963 resultados para Process Re-engineering


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Num contexto global de incerteza, as cadeias de abastecimento mais ágeis e os clientes com mais exigências manifestam uma constante preocupação com a melhoria contínua da eficiência das operações logísticas. O presente projeto foi desenvolvido na empresa Sonae Modelo Continente Hipermercados, S.A, uma das duas principais empresas do retalho da grande distribuição alimentar em Portugal. Sendo a logística um fator chave de sucesso, uma das atividades críticas de uma empresa, é identificada a oportunidade de melhoria operacional do processo de negócio, a partir das reclamações dos clientes internos. O tratamento destas reclamações, incidências, é de grande complexidade e responsabilidade para a área do Logistics Customer Service. O projeto desenvolvido, a ‘Reengenharia do processo de reclamações das Lojas’, surgiu da necessidade de criar um modelo e processo de negócio de melhoria contínua, que solucione falhas operacionais com implicação na Logística, Supply Chain e em outras áreas da empresa. A procura dessa melhoria é o objetivo deste trabalho. Pretende-se, com a proposta aqui apresentada, a interligação e automatização da cadeia abastecimento, para superar as ocorrências operacionais, elevar a qualidade do serviço, aumentar a capacidade do processo e incorporar uma monitorização das atividades de input (Lojas) e output (Entrepostos), para futura rastreabilidade das operações, através da integração da cadeia de abastecimento, para a satisfação do cliente interno. Para a elaboração do novo modelo de processo foi seguida a orientação da reengenharia de processos de negócio, nas suas linhas orientadoras: identificação do modelo de processo atual e das suas necessidades; definição dos objetivos norteadores do projeto a apresentar; redesenhar novo modelo de processo de negócio, de modo a dar resposta às necessidades detetadas nos clientes internos.


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El mercadeo es un proceso dinámico, que esta en permanente movimiento y evolución, impulsado por las nuevas demandas de sus clientes de una parte y por los cambios que se gestan en el entorno macroeconómico que le rodea, es así como la empresa modifica su estructura, haciendo cada vez mas flexible la estrategia, se fusiona, se reorganiza, coopera, comparte, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes y consumidores .Ofreciendo productos que generen nuevos valores agregados, como ruta hacia la fidelización de los segmentos de mercado a los que se dirige creando relaciones de beneficio, para todos los actores del sistema en un nuevo orden que no se puede anticipar ni proyectar, el presente trabajo aborda la percepción de varios actores a nivel regional acerca de la pertinencia y aplicación de supuestos de mercadeo.


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The complexity of construction projects and the fragmentation of the construction industry undertaking those projects has effectively resulted in linear, uncoordinated and highly variable project processes in the UK construction sector. Research undertaken at the University of Salford resulted in the development of an improved project process, the Process Protocol, which considers the whole lifecycle of a construction project whilst integrating its participants under a common framework. The Process Protocol identifies the various phases of a construction project with particular emphasis on what is described in the manufacturing industry as the ‘fuzzy front end’. The participants in the process are described in terms of the activities that need to be undertaken in order to achieve a successful project and process execution. In addition, the decision-making mechanisms, from a client perspective, are illustrated and the foundations for a learning organization/industry are facilitated within a consistent Process Protocol.


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Product verifications have become a cost-intensive and time-consuming aspect of modern electronics production, but with the onset of an ever-increasing miniaturisation, these aspects will become even more cumbersome. One may also go as far as to point out that certain precision assembly, such as within the biomedical sector, is legally bound to have 0 defects within production. Since miniaturisation and precision assembly will soon become a part of almost any product, the verifications phases of assembly need to be optimised in both functionality and cost. Another aspect relates to the stability and robustness of processes, a pre-requisite for flexibility. Furthermore, as the re-engineering cycle becomes ever more important, all information gathered within the ongoing process becomes vital. In view of these points, product, or process verification may be assumed to be an important and integral part of precision assembly. In this paper, product verification is defined as the process of determining whether or not the products, at a given phase in the life-cycle, fulfil the established specifications. Since the product is given its final form and function in the assembly, the product verification normally takes place somewhere in the assembly line which is the focus for this paper.


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This paper focuses on the alignment of students and staff perspectives in an engineering design curriculum. Deakin University recognised the importance of student learning with engagement in design-centred education. Staff across the university are committed to ensure that students are engaged at a fairly deep learning level. Engaging students is an important aspect of learning and teaching process because it enhances the student to be self directed active learners. To measure the student engagement and staff experiences in learning and teaching process, Deakin engineering has used design based learning as one of its engineering learning principle. This study examines students perceptions of DBL in their curriculum through a paper based survey given to a cohort of senior year undergraduate engineering students. The research also illustrates the staff perceptions of DBL in engineering curriculum by conducting face-to-face interviews with them. From the analysed results, this research shows that the students and staff have an adequate experience of learning and teaching engineering through design based learning approach in an engineering design curriculum.


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BACKGROUND: There has been a substantial body of research examining feedback practices, yet the assessment and feedback landscape in higher education is described as 'stubbornly resistant to change'. The aim of this paper is to present a case study demonstrating how an entire programme's assessment and feedback practices were re-engineered and evaluated in line with evidence from the literature in the interACT (Interaction and Collaboration via Technology) project. METHODS: Informed by action research the project conducted two cycles of planning, action, evaluation and reflection. Four key pedagogical principles informed the re-design of the assessment and feedback practices. Evaluation activities included document analysis, interviews with staff (n = 10) and students (n = 7), and student questionnaires (n = 54). Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the questionnaire data. Framework thematic analysis was used to develop themes across the interview data. RESULTS: InterACT was reported by students and staff to promote self-evaluation, engagement with feedback and feedback dialogue. Streamlining the process after the first cycle of action research was crucial for improving engagement of students and staff. The interACT process of promoting self-evaluation, reflection on feedback, feedback dialogue and longitudinal perspectives of feedback has clear benefits and should be transferable to other contexts. CONCLUSIONS: InterACT has involved comprehensive re-engineering of the assessment and feedback processes using educational principles to guide the design taking into account stakeholder perspectives. These principles and the strategies to enact them should be transferable to other contexts.


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This article reports a longitudinal study that examined mergers between three large multi-site public-sector organizations. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis are used to examine the effect of leadership and change management strategies on acceptance of cultural change by individuals. Findings indicate that in many cases the change that occurs as a result of a merger is imposed on the leaders themselves, and it is often the pace of change that inhibits the successful re-engineering of the culture. In this respect, the success or otherwise of any merger hinges on individual perceptions about the manner in which the process is handled and the direction in which the culture is moved. Communication and a transparent change process are important, as this will often determine not only how a leader will be regarded, but who will be regarded as a leader. Leaders need to be competent and trained in the process of transforming organizations to ensure that individuals within the organization accept the changes prompted by a merger.


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Dynamic binary translation is the process of translating, modifying and rewriting executable (binary) code from one machine to another at run-time. This process of low-level re-engineering consists of a reverse engineering phase followed by a forward engineering phase. UQDBT, the University of Queensland Dynamic Binary Translator, is a machine-adaptable translator. Adaptability is provided through the specification of properties of machines and their instruction sets, allowing the support of different pairs of source and target machines. Most binary translators are closely bound to a pair of machines, making analyses and code hard to reuse. Like most virtual machines, UQDBT performs generic optimizations that apply to a variety of machines. Frequently executed code is translated to native code by the use of edge weight instrumentation, which makes UQDBT converge more quickly than systems based on instruction speculation. In this paper, we describe the architecture and run-time feedback optimizations performed by the UQDBT system, and provide results obtained in the x86 and SPARC® platforms.


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Creativity is increasingly recognised as an essential component of engineering design. This paper describes an exploratory study into the nature and importance of creativity in engineering design problem solving in relation to the possible impact of software design tools. The first stage of the study involved an empirical investigation in the form of a case study of the use of standard CAD tool sets and the development of a systems engineering software support tool. It was found that there were several ways in which CAD influenced the creative process, including enhancing visualisation and communication, premature fixation, circumscribed thinking and bounded ideation. The tool development experience uncovered the difficulty in supporting creative processes from the developer's perspective. The issues were the necessity of making assumptions, achieving a balance between structure and flexibility, and the pitfalls of satisfying user wants and needs. The second part of the study involved the development of a model of the creative problem solving process in engineering design. This provided a possible explanation for why purpose designed engineering software tools might encourage an analytical problem solving approach and discourage a more creative approach.


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The international economic and business environment continues to develop at a rapid rate. Increasing interactions between economies, particularly between Europe and Asia, has raised many important issues regarding transport infrastructure, logistics and broader supply chain management. The potential exists to further stimulate trade provided that these issues are addressed in a logical and systematic manner. However, if this potential is to be realised in practice there is a need to re-evaluate current supply chain configurations. A mismatch currently exists between the technological capability and the supply chain or logistical reality. This mismatch has sharpened the focus on the need for robust approaches to supply chain re-engineering. Traditional approaches to business re-engineering have been based on manufacturing systems engineering and business process management. A recognition that all companies exist as part of bigger supply chains has fundamentally changed the focus of re-engineering. Inefficiencies anywhere in a supply chain result in the chain as a whole being unable to reach its true competitive potential. This reality, combined with the potentially radical impact on business and supply chain architectures of the technologies associated with electronic business, requires organisations to adopt innovative approaches to supply chain analysis and re-design. This paper introduces a systems approach to supply chain re-engineering which is aimed at addressing the challenges which the evolving business environment brings with it. The approach, which is based on work with a variety of both conventional and electronic supply chains, comprises underpinning principles, a methodology and guidelines on good working practice, as well as a suite of tools and techniques. The adoption of approaches such as that outlined in this paper helps to ensure that robust supply chains are designed and implemented in practice. This facilitates an integrated approach, with involvement of all key stakeholders throughout the design process.


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The thermoforming industry has been relatively slow to embrace modern measurement technologies. As a result researchers have struggled to develop accurate thermoforming simulations as some of the key aspects of the process remain poorly understood. For the first time, this work reports the development of a prototype multivariable instrumentation system for use in thermoforming. The system contains sensors for plug force, plug displacement, air pressure and temperature, plug temperature, and sheet temperature. Initially, it was developed to fit the tooling on a laboratory thermoforming machine, but later its performance was validated by installing it on a similar industrial tool. Throughout its development, providing access for the various sensors and their cabling was the most challenging task. In testing, all of the sensors performed well and the data collected has given a powerful insight into the operation of the process. In particular, it has shown that both the air and plug temperatures stabilize at more than 80C during the continuous thermoforming of amorphous polyethylene terephthalate (aPET) sheet at 110C. The work also highlighted significant differences in the timing and magnitude of the cavity pressures reached in the two thermoforming machines. The prototype system has considerable potential for further development. 


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Mass Customization (MC) is not a mature business strategy and hence it is not clear that a single or small group of operational models are dominating. Companies tend to approach MC from either a mass production or a customization origin and this in itself gives reason to believe that several operational models will be observable. This paper reviews actual and theoretical fulfilment systems that enterprises could apply when offering a pre-engineered catalogue of customizable products and options. Issues considered are: How product flows are structured in relation to processes, inventories and decoupling point(s); - Characteristics of the OF process that inhibit or facilitate fulfilment; - The logic of how products are allocated to customers; - Customer factors that influence OF process design and operation. Diversity in the order fulfilment structures is expected and is found in the literature. The review has identified four structural forms that have been used in a Catalogue MC context: - fulfilment from stock; - fulfilment from a single fixed decoupling point; - fulfilment from one of several fixed decoupling points; - fulfilment from several locations, with floating decoupling points. From the review it is apparent that producers are being imaginative in coping with the demands of high variety, high volume, customization and short lead times. These demands have encouraged the relationship between product, process and customer to be re-examined. Not only has this strengthened interest in commonality and postponement, but, as is reported in the paper, has led to the re-engineering of the order fulfilment process to create models with multiple fixed decoupling points and the floating decoupling point system


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Este trabajo se inscribe en uno de los grandes campos de los estudios organizacionales: la estrategia. La perspectiva clásica en este campo promovió la idea de que proyectarse hacia el futuro implica diseñar un plan (una serie de acciones deliberadas). Avances posteriores mostraron que la estrategia podía ser comprendida de otras formas. Sin embargo, la evolución del campo privilegió en alguna medida la mirada clásica estableciendo, por ejemplo, múltiples modelos para ‘formular’ una estrategia, pero dejando en segundo lugar la manera en la que esta puede ‘emerger’. El propósito de esta investigación es, entonces, aportar al actual nivel de comprensión respecto a las estrategias emergentes en las organizaciones. Para hacerlo, se consideró un concepto opuesto —aunque complementario— al de ‘planeación’ y, de hecho, muy cercano en su naturaleza a ese tipo de estrategias: la improvisación. Dado que este se ha nutrido de valiosos aportes del mundo de la música, se acudió al saber propio de este dominio, recurriendo al uso de ‘la metáfora’ como recurso teórico para entenderlo y alcanzar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados muestran que 1) las estrategias deliberadas y las emergentes coexisten y se complementan, 2) la improvisación está siempre presente en el contexto organizacional, 3) existe una mayor intensidad de la improvisación en el ‘como’ de la estrategia que en el ‘qué’ y, en oposición a la idea convencional al respecto, 4) se requiere cierta preparación para poder improvisar de manera adecuada.


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The kallikreins and kallikrein-related peptidases are serine proteases that control a plethora of developmental and homeostatic phenomena, ranging from semen liquefaction to skin desquamation and blood pressure. The diversity of roles played by kallikreins has stimulated considerable interest in these enzymes from the perspective of diagnostics and drug design. Kallikreins already have well-established credentials as targets for therapeutic intervention and there is increasing appreciation of their potential both as biomarkers and as targets for inhibitor design. Here, we explore the current status of naturally occurring kallikrein protease-inhibitor complexes and illustrate how this knowledge can interface with strategies for rational re-engineering of bioscaffolds and design of small-molecule inhibitors.