodium glycodeoxycholate, sodium deoxycholate; 60:39:1) with different concentrations of lecithin, the preponderant intestinal phospholipid. Hydrocortisone and progesterone were used as model drugs to evaluate systematically the influence of SIF composition on solubility. Increasing total bile salt concentration from 0 to 30 mM increased hydrocortisone and progesterone solubility by 2- and ∼25-fold, respectively. Accordingly, higher solubilities were measured in the fed-state compared to the fasted-state SIFs. Progesterone showed the greatest increases in solubility in STC and MBS systems (2-7-fold) compared to hydrocortisone (no significant change; P>0.05) as lecithin concentration was increased. Overall, MBS systems gave similar solubility profiles to STC. In conclusion, the addenda of MBS and lecithin were found to be secondary to the influence of BS concentration. These data provide a foundation for the design of more bio-similar media for pivotal decision-guiding assays in drug development and quality control settings.


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Glutathione is an endogenous antioxidant and has a ubiquitous role in many of the body’s defences. Treatment with N -acetylcysteine (NAC) has been shown to increase levels of glutathione. NAC has been proposed as a treatment for several illnesses. Objectives : The efficacy and tolerability of NAC was examined across a range of conditions to evaluate the evidence supporting the use of NAC for each indication. Methods : A literature search was conducted using PubMed. Information was also collected from other online sources including the websites of the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia and the FDA. Results : Reports ranged from case studies to clinical trials. There is strong evidence to support the use of NAC for the treatment of paracetamol overdose and emerging evidence suggesting it has utility in psychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. NAC is safe and well tolerated when administered orally but has documented risks with intravenous administration.