185 resultados para Premedication: clonidine


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Seis cães adultos, de raças e sexos variados, com peso de 13,3±3,4kg (média±DP), foram utilizados no estudo. Os animais foram tranqüilizados com acepromazina (0,1mg/kg, IV) e, após 30 minutos, foram aleatoriamente submetidos à anestesia epidural com um dos seguintes tratamentos: lidocaína 2% 0,25ml/kg (controle); neostigmine 0,01mg/kg+lidocaína (NEO); metadona 0,3mg/kg+lidocaína (MET). Todos os animais foram submetidos aos três tratamentos com intervalo mínimo de uma semana. Foram mensuradas as freqüências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (FR), a pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), o tempo para a perda do reflexo interdigital, a duração e a altura do bloqueio sensitivo, durante um período de 90 minutos. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos nos valores de FC, PAS e FR, bem como na duração do bloqueio sensitivo e no tempo para a perda do reflexo interdigital. No grupo MET, houve diminuição de FC dos 30 aos 90 minutos em relação ao valor basal. Bloqueio sensitivo mais cranial também foi observado em MET. A associação de neostigmine ou metadona não prolongou o período hábil de anestesia epidural produzido pela lidocaína em cães. A metadona, mas não o neostigmine, parece estender mais cranialmente o bloqueio epidural pela lidocaína.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A castração de machos e fêmeas tem sido preconizada como a principal técnica para redução do grande número de cães errantes. No entanto, vários são os entraves com relação à escolha do melhor protocolo anestésico, em relação à eficácia, segurança e redução de custos. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, hemogasométricos e analgésicos da utilização de lidocaína em um volume maior, associada à morfina, pela via epidural em cadelas submetidas à ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH), com ou sem suplementação de oxigênio. Utilizaram-se 12 cadelas, com peso médio de 11,5±3,7kg e idade de um a quatro anos. Os animais receberam como medicação pré-anestésica (MPA) acepromazina (0,1mg kg-1) e meperidina (5mg kg-1), pela via intramuscular. Após 15 minutos, administrou-se tiopental (10mg kg-1), por via intravenosa, seguido de intubação endotraqueal. Nesse momento, os animais foram alocados em dois grupos: o grupo GCO (com oxigênio, n=06) recebeu suplementação de oxigênio 100% e o grupo GSO (sem oxigênio, n=06) permaneceu intubado sem suplementação de oxigênio. Após a intubação, foi administrada, pela via epidural, em ambos os grupos, morfina (0,1mg kg-1) em volume final ajustado para 1mL 3,0kg-1 de peso com lidocaína 2% sem vasoconstritor. Imediatamente após a anestesia epidural, os animais foram posicionados em decúbito dorsal com a cabeça no mesmo plano do corpo, e iniciou-se o procedimento cirúrgico, o qual foi padronizado em 30 minutos. em ambos os grupos, foi possível realizar a cirurgia sem a necessidade de complementação analgésica e sem resposta de dor. A pressão arterial média (PAM) foi menor no GSO em todos os momentos em comparação ao basal. No GCO, a PAM foi menor após MPA e após epidural. Houve redução da f de M1 até M6 no GSO. A SaO2 e PaO2 foram maiores no GCO em comparação ao GSO. O pH foi menor no GCO 15 minutos após MPA até 40 minutos após epidural, em comparação ao GSO. Conclui-se que a anestesia epidural lombossacra com morfina e lidocaína na dose e no volume propostos é efetiva para realização de OSH em cadelas, com mínimas alterações cardiovasculares e hemogasométricas, as quais são bem toleradas em animais hígidos. Essa prática é exequível em campanhas de castração em que não há possibilidade de oxigenação dos animais.


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Recent studies have shown the existence of two important inhibitory mechanisms for the control of NaCl and water intake: one mechanism involves serotonin in the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) and the other depends on alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptors probably in the forebrain areas. In the present study we investigated if alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline and serotonergic inhibitory mechanisms interact to control NaCl and water intake. Male Holtzman rats with cannulas implanted simultaneously into the lateral ventricle (LV) and bilaterally into the LPBN were used. The ingestion of 0.3 M NaCl and water was induced by treatment with the diuretic furosemide (10 mg/kg of body weight)+the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (5 mg/kg) injected subcutaneously 1 h before the access of rats to water and 0.3 M NaCl. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of the alpha(1)-adrenergic/imidazoline agonist clonidine (20 nmol/l RI) almost abolished water (1.6 +/- 1.2, vs. vehicle: 7.5 +/- 2.2 ml/2 h) and 0.3 M NaCl intake (0.5 +/- 0.3, vs. vehicle: 2.2 0.8 ml/2 h). Similar effects were produced by bilateral injections of the 5HT(2a/2b) serotonergic agonist 2,5-dimetoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI, 5 mug/0.2 mul each site) into the LPBN on water (3.6 +/- 0.9 ml/2 h) and 0.3 M NaCl intake (0.4 +/- 0.2 m1/2 h). Injection of the (alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline antagonist idazoxan (320 nmol) i.c.v. completely blocked the effects of clonidine on water (8.4 +/- 1.5 ml/2 h) and NaCl intake (4.0 +/- 1.2 ml/2 h), but did not change the effects of LPBN injections of DOI on water (4.2 +/- 1.0 ml/2 h) and NaCl intake (0.7 +/- 0.2 ml/2 h). Bilateral injections of methysergide (4 mug/0.2 mul each site) into the LPBN increased 0.3 M NaCl intake (6.4 +/- 1.9 ml/2 h), not water intake. The inhibitory effect of i.c.v. clonidine on water and 0.3 M NaCl was still present after injections of methysergide into the LPBN (1.5 +/- 0.8 and 1.7 +/- 1.4 ml/2 h, respectively). The results show that the inhibitory effects of the activation of a,-adrenergic/imidazoline receptors in the forebrain are still present after blockade of the LPBN serotonergic mechanisms and vice versa for the activation of serotonergic mechanisms of the LPBN. Therefore, each system may act independently to inhibit NaCl and water intake. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Male rats received intracerebroventricular (ICV) renin (600 ng) or daily subcutaneous injections of deoxycorticosterone (5 mg) to induce 3% NaCl and water intake. Noradrenaline (NOR; 40-160 nmol) and clonidine (CLO; 5-20 nmol) injected ICV. induced 70 to 100% inhibition of the intakes. Phenylephrine (PHE; 40-160 nmol) injected ICV induced 60 to 95% inhibition of the intakes. NOR and PHE induced a stronger inhibition on the 3% NaCl intake induced by renin than on the intake induced by deoxycorticosterone (DOC), and CLO did the opposite. CLO was always more effective than PHE to induce inhibition of the intakes. The results suggest that NOR inhibits hormone (angiotensin II, aldosterone)-induced NaCl intake by acting mainly on alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors.


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The alpha(2)-adrenergic agonist clonidine and the neuropeptide oxytocin, inhibit sodium intake when injected intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.). The present work investigates whether (1) vasopressin also inhibits sodium intake when injected i.c.v., and (2) the effect of oxytocin and of vasopressin on sodium intake is affected by i.c.v. injection of idazoxan, an alpha(2)-adrenergic antagonist. Clonidine (30 nmol), oxytocin (40, 80 nmol) and vasopressin (40, 80 nmol) were injected i.c.v. 20 min prior to a 1.5% NaCl appetite test, in rats depleted of sodium for 24 h by a combination of a single s.c. injection of furosemide (10 mg/rat) and removal of ambient sodium. Every dose of clonidine, oxytocin and vasopressin inhibited the 1.5% NaCl intake. Seizures were observed with the higher dose of vasopressin, but not with either dose of oxytocin. The effect of i.c.v. injection of clonidine (30 nmol), oxytocin (80 nmol) or vasopressin (40 nmol) was partially inhibited by prior i.c.v. injection of idazoxan (160, 320 nmol). The results suggest that the inhibition of 1.5% NaCl intake induced by i.c.v. injection of neuropeptides in sodium-depleted rats depends, in part, on the activation of central alpha(2)-adrenoceptors. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Six Welsh gelding ponies were premedicated with 0.03 mg/kg of acepromazine intravenously (i.v.) prior to induction of anaesthesia with midazolam at 0.2 mg/kg and ketamine at 2 mg/kg i.v.. Anaesthesia was maintained for 2 h using 1.2% halothane concentration in oxygen. Heart rate, electrocardiograph (EGG), arterial blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood gases, temperature, haematocrit, plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP), dynorphin, beta-endorphin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, glucose and lactate concentrations were measured before and after premedication, immediately after induction, every 20 min during anaesthesia, and at 20 and 120 min after disconnection. Induction was rapid, excitement-free and good muscle relaxation was observed. There were no changes in heart and respiratory rates, Decrease in temperature, hyperoxia and respiratory acidosis developed during anaesthesia and slight hypotension was observed (minimum value 76 +/- 10 mm Hg at 40 mins), No changes were observed in dynorphin, beta-endorphin, ACTH, catecholamines and glucose, Plasma cortisol concentration increased from 220 +/- 17 basal to 354 +/- 22 nmol/L at 120 min during anaesthesia; plasma AVP concentration increased from 3 +/- 1 basal to 346 +/- 64 pmol/L at 100 min during anaesthesia and plasma lactate concentration increased from 1.22 +/- 0.08 basal to 1.76 +/- 0.13 mmol/L at 80 min during anaesthesia, Recovery was rapid and uneventful with ponies taking 46 +/- 6 min to stand. When midazolam/ketamine was compared with thiopentone or detomidine/ketamine for induction before halothane anaesthesia using an otherwise similar protocol in the same ponies, it caused slightly more respiratory depression, but less hypotension. Additionally, midazolam reduced the hormonal stress response commonly observed during halothane anaesthesia and appears to have a good potential for use in horses.


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We investigated the influence of ibotenic acid lesions of the medial hypothalamus (MH) on salt appetite and arterial blood pressure responses induced by angiotensinergic and adrenergic stimulation of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) of rats. Previous injection of the adrenergic agonists norepinephrine, clonidine, phenylephrine, and isoproterenol into the MnPO of sham MH-lesioned rats caused no change in the sodium intake induced by ANG II. ANG II injected into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats increased sodium intake compared with sham-lesioned rats. Previous injection of clonidine and isoproterenol increased, whereas phenylephrine abolished the salt intake induced by ANG II into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats. Previous injection of norepinephrine and clonidine into the MnPO of sham MH-lesioned rats caused no change in the mean arterial pressure (MAP) induced by ANG II. Under the same conditions, previous injection of phenylephrine increased, whereas isoproterenol reversed the increase in MAP induced by angiotensin II (ANG II). ANG II injected into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats induce a decrease in MAP compared with sham-lesioned rats. Previous injection of phenylephrine or norepinephrine into the MnPO of MH-lesioned rats induced a negative MAP, whereas pretreatment with clonidine or isoproterenol increased the MAP produced by ANG II injected into the MnPO of sham- or MH-lesioned rats. These data show that ibotenic acid lesion of the MH increases the sodium intake and presser responses induced by the concomitant angiotensinergic, alpha(2) and beta adrenergic activation of the MnPO, whereas alpha(1) activation may have opposite effects. MH involvement in excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms related to sodium intake and MAP control is suggested.


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In this study we investigated the influence of a ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) lesion with ibotenic acid on water and sodium intake and presser responses induced by combined treatment of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) with angiotensin Il (ANG II) and adrenergic agonists (phenylephrine, norepinephrine, isoproterenol and clonidine). Male Holtzman rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the MnPO and bilateral sham (vehicle) or VMH lesions with ibotenic acid were used. The ingestion of water and sodium and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were determined in separate groups submitted to sodium depletion with the diuretic furosemide (20 mg/rat). ANG II (10 pmol) injection into the MnPO of sham-lesioned rats induced water and sodium intake and presser responses. VMH-lesion reduced ANG II-induced water intake and increased saline intake, In sham rats phenylephrine (80 nmol) into MnPO increased, whereas norepinephrine (80 nmol) and clonidine (40 nmol) reduced ANG II-induced water intake while sodium intake was reduced only by clonidine into MnPO. In VMH-lesioned rats, phenylephrine reduced, noradrenaline increased and clonidine produced no effect on ANG II-induced water intake. In lesioned rats ANG II-induced sodium intake was reduced by phenylephrine and noradrenaline, whereas clonidine produced no change. ANG II-induced presser response was reduced in VMH-lesioned rats, but the presser response combining ANG II and phenylephrine or noradrenaline in VMH-lesioned rats was bigger than sham rats. These results show that the VMH is important for the changes in water and sodium intake and cardiovascular responses induced by angiotensinergic and adrenergic activation of the MnPO. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Objective-To evaluate the isoflurane-sparing effects of lidocaine and fentanyl administered by constant rate infusion (CRI) during surgery in dogs.Design-Randomized prospective study.Animals-24 female dogs undergoing unilateral mastectomy because of mammary neoplasia.Procedures-After premedication with acepromazine and morphine and anesthetic induction with ketamine and diazepam, anesthesia in dogs (n = 8/group) was maintained with isoflurane combined with either saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control), liclocaine (1.5 mg/kg [0.68 mg/lb], IV bolus, followed by 250 mu g/kg/min [113 mu g/lb/min], CRI), or fentanyl (5 mu g/kg [2.27 mu g/lb], IV bolus, followed by 0.5 mu g/kg/min [0.23 mu g/lb/min], CRI). Positive-pressure ventilation was used to maintain eucapnia. An anesthetist unaware of treatment, endtidal isoflurane (ETiso) concentration, and vaporizer concentrations adjusted a nonprecision vaporizer to maintain surgical depth of anesthesia. Cardiopulmonary variables and ETiso values were monitored before and after beginning surgery.Results-Heart rate was lower in the fentanyl group. Mean arterial pressure did not differ among groups after surgery commenced. In the control group, mean +/- SD ETiso values ranged from 1.16 +/- 0.35% to 1.94 +/- 0.96%. Fentanyl significantly reduced isoflurane requirements during surgical stimulation by 54% to 66%, whereas the reduction in ETiso concentration (34% to 44%) observed in the lidocaine group was not significant.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Administration of fentanyl resulted in greater isoflurane sparing effect than did liclocaine. However, it appeared that the low heart rate induced by fentanyl may partially offset the improvement in mean arterial pressure that would be expected with reduced isoflurane requirements.


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To evaluate the effects of acepromazine maleate on the cardiovascular changes induced by dopamine in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs.Prospective, randomized cross-over experimental design.Six healthy adult spayed female dogs weighing 16.4 +/- 3.5 kg (mean +/- SD).Each dog received two treatments, at least 1 week apart. Acepromazine (0.03 mg kg(-1), IV) was administered 15 minutes before anesthesia was induced with propofol (7 mg kg(-1), IV) and maintained with isoflurane (1.8% end-tidal). Acepromazine was not administered in the control treatment. Baseline cardiopulmonary parameters were measured 90 minutes after induction. Thereafter, dopamine was administered intravenously at 5, 10, and 15 mu g kg(-1) minute(-1), with each infusion rate lasting 30 minutes. Cardiopulmonary data were obtained at the end of each infusion rate.Dopamine induced dose-related increases in cardiac index (CI), stroke index, arterial blood pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, oxygen delivery index (DO2I) and oxygen consumption index. In the control treatment, systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) decreased during administration of 5 and 10 mu g kg(-1) minute(-1) of dopamine and returned to baseline with the highest dose (15 mu g kg (-1) minute(-1)). After acepromazine treatment, SVRI decreased from baseline during dopamine administration, regardless of the infusion rate, and this resulted in a smaller increase in blood pressure at 15 mu g kg (-1) minute(-1). During dopamine infusion hemoglobin concentrations were lower following acepromazine and this contributed to significantly lower arterial O-2 content.Acepromazine prevented the return in SVRI to baseline and reduced the magnitude of the increase in arterial pressure induced by higher doses of dopamine. However, reduced SRVI associated with lower doses of dopamine and the ability of dopamine to increase CI and DO2I were not modified by acepromazine premedication.Previous acepromazine administration reduces the efficacy of dopamine as a vasopressor agent in isoflurane anesthetized dogs. Other beneficial effects of dopamine such as increased CO are not modified by acepromazine.


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In this study, we investigated the participation of adrenergic receptors of the median preoptic area (MnPO) and the participation of ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) in angiotensin II- (ANG II)-induced water intake and presser responses. Male rats with sham or electrolytic VMH lesions and a stainless steel cannula implanted into the MnPO were used. Noradrenaline, clonidine (an alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor agonist), or phenylephrine (an alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor agonist) injected into the MnPO of sham-lesioned rats reduced water ingestion induced by ANG II injected into the same area. In VMH-lesioned rats ANG II-induced water intake increased with a previous injection of noradrenaline, phenylephrine, or isoproterenol. The presser response induced by ANG II injected into the MnPO was reduced in VMH-lesioned rats, whereas the presser response induced by clonidine was abolished. Previous treatment with noradrenaline and phenylephrine into the MnPO of sham-lesioned rats produced a presser response, and a hypotensive response was obtained with the previous administration of noradrenaline, phenylephrine or isoproterenol into the MnPO of VMH-lesioned rats. These results show that VMH is essential for the dipsogenic and presser responses induced by adrenergic and angiotensinergic activation of the MnPO in rats. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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In the present study, noradrenaline (NOR, alpha-non-specific adrenergic agonist), clonidine (CLO, alpha(2)), phenylephrine (PHE, alpha(1)) or isoproterenol (ISO, beta-agonist) was injected in the medial septal area (MSA) of water-deprived, sodium-deplete or food-deprived rats. NOR (80, 160 nmol) inhibited the intake of 3% NaCl, water deprivation-induced and meal-associated water intake. Food deprivation-induced food intake and 10% sucrose intake were not altered by NOR. CLO (10, 20, 30, 40 nmol) inhibited (80-100% inhibition compared to control during 60 min) the intake of 3% NaCl, water deprivation-induced and meal-associated water intake. CLO had a weaker inhibition on food and 10% sucrose intake (30-50% less than the control during 60 and 15 min, respectively). PHE (160 nmol) inhibited 3% NaCl intake and 10% sucrose intake (30% less than the control for 15-30 min). ISO (160 nmol) did not after water or 3% NaCl intake. NOR induced an increase, CLO and ISO induced a decrease, and PHE no alteration in mean arterial pressure. NOR did not alter water or 3% NaCl intake when injected unilaterally into the caudate nucleus. The results suggest that NOR injected in the MSA acts on alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors inducing a specific inhibition of 3% NaCl and water intake. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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We studied the effect of the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) on the control of water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the medial septal area (MSA) of adult male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) implanted with chronic stainless steel cannulae into the LH and MSA. The volume of injection was always 1 mu l and was injected over a period of 30-60 s. For control, 0.15 M NaCl was used. Clonidine (20 nmol) but not phenylephrine (160 nmol) injected into the LH inhibited water intake induced by injection of carbachol (2 nmol) into the MSA, from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.3 +/- 0.1 and 3.0 +/- 0.9 ml/h, respectively (N = 26). When we injected yohimbine (80 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) into theLH, water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the MSA was inhibited from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.8 +/- 0.5 and 0.3 +/- 0.2 ml/h, respectively (N = 19). Water intake induced by carbachol (2 nmol) injected into the MSA was decreased by previous injection of yohimbine (80 nmol) + phenylephrine (160 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + phenylephrine (l60 nmol) from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 1.0 +/- 0.7 and 1.8 +/- 0.8 ml/h, respectively (N = 16). The cannula reached both the medial septal area in its medial portion and the lateral hypothalamus. It has been suggested that the different pathways for induction of drinking converge on a final common pathway. Thus, adrenergic stimulation of alpha(2),-adrenoceptors ofLH can influence this final common pathway.