972 resultados para Precipitação (Meteorologia) - Previsão - Paraná


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The effects of climate change on human societies have become the focus of many researchers for their research. Understanding weather patterns (circulation of the atmosphere, precipitation, temperature) is essences for predicting extreme weather, but analyze how these extreme events act in our society and look for ways to reduce the impact caused by these events is the great challenge. Using a concept very in the humanities and social sciences to understand these impacts and the adaptation of the society's vulnerability. The objective of this work is to develop and apply a methodology for evaluating fining scale and quantify the vulnerability of the Brazilian Northeast to climatic extremes, developing a methodology that combines aspects of vulnerability to drought, as well as socioeconomic and climatic indicators used to assess exposure, ability to adaptation and the sensitivity of geographical microregions of the region. The assessment of the susceptibility or degree of exposure to risk is the regional using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) by the degree of magnitude dried (MD), the rate of precipitation such as PCD (Precipitation Concentration Degree) and PCP (Precipitation Period Concentration) helped characterize and regional climatology, these indices showed satisfactory results in the pilot study of Rio Grande do Norte to assess the degree of exposure to drought. Regarding sensitivity agricultural / livestock multivariate statistical technique to factor analysis showed acceptable results for the proposed model using data for the period 1990-1999 (P1). The application of the analysis of vulnerability considering the adaptive capacity, as the adaptive disability have almost similar results with much of the region's vulnerability to extreme south of Bahia state as a part of the semiarid region has a degree of vulnerability among moderate and mean


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Intense precipitation events (IPE) have been causing great social and economic losses in the affected regions. In the Amazon, these events can have serious impacts, primarily for populations living on the margins of its countless rivers, because when water levels are elevated, floods and/or inundations are generally observed. Thus, the main objective of this research is to study IPE, through Extreme Value Theory (EVT), to estimate return periods of these events and identify regions of the Brazilian Amazon where IPE have the largest values. The study was performed using daily rainfall data of the hydrometeorological network managed by the National Water Agency (Agência Nacional de Água) and the Meteorological Data Bank for Education and Research (Banco de Dados Meteorológicos para Ensino e Pesquisa) of the National Institute of Meteorology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia), covering the period 1983-2012. First, homogeneous rainfall regions were determined through cluster analysis, using the hierarchical agglomerative Ward method. Then synthetic series to represent the homogeneous regions were created. Next EVT, was applied in these series, through Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). The goodness of fit of these distributions were evaluated by the application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which compares the cumulated empirical distributions with the theoretical ones. Finally, the composition technique was used to characterize the prevailing atmospheric patterns for the occurrence of IPE. The results suggest that the Brazilian Amazon has six pluvial homogeneous regions. It is expected more severe IPE to occur in the south and in the Amazon coast. More intense rainfall events are expected during the rainy or transitions seasons of each sub-region, with total daily precipitation of 146.1, 143.1 and 109.4 mm (GEV) and 201.6, 209.5 and 152.4 mm (GPD), at least once year, in the south, in the coast and in the northwest of the Brazilian Amazon, respectively. For the south Amazonia, the composition analysis revealed that IPE are associated with the configuration and formation of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. Along the coast, intense precipitation events are associated with mesoscale systems, such Squall Lines. In Northwest Amazonia IPE are apparently associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone and/or local convection.


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This study aimed to determine the concentration and inorganic chemical composition of samples from airborne particulate matter inhaled in fine and coarse fractions. Aerosol samples were collected in 2013 and 2014, from sites located in the cities of Londrina and Maringa, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The samples were collected daily (24h) in two campaigns: winter and summer. For the collection, was used a dichotomous sampler with quartz fiber filter with 47 mm in size and 2 µm porosity, 97% efficiency, retaining particles of up to 0.3 µm. Quantification of the airborne particulate matter mass was performed by gravimetry method. The results from Londrina to PM2.5 and MP2,5-10 represent, respectively, 29.2% and 70.8% of airborne particulate matter in the winter campaign (2013), 30.9% (PM2.5) and 69.1 % (MP2,5-10) in the summer campaign (2013), and 35.9% (PM2.5) and 64.1% (MP2,5-10) in the winter 2014 campaign. In the city of Maringa, the results presented the percentage of 42.0% (PM2.5) and 58.0% (MP2,5-10) for the winter season (2014), and 28.8% (PM2.5) and 71.2 % (MP2,5-10) for the summer season (2014). The PM2.5/PM10 ratio was on average 0.3, demonstrating that both cities are developing urban areas. Analysis of the major soluble inorganic species in water (NO3-, SO42- and Cl-) associated with MP2,5-10 were quantified by ion chromatography at the LACA Laboratory in the State University of Londrina, with the largest contribution found in all campaigns was to NO3-. The NO3-/SO42- ratios above 1.0 indicate the local traffic contribution. The analysis of metals associated with PM2.5 was carried out by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The Zn, Pb, Cu and Mn concentrations found in all campaigns indicate the contribution of mobile sources to PM2.5. The concentration of BCe in PM2.5 was determined by reflectance, with higher BCe concentrations being found in winter campaigns. In general, Londrina presented the highest concentrations from the species analyzed when compared to Maringá. In addition, the analysis of the air mass trajectories indicated the transportation of pollutants coming mainly from fires in the southeastern region of the country.


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Este atlas é dividido em quatro principais seções, sendo a primeira a descrição conceitual e metodológica das variáveis meteorológicas. A segunda seção compreende uma análise, por meio de gráficos, das principais características climáticas dos mais diversos ambientes regionais. Em seguida, estão disponíveis, na forma de tabelas, os dados mensais, estacionais e anuais que podem ser usados para outros fins, conforme a necessidade do leitor. Por último, ele apresenta mais de duas centenas de mapas que revelam, de forma ilustrada e de fácil visualização, um conjunto de variáveis de temperatura, precipitação pluvial, classificações climáticas, entre outras informações.


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A segurança das áreas metropolitanas quanto ao abastecimento de água é um grande desafio para os próximos anos, especialmente no Brasil, devido ao crescimento descontrolado dos grandes centros urbanos, a expansão das áreas de mananciais e poluição. A bacia de Fervida, sub-bacia de Ribeirão da Onça, faz parte do Aquífero Carste presente na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná. Nessa bacia há extração de água subterrânea e uma elevada demanda de água para a produção de hortaliças. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi dimensionar a evapotranspiração e também o escoamento superficial, confrontando os dados obtidos nesse trabalho com os dados de pesquisa já efetuados e, dessa forma, colaborar para a compreensão do balanço hídrico dessa região. Para isso, foram analisados dados de vazão e precipitação entre 1998 e 2003, quando havia também monitoramento de vazão no exutório da bacia. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a pluviosidade média anual na bacia, para o período proposto no trabalho, foi de 1609 mm/a e a média anual de evaporação foi de, aproximadamente, 892 mm/a. Considerando o escoamento superficial e a extração de água por meio dos poços, verificou-se que o balanço hídrico da bacia foi negativo em 395 mm/a. Isso sugere que há entrada de fluxos subterrâneos, corroborando com resultados obtidos em outros trabalhos.


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Resumen: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la percepción de la calidad de vida en aquellos adultos con diagnóstico de psoriasis de la ciudad de Paraná y conocer diferencias según sexo. El diseño de investigación fue de tipo descriptivo – correlacional, transversal y de campo; el muestreo fue intencional no probabilístico. Con una muestra compuesta por 36 sujetos de ambos sexo, de 18 a 65 años. Los instrumentos que se aplicaron fueron el World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionaire (WHOQOL-100), en su versión Argentina (Bonicatto y Soria, 1998), junto con dos cuestionarios ad hoc, uno sociodemográfico y otro para explorar la imagen corporal. El procesamiento de la información obtenida a través del WHOQOL-100 se realizó mediante el programa Stadistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 21. Mientras que los ítems del cuestionario ad hoc de imagen corporal fueron evaluados cualitativamente de manera individual, las respuestas fueron agrupadas por categorías y luego se obtuvieron las frecuencias, porcentajes y análisis de contenido. Se observó que los adultos con diagnóstico de psoriasis de la ciudad de Paraná presentaron en general, una buena calidad de vida. Se determinó que existen diferencias según sexo, las mujeres obtuvieron mayores puntajes en los dominios Relaciones Sociales y Espiritualidad, como también en las facetas de sentimientos positivos, relaciones personales, seguridad física y espiritualidad. Por último, se observó que la imagen corporal se vio afectada por dicha enfermedad en la muestra estudiada


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Resumen: La Educación en valores es uno de los ejes que han de convertirse en uno de los puntos centrales de la educación del siglo XXI. Junto con las competencias laborales y la educación en la democracia, los valores hacen al desarrollo de la integralidad de la persona y su calidad de vida. La enseñanza y consecuente evaluación de valores en nuestras escuelas han de llevarse a cabo en un clima psicoético institucional acorde a los mismos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IV - Finanças Públicas.


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Los resultados científicos de las excursiones de estudio realizadas a principios de 1937 han sido importantes, como así también las colecciones efectuadas, no sólo por el número de ejemplares, sino por las observaciones realizadas al obtenerlos, según el hábitat, la estación, el estado de los individuos, etc. El estudio de los materiales del Museo comparativamente con los ya catalogados permite elaborar contribuciones que se darán a conocer progresivamente o al tiempo que este informe, de caracter general, para satisfacer el deseo de la Dirección del Instituto de que sé de cuenta sobre los viajes efectuados. Se comprende que es un anticipo de una monografía científica.


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Lista complementaria del trabajo de Pozzi sobre Sistemática y distribución de los peces de agua dulce de la República Argentina, donde se incluyen sólo los nombres faltantes o los extensivos a otras especies o los que tengan distinta significación.


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Identificar, por solicitação do Deputado João Dado, os dispositivos presentes nas últimas leis de diretrizes orçamentárias da União para constituição de reserva nas leis orçamentárias anuais para compensação de proposições legislativas com impacto orçamentário-financeiro tanto de renúncias de receitas como geração de despesas obrigatórias e proposições apresentadas ao PLDO/2014 no mesmo sentido, propiciar mecanismos de compensação do impacto orçamentário-financeiro sob o regime da responsabilidade fiscal já na LDO/2014.